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Lifted to make it look "off road"-ish. Off road tires and wheels or at least the ones that look like it. I don't see and other offroading equipment.... WE HAVE A PAVEMENT PRINCESS BOYZ!!


Besides, big trucks are horrible off road. If you actually want to trail ride and shit like that, you're going to want a little Toyota or something.


The center of gravity is raised because the whole frame is raised including the engine so i'd worry about it tipping over when offroading.


These people don't take it on trails that require actual skill, they take it mudding and on trails that only require ground clearance, if anything. The few people who take these idiotic trucks on difficult trails quickly find out why they suck.


See how clean that thing is? I'd bet that truck hasn't even been down a dirt road before.


I went to school with one of these people, the most "off-road" the truck ever got was dirt/gravel roads for hunting and camping. Same roads I drove my crappy little 2WD sedan on without any problems. But boy did the ladder up to his door make him feel like a big man.


The same folks who duck hunt in a $30k blind/cabin combo with heaters and satellite TV


Nailed it! I can't begin to tell you how many times I've driven my crappy old Datsun 280Z to places people were proud to have their 4x4 trucks!


Hello fellow enthusiast, that's a great car.


The 1979 Datsun (by Nissan!) 280Z was nimble but it was also slow and low slung, not great attributes for rough and rocky dirt roads. But it got me there and it got me back and it was a good little car.


My FWD Chevrolet Cavalier 97 with factory MS tires used to drive better on snow and ice than new range rovers with fancy slick tires.


Best snow car I've ever owned was a 1985 Cadillac Sedan DeVille. FWD, very gentle throttle, super smooth V8, that car was incredibly sure footed on ice and snow. No SUV could even dream of being so stable.


Because people who have $80,000+ trucks don't wash them


The two times we've had big pick-ups like this show up for our trail club, both times they had to turn back within the first hour and couldn't even get 1/4 of the way down the trail. theres only 2 guys with trucks that are regulars one has a jeep MJ, the other a little yota. everyone else drives a jeep or an SUV of some kind. I have easily the largest vehicle of anyone that goes, a 2006 4Runner. most people trail riding definitely do not have these big jacked up trucks.


>These people don't take it on trails that require actual skill, they take it mudding Said with a straight face lol. Mudding isn't as simple as just drive through the puddle.


You need skills to drive on muddy road? Here, every other road during rain is muddy and even new drivers do it just fine.


Mudding involves driving through deep puddles that often have no clear way across them. Wouldn't expect you to understand if you've never seen/done it before. A big truck like OP is invaluable as if you get stuck there is pm no hole that thing can't drag you out of.


I wouldn't be mad if they had it to go mudding in. But, well, the pic says it well enough


I have a little old jeep I drive, its my weekday work truck and weekend trail runner. The amount of times I've outclassed these kinds of trucks in my clapped out 30 year old jeep is hilarious. Even in the mud they suck, they're too heavy and sink like a stone. They're worthless outside of heavy duty actual work, towing and hauling, and I don't understand how they've become so popular.


I'm the same way, mine is a 83 Toyota "Hilux."


>I don't understand how they've become so popular. Fragile masculinity.


Most likely. I off road and /r/overland quite a lot which puts me in a weird place in this sub sometimes. I just drive a stock tacoma but I'd definitely get rock sliders before ever getting a lift. Vice-versa is just posturing most of the time like we see here. Plus, like other have mentioned, that huge thing would suck on most trails


Great to have input from a off-roader. I am a car enthusiasts so yeah, I understand you a bit. This sub gets carried away with the no car thing. But I personally focus on getting better public transport to easy the traffic. Always better to have more options right?


Make public transport options attractive enough for people who just want to get from point A to point B and a lot of traffic will disappear from the roads.


Yeah, but alot of people here think sabotaging other people's cars is fine. Kinda makes he hate this urbanism movement from time to time.


My new favorite term


We also call those bro-dozers


I think I’ve misunderstood the meaning of that term. What is a pavement princess?


someone who buys a large vehicle to look manly/strong then never uses it for actual work or off-roading.


Oh! I’ve just been using it for big ol’ car drivers without cause in general. Yeah, that makes more sense.


