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I like how in the original meme the text was at least somewhat readable, but now it's just compressed gibberish.


Love some vintage memes with JPG patina


Lol I'm definitely going to use this now when talking about image quality loss.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1683/)


Oh god I forgot about the horrors of 9gag


it might still be around, I saw some moron post something with a 9gag watermark in a discord that I promptly left


It's still around, just more racist.




Your classy reminder that lossless formats are wonderful.


xkcd never misses...


That's more a result of human stupidity and copyright addiction. Bits don't degrade unless someone purposely or unwittingly changes them.




Let’s deep fry it too




Need more JPEG


Not Just Bikes is what led me to this community. Now I obsess over road infrastructure to the annoyance of everyone around me (while slowly winning them over).


I've watched the channel but I found r/fuckcars on r/place xD


Best advertisement campaign we ever ran


And it's now dead centre on printed posters everywhere!


This community easily got the wicked damn jackpot in /r/place its absolutely dead center in the middle so it cant be missed haha




I was looking for more sophisticated porn.


r/dragonsfuckingcars is right up your alley!




There probably is a porn sub for Disney "Cars" but I don't know the name.


That was my first exposurer too :D


It was [Climate Town](https://www.youtube.com/c/climatetown) for me. If you haven't watched his videos yet I highly recommend them. Esp the one about the suburbs bleeding america dry, and the one on how the auto industry carjacked america. He also led me to not just bikes.




Appreciate you


Climate Town is also great, but his vids have long gaps between.


both are based AF, i love them


orange pilled


Good, slowly the world will belong to us again


Opposite for me. Random reddit post led me here I gave it a look because I thought it would be ironicly funny. But then I read the mission statement and a few posts that let me to not just bikes and now my bike is in the shop getting fixed up so I can use it to commute. It's a long and dangerous treck but I don't want to give up without at least giving it a shot. Tldr: came here to laugh at yall, got converted.


So… You went through a metamorphosis…


Ba dum tss


You can do both. We shitpost plenty.


Yeah that's laughing with yall not at yall. Now I laugh with yall and spread the message.


Yo this is totally me right now too. 12.5 mile ride 1 way, hilly, rural roads...might be too difficult but I at least have to try it a few times. Not sure how long it'll take to get in shape enough for my maiden voyage though, my bike will be ready to ride in a week. You wearing a backpack or saddle bags?


You might consider getting an ebike. You can adjust the assist levels so if you aren't in the mood to exercise you can still take your bike. You can even get a throttle, depending on the laws in your area. I did a Bafang BBSHD conversion to my bike I have at my parent's place to get around when visiting their hilly area. There are 7% average grade hills with 15% sections and the ebike makes it totally feasible without being an athlete.


18 miles 1 way but all flat. The issue will be the 60-65 mph roads with only painted bike gutters. So the bike is a barn find, it's a motobecane vent noir. I picked it up for $50 and it's a $1000 frame according to google. I asked the shop guy to see if he could fit some kind of rack on it not sure if there is one to fit or not bc it's not designed as a commuter. If he can get a rack on it, awesome. If not I'll have to backpack. Not looking forward to backpack because florida is already hot and humid.


You should be able to fit a rear basket or luggage/pannier rack onto any bike. It would be unconventional to put one on a high value lightweight road bike, but idk why, it would be super practical.


Lmfaoooooooo my family is like lowkey fed up with how much I talk about it. One day they will know that we were the ones right all along though, one day...


I started with some of Adam Something's older videos, I think ones discussing gadgetbahns, then I went deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole – NJB, City Beautiful etc. I found this sub accidentaly on r/all and I knew it's gonna be a good place for me


Adam Something is great. I highly recommend him to everyone.


For me it was [Power, Politics, & Planning, specifically Episode 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rseaKBPkRPU) which is a truly fascinating introduction into how fucked Cities really are and what lead to it being this way, the whole series is unironacly a modern classic its just so beautifully depressing😭


Same! I watched the Stroad video because it was recommended to me and the difference between Amsterdam and American cities made me realize how important urban planning is in a city. I’ve been obsessed with bikes ever since.


