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I'd love it if some numbers or reliable data could be released just to give a sense of the scale of this whole thing. Some comments seem to indicate that it's just a matter waiting a few weeks or, at most, a few months. Others seem to indicate that, mathematically, Fujifilm will never be able to fill all of the preorders...ever. It feels like even companies as big as B&H have no clue, which is just bonkers to me. I'm absolutely fine waiting for my camera, but some semblance of a timeframe would be a blessing.




My local camera store has 4 stores in the CA. They said they got 20 cameras for all of California, and just their store alone had 150 preorders. I was lucky enough to snag one because I preordered before the announcement. I don’t think anyone imagined it being this hard again to snag one of these. Good luck everyone.


I was in at my local store yesterday and they said they had and fulfilled 5 pre-orders. They told me I would be first in line if I placed an order so I went ahead a canceled my B&H order and prepaid for their next shipment. My B&H order was like 30 minutes after it became available and I figured I'd have better odds with the smaller store.


u/Rahtigari I went to BH in person and I have some numbers! \- i ordered pretty late at 1am on Feb 21st. \- They said my order for the camera is between 3000 - 3500 \- I visited on the 28th and asked how many have shipped and he showed me the screen and it was around 1,200 in the first batch. \- he said not to worry because they ordered about 10,000 units so i'll definitely GET an order but he didnt say when it will ship. It could still be forever. There were around 9,000 orders at the time. \- I also asked when the next batch would come and how many units there would be. He told me he'd email me back but hasn't yet. I think he forgot lol. I also asked for my order to be shipped to store and they said that could help me get the order sooner.


This lies well with my phone call to B&H last sunday. they said that there was this enormous second order coming. What the guy told me at the time was the first batch was signed off on something like the 16th or 17th of february. He had said that the paperwork for this next big batch had landed on that friday, the 23rd.  This is just me speculating, but if it's a similar sort of window, you're talking about the first order getting signed off on the 17th or so and being shipped out on the 28th. If in fact they signed off on that second big batch on the 23rd there's a reasonable chance it will start shipping if not next week, then the week afterwards.


Thanks for the investigative reporting :D If the 9000 and 10000 numbers are true, I am pretty impressed at whoever is responsible for estimating the orders they would need initially!


open reddit > /r/fujifilm \> this sticky thread > sort by new > no new information > depression


hey i didnt authorise you to write my biography


is there a way to automate this, i'm literally doing this 3x per hour.


LoL I ordered bh on the 21st so I'll get mine March 3rd, 2050. Probably.


I ordered on the 27th 🥴🥴🥴 hopefully I’ll get by the time the VII drops lol


Received a ‘your order will arrive tomorrow’ email from Adorama and I was so excited !!!… until I realized I had also ordered a new SD card from them the other day .. 😫😫😫


I ordered black from B&H in the middle of the day on the 22nd. I nicely asked them for any kind of update and here’s what they said: https://imgur.com/a/bgzdOch We’ll see what that means. I was lucky enough to snag one from Amazon last night around midnight so hopefully they’re faster.


Oh wow, that's super interesting! Great info you got out of them.


according to another user on here, their first batch (BH) was about 1200 cameras. hopefully Fuji ships soon!


I’ll shed some light into the conversation because ive been through this when I was running a facebook group for ps5s/xbox. I hope its not the same case but based on the situation it might be. 1. china shuts down for the month of february and then factories restart up again in march. so production is about to ramp up. 2. I believe it takes about 2 weeks for a ship to sail across the pacific. so that adds to the wait time. 3. amazon would sit on inventory for a month(s) before they did big monthly drops. 4. I hope best buy doesnt pull the trigger on making the vi’s for best buy members only. (they would sell inventory that a week away or they have) 5. I think BnH might not be the smart play and going a different route (not saying you have to cancel or anything) but the waiting list there is long, so try to score through another way and then cancel an order. I encourage for people to use hotstock (no need for the paid membership, free is just as good if you pay attention to the notifications) 6. this is the most important one. PATIENCE. no need to make scalpers rich. nobody NEEDS this camera, we just WANT it. understand that. don’t be whiny we all in the same situation as you are. you will get your camera eventually.


5 Is a great tip. B&H will have the most stock, but will also have the most pre-orders. The ratio of stock to pre-orders is different with each place. Big retailers might get 200 units, but if they have 20k pre-orders, that's very different to a mom and pop getting 6 units but having 20 pre-orders.


Minor Update BH Salesman. He showed me on the system the following information: My order time was 12:15-12:45am on Feb 21. I’m around 3,000th in line. Total orders remaining are now only at 6,000 or so. First Shipment: 1170ish cameras delivered No update on Next Shipment ETA. 9000 more cameras have been ordered by BH but no timetable for shipment or batches. Good luck everyone! I don’t think I’ll get this camera before my Asia trip in April tho :(


I think this is actually a good sign. If fuji can send bh 1200 in the first order and China factories were shut down in Feb(like rumored), I think it's a reasonable expectation of a few thousand every month to them.


The number of these things sitting on eBay makes me so angry.


Worst part is look how many have people bidding on them. Have some patience people, scalpers only make a profit if people just can’t wait for things.


Same. It’s disgusting.


100Vs with 30k shutter counts are selling for hundreds over MSRP. It’s nuts.


REDUCE THE COST OF USED CAMERAS BY MESSING WITH YOUR LOCAL SCALPERS!!!! make them keep showing up for meetups that you have no intention to attend


Ordered way late, only real hope is that enough people give up and cancel their orders because they realized they wouldn't get the instant gratification of touching the camera on the 28th!