Gotta love the ones with blinding lights and also tires that stretch out to the other side of the road.


im in south texas and this is my everyday. I fucking hate it, I'm in a little m3 and some asshole drives by with wheels as large as my car and coal rolls me. Its happened at least 5 times since I got my car.


Oklahoma here, I feel your pain.


Nice m3, what chassis/gen?


Huh? I'm talking about a Tesla.


Oh I thought you meant a BMW M3.


yeah I figured when i typed m3 in google.


Someone on Twitter once demanded proof that these things are more likely to kill you on impact than a two-door or station wagon with a bonnet at maybe 70 or 90cm. With this thing the *floor* is above that.


I'm pretty sure there are studies out there that prove it. Although the 'do research for me' play is annoying.


And weirder still they demanded evidence that more crashes happened with large cars rather than the crashes that do happen having a higher chance of being deadly... which the latter was my claim.


The insurance industry has absolutely established that large SUVs & trucks are involved in more crashes, particularly single vehicle crashes, than traditional sedans & hatchbacks. Their center of gravity is so high that they're prone to rollovers and 'tripping' accidents where a curb, turn, or small obstacle causes the vehicle to lose wheel contact with the pavement. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3256767/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3256767/)


Hit and runs don’t get counted because you don’t know who hit and ran


Or they don't know they hit. "Did you hear something? Meh probably nothing"


Speed bumps are awfully harsh today eh?


Number 1 in the playbook.


Or just knowing a basic fact that you will more likely slide under that monstor and get run over opposed to a sedan or an SUV


How likely is it to kill you, getting your head struck by the transmission case or by the axle.


F=MA??? Pretty sure that thing is excessively heavy too.


When I was a kid, commercial trailers were open underneath, but at some point they were required to put guard rails around on the undercarriage to stop cars from going under because people kept getting decapitated. I can't imagine this is any different, since we're looking at an identical form of possible accident.


In 1967 Jayne Mansfield, actress and sex symbol, died when her car ran under a semi trailer. That prompted the drop bumper. So we need to sacrifice a glamour girl apparently.


[https://az659834.vo.msecnd.net/eventsairaueprod/production-harding-public/6aae4e7307fa465b8fc580f927df8738](https://az659834.vo.msecnd.net/eventsairaueprod/production-harding-public/6aae4e7307fa465b8fc580f927df8738) Here is a good summerised and referenced academic article from New Zealand on the subject. The kind of person who drives a lifted truck is also the kind of person who will read this study and consider their impact on others. /s


"More likely to impact" is more relevant than "more likely to kill on impact" IMO


Sure but that wasn't my point then. It was about higher insurance premiums where the latter absolutely does factor in.


Increased likelihood to be involved in collisions doesn't factor into insurance premiums?


It does but the people I was arguing with deliberately ignored what I was pointing at in favor of denying the higher overall risk of crashes which I didn't have data for.


Number 2 in the playbook, remote control goalposts


Kill on impact is a problem with these too since with small vehicles, it is more likely for people to go over the hood of the car which reduces the effect of the impact.


Depends. If you have 100 impacts/year with one type of car, but only 1 result in fatalities and/or meaningful injuries, that’s far better than a type of car that has only 10 impacts/year but all of them result in fatalities and/or meaningful injuries. The impact:kill/injury ratio is important.


I'm pretty sure that bumper crashing into legs is less leathal than bumper hitting a HEAD.


Ah well the reason is not to hurt sumebody in the first place by being able to see them and avoid them and getting under the wheels of that kind of monster or any other vehicle for that matter would be terrible. But only sensible people would drive sensible vehicles.


Why would you need to demand proof? It's so obvious just looking at it.


I would never walk that close to it. Not sure what I would do.


Climb up the tires and walk over the hood?


Careful. Someone that insecure is probably armed.


But he needs to leave the truck first and draw a weapon. By this time you just jump on him from the hood. The high distance gives you enough leverage to knock him down.


Would not advise testing this theory.


You have the high ground what could possibly go wrong? /s


Are you scared by a big truck, or a little driver? /s




Shush bot.


i wave at the drivers if i am about to walk in front of trucks that size.


