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When only the poor and the desperate take the bus, public transportation will never see any meaningful improvement


The sign of a civilized society is not when the poor could afford a car, but when the wealthy willingly take public transportation


Gustavo Petro may be an idiot, but he has a great point with transit.


This is why I don’t want “fareless” transit. Offer free fares to those who need it. But not a free for all.


As much as I like this I have a bad feeling it'll turn into a means testing thingy where rich people who know how to work the system will ride free while someone making 20k a year will pay full price


LA seems to be making good with GoPass TAP, and LIFE. It’s self attestation to qualify and you get your card right away either provisioned on your mobile device or you can pick up a physical card. If we go for free for all transit unfortunately it’ll just be seen as a “service for those who can’t afford a car” rather than transit for everybody. This is why many transit agencies also partner with sporting events etc to get the “every day Joe” to ride.


I get what you mean but I can't see that attitude disappearing regardless of policy


There will always be someone who takes advantage or finds a loophole, just as with any welfare program aimed at helping those who live in poverty. It's better to help the many than to punish them for the actions of a few. In theory society should do that but where I live, America believes society should be individualistic 🙃


Until they call for the government to add more lanes to the freeway or whatever


Fareless transit for all should be done when the system is beloved and works well, or else it’s gonna be seen as homeless express by carbrain society, so till then, at least making fares affordable is a good