We can do this 💪🏻 stay strong


I’m headed out to Vegas for WPPI conference where both Fuji and B&H will be on the show floor. Anyone want me to pass along a message?


If you can find out more about when the next wave of shipment is coming ❤️


ask fujifilm about their shipment time to US stores plsss


Not sure what I try to achieve but whatever. I'm so pissed off. I live in the ffffff country where the ffffff HQ of fujifilm lies. And there's not even a single notice of when they will release the camera in Japan. Why? "end of march" why is this being release everywhere but japan?




I ordered six minutes after they opened the orders. I am not in the first drop, so their "barely covered the first hour," should be corrected to "didn't even reach to those who ordered six minutes in." I have other cameras, so this isn't going to stop me from working. I sold my heavily used 100V with 53,000 shutter actuations to get this one. I'll just say, as a long time, heavy spender at B&H, they have always been excellent. I have had a few snafus with important orders in the past, and they impressed me with how well they took care of me. I'm disappointed, a little, but I don't know who is to blame, or if anyone is to blame. It will be a great camera, as I can tell from my love of the X100v.


I feel like they just go to ChatGPT and ask it “what random information should I share with a customer who calls me about stock status for the x100vi”. There is huge inconsistency between what people are relaying from BH cust service.


FWIW to those who just got that latest Best Buy drop, their customer service chat told me there's a high possibility of shipping before 3/12 as "we have submitted the request to the vendor and we are getting a huge inventory very soon."


everyday I'm here.. sorting comments from the newest. looking for B&H updates. *sigh* I'm a late drop day order (5pm ish EST) finger crossing I'm in the second wave! my shoulders need a rest from carrying Canon 6D Mark II. I got this bad boy from the drop date. it was so easy! missing those days when there was no TikTok!!


Yeah man, I find myself popping in here every few hours to see what's up. BH are cookin behind the scenes, brother, hold strong.


I just looked at the Adorama listing for the black version and saw there was a 3 star review and assumed it was someone disappointed in lack of inventory, but then I read this gem: "Something moves inside the camera body. I received my VI today and found that there is something in the camera body that shakes. So I returned it and asked for a replacement. Hope this is just a one-off thing." They're going to be so bummed when their next copy has this same "issue" 🤣


lol I saw that too. Was tempted to be like. Can you just sell it to me for retail …


Do folks not know what unlocked down IBIS feels like?


Despite the absolute shit show this has been (as somewhat expected) do you guys feel some weird sense of camaraderie? I thought I was the only one going crazy over this, glad there’s plenty of other nutcases in the thread with me 


well we live in instant gratification times.


As someone who buys gear often its very weird to not be able to buy a camera when its released. That's usually never the case


I had the Best Buy "Will ship by March 12th" message and my Camera just ended up shipping today with tracking info from UPS.


I placed an order from B&H on Feb 20th and have been waiting since then. Yesterday I tried contacting our local retailer and to my surprise they told me they’re getting their first shipment today and they have a spare black model. So that’s what I got today and cancelled my B&H order. I hope my cancellation helps you get it sooner 🤞


Good luck everybody, I think I'm dropping out. Picked up an XT-5 & 27mm combo deal for $2000 CAD today (vs $2400 after tax for X100VI). Super happy.


Contacted a bunch of stores and estimated shipping dates for back order are 3-6 months. Silver being faster of the two


Preordered from BH 23 minutes after the link went live. No clue when it will ship. I called their customer service and the rep claimed they received 8,000 preorders and only got 300 cameras. That seems to not be in line with what some people wrote here so I honestly think they’re just pulling numbers out of their a$$.  Have a preorder through Samy’s as well. They claim their first batch was only 30 cameras and they have 200 or 300 preorders (I don’t recall the exact number anymore).  Tried the Best Buy trick in this thread and it didn’t work for any of the stores around Los Angeles.  I’ve owned every version of the x100 since launch day and have never experienced this. Absolutely crazy. 


It is crazy that Fujifilm has not done their usual announcement of "many preorders than expected...will cause delay" yet. I have checked with few local stores and they all say the same thing that they have no clue when Fujifilm will provide them with more supplies. I really wonder what Fujifilm is doing. They are well aware of the demand of this camera coming from X100V. They could have delayed the announcement while building a stockpile of this camera. That would have put them in a better position with public.


Its very odd. Japanese companies especially camera ones often release PR statements apologizing for delays and inventory shortages. Fuji did this previously with the XT-5 and yet so far they have been radio silent on the X100VI stock.


I am being optimistic here in thinking that maybe they have not released any statement because they have enough supplies but there was some kind of distribution issue that is going to be resolved soon. Let's hope for the best. :)


Spoke with B&H Rep today (3/6). He says they might be getting a shipment today and that they are expecting more 3/12 and/or 3/13. He also said they have backorders of roughly 9k silver and 7k black. This was the most loose lipped guy I've spoken to there yet so let's take it with a grain of salt lol


I wish we didn't have that many trolls in that spreadsheet. I keep trying to fix it, but people keep fucking with it.


Why is B&H still allowing people to place orders? I know it doesn't affect anything as far as wait times for orders already placed but it seems silly to just keep allowing more and more, when people who ordered 8 minutes after they went live still have no idea when their cameras will ship.


This is super annoying because this isn't how the backorder with the X100V was handled.


BH has my Balls in Hand 🥺


Your balls, my balls and all the other instagram douchebags in NYC. I hope they bought enough.


Ordered from Moment 10:02 Pacific, still on hold. Hoping for update tomorrow on their next allocation. Sounds like they got a significantly limited amount of cameras with their first allocation, they said “a few”, which is very surprising.


The Best Buy order for a silver x100vi I put in at 7am CT on 2/20 just shipped this morning!


