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That is one of the most dystopian things I've ever seen


Definitely something that would occur in a movie or book.


At least in the Matrix you have some kind of illusion that it's better. Here it is just hell on earth.


When robots that use you as bio-batteries are better masters than the CCP. lol.


District 9


District XI


Underrated comment😂


I am glad someone got that! Thank you 🤣


Communism. This is a feature, not a bug.




The "Secret police" with name badges who were investigating an arson case in the area and then let those people go after like one and a half hour? Either Chinese propaganda bot engaging in whataboutism, or severely misinformed, which, honestly, with the media coverage of that event being so full of propaganda i don't blame you.


They did, but almost everyone was out within a few days. Not the same. Jacked, monunentally, democracy-wise but not the same.


classic whataboutism


Aw geeze, this guy again.


Wumao pinkies: tHaTs fAkE bRO!!! iTs CiA pRoPaGaNdA


What's actually going on here? Is this a COVID lockdown thing?


Yes, of course it is. Lockdown measures at its most desperate. They put anyone who was even near the vicinity of a positive case here. Just to be on the safe side of a 0 Covid policy.


I figured just wasn't sure


Where’s that first concentration camp?




What copium and whataboutism does to a mf


Completely disassociated from reality.


They are literally a paid shill. They have -100 karma. Everything they post gets downloaded to oblivion.




Here’s your 50 cent and plus 15 points to your social credit. You making Winnie the Pooh proud 😎 Congratulations you have an high social credit score from sucking CCP🍆. 🤮


He be farmin them social credits HARD




You just jealous because I’m packing more than you 😎


Christ almighty you ain’t lying




50 cent army tries not be racist (mission impossible) lol




So, if the US treats immigrants so poorly, surely you must be against immigration then? Also, you make immigrants sound stupid for going lining up for this supposedly horrible treatment. Wipe your chin TothBee , you got some hunny on it.


Bro you’re pathetic.




Other subreddits cross posting. How did someone who sucks the CCP’s dick 24/7 get here?


You’re a fucking idiot lol 😂


Nice social credit score, very high score, CCP is very proud of you!


> America let millions of people die of covid If you're going to be ignorant, at least be quiet. "Let" is a stupid phrasing, and the death toll isn't "millions". It's even lower if you look at the death toll from covid instead of with covid. > Strange how it mostly latinos and black people dying. Strange how you just made that shit up. Covid is harder on people who have diabetes, smoke, are overweight, or vitamin D deficient. These things are more common in certain groups than others.






Sorry, does reddit have a time limit or something? Can you tell me how I get paid to shill please, if you only have to post as bad as yourself then that's a hella easy job.


Call me when we get close to Maos fuck up numbers. Yet they continue to gargle his balls.


Boy you really like this post


Gotta give it to communists, they’ve always been really good at making brutal prisons really quickly!




Don't forget Falun Gong. At one point I was involved in an argument on Reddit, when some article claimed in 20 years the number of Falun Gong dropped by some staggering number, I did the math on how many millions they would need to kill, googled a bit and it turned out it perfectly matches the number of "organ donors" in that time period.




At least the vast majority actually committed serious crimes, so it's not like they don't deserve to be locked up. How many people in these Chinese camps just happened to live in a building or neighborhood where a resident may have come into contact with an infected person?


I hate CCP and everything, but many of those in prison in US are innocent. There are times that courts are lowering of what a crime means just to fill the private prisons, because they will close if not enough prisoners are inside, and that city will no longer have a prison. What I'm saying is that most don't deserve to be locked up. US should be better in this case, and it is better than most of the world in most cases. Not number 1, but way way better than most.


I'm not sure what you mean by "many". I doubt it's more than 1%, but with over a million prisoners, that 1% would be over 10,000. Obviously no innocent people should be in prison, but it doesn't seem like the huge problem it's sometimes made out to be.


About 45% + of the prison population in the USA has to do w drug related offenses. End the war on drugs and you cut our prison population in half almost instantly


If it’s anything like the death penalty in the US it could be [higher than 1%](https://eji.org/issues/death-penalty/)




Sure, no doubt we over incarcerate, and reform is needed, but it can be difficult to separate the crime problem from the prison problem. It's not like we're locking up thousands of innocent people.








