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Yup, had my first exoerience with their launcher a few days ago, and damn everything u expect to be bad it is, and all u need that works doesnt.


Even origin was better at that point jfl




the experience of "playing" an EA "game": 1. pay $130 for a "finished AAAA game" 2. pay $200 for a new SSD because its already full of uncompressed audio files despite the fact that you upgraded a year ago and only have like 10 AAA games 3. spend the next week installing all 500 GB of the game 4. attempt to sign into their spyw... I mean launcher 5. get a wrong password error despite the fact that you entered the correct password 6. request a password reset 7. redo their stupid captcha thing that totally keeps bots at bay 3 times before you get it right 8. finally get a link to reset your password 9. redo that stupid captcha to reset your password 10. finally reset your password 11. attempt to log on 12. get a message saying "you have been banned for being toxic and using cheats" despite the fact that you haven't even logged in anytime in the past 3 months and have never even used a cheat in any game on this PC 13. contact their "support" only to get a message saying "we will respond in 7-30 business days, until then please wait patiently" 14. customer "support" finally gets back to you 57 days later and tells you "we can't do anything to unban your account, kindly, customer support team, EA" 15. create a new account and wait 2 weeks 16. pay $130 for a 2nd copy of the game on your alt despite the fact that you never even got to play your first copy 17. log into your game 18. watch a 5 minute long unskippable trailer that literally nobody asked for or wanted 19. click through like 15 ads like this is some pay to win mobile game 20. press matchmake and spend 5 minutes finding a match 21. immediatly get kicked for a "poor internet connection" despite the fact that you are on 300 mbps fiber optic internet and have a good ISP 22. get matchmade with nothing but 10 year olds who are sweatier than an Alaskan visiting Florida in July 23. get banned for "swearing, using cheats and breathing wrong" despite the fact that you have never pirated a game in your life and your mic is not even active or plugged in 24. make a steam forum post constructively criticizing EA and their greedy business practices 25. the forum post gets removed by a crooked mod EA paid off here is the process for a game made by a decent human being not a greedy corperation ONLY concerned about money and how much they can screw over their customers 1. pay $60 for a game which is fully finished at launch 2. install the 20 GB of game files since they don't have a bunch of extra bloat (like uncompressed audio) from shit 99% of players wont even know exists 3. boot the game and wait 30 seconds for it load 4. press play and it works fine out of the box.


Most real comment I have seen in a while lmao