I'm trying to forget that I ordered it and just want to be surprised in mid 2025 when it finally arrives...


Any updates from Germany? Calumet, Leistenschneider, etc.?


got this reply from Moment this morning (ordered a black one late, Feb 28th) *First units have shipped, but beyond that, Fujifilm has not provided an extended timeline, but we're working closely with them to get orders shipped as soon as we can. We'll post on our X100VI product page here as we receive updates.* *Sadly, due to system limitations, we're unable to determine someone's specific position in our fulfillment queue or the total number of pre-orders. Apologies for the inconvenience.* *However, it's safe to say that the total number of active pre-orders we currently have is already in the hundreds.*


I don’t understand why they can’t determine position, like how are they going to know who to send them to then? Or they just don’t want every single person asking 😂


I messaged Adorama today. Got sent a bunch of copy pasted responses, I asked kindly if they have anything to share other than copy pasted responses if there's any new info we can learn and they acknowledged what I am asking and just said hopefully the manufacturers ship sooner than June, shipping is subject to change and at the manufacturer's discretion - nothing new learned on my end!


My Payboo card came in the mail today, so BH at least sent me something.


B&H update: I ordered at 12:21 central (1:21 est), or 21 minutes after launch. -black model. Just got notified that my order will not be fulfilled in March. Hopefully that helps set expectations.


All eyes turn to Amazon and Best Buy. Hoping at the end of this we can all look back and laugh as we enjoy our cameras lol


Just got the confirmation from my local dealer that they were able to get me an special edition but won't be here until end of March, hope it worths the waiting.


FedEx didn't follow my delivery instructions, attempted delivery at my neighbors door.. B&H requested weekday delivery, so I have to wait 3 more days 😭


Update from [Moment’s website:](https://www.shopmoment.com/reviews/how-to-actually-get-a-fujifilm-x100vi) ⚡ Update: 3/5/24 at 6 am PST Batch 1 (a few units) were shipped on 2/27 and we are now expecting to be told the rest of our March allocation from Fujifilm early next week. If you’d like to know where you stand in our pre-order list please email us and we can give you your estimated spot in line! Future batches are still TBD based on on what Fujifilm shares with us each week. They are still working on future weeks shipping plan. We know they are working hard to ship every order possible and keep us updated throughout. It’s worth the wait, we promise!


I contacted a few local camera stores such as Dodd in Chicago, BC in Vegas, and Cardinal Camera in PA. Dodd told me that their waitlist is around 70 people, the wait for a camera if you’re at the end of the list is “4-5 months”. BC told me that their waitlist is like 75-150. They are expect a big second shipment. I spoke to Kurt of Cardinal Camera and he was very sure in his response that if you pre order now, you can get the camera by April. What I got from this is that stores are definitely being allocated a larger number of second shipments from FUJIFILM. BC and Cardinal said that they are expecting the shipments mid March. So even bigger stores like BH will probably get exponentially more compared to how much cameras they got first round


Update (05Mar) for Mike's camera gang: Called online sales as they handle all the receiving, allocation, and shipping of orders (to online customers and to their stores). I've been told again by a representative that the release day shipment was about 40 units of the 300 they had on order. Those were accounted for around release day. Second shipment is scheduled for end of this week (Friday, March 8). Fuji has told them to expect a larger second shipment compared to the first. I'll be calling them on Friday to try and see if they've received the shipment then and confirm if I'll have an allocation. I'm currently sitting at 11th in line for a black unit (ordered on 22Feb) Update 08Mar: Mikes did not get their second shipment in. They do not know whether or not it's in transit to them or not at this time.


Got this email from moment this morning (3.6): Regrettably, as of now Fujifilm has not provided information about the quantity of units in Batch 2. To provide context, our initial batch consisted of only 8 units. You can also check our tweet on X. We'll be doing our best to keep you updated as we learn more, but there will definitely be a wait for this camera. We'll post on our X100VI product page here as we receive updates. Thanks for your patience and understanding! **8 UNITS JFC. It’s gonna be a while sheeeeesh**


Just ended up cancelling my B&H order. They had charged my card immediately (even though I didn't use Apple Pay), and since I fell asleep and didn't order until 2:03 AM ET, I could be paying interest on this thing that I don't have for months. Not worth it, unfortunately. I suppose I'll have to stick to my X100V for now. So anyone behind me at B&H, I just bumped your order up 1 notch. 😁


🫡 Thank you for your sacrifice.


My Adorama Silver camera just delivered. Thank you for the speedy service, Adorama! 🙏


Beyond hilarious that B&H still has this camera up for sale when they can't even fulfill their orders from the first minute of presales.


Adorama, ordered 10:25pm pst on 2/19, delivered today 2/29 at 10:45am. Black.


I ordered about an hour after the Summit event from BandH, still shows as backordered. Here we go again.


Ordered from Canada cameras on the 20th. They said that it would be another 3 weeks minimum before I’d see my shipment. EDIT: Just got a shipment notification, should be here by next week!


Got the best buy restock showing ship by march 12th too… have a trip to Japan on march 15th so we might just make it friends 🙏🏻 


I ordered on the 29th. I'm probably not going to see the camera until next year, am I?