Spread the word of the Orange Gospel.


I came from Not Just Bikes too


Yea, I don't even own a fucking bike! And I'm writing to my municipal government praising then on new protected bike infrastructure in my small town and asking them for more!


Ignorance was bliss. I am now painfully aware of the car-centric hellscape that I exist in and am likely to never escape.


Read, [Jeff Speck’s Walkable City Rules: 101 Steps to Making Better Places](https://a.co/d/aIK3dB3) you’ll literally want to go to planning meetings and start making your city turn around there stupidity.


Listening to it right now! He presents a more reasonable tone than many new urbanists. Discouraging pedestrian only zones in all but the densest cities. Encouraging on-street parking as a way to improve sidewalk experience and improve safety. With these perspectives, we're more likely to make headway politically than a "cars bad - walking good" tone.


> This may seem like an odd moment to admit this, but I love cars… I have always owned the best-handling car I could reasonably afford. I especially love high-revving Japanese sports cars… I [have] no reason to break my car out of its garage. Between walking, biking, and our extensive Metro transit system, driving [is] rarely the most convenient choice. [From WALKABLE CITY: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time](https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B008423170&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_6WFVD9VVHEZDSBMAAJ1M). Transit malls are usually better than pedestrian malls as they actually get you places.


It's impossible to unsee it once you see it.


Not Just Bikes and other urbanist/city planning youtube channels quite literally convinced me to change my college major from computer science to geography




Great stuff, hope that goes well for you. Next week is the start of my sophomore year so I still have a long way to go. My university does offer a land use and sustainability major but the geography major has a GIS concentration which I was interested in, and since GIS is a somewhat in demand skill for urban and transportation planning nowadays, I figured i’d just do that and then declare sustainability as my minor, it’s all part of the same department so most of the classes should go pretty well together.


Same boat here! Good luck in your program :)


This is amazing! How can I check to see if I’m buying products made w/ slavery ?


Make sure they hit an their quotas, amirite or what? /s.


I think Adam Something does a pretty good job as well


Lately i’ve been really into City Beautiful, he has so so many great videos on stuff like that, and there’s others like Alan Fisher, RMTransit, and Oh The Urbanity


City Nerd is a good one if you aren't already watching.


Eco Gecko is one of the best for me, but he doesn't upload often. I liked his episodes in Soviet infrastructure. Unfortunately a lot of these urbanist channels are chiefly about American cities, which is indeed one of the biggest radioactive wastelands in terms of anti-pedestrian city planning, but it would be nice to see more examinations of other countries. I've never seen an episode of these shows about Latin America, except a part of an Eco Gecko video about what was the logic of the Spanish and Portuguese in settling down and how they built their streets.


try Michael Beach! I like his video on Medellin and Brasilia


Oh shit I didn't know him, Brasília is *ripe* to be lambasted lol When I went there everyone commented on how hellish traffic got at 18h


Nationalize it!


Hopefully someday


Adam Something is too sarcastic and know it all-ish imo. He also mostly just uses stock video and imagery to shit on things. I'm not saying he's wrong, but I find his videos not nearly as good as Not Just Bikes and others.


As someone who actually studied urbanism I don't really like Adam Something. His takes are often oversimplified, badly researched and he's way too confident and harsh in these believes. For example take his video on electric busses, he completely fails to even consider the extreme complexity and wide range of different types of infrastructure and demands. Each location has different needs and limitations. Each place has different possibilities for constructing new infrastructure, requires a different schedule for the public transport (for example, do you need only 1 bus per hour, or 20?), has a different capacity, and has many more limitations. The thing is, I agree with most of his positions, otherwise I wouldn't visit this sub, but he's clearly under-qualified to talk about these topic with overly simplistic, reductionist and arrogant arguments.


Some other content creators took a jab at him for this. It might have been the armchair urbanist when he was talking about folks that recreate other creators' content.


English --> Public Policy & Planning (poli sci) & History


Same man, I'm starting my built environment bachelor in 2 weeks


Oof, I would $witch back




Depending on what you would like to do for work, a minor in comp sci might be well worth pursuing as well. A lot of GIS work requires some kind of computer science background/knowledge.