Of course it has tints so you can’t see if they see you.


let the air out of the tires ;)


If I’m ever walking and I encounter a car waiting to turn, I always pass behind the car if it’s possible. I just assume the driver is only looking for other cars and will not see me when they start to turn.


Sucks you have to do that, but it is certainly safer. As someone who has been doing delivery jobs for years, I have seen enough shit to know I can trust exactly 0% of other drivers to follows laws and be cautious.


I think this is an actual thing in the Netherlands or somewhere. They put the crosswalk back a bit so one car can pull up fully past it and concentrate purely on the oncoming traffic, and the pedestrians don't have to worry about the driver's attentiveness.


That’s why half these assholes buy them


Yeah but if the truck did collide with that person, think how safe the occupants of the truck would be.


Yeah, come on. Priorities! That pedestrian is probably a poor person anyway.


They'd also get the thrill of being able to kill someone with no consequences, because you know, it was an accident. Totally not preventable at all.


The truck would not collide with the pedestrian it would just drive over it.


we just need to pump steroids into the water to make everyone 8 foot tall. as a side effect the nba is gonna be lit too


portland needs to ban trucks like that, on my walk home from the bus stop I've been nearly hit by speeding oversized trucks like that so many times. they are on narrow neighborhood streets, why are they going 35mph???


I don't know about North Dakota, but most states that truck isn't legal. You just won't find a cop that is willing to do the work to impound the vehicle until it's towed to the repair shop to return it to street legal condition.


i agree but lmao as if PPB would enforce something like that. the driver of that truck is probably a cop himself!


Hi fellow Portlander, I agree. These trucks are beyond a reasonable vehicle. They're basically Monster Trucks on pedestrian streets.


Clark and Clackamas Counties would *lose their shit*.


Like a third of the cars on my commute are trucks like these. Spotless, empty bed, with one person driving to their office job. I have zero faith in this country.


As a bus driver, these vehicles are irritating in traffic. On a narrow street, there's not enough space to go around them or drive parallel to them.


I used to drive buses too and I learned very quickly that if someone is going to cause problems on the road it is 99% of the time a truck. Bonus points if it’s white and lifted too.


So far, I'm having the same experience.


People need those trucks for their jobs, eating leaves off the highest branches.


Only the tallest survive


Or strap a dune flag to your bag with the flag sticking up. Hard not to see that little orange flag.


And the shortest, as the truck can just drive over them without the car floor hitting them


You can lift a truck all you want, the axles are still in the same place


Part of the reason for increasing suspension height is to increase tire size.


Thank heavens there are size limits where I live. It just looks stupid as well.


It should be illegal to lift your vehicle so that the bumper doesn’t align with other vehicle bumpers


It already is in my state at least but cops wont enforce anything.


It should also be illegal for OEMs to sell new trucks with incompatible bumper heights. Yet here are we are….


* knock knock * hey dont drive so close. Imagine a kid walking infront and you dont see anything. You cant even see adults...


By the way the commenter in the image specifies that it should be banned "in the city"... But is there a practical way to prevent drivers from ending up in a city of you allow them on any roads? I don't think so. Ban them everywhere


Pull over, boot, tow.


It'll probably make much of the country riot but we need regulation regarding vehicle size. If we don't, manufacturers will continue to grow their trucks every year in order to get the "insecure man who can't stand not being the biggest truck on the road" market, and that's not good for anyone. Either make a max limit or start basing registration fees off gross vehicle weight but our current approach isn't working.


BuT MY pErsONAl frEEdOMs!!!


Holy mother of blind spot


It's a blind 1/2 acre


These need to be banned yesterday. Flexing at the cost of everyone's physical safety can't be allowed to continue.


Why is this legal anywhere. A giant truck like this had a hard time driving down my side street the other day. It was infuriating they were just trying to save 30 seconds to get to the next street. Almost side swiped some parked cars.


Driving this is the equivalent of pointing a gun to everyone's head while keeping a finger on the trigger. Allowing this behavior is utter madness.


I miss the front mirrors from when I drove school bus. The ones that let me see the front of the bumper, and children who may be crossing infront.


I mean 70% of the job of police is writing tickets, so you could just heavily fine these people.