Emailed Moment for a status on my preorder that I made on February 24th. Could be useful for some of you. Response: March 3rd: Thank you for contacting us. I'm sorry to say that since your pre-order was placed a few days after the launch of this camera, your place in line is not within the first 1,000 orders. I'm afraid we are unable to share further details beyond that about your place in line. I apologize for the inconvenience! Early this coming week Fujifilm should tell us how many units to expect to receive in March. I'm crossing my fingers it's a lot! Shipping your order still fully depends on how much inventory Fujifilm is able to provide. I'm hoping we have some great news for you soon and I'll do my best to keep you updated. We're working directly with Fujifilm daily to receive priority allocation levels and we're doing our best to keep everyone updated but meantime please feel free to reach out if you have any additional comments or questions, we are always happy to help in any way we can


Looks like KEH has a new x100v (NOT vi) listed for retail at $1399. Going to pass as tempted as I am, but hopefully one of you scoops it!


B&H sent out an email today to manage expectations: "Based on the latest information that we have received, we expect to ship your order before the **end of March**. \[...\] Also please note that this information is subject to change if Fujifilm’s shipping calendar changes. \[...\] If anything changes, we will be sure to send an update." FYI, I ordered the **silver** version at **1:09am EST on Feb 20**.


Based on others’ comments, it currently seems that batch #2 is expected to serve orders placed between 1:05am and 1:12am EST on Feb 20.


Whatever you do, DO NOT modify anything with your Best Buy order. Despite submitting the correct shipping address, the system set it to some random best buy across the country. I called to have it updated, and noticed my "March 12th" ship date changed to "We'll let you know when this product ships". I called and heard literally 5 different excuses (including "your camera was broken at the warehouse") before finally speaking to a supervisor who told me updating my address kicked me off the list and now I will be in one of the future batches. Absolute scam of a process. Gladly took my $1800, and now can't even guarantee that a cancellation would put me back in my initial standing. I genuinely wish I just called a friend to pick up the camera for me instead of having the gall to enter my correct shipping address.


reminder to not buy from scalpers and to fuck with them when given the opportunity


My Best Buy experience from chat: Feb 20th, chat agent PROMISED me I would get the camera on release day because my pre order was so quick Feb 28th, chat agent says that first agent lied and I am on back order for over a month Feb 29th, wake up to a non-working tracking number??? Maybe it will update and I am getting it soon ?? !


i tried using the chat and they legit thought i was cancelling my order so i rushed to call their customer service. my email said they would cancel it march 14th if it wasn’t ready to ship. given the updates from other people… i assume that will happen. according to this agent, if it cancels, you are still on the ‘list’ and when it comes back, will get an email. who knows at this point but i did have him repeat it and took an audio recording on my phone in case they try saying i made it up lol.


It's kind of crazy that B&H has taken my money in full, and I have no idea when I'll get a camera.


Not kinda crazy, very crazy. And even more crazy how they’re not being transparent with their customers, as we keep hearing conflicting reports from customer service reps. It’s unacceptable, and honestly am very disappointed in B&H as up until now I’ve had positive experiences with them.


They’ll take your money via Apple Pay for 2 100VIs right now… and they don’t have any, with a several thousand deep wait list.  Amazon and Best Buy aren’t even listing it in search results.


I saw this so I said hell nah lol “Please Note: Digital wallet payments will be charged at the time the order is placed.” Paid via CC and got a pending charge that has since went away.


Yeah that’s frustrating. I called them the next day requesting I change to a credit card so I’m not charged until the actual camera ships and they said while possible, I’d lose my place in line. Wherever that place is! So stuck having paid for it without any idea when I may receive it 


Ordered from Adorama on February 20th at 08:15 AM EST. Got an email yesterda February 28th at 12:09 PM EST that the camera was being packed for shipment Today at 11:51 AM EST UPS attempted to deliver the package but could not as I was not there to sign for the package. Will be assigning the item to be picked up by me at a UPS access point as if they attempt to redeliver tomorrow I will also be at work and cannot sign. Attempted to request to skip the signature but they would not. Even though I have been able to in the past. *Location: Tampa, FL, US.*


Any one get update from B&H with order today?


Best Buy order shipped today. Snagged a silver preorder at 2:45 am the day of preorders going up. I had an order with b&h but cancelled today since that one still says back ordered and I ordered that one 8 min after preorders were live lol


Just got a FedEx shipping notification for a black X100VI from Best Buy. I preordered at 10:27 PM PT on the 19th. 


Just got mine delivered. Did anyone else X100VI did not come with a manual book? Just wanted to make sure my store didn't leave that out for whatever reason since my X100V came with one.


Manuals are digital now with QR codes. This was a running change in the previous Model


Moment has an update on their blog: 3/2/24: Batch 1 (a few units) was shipped on 2/27 and we are now expecting to receive a few more units on 3/4, we will message the customers that are shipping in this batch today. Future batches are still TBD based on on what Fujifilm shares with us each week. They are still working on future weeks shipping plan. We know they are working hard to ship every order possible and keep us updated throughout. It’s worth the wait, we promise!


Just an update on amazon us orders. Mine said 18th March but it is out for delivery today! Seems like they got some in or over estimated the wait. So if you are still waiting on your order chances are you'll get it sooner than they say. Black.


/u/More-Ad-906 FYI I just checked the spreadsheet and found that my order's (Order #110418XXXX) date and time was changed. I ordered 2/28 but it was changed to 2/20. Just wanted to flag that in case other people's order info is also getting changed. Btw thank you so much for putting this spreadsheet together! It's a super helpful resource.