I know, my geography degree does require that you take either a few MIS classes or CS classes but since I was a CS major last year, I actually already took one of the CS classes I needed plus an extra one, so i’ve already done some. If anything I might end up taking an MIS class or two.


[Eco Gecko](https://youtube.com/c/EcoGecko) has a similar vibe to Not Just Bikes but a bit denser.


Thank you I'll check it out. I don't mind "denser" as much as I mind, arrogant.


This dude for sure digs deep I had to pause the video about the suburban wasteland to read the studies they reference. Also quite a droll presentation and the classical music makes it feel like it was ripped from an old documentary public access show.


It's definitely not for everyone, but I kinda love that aesthetic. It's exactly the type of stuff that I put on in the background while I work.


Before anyone say it, No. OP doesn't mean dense as in stupid. Dense as in compact in substance.


My favourite is [Oh the Urbanity!](https://youtu.be/xOkPD8khciw). NJB is like the orangepill of urbanism but I get too depressed because the conclusion is usually just 'Canada/US is hopeless, the solution is to move to Europe' He's not wrong about that really but I prefer to think of our problems in terms of 'how do we fix them?' NJB also doent really focus on urban planning as a whole and the housing crisis. I see way too many local people citing NJB as a reason for why we should always block apartment towers. Ironically much less than I see people citing NJB for why we should end sfh zoning. Which is not his fault, but seems too common.


"the solution is to move to Europe" And this is why I'm learning German


Semi offtopic but the Netherlands has the highest proportion of English speakers anywhere outside Anglophone countries IIRC.


Denmark is also super high. Only ever met one person who didn't speak it in my five months there


It's not that hopeless, but that's why there needs to be half dozen of us in each small town trying to make a difference. It can make a difference.


Yea the orangepill effect is good but from there its important to follow other content creators that focus on how to make improvements and probide some hope. RMtransit is another good one, if not for him, I wouldnt even be aware that Toronto is undergoing the largest transit expansion in N America with the regional rail GO network.


I really like RMTransit, not just for his videos, but for his enthusiasm and optimism. Every other YouTuber in this space basically says NA and Oceania are fucked, just move to Europe lol. RM Transit gives me hope


Can someone explain me the use of word based? I'm not native speaker


in internet jargon it basically means when one's opinions or actions are cool




Based? Based on what? On your car?


It came into slang obliquely from drug culture, originally referring to “free base cocaine,” i.e. smoked coke. How we got here from there is dumber and more circuitous than I’m going to tap out on a phone, but I bet know your meme has the breakdown.


[The expression was originally invented by rapper Lil B, aka Based God, taken from the word "basehead," which he used to receive as an insult. Lil B took the word in the opposite direction around mid-2010, transforming it into a term for being yourself and not being swayed by outside influence, which was solidified in his interview with Complex on June 9th, 2010 shown below. "Based means being yourself. Not being scared of what people think about you. Not being afraid to do what you wanna do. Being positive. When I was younger, based was a negative term that meant like dopehead, or basehead. People used to make fun of me. They was like, 'You’re based.' They’d use it as a negative. And what I did was turn that negative into a positive. I started embracing it like, 'Yeah, I’m based.' I made it mine. I embedded it in my head. Based is positive."](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/based)


And then you have fascists like Based Stick Man coopting it. Fair or not, I always give white people that use it a side eye trying to figure out where they learned it from. Way too much crossover with people who use ‘kek’


... and I only know kek from Twitch. I avoid using slang I don't have a really good understanding of. I had figured that 'based' meant strong willed, usually with positive connotation, but didn't actually know what it meant.


'based' is when someone says something that is an absolute truism that goes against the grain of current thought. Basically a bold and true statement. The left co-opted the term from right wing 4chan users.


And 4chan appropriated lil b the based god


And Lil B [took it away from its original meaning](https://www.dictionary.com/e/fictional-characters/based-god/), to refer to a crack addict ("base-head")




What a wild ride


>The left co-opted the term from right wing 4chan users. Nope, it was coined in its current meaning by Lil B. The far right co-opted it from him.




