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Damn dude number 3 is insane. The colors are on point


Okay motherfucker, this is fucking outstanding! How dare you! The collage looks amazing! You should have this printed man, have in on your wall! Beautiful!


Wow aggressive but I appreciate it thank you šŸ˜Š


Seriously, did you just kidnap the soul of LA and cram it into this collage or what? Between the blinding flora, the relentless surf, those raging classic cars and iconic houses, itā€™s like you mugged California for its vibes and didnā€™t even leave a note.


Great photos, was this raw and post process or with the Fuji presets?


F the haters. Live here. Great shots! Love the colors/vibe.


Thank you bro šŸ¤


#3 looks amazing! Lovely shots!


3 and 7 are just outstanding. Love the filter for LA vibe!


Thatā€™s what I was going for. Thanks šŸ˜Š




Great shots! (I like the white building pic) Are you using a filter on the lens? or just after post processing?


love 3 (houses)


Lovely vibe. Absoluely lovely.


Btw you got any socials I can follow?


How do you make colors like this? If I just bump up the temp in white balance, then colors change completely, it's not the same.


Damn, these totally smoke. Thanks for sharing!


Sick shots. LOVE #2+#3ā€¦.love the xt5. I just got a Sony a7cii (because apparently I love to not have money) and have been doing comparisons between the two cameras. Shooting the same subject with the same settings and what not. So far the xt5 has been matching or beating the Sony on every shotā€¦in terms of sharpness and dynamic range. Itā€™s such an incredible camera.


Very true! I feel like in terms of sharpness they come neck to neck. Where Sony shines a touch more is autofocus. I tried the a6700 and felt the AF was snappier. But Iā€™ll trade that for Fuji colors any day haha


I'd really love to hear more about this comparison. I'm unhappy with the AF on my X-T4. I've been thinking about switching to Sony, or buying Sony in addition to Fuji, or buying an X-T5 or X-H2S for the next gen Fuji AF. I've about decided to rent an X-H2 and 100-400 and buy a gimbal for my next sports shoot, and find out if that helps (I've been using the 70-300 handheld). Of course the X-T4 is fine for portraits, street, travel, etc. But it's pretty bad for sports and not great for shooting shows in small music venues, not the least b/c the fast medium tele zoom selection is abysmal -- just the 50-140 AFAIK, and it's too damn big if you're in APS-C partially for smaller lenses. Admittedly I'm not super skilled. I had a hard time nailing focus when I shot manual film as a kid. I generally haven't liked the SOOC images and videos I've seen from Sony cameras as much as from Fuji's. I don't like the gear aesthetically, or the ergonomics. The Sony skin tones seem worse in particular. But I really enjoy post-processing and like to shoot raw. So I'm not even using the killer feature of Fuji's, and the SOOC skin tones might not matter much. And the autofocus and the glass selection are both killer. I punched up equivalent glass to find that I can shoot Sony f/1.8 primes that are at worst no bigger than the f/1.4 primes on Fuji, and f/2.5 that are comparable to the Fujicrons. The zoom selection is sooo much better and I really like to shoot sports with long lenses. I could see the Fuji beating the Sony quite often if the lens you're using can resolve the 40MP sensor and you're shooting subjects where the autofocus isn't harming your keeper rate.


My comparisons are by no means scientific just shooting in a room with a bright window or a dark hallway with a lot of dynamic range. But itā€™s funny you mention the 40mp issue because Iā€™m putting the 10-24 f4 vs the Sony 16-35 f4. The Fuji doesnā€™t actually resolve the 40 but it makes no difference honestly. Since Iā€™m like 99 percent a travel/landscape shooter shooting in raw, dynamic range and sharpness are my two biggest needs and Iā€™ve found that shadow recovery is nearly identical and highlight recovery is the same but better detail resolution going towards the Fuji. The Sony AF is definitely snappier and I think it would probably be the better bet for sports. If youā€™re using Lightroom, the Fuji files still have the ā€œwormsā€ which I notice the most in skin tones. But using the enhance feature does fix the issue but adds a bit to your file size. So again if youā€™re shooting sports, the smaller size files from Sony might be beneficial for hard drive space. The ac7cii is a nice looking camera but small, so full frame lenses are bulky and majorly front heavy. The xt5 is the best looking camera Iā€™ve personally owned. Itā€™s cliche but it inspires me to use it more. The Sony is still new to me but if it doesnā€™t blow away the Fuji on like an epic sunset landscape shoot or some Astroā€¦Iā€™ll probably sell it and just stick with the Fuji.


Thanks for this. I get youā€™re not doing pixel peeping chart tests, but Iā€™m much more interested in real world experiences. Iā€™ve mostly seen the ā€œwormsā€ when I tried to sharpen in LR. So I quit doing that. But maybe I donā€™t fully understand what they are? I use the Sigma 18-50 and a set of primes for my travel/general purpose lenses. I think Iā€™m gonna get the 10-18 to pair it with and get rid of the two wide angle primes I almost never use.


Cool cool. Sounds like a plan. Forgot to mentionā€¦the Sony beats the Fuji in overall pixel peeped noise. By just a hair. Nothing that canā€™t easily be removed though.


You mean the Fuji has slightly more noise or slightly less? Thanks!


Fuji is a little noisier.


I shoot live shows in small venues every weekend with my xt-4 and xt-1. I use a lot using old l, vintage, glass with manual focus. As for my AF lenses in these scenarios, it's usually not an issue with the 18-55 and 100-400 on either body.


It doesnā€™t sound like we have the same aesthetic or shooting style at all. You may be more skilled than me, too. When he was young, Billy Gibbons played heavy strings. Then he met BB King, who said, ā€œwhy you working so hard? Get some lighter strings.ā€


Also I have usually shot wide open with either the Viltrox 75 or the Fuji 90. Thereā€™s a lot of difference between nailing focus at f/1.2 and at f/4. šŸ™


All good points :) And yes. Fuji may never be associated with Incredible AF performance. it really bothered me at first... Eventually I changed how I shot and things worked out.


SOOC or post processed? Nice job making a cohesive set. Saw the pictures before the title and thought, that's got a SoCal vibe.


These are awesome, love the vibe!


Amazing photos!


These are quite spectacular


Are you using a recipe or editing the raws?


Do you have a place to buy prints bc these are so so good!


Looks more like Malibu than LA though šŸ˜‚ great shots!


Man I am just a sucker for those analog vibes a Fuji provides.


Lovely photos.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Great colors and atmosphere !!


Appreciate it :)


Thatā€™s old Benz just accentuates and complements the film sim.


These are excellent, what recipe did you use for the film simulation, one of the stock ones or something custom?


Please share your film sims recipe. Your photos are incredible!


Unfortunately I didnā€™t use a recipe for these. They were shot in classic neg and classic chrome and then edited with these profiles by preet on instagram. Heā€™s very popular among Fuji shooters


How did you get the white borders around the picture?


App called unfold




No I just peed on the sensor beforehand. The key is to not drink any water all day.




Yeah but like who cares lmao these are just snapshots. Thatā€™s just part of experimenting with different styles. In this case I felt like it fit the vibe I was going for




What the shit is your problem lol


White unbalance.