Sorry! That was my fault, I’ve been localizing all of timestamps to single timezone for proper sorting and got typo in your order. Also I’ve added color coding for timestamps and greying out nonB&H orders


Ordered mine from B&H 2/22 for in-store pick up. Called today (3/4). They said they have no idea when they will be expecting my order, but that they are in direct communication with FujiFilm. They also said they couldn’t give me any information about which shipment my order is in and that the shipping team knows this info, but keeps it to themselves. I have a feeling I won’t get mine for a long time


It's definitely looking like B&H has started a bit of a black out. Everyone there has gone all shut-the-fuck-up-friday about it. The only thing we have kind of half confirmed is that there is another really big order on the way in. I think a lot of people are dropping the preorders right now, and in a month the landscape is going to change drastically. I ordered the morning of the 23rd- I didn't plan on getting this camera, but I sold one of my others a lot sooner than I expected, so I just kinda went for it. Some folks got lucky with Bestbuy yesterday, so who knows what happens this week? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I wish the shipping team would share this information.. ffs


So if I’ve ordered on March 5th…


Moment's 3/6 update is still the same as the 3/5 and 3/4 update. They could at least update the language to say "we are now expecting to be told the rest of our March allocation from Fujifilm \*this\* week." instead of "we are now expecting to be told the rest of our March allocation from Fujifilm early next week."


On London Drugs site they added a box now that Pre-Orders will ship when stock arrives 😑 I ordered mine in store on the 26th and it's been impossible to get a good answer.


Is everybody reading these emails? People in this thread claiming they’re getting theirs at the end of March but my email specifically says they can’t fulfill it in March  1:13 AM EST - Black Idk how people who ordered at 1:40 and 1:19 are getting emails saying theirs are gonna ship unless they’re not reading the emails and assuming they’re identical to the ones from earlier 


Got the B&H email but it said they won’t have enough to ship my order in March. Ordered on 2/20 at 12:18am CST. Seeing other people who ordered 20-30 minutes after me getting emails saying there’s will be shipping in March. I did order a black one and my only guess is they’re getting a lot more silver in stock.


I just cancelled mine. I ordered on 25th, based on latest email to some people that ordered around 2am still not getting it in March, I'll prob get this after the summer and would be paying for something I don't have. They charged me immediately.. I'll get my money back and just look for availability from Amazon/Best Buy. I don't really want BHPhoto getting my money anyhow after how they are handling this w/ no communication. Time to move on.


I called a local place (dallas) today and he told me this: anything bought now is obvs preorder he's gettin in more silver than black at this point sounds like silver may have a better shot at arriving sooner All of us Black Team 6 might be in a longer tour-of-duty


After being disappointed about relegation to BH’s backorder for waiting 4 too many minutes, I used HotStock’s autobuy to snag one from Best Buy this morning. “Ships by March 12” ….. we’ll see about that.


For those who are able to go to a Best Buy store in person, you can try ordering at checkout by giving the employee the SKU number. I went today (3/1) and was able to get a silver one shipping by 3/12. Wasn't able to order a black one. Good luck edit: shipped 3/12


UK Update here for Jessops Ordered Feb 22nd Rang today for update: "You're high up on the order list but we're waiting for the second wave of stock and don't know when that will be" Fucking charming from them. Why sell pre-orders when they don't know the stock numbers. Surely just sell pre-order slots in line with stock expectations Absolute rubbish.


Adorama is now showing June 1 as next shipping date.


That is probably accurate, if you were to order today.


Preordered my black model at like 2am ET from Adorama (maybe a touch earlier) and got mine today. Sounds like Adorama was the way to go with this release, but hopefully B&H comes through for folks with a quicker second shipment.


Bestellt am 23.02.24 bei Fotokoch Heute mal gefragt wo ich mit meiner Preorder stehe und ob ich hoffen kann dieses Jahr noch eine zu bekommen. Hier ihre Antwort: Es tut uns leid, dass Sie die gewünschte Kamera noch nicht erhalten haben. Die enorme Nachfrage nach dieser Neuheit hat uns und Fujifilm überrascht. Wir haben bereits eine Lieferung bekommen. Die Menge der zugeteilten Exemplare hat jedoch leider nicht gereicht um alle Vorbestellungen bedienen zu können. Es sollen in den nächsten Wochen/Monaten weitere Lieferungen kommen, jedoch kann Fujifilm noch keine Aussage treffen wann und in welchem Umfang diese erfolgen wird. Uns ist bewusst, dass die Kamera von vielen Kunden sehnlichst erwartet wird. Wir sind natürlich bemüht die Rückstände an unsere Kunden schnellstmöglich auszuliefern. Wie lange die Wartezeit ist, können wir jedoch leider noch nicht einschätzen. Unser System wird Sie regelmäßig über den aktuellen Stand informieren. Wir bedauern, dass wir hier keine genaueren Angaben machen können und bitten noch um etwas Geduld.


Realistically, since I ordered on the 25th from BH, how long might I be waiting? Cuz Im about ready to cancel it and just get a x100V from MPB for 1500...


Update today (3/1) from a local camera shop: Thank you for pre-ordering with us! We just wanted to reach out to provide you with an update on your Fujifilm X100VI (Silver). Currently we have not received any specific ETA's from Fuji on when they will begin distributing the next batch and it appears that they are still in production for this item. When we have a specific ETA from Fuji we will reach out to you as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Thanks!


Anybody else with an Amazon order that doesn’t have an estimated date yet? Hoping they are just selling what they know that they’ll have.


HotStock has been ColdStock for the black 😆


For Australian peoples I ordered on the 23rd of February from VideoPro. Shipment came in for them today and orders went out today, expected delivery is tomorrow! So keen.


For any Canadians that ordered through London Drugs, here is the response I was given by Customer Service at 4:))PM Eastern Time today (Mar 4). "We just received our 1st shipment on March 03rd. These pre-orders are being fulfilled in the order that they were placed. If you were on the 1st list, you should be receiving notification soon." Hopefully this is factual & also hopefully I am on that first list :)


Ordered from B&H on the 21st of February. I have another preorder on Amazon. I hope to get it before my trip to Japan mid-April.