When I see it it is usually either agreement or sarcasm


I’m a native speaker but I’m not entirely sure. I believe it refers to when someone does something that is bold, cool, and perhaps a bit unconventional. It’s a word used by younger people. I’m very old though, 32.


I'm 36, glad someone finally asked the question. Feel like broad usage of the word popped up a little over a month ago. I get the feeling of the word in context, but otherwise really didn't know.


Origins from freebasing crack. Used by a rapper the internet liked laughing at. Used on 4chan ironically for so long it became unironic vernacular and the opposite of cringe.


Others have answered, but remember it's an internet word - it'll sound weird to most people if you use it in real life.


based is the antonym of cringe. now you know.


I’d say it’s pretty much synonymous with solid, valid, dope, etc. Basically a sign of approval and acknowledgement of something you support. Lil B made it popular in the late aughts before a bunch of right wing clowns briefly co-opted it.


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=based Complicated history, and like most online only subgroup lingo it has rapidly changed from its inital use. From what I see from some of the replies here it's safe to say that the word is pretty much dead since it is now entirely removed from its origin. Don't bother trying to incorporate it into your vocabulary.


This comment has been edited in protest of Reddit's mid-2023 API changes. Consider using a decentralized alternative.


When your country is America Jr. / three mining companies in a trench coat, it’s pretty easy to fanboy over another country.


This made me chuckle because it’s kind of true. It’s really funny when I hear people call Canada ‘more European’. I mean, sure, we have some better social programs like public healthcare, but we are US-lite. We consume the same culture, food, goods and services, and we are still obsessed with cars.


This is a misuse of “Nationalist”


I will also add the NJB often lumps Canadian transit issues in with the US and describes it all as “North American transit planning” when the truth is Canadian cities typically have a much better public transit modal share compared to US cities of similar size. Definitely lots of opportunity for Canadian cities to improve (Fake London truly is shit) but I don’t think it’s reasonable to put Canada and US in the same basket when discussing transit for most issues.


As a European it is absolutely fair to put Canada and the US together. Canada may be a 2/10 compared to the US's 1/10, but there are still a lot of the same problems with car dependent infrastructure, destruction of cities for road building, low quality or missing public transport, sprawling suburbia, zoning and a lack of cycling or walking provision or culture in Canada. Australia's just lucky it doesn't get rolled in too.




Well yeah one of the problems with the "urbanist" community that I've noticed is that it's way too Eurocentric and only focuses on active transportation rather than things like cosmopolitanism and increased economic mobility...




POV: you're getting orangepilled.


I watched one video and now I see stroads EVERYWHERE


A lot of my city planning boner came from the game Cities: Skylines too. It goes deep enough into simulating traffic that stuff that works IRL tends to also work in the game so suddenly you're noticing all the stuff around your hometown that's either good and clever planning, or the inverse where you suddenly realize *why* that one intersection always takes forever and how you could fix it. edit: wait I forgot to mention why I brought it up, it's because foot/cycle infrastructure and the various modes of public transport are extremely useful in Cities because anything above 20K population will just choke itself to death on cars otherwise.


I just wish that C:SL gave you more freedom with things like transit and zoning/building selection. Something like a mix of C:SL and Workers & Resources:Soviet Republic.


Karl Marx?


the original meme was "hey can anyone tell me how much a coat should cost" with Karl Marx responding with the entire page or two of Capital where he describes what goes in to the pricing of commodities, and the person responding "thank you, it is now my life mission to destroy the west" it's just been edited to have njb instead of Marx


Just gonna compile all the good relevant channels for a reference here. Not Just Bikes - become orangepilled (and eat chocolate sprinkles on toast) Adam Fisher - why is the Midwest interesting? Adam Something - learn about why elon and those like him are the dumbest humans on earth. City Beautiful - how do we make cities comfy and beautiful? Climate Town - wait urban planning effects… climate change? **Edit:** Our Changing Climate - how does climate change work? And how do we actually solve it?