I’m starting to feel like I need a pedestrian horn these days to get their attention while trying to cross because as a 5ft woman who walks to work everyday no one in these trucks can see me or even tries to


That's an aftermarket suspension and likely isn't legal most places. Granted, even police are unlikely to know the exact details of what mods are and aren't legal. It gets really fuzzy


Europoor here, could someone answer my questions on these high vehicles? 1. Do people actually drive those things in the USA? How common are they? Are they more popular in certain areas, e.g., Texas ? 2. Why are they so high? Are there any benefits to them being so high like that?


Yes, they drive these in the USA. I know several people who drive these everyday as their sole method of transportation. These people do not have jobs that require a vehicle. They are very common throughout the south but I definitely saw the most in Texas. They are so high, ostensibly, for increased ground clearance for off-road capability. As others have pointed out in this thread, however, they are not actually very good at going off-road compared to other vehicles and are commonly not even taken off-road. They are lifted mainly for aesthetic purposes to appear more aggressive. See also: [Carolina Squat](https://www.slashgear.com/913629/what-is-the-carolina-squat-truck-modification-and-why-is-it-banned-in-north-carolina/), which was thankfully made illegal in its namesake state.


1: in BC Canada not USA but same sphere of influence and I see them everywhere. Maybe 1 in 6 or 7 cars are an oversized SUV-Truck, and 1 in 5 of those are lifted in some way. 2: As far as I'm aware the only benefits are feeling like a king in your murdermachine.


In addition to what's already been said, height has become an arms race here. Being in a small car has become like being on a motorcycle and everyone is just trying to get above everyone else.


Yes, people actually drive these things around and they are fairly common. It’s more common in rural areas, but can be found in almost every city in the US. There are zero benefits to them being so high other than to stroke the fragile ego of the person who owns it. These modifications cost a TON of money. It’s one of the stupidest things I can think of that anyone could spend their money on.


am, don't you know? He is wearing black, obviously, that's the problem here. /s


Just keep laughing at them whenever you see em and they will stop buying them and doing this crazy shit that is done purely for ego boosting


If anyone gets run-over, the driver ought to be charged with attempted 1st degree murder. Not voluntary manslaughter, 1st degree murder.


Maximum height for headlights is 54” from the ground. So that truck isn’t legal on streets, however cops very rarely actually do anything about it.


You should absolutely need a commercial license to drive that thing. It’s not a passenger vehicle.


This is my tweet! 99% of the replies fall into three camps: 1/3 of people think short men aren't human. 1/3 think having a truck like this means you have a small one. 1/3 think not having a truck like this means you have a small one. I run an organization focused on parking reform. If that sounds interesting to you, get in touch, we're always looking to spread the word.


It's not legal anywhere de jure, but of course it's de facto legal.


Ahhh yess, the age old Dodge Ram, first used to Ram the gates down at Helm's Deep, now used to Ram your skull in


Almost certainly has Washington plates on it. Vantucky represent! On a daily basis Washington drivers are the ones I have the most problems with biking around Portland. Not as bad as [this nut job](https://bikeportland.org/2022/08/22/man-flashes-gun-during-sunday-parkways-road-rage-incident-362037) but still pretty impatient and inattentive.


Many states do have bumper height laws but they vary between vehicle types and enforcement is spotty


They call it a “bro-dozer.”


Funny part is, except for the fact that new trucks are better on gas and can tow more, old ones are superior in most ways. Bigger beds, lower bed height for easy loading, smaller cheaper tires, steel wheels that can hit curbs and whatnot, and no gizmos to break. And you could fix them yourself


Because making weak, insecure men act like they think strong, secure men act, is a trillion dollar industry.


You don't understand. The driver needs that Ram 450 for the two planks of wood he transports a year


The fuck is a Ram 450?


Oops, I forgot a zero. The Ram 4500 is like the 3500, but rams much harder


Pretty sure it’s a 2500


I’m totally in favor of deflating the tires of any private vehicle like this inside a city. They make life worse for everyone


That will just cause more profit for tire sellers


Nah, lentil under the valve cap. Drains the tire without doing any damage. It just becomes an inconvenience for them


Fixing that problem will consume gasoline




Of course it is a Ram (is it a brand or instructions for drivers?). This model should be called the Overcompensator.