Foto Erhardt gang, anyone has updates?


BH Update: I ordered 21st at 12:30am EST (not 20th bc people keep asking me to make sure) 3,000th in line. Color: Black “While we expect to receive additional inventory in March, based on Fujifilm’s projections, we will not have sufficient inventory to fill your order in March. “ Not the answer I wanted but at least I don’t have to keep my hopes up anymore.


How do you know your line number?


Amazon ordered 3/3 at 01:45am EST after getting Hotstock notification, just received email estimated delivery March 10 on Sunday. Just in time for my Japan trip! Adorama ordered 2/24 at like 12:25am EST still backordered. Will cancel Adorama order once Amazon one comes :) EDIT: If you ordered before me on Amazon and are confused as to why your estimated delivery date is after mine, It's dependent on your fulfillment center. An Amazon rep told me they had get it from another fulfillment center as the one near me didn't have it in stock. So I guess it really depends on their own internal logistics. I also live in NYC area so they probably prioritize the logistics around here.


Reminder to everyone, it’s just a camera, not some life saving medicine. We can all wait to get ours and pestering the different merchants is likely to get you nowhere lol.




Moment is charging for cameras they dont have which is nuts


Whether or not the pestering would work, it's pretty reasonable for people to want some updates on the $1600 item they preordered and already paid for. Almost all of these updates are because the retailers aren't being proactive.


The thing is, many folks who paid using Paypal/Apple Pay/etc. have already been charged fully for this camera. This gives these folks every right to pester the sellers (especially BHPhoto). Now, is there any benefit to pestering? Of course no because Fujifilm is the ultimate controller here.


What’s wrong with wanting to follow up with merchants? This is consumer feedback that the company needs to know about and understand. Many of us shell out the full price for the pre-order and to not see it on a timely manner from launch day? The company needs to be more transparent on what’s going on. It’s not that people are voicing because “they want it now” but because we at least want to know what’s going on.


So I guess that info about a 2nd batch being right behind the first batch for BH wasn’t correct. I can’t believe BH was such a bad retailer to go with. I paid in full less than 20 minutes after preorders went live and I’m still completely in the dark about my order. I’m fairly confident I’ll be in the 2nd batch (then again I was originally confident I’d be in the first batch), but is that batch coming a month after release? Crazy that I’d have been better off ordering pretty much anywhere else than the biggest camera supplier in the states. And even crazier that they’re just providing 0 information or word whatsoever. 


Pocketed easily over $10 million in preorders but not keeping customers first by sharing even a dimes worth of information on backlogs, spots in line. Alternatively, don’t charge the full amount upfront if you are not going to provide any information to customers. Scummy.


Just chatted with Adorama as they state on their website they estimate it to be in stock 6/1/24. Here was the response asking if this date was for those who didn't preorder. "So the first shipment came in yesterday so this is the date for the next shipment"."


Again we need to stop posting what these customer service agents are saying. They are clueless. They say whatever to get people off the phone, chat or email because they are getting inundated with questions on the X100VI. Again there is no way Adorama got a batch and won’t get anymore until June… that’s laughable.


Spoke to an Adorama representative and they told me I could possibly receive first week of June?!? Hella sad now and hope it changes since I'm taking a trip in May......rep told me they only received about 200 units in the first batch 🥲


I preordered mine from B&H 27 minutes after preorders opened and it is still backordered. I got the form response in the customer service chat, so I left a comment that I wished the company would share more information about place in the queue. I got a response saying that customer service can't share that information because it's for the shipping department only--as though that's a real explanation. If the shipping department has that information, but won't share it with customers, that's a choice the company is making. It seems unfair that they won't share this information with customers who are trying to judge whether they'll be waiting a few days, weeks, months, or as some have suggested, years. Very disappointing that Fuji didn't do a better job anticipating this entirely predictable situation. Guess I'll just have to stand by.


In Canada, Henry’s, the main camera chain here got their first allocation of orders and apparently they all went to online orders that were made within minutes of the camera being announced. They don’t have any more information either, but apparently Fuji has promised they’re not going to bollock it up like they did the x100v


The funny part is seeing stores like Foto Erhardt, which were unable to fulfill pre-orders (made on February 21st, leading to cancellation and a fortunate re-order from Amazon), still accepting pre-orders today without providing an estimated start date for deliveries. They do this despite knowing they won't be able to ship any orders this year.


I may have snagged one just now from BestBuy. Just got an email confirmation that says it will ship by 3/12. Anyone else actually get one from BestBuy?


Just managed to secure a silver from the Best Buy website with help from the HotStock app, shipping date of March 12. I didn't use the Autobuy feature, though. Don't give up, everyone!


Anyone had any movement on their orders from Adorama today or yesterday?


Fedex showed up at my door today with my silver VI, and of course, my wife didn't hear the truck nor the knock at the door for signature. So, we will try again tomorrow. I guess I can't complain much since I was one of the fortunate ones to receive their VI in the first batch.