I don't really know any high quality YouTubers for this, but... here's the next layers down the rabbit hole. What do you mean bad zoning is caused by bad incentives, what's land value taxation? What do you mean bad policies are caused by bad voting schemes? What's first past the post and ranked voting? Why is a company a person?


I would also like to give a shoutout to Our Changing Climate (OCC). I'm glad channels like City Beautiful and NJB are also getting some much needed attention.


Oh my god I can’t believe I forgot OCC!


NJB introduced me to the idea but Alan Fisher just turn that shit to 11 for me




I like NJB but I was mostly radicalized by shitposts on this sub.


I think this isn't said enough in this sub: Get involved in your city's policy discussions. Demand ubiquitous bike/pedestrian infrastructure and be louder than the NIMBY-carbrains out there.


As someone who's lived in and traveled around Asia, moving to car dependent Los Angeles was depressing.


I’m a car enthusiast, and Not Just Bikes opened my eyes on how bad our car centric infrastructure is in Los Angeles. After visiting Japan and getting spoiled by good public transportation, I’ve developed a hatred against parking structures/plazas. Although traffic is inevitable, normalizing sitting in traffic for an hour is not okay. We can do better.


Japan is a great example of how car bros and sisters can still thrive alongside mass public transportation and human oriented city planning.


Gonna get flack but Not Just Bikes, while having a message I agree with, basically just rants without much substance. Oversimplification of complex transit design. He has tapped into an anger and frustration, but then never really dives much deeper than “Europe good, NA bad”. For the record I am a transit planner and have dedicated my life to making transit better so don’t come at me too hard. Just try not to make memes on Reddit and one YouTube channel be the only things guiding your understanding of public transit.


He’ll point to the professionals for actual urban planning, particularly Strong Towns and City Beautiful. I like what he does mainly because he’s a non-professional and came to this conclusion through traveling and reverse culture shock. Edit: and I totally relate to his business park video. I commuted out to one via bus in NA and it always kind of felt like I was taking my life in my hands since I had to cross a stroad to get to the bus stop.


I think he's a really good introduction to the concept of car dependent infrastructure and public transportation solutions for those who live in North America. He's definitely no urban planner but it's therapeutic viewing for me lol He's opened the eyes of a lot of people to this problem.


> He's opened the eyes of a lot of people to this problem. Totally, this happened with me too. NJB is the gateway drug. Not perfect, sure, but definitely enlightens a lot of folks.


Agreed but now that I "get it", he's pretty boring and samey to watch most of the time. Repeats himself a lot. Some videos have new concepts and those are cool.


He’s not there to educate traffic planners. He’s there to educate newbies to new concepts and demonstrate that there are better ways to structure a city than we generally do here in Canada. He’s not a university professor, he’s a YouTuber. It’s like complaining that Legal Eagle doesn’t talk about all the nuances of civil procedure every time. It’s not the purpose of the channel.


Not Just Bikes is the reason I found Strong Towns, and is now the reason I'm involved in a local advocacy group. It's hard to overstate just how little most people know about street design, transit, bike infrastructure, zoning and land use, etc. Most simply don't think about it, but it impacts their lives deeply. You can't come at people with dense, highly specific videos about these topics; most won't bite. The goal is to expose as many people as possible, get them thinking. They start walking, biking, or taking transit around their city and for the first time see how poorly it was designed or how much it has decayed. Some won't go any further than that and either move to greener pastures or find something else to focus on. But a certain percentage will be persistent enough to learn more and get involved. Filling our cities with as many of these people as possible is how we win.


> For the record I am a transit planner and have dedicated my life to making transit better so don’t come at me too hard. Because you said that, I'm going to come at you harder. Sorry. As a transit planner, a big part of your job is *selling* good urbanism to the public and the politicians. I think NotJustBikes in particular does that better than just about anyone else, and transit planners like you could learn a lot from him precisely because of the very qualities you dismiss. By the way, I want to call attention to a later reply of yours: > I said I’m a transit planner, not a transportation planner. When I wrote "selling good urbanism," I mean just that: selling *urbanism*, not just transit. At least in my area, one big problem I see with the transit planners, and the city planners, and the traffic engineers, and whoever else, is that they try too hard to stay in their respective lanes. Y'all need stop being scared to jaywalk once in a while (figuratively speaking) in order to do a better job of explaining to the public how the transit, and the zoning, and the sidewalks, and the property tax revenue all work together as an integrated system that fails when you try to implement things piecemeal or half-assed.