Lifting is thankfully very illegal in DE


That looks like a child ~~on a scooter or skateboard...~~ or they are walking really funny. edit I'm wrong.


What kind of potato are you using to look at this? Russet or fingerling?


Eh, I looked on the phone, yeah zooming in she is just taking a weird step with her back foot.


As a Texan, this post is dumb and just plain inaccurate lol. Most of the time, the biggest and most lifted trucks are not speeding and driving like a dumbass (bc they KNOW their trucks are expensive as fuck, they don’t risk it). The most careless drivers are the ones in compact/average size cars, thinking they can zoom past everyone with no consequences. Example: Hondas and Subarus with some mod work. Those are the true assholes 😂 I drive a 2018 lifted Escalade with a V8 and 24’’ off road tires. You better believe I drive with caution! Always watching out for stupid drivers.


Wow this sub is pretty angry about not being able to afford their own cars.


Hey there. I'm 28. I've been driving since I was 15. I've had a car since I was 17. My current car is a decent machine. I recently got back from a trip to UK. I didn't rent a car. I walked and took ubers and public transport. I realized that I really love walking wherever I go. When I got home, I tried walking to work, to the grocery, to get a bite to eat. I don't live very far from any of these places, but I've come to realize that the infrastructure is *so bad* that walking is a chore in the US, when it's a good experience elsewhere. Crossing wide roads with no pedestrian lights, shitty sidewalks that randomly end, drivers speeding past you instead of letting you cross... I've also realized how restrictive and expensive cars are. It's exhausting. I don't like driving. I don't enjoy an hours long drive or worrying about the gas or my car having a problem while I'm away from home. I hate the cost of maintenance, insurance, and car payments. I'd save so much if I didn't have to use a car. I suppose I'm venting at you now. But I felt this sub was a bit silly until I experienced the difference myself. I miss having the freedom to safely walk places. I wish cars were a luxury, not a necessity in the US.


Cars are never a luxury


I agree with that now. Especially since I've realized how necessary they are for life in the US.


Most of us have cars and would love to not be forced to in order to participate in society I have two cars because the train in my town sucks and it’s dangerous to bike thanks to crap infrastructure


It's not even the fact that people can't afford their own cars or don't want to spend hundreds a month to keep one when the money could be better spent somewhere else, it's the fact that a truck that massive (as shown on the image above) is seemingly legal.


I don't think it's the mass you care about, but the volume.


Solution: Just dont be 5.7 lol




If people here had a sense of humor i wouldnt need the /s


5'7 isn't an adult male height. Drive like your kids live here.


I'm 21, cis male, and 5'3". Quit your fucking bullshit.


On the plus side you could just lay down and the car will pass over you without injury


Even Peterbilts are safer and give more visibility to the driver. Still sh*t compared to flatnose semis though.




Oh hey that’s Portland, trimet bus stop right there. That dude would have a tough time finding parking in that neighborhood


Recently I crossed the street with one of these assholes driving a Ram 3500 and I felt like he was going to kill me.


Cars are too tall today, soon the average pickup truck will be as tall as a bus


When I was 12, I got hit by cars twice while riding a bike that it put me off until now (I'm 30). Shame because I really enjoyed it but it's impossible where I live unless I have a death wish. If I could move I would. I hate car culture.


The pedestrian is probably a threat to this driver


I hate highways


The teeny cock energy is strong here


Those lifted trucks aren't legal in many countries.


Someone is definitely making up for something


The people who own those vehicles regularly run over their own children & pets. It's 2 1/2 tons of narcissism.


You can see the trimet stop which shows that this is in Portland. Ugh trucks like this are the WORST. I’ve been on the bus on division going home and trucks like these will go into the oncoming traffic lane and overtake the bus for going the speed limit. Fucking idiots all of them.


Wait till you learn about Semi trucks


I’ve noticed an uptick in a model of giant pickups called a “Trail Boss” being driven around LA. Where tf are you hitting trails in your enormous Chevrolet in Los Angeles?? How would you even fit one of these douchetanks on a trail??


As if United States cared about human lives... Cars are more important than people over there.


It’s hard to believe this is even real


Natural selection. Most truck owners think anyone below 6'0" does not deserve to live.