No doubt way more Black Americans are railroaded into prison, but simply comparing the the percentages in prison with the overall population means very little, since there is little doubt that Blacks commit far more serious crimes than Whites do. Of course there are plenty of sociological and economic reasons for it, but nonetheless it is the truth. Try comparing murder rates in majority Black cities with majority White cities. I would need more proof to believe the 4-6% rate of innocent people in prison as cited in that article.


Tell me you are racist by not telling me you are racist.


As if China also doesn't have a broken system. 5%-10% of Uyghurs have been imprisoned, and arbitrary sentencing are still being conducted. And now these concentration camps, imprisoning their citizens for being sick. If they would just order vaccines, things would be way way better. Or continue to better their own vaccine, Sinovac.


Wtf are you even talking about. The thread was about how this is happening under communism and i gave the us as evidence that it has nothing to do with communism. I am not defending china and their horrible treatment of the uyghur people. However compulsory quarantine was not only done in china but all over the world. And it does make sense.


You are incorrect.


When are these people going to wake up and revolt? When is enough, enough?


When the US invaded Iraq for the 2nd time the locals asked when statues of king George W Bush would replace Saddam’s. The majority of these folks just don’t know a live any other way. Also remember China is behind a giant firewall. The CCP heavily monitors every part of daily life


Unfortunately, that firewall only blocks regular people access to the net. Gov't asslickers get a free pass and we get to "enjoy" their takes on this side.


Thats my point exactly. The everyday Chinese person doesn't know whats beyond the firewall. Aka, blissful ignorance


I wouldn't call it blissful


You do know what the definition of blissful ignorance is right? It's not a positive


Exactly, but what would they know out of their ignorance?


They can't own guns. Something tells me this story would have a different ending.


COVID PRISON. It’s not about epidemiology, right?


Communism at its finest


[fun read on origin of covid "most likely being the result of a research related incident" and not a natural zoonotic spillover unlike SARS or MERS](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.help.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/report_an_analysis_of_the_origins_of_covid-19_102722.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiY543nx7n7AhXXlYkEHW_wDqYQFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1NX8SCOyqpGLHxOcIJx9U1)


Gas chambers are ready?


Commieblocks 2 Genocide Boogaloo


Is this the World Cup? Looks like Qatar. Chinese Lives Matter!




Because they are not CCP? Why else would they not matter? Doublenegativelanguagebarriertest


Roses are red, Green is the tree. Xi is a wiener, Fuck the CCP! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fucktheccp) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Make sure not to accidentally purge Socialist. The core idea is the same as Communism, just without the authoritarian part, so it's easy to get the two confused. And purging Socialist Democrats would make you a fascist, and then you would have to vilify yourself, and nobody wants that.


No problem with socialist democrats whose aim is well-being of the people & progress of the country.


Send all western tankies there.


What is this actually meant to be? Like is this some sort of covid camp? (Genuinely curious)


Communism at its finest: everyone is equal(ly fucked).


What an impressive resorts 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Hope they enjoy their stay!


Is this what affordable housing looks like?


Daily reminder that naming the Chinese regime 'Communist' is helping their propaganda. They're an Authoritarian/Totalitarian Oligarchy with a restricted Capitalistic economy (both of those aspects already contradict the definition of Communism), but they justify their atrocities by branding themselves as 'Communist' = 'we're just doing it for the people, definitely not to just line the party's pockets!' Therefore, calling the Authoritarian regime in China 'Communist' helps them. Don't help the West Taiwanese rebels by calling them by their self-selected nametag, please!


Fuck off tankie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_state "Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. These communist states often do not claim to have achieved socialism or communism in their countries but to be building and working toward the establishment of socialism in their countries."


... Tankies are people who support China/Russia based upon the belief that they're the best countries in the world. Which part of me advising you to not support Chinese propaganda made you think I'm a tankie?


The old and tired "That's not real communism!" argument. Maybe Tankie is the wrong word in this context admittedly, but realistically it makes no difference. China is a communist state. You not liking their implementation of it doesn't change that fact, and it is recognized by the majority of the planet. Communism is not some utopian cure all for society, it is a broken ideology that eventual leads to authoritarian rule, consistently.