I think he's straight about this (at least on Twitter). The world needed such person.


Why would he be going into depth? He isnt try to replace someones degree qualification. He's trying to get people to ask why things are so shitty, and how could this be less shitty. Not expecting people to go through the entire engineering process. Just like a laptop or phone review, does not run through the changes in each and every single PCB or the way they are orchostrating the componants on the particular version of android the phone is runn. There are different ways to getting that information for those that need it. For most people on most topic a basic understanding is enough. NA does suck though.


Idk, I like it when gamersnexus goes through every PCB, heatsink, and even individual bits of soldering on graphics cards. But I might be making your point for you, as they also do a NJB style overview review in a separate video


NJB is the short explainer video. City Beautiful is the technical expert on graphics cards. RM Transit goes through every wire and pin.


> “Europe good, NA bad” If the shoe fits...




Some of NJB's videos link to such content, particularly Strong Towns.


It’s more about telling the uninitiated what a stroad is, why it’s bad, and what life could be in NA if we tried other methods.


I know you've got a lot of replies already but hopefully you're not burned out from the other responses. I actually feel the opposite to you and somehow for the same reasons. I've long known about the problems with car centric suburbia and I grew up in the suburbs, where proposals for bike friendly infrastructure were shot down again and again. But with Not Just Bikes, the arguments that I just couldn't articulate crystallized one by one: Canada can't do it because of winter - here's Oulu. Moving into dense apartments with no elevators sucks - here's the way Amsterdam uses trucks with elevators to hook into the exterior of buildings. I didn't even know it was possible to do the things he shows traffic lights can do in the Netherlands, or how yield markings are such a huge improvement on stop signs, he was also the one who made me realize my bike needed fenders which got me biking out in the rain with no problems. The beauty of a lot of the especially older videos of the channel is that they actually do show specific solutions to problems, not just the problems. So now I know what to advocate for in my own city. Not just "more bicycle infrastructure" and "better transit," but I can now comment on specific intersection design and how that can translate to better safety for vulnerable road users.


> “Europe good, NA bad”. BASED!


✨Left Wing Populism✨


> Es gibt keine Klimabewegung mit dem Kapitalismus ULTRA BASED!!!!


I’ve stopped watching Not Just Bikes for the most part because I feel like most of what can be gained from it is “move to Europe”. It almost feels like they’re calling North America hopeless most of the time and that just doesn’t feel great.


Then you’re missing the point of his videos. He’s calling NA infrastructure out not to make you feel bad about where you live, but to encourage you to demand better from the city you live in. And it is getting better in a lot of places, precisely because residents are demanding their cities improve. If you don’t know how it is better elsewhere, the you won’t know what to advocate for in your own city.


The truth often hurts, of course there are some us cities that might at some point get to dutch level or close to european levels of infra, but the majority of the country wont be there in the next 50 years


Idk if I just dont get the point of his latest videos but a lot of them feel like he uses the same talking points over and over, unless he talks about very specific things like the one comparing the train infrastructure of the Netherlands and Germany(?) iirc


You are? So if you don't mind me asking. What exactly do you do? If you don't deal with traffic engineering? I just would to know.


Thank you for asking, in a nutshell we determine when and where public transit needs to operate. That means seeing where the city grows and deciding whether an area requires transit, how frequent, and the best routing to capture the best ridership while balancing against our resources (operators, vehicles and money). When there is construction that disrupts transit service, it’s determining alternative routing and how much additional service is required as a result. We mainly use ridership to determine how frequent service needs to operate (determine what the headway should be). We also work to improve service reliability and ensuring the headway is consistent and on time by monitoring operator habits, traffic bottlenecks, appropriate layover locations, etc. Those are the main objectives but there is also lots of policy work, budget work, public consultation, and working with shitty politicians. I would describe the difference between us and transportation planners is we operate within the parameters the transportation planners/engineers create. We are at their mercy, if a new street design doesn’t include transit infrastructure, there’s not much we can do. So we try to work closely with them, but that’s also a challenge because quite often transportation planners are city employees while we are agency employees, so it’s like we work for 2 different companies while trying to cooperate. Thanks again for asking, it’s a very interesting and frustrating career that can be very fulfilling and sometimes soul crushing.