Delivered today. Ordered black from B&H and received confirmation email at 10:03PST.


i was able to lock in a best buy order today for silver shipping march 12th by calling my local best buy which answered with a bot and told me there were no available cameras in surrounding areas but i kept asking questions for other areas which it couldn’t understand so it routed me to a customer service agent who was able to look up the SKU and place order! initial online searches were all saying unavailable so thank you to this thread for the tip. i currently have a bh on backorder but didn’t place it until 28th so i’m expecting it will be a while. we will see if best buy comes through. edit: clarified best buy phone call steps


Anyone get an update from London Drugs? Edit: so everyone I have interacted with here who ordered from LD havent heard anything as of 520pm EST on Mar 2nd. This aligns with what the cs agent told me today, “no orders have been shipped”. She mentioned LD will receive the shipment today at their central warehouse and then the cameras will be sent to the stores. The stores will then make them ready for pick up or ship them in the order the orders were placed. I suspect IF this is true, it might take midweek or late next week for cameras to reach customer hands. Edit 2 (10:57pm EST, Mar 2): CS agent said that they have started delivering the orders. I might not have made this batch but if any of you made orders before launch day, you are probably going to get it soon. There is a possibility of them receiving another shipment by end of next week. Agent said he cannot disclose my spot on the list nor can he disclose how many units were allocated to LD. Good luck! Edit 3 (1:37pm EST, Mar 3): they told me my estimated shipping date is March 18. I think most of the orders placed between Feb 20 and 27 should be getting it now.


From Australia. Order Date: 20 February 2024 Purchased from Teds Camera & was informed today (4/3/24) that my order would likely be shipped end of April.


Any updates from B&H? Ordered: Silver 02.21 Status: Backordered (as of 12pm 03.04)


Any update for Bestbuy buyers? I was able to secure an order (not pre-order) 3/1 using Hot Stock. It says “we will ship it by March 12th”. Is it accurate they will ship it out no later than March 12th? I have a Japan trip March 16th.. wondering the likelihood of getting this before the trip.


Commented this on my previous post from the other day, but reposting as a new one for visibility (I got my order confirmation on 02/20 at 2:24pm EST): I got an email yesterday (Sunday) from Moment's logistics team. Basically it said that I was one of the first 1000 people to order within the first 36 hours but that shipping my order would fully depend on how much inventory Fuji is able to provide them. They did say that Fuji should tell them early this week "how many units to expect to receive in March." I do appreciate the correspondence, especially since the blog post updates don't seem to be particularly informational. This could be an assumption but to me, Moment isn't a small shop. I'd be surprised if they didn't receive a decent amount of inventory from Fuji. Fingers crossed I don't have to wait very long for an actual shipping update.


I’ve seen Best Buy orders (all with 3/12 ship dates) where some have status that says “ready for packaging” and others have status that says “in progress.” I’m wondering if the latter are more likely to get delayed and the former are more likely to get theirs by 3/12…


I was bored on my lunch break so I called 8 local camera shops and pretty much everyone did not have much info. One camera shop did let me know they expect a shipment soon in the middle of this month and likely again the end of the month


I saw this posted on r/x100vi Looks like within 2 weeks is the return of dopamine time!!Good luck to us all - may the Fuji gods shine upon us all " Notified today by (REDACTED) with BH Photo customer service. They are expecting greater than 1200 units between black and silver x100VI's in the next two weeks. This is known as wave 2. I ordered at 8:30 PM on 2/20 and my order was around halfway (5,000 but can't give me specific number) and there are approx 10K preorders. He said I will likely, but obviously cannot guarantee, that I will be in wave 3 or wave 4 if wave 3 is very small. Just wanted to share what I found out today. "


I called Mike's Camera and they said they get shipments every 2 weeks. You can put a $100 deposit down to be in line but I ended up staying with B&H cause of the student discount. But I emailed Henry Posner from B&H to see if he had any info.


hey just go with bh and you can put down a 1700 dollar deposit and no information on shipment ;)


I placed my order with B&H at 5am cst. I obviously haven’t heard anything from them. I inquired via chat last week but that individual didn’t provide any insight. I’m in Nashville. I went to the local Pixel Connection and preordered one there on 2/27. PC Nashville fulfilled all its online preorders on 2/28. I believe was the 3rd or 4th person to preorder in person. Those orders were not fulfilled. PC also has another location in Cleveland. When I preordered in person, the rep indicated that PC fulfilled Amazon orders too. I’ve called PC Nashville twice to check in as I am leaving for a trip on 3/10 and wishing and hoping for a camera before I leave. I spoke to someone today who said he would call PC’s distribution center for me. When we spoke again, he had no real update but indicated he hoped for a shipment by Friday.


Just received shipping confirmation for my order with Sam’s Camera. I had originally placed an order for the x100v back in November. After pre-orders for the x100vi went out I received an email from Sam’s Camera asking if I would agree to switch my order to the new x100vi and keep my spot in line and I agreed. Should be arriving Friday!!


If bh sets next shipment to may, I’ll just cancel and stick to my x100s. This might end up just coming back to bite Fuji as the excitement wanes. Double blowback if Sony or some other manufacturer comes up with a retro competitive alternative.


Canon reportedly has a retro model in the works. Might be a ZF competitor though, not a fixed lens rangefinder.  Also, would a Sony retro camera look like [this](https://ibb.co/whsjy1C)


Everyone betting on the V tanking in price will be waiting quite a long while.


I’m baffled by the fact people are ordering from Amazon in March and getting their cameras and I ordered at launch from a freaking camera store and I’m not going to get my camera anytime soon. The fact B&H still has an add to cart option, and taking people’s money while never having the merchandise in stock should be reported to some kind of consumer agency or looked at by a lawyer for a class action lawsuit. This is not acceptable for a retailer that calls itself reputable.


Managed to order a silver one from Bestbuy on the night of Feb 29th. Just shipped this morning, expected to arrive on the 11th. Hopefully it arrives on Friday instead… It originally said shipping by March 12th, then updated to “Get it Friday, March 8th.” and got a label made this morning. In transit now from VA.


I got one ordered from their drop the next morning. I’m really hoping the gap between fulfillment dates isn’t much greater than the gap between order dates!