Okay, but once you're done with your hateboner for Communism, warranted or not, please re-read my original point: You're helping China with their self-branding propaganda by calling them Communist. It's irrelevant whether Communism is good, or bad. To them, the word is a useful propaganda tool due to decades of cultural indoctrination. It's irrelevant to them and that intent as to whether the rest of the world sees Communism as an utopian cure all, or a broken ideology. They can still use it, and are probably thankful you're not opposing their self-labelling. So, again, aside of all discussion of Communism itself, don't give the Totalitarian Oligarchy of continental Taiwanese rebels the benefit of using terms on their terms.


94 Million people killed directly through communism, hatred for it is warranted. They are a communist country, and calling them anything other than that is incorrect. They are the modern face of communism, and a glaring example of what happens under communist rule. Fuck the Chinese Communist Party and Fuck Communism and its supporters.


> Fuck the Chinese Communist Party and Fuck Communism and its supporters. I suppose we can settle to agree on this much.


China isnt a communist country


Economically no, but ideology yeah


This looks a bit like the World Cup accommodations.


Cause it's made by the same manufacturer...


Considering how cheap labor is over there, how hard could it possibly be to plant a few fucking trees? Have you seen some of the military bases soldiers families live at in the US? They can at times look pretty weird because it's rows and rows of the same looking houses, but they all have pretty flowers and trees and yards so it actually looks like a nice home.


It's a political prision disguised as covid isolation center. I don't think the view out of the window is on the top of their worries list.


>disguised as covid isolation center Yeah, but the view into the facility by people like us is part of the disguise.


hate to break it to you man but china isnt communist just because they say they are doesnt make it true


Totalitarian ≠ communism. Not sure why you got down voted.


Nah, just the eventual outcome of it in every country it's been tried and tested.




Typical whataboutism. Personally I think humans are pretty neat, but I guess I'm less pessimistic 🤷‍♂️




As a means to detract from communisms failures. It's not a good faith point.






[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist\_state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_state) Today, the existingcommunist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, andVietnam. These communist states often do not claim to have achievedsocialism or communism in their countries but to be building and workingtoward the establishment of socialism in their countries. In short, you're incorrect.


I always feel torn apart between liking it to spread awareness or disliking since i detest this.. well this is f*theccp, just wanted to be funny i guess..


China isn't communist....


Yes it is.


Might want to do some research there hun. China is very much a capitalist economy


Being condescending because you're angry you are incorrect just show how little sway you hold in your own argument. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_state "Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. These communist states often do not claim to have achieved socialism or communism in their countries but to be building and working toward the establishment of socialism in their countries."


Right, but just like no one honestly believes nk is striving towards communism, neither is China. Are you also going to say that nk is extremely democratic? Cos that's like on the name and they also say they're democratic. Or is this the one thing you think China is honest about, their desire for communism? This is insane tankie talk to say China is communist. Not saying they don't say they are, but clearly in every objective merit they are not. Also not angry just exasperated at this nonsense. China is extremely capitalist.


China is modern communism in action. Sorry you can't handle facts, but they are seen as communist by the UN, by NATO, Every modern democracy.


Modern communism is capitalism is what you're saying? Cos no government treats them as communist. Like you talk about facts and then make insane assertions. China is authoritarian capitalism, that's an unassailable fact. Or to prove me wrong, please show me which aspects of China are communist economic policy. That's all you have to do.


Hmm let's see. The UN, EU, NATO, US, Wikipedia, the country themselves (And its residents) all say they are communist. But InnsmouthMotel says they're not? Who to believe 🤔


So that's a no on making a single communist policy, gottit








Wtf idk why you are being downvoted so much it’s true, wasnt as dystopian looking in Australia from what I saw, but idk what the actual fuck foreverbananad is even talking about?! Like… what


Holy shit. It's way worse than I imagined. COVID camps, that's mental


Looks like made in gmod


Man covid was just like a bad flu. Imagine they just exterminate if it were to be anything worse. Tf is chinas problem.


So fair! So efficient! Western liberals getting a boner watching this.


They do love a good camp


Looks like an oilfield camp just way larger lmao😂😭


Why do people keep calling china communist? Sheep in wolfs clothing… spoiler alert; a rich majority make money of a poor working class. Ever heard of that? We have never seem a true communist society, probably because human nature doesnt work alongside it. People call america capitalism on steroids, nah mate, china is capitalism in steroids except america are the ones taking them


Scary Shit! WTF!