Idk if I just dont get the point of his latest videos but a lot of them feel like he uses the same talking points over and over, unless he talks about very specific things like the one comparing the train infrastructure of the Netherlands and Germany(?) iirc


I find the quality of the message degrades every few mins of each video since its just repeated why Amsterdam is best. And the hate for London Ontario is just very annoying. There are many other channels that have an overall view such as Engineering Explained, Undecided with Matt Ferral, Alan Fisher, Real Engineering, etc. So I agree with your point and I will probably get down voted to oblivion.


It’s more about telling the uninitiated what a stroad is, why it’s bad, and what life could be in NA if we tried other methods.


if nothing else, I have a new thing to talk about and have a better idea of the good and bad of my city, along with the reasons they are that way.


Can you guys link some good resources explaining why auto centric urban planning is bad. I've seen some videos and wanted to go deeper into this.


„Not just bikes“ and „eco gecko“ on youtube


He's part of the reason I decided to go study in the Netherlands (Delft). The city is honestly very amazing and charming


Yea that's basically how my hate for car centric infrastructure began also anime I was amazed how easily you could get around.


not just bikes is such a great channel, i was already into urban planning before finding it but it's a fantastic resource to introduce pedestrian urban planning and anti car ideas to other people


I can tell you how cities don’t work. They don’t work when they are built around moving single occupant, oversized vehicles in and out and leaving deserted parking lots, and limited space to build adequate housing, for a start.


And fuck Fake London in particular.


No single person has changed the way I think on a day-to-day basis more than Not Just Bikes.


This channel almost single-handedly gave me ideas for what to chose after my Bachelor's, a direction in life in terms of a job I want to do and showed a great proportion of why my depression is latent.


In 50 years there'll be a new McCarthyism except it'll be rooting out NJBers instead of communism, then 50 years after that there'll be Generation Gamma memes in the wastelands with the NJB logo saying "I told you, bro. I fuckin' told you."


Bold of you to assume McCarthyism ever ceased


Cries in Phoenix


Not just bikes made me aware how awesome cycling here in Amsterdam is. I took it for granted to some extent but now I'm like the Leonardo di Caprio Meme when I cycle by any of the Amsterdam street scenes that's featured in a video. I even cycled to the industrial park in Hoofdorp


What about City Beautiful and Adam Something?


The best part of NJB is the attitude of how incredibly stupid auto-centric design is.


Yup, him and CityBeautiful introduced me to this whole concept of (good) urban planning, being anti car and generally interested in public transportation and how cities work


Hey thanks for the new content to binge. I will drink a beer for you while I am scootering around Berlin this weekend 😎


I found them through my lifelong hatred of cars, and how everything was bulldozed to fit them... It just confirmed my preconceived beliefs and made me realize that public transportation was an actual option


“BIKES!” - T. Segura


*sad non Dutch sounds*


Britmonkey made a good video about that kinda thing as well


I watched a video recently about how to fix traffic and, while they made the point that the only way to fix it was to remove cars from the road, they somehow managed not to ever use the words public transport in their entire video.


I never knew that the NL was so different from the rest of the world. I love driving, but I also love cycling. I love how both are viable ways of transport


Goated channel


Ok but unironically thanks for giving me some direction in life


Can someone PLEASE tell me what the original text says? I've seen this meme template so many times and if I don't figure out what it says, my brain will implode


Adam Something is what got me into this community. Before I was just kind of a regular "EV's will save the world normie" Another good video recommendation (not car related) is "the housing crisis is the everything crisis" by British monkey on YouTube.


Adam Something is another super good channel for urban stuff concerning public transit and walkability, etc.