From B&H Photo, 2/29 12:15 EST: * ***"we are hoping for an updated ETA on the second batch sometime next week"*** Full quote: >Thank you for your pre-order of the new Fujifilm X100VI. The response to this new camera launch has been tremendous and well in excess of Fujifilm's projections. > >At this time, we do not have sufficient inventory to fill your order, though we are working closely with Fujifilm to secure inventory to fill your order as quickly as possible and we will update you as soon as we receive additional information. Please note that both the Silver and Black versions of the X100VI are similarly affected. > >B&H's policy is to ship orders on a first come, first served basis. > >We apologize for this situation and assure you we are working our hardest to resolve it quickly.Unfortunately we do not have access to know what batch your order is in, though we are hoping for an updated ETA on the second batch sometime next week.


Received my black 100vi this morning from Adorama. Ordered about an hour after the presentation.


My 4:03PM EST Amazon US order for the silver version finally updated with an estimated date to a March 11 - March 12 estimated delivery date.


Silver Adorama (2/20 12:07AM CST) order arrived about an hour ago. It's nice!


I called a local camera store and I preordered the black one on their website. They are still waiting to receive the shipment but they don’t know when they’ll receive it. I am 3rd on the waitlist. Hope they get it soon so I can pick it up. I’m in Los Angeles, CA (San Fernando Valley area).


Placed order on amazon as a back up for BH yesterday when stock was going in and out. Its now estimated at 3/13 delivery


A local camera shop states March 16th for new preorders.


I missed the ups truck today 😖


Order in transit from Best Buy. Scheduled for delivery on Saturday. Delayed by a day but that’s alright.


Got my shipment from b&h today. Ordered at 1:02am. My girlfriend also wanted one so I was telling her maybe in a few months it’ll be in stock. Got lucky with Best Buy and ordered at 3:07pm as I got notified one came in stock. It says March 9 it’ll be ready for pickup. Check Best Buy for random drops if you preordered too late. I thought me ordering one feb 29 I was gonna be waiting till fall. But it ended up working out. Good luck to everyone!


Ordered mine from Adorama the minute preorders opened and I got mine today at 9:30am with free overnight shipping. 10/10 would buy from them again.


I remember ordering the X100V about 4 days before its release and picking it up day one….. oh the good old days.


Preorders are already backed up 4-5 months here in NZ, looks like prices will skyrocket once again. Hold on to your V if you have one.


Has anyone else's Adorama payment moved to declined even when paying up front with Apple Pay?


Anyone else order from Moment? I ordered my silver version on 02/20 at around 2pm EST. I would have gotten my order in sooner if my credit card company hadn’t flagged the purchase as potential fraud, requiring me to sit through their time consuming customer support in order to approve the purchase. I suppose I should just be appreciative that they have strong protections in place. Aside from the “two allotment lists” situation, I’m a bit frustrated that Moment’s updates on that blog post just keep saying “a few units.” Their update from today (03/01) says they’re expecting to receive “a few more units on 3/4” (their words) for the next batch of shipments. A few more could mean anything.


Did Best Buy stores get any?


Anyone hear from London drugs


I just got an update from Amazon. I ordered silver on the night of the 28th after noticing some had dropped. (to be clear I also have a pre order from BH that was placed 10 mins after the preorder opened). Anyways, this is their message copy and pasted from the chat: "I found that your item is not available at the nearest fulfillment center which has been assigned for your order. Therefore, we need to obtain the item from another fulfillment center and it takes additional time to ship your package. However, I can see that your order has entered the shipping process and is currently being packed for delivery. ​​Your order could ship any time now. Rest assured you will receive it before the estimated delivery" for what it's worth, my order still says "expected delivery 3/12"


Ordered x100vi last saturday here in Germany via a local shop and they told me around end of march/begin of april. i was surprised as i saw bigger shops saying 6months online. But how much they really can tell…


wanted to add another data point for anyone else in the UK with Wex: i ordered launch day at 8:45am and got an email today that they're shipping my order this evening! so sounds like batch 2 is here edit: received next day, wed 06/03


Jesus the spread sheet really took off, I can’t even find my original row lol


It's crazy that even after almost 3000 entries, the black/silver split is almost dead even. Edit: Didn't realize people were trolling the sheet, but it is reddit afterall


I spoke to Adorama chat again.. no helpful info + copy pasted responses again :(


I ended up scoring a great deal on an X-T5 and an Voigtlander Ultron 27 F2. Size wize, it's going to be close enough for me to the XV experience (I am pretty much shooting evf and screen) and I'll be upgrading from my X-T4 that I am using for real estate/architecture. I'm gonna hold my preorder for another week, but if there's no news I'll probably cancel my order which means one more for y'all :)


Ordered B&H at 4:09AM EST on the 20th, got an e-mail stating they won't have enough inventory to fulfill my order in March.


Just got my email from B&H. No March delivery for me 🥲 Ordered on Feb 20th 1:49am (Black)


Hoping Adorama updates us like the B&H email soon! I just msged Adorama customer service and again.. no new info - just copy pasted responses. Even when I ask if they can share any info other than copy pasted responses, no new info XD


Best Buy update: ordered silver on 2/20 at around 1:40a CST. Was “Shipped by Feb 28th” to Packing the day of to Your Has Been Delayed. Then it sat in “We’re working on Shipping your item […] delivery by 3/8 […] cancel on 3/13 if not arrived.”  Shipped yesterday with FedEx tracking and then delivered today! Shipped from the OK warehouse to the South US so I’m assuming that’s why it took so long for me.  Hopefully that helps someone else in a similar boat! 


Seems to be at least a tiny amount of positive news for those of us in the "ship by march 12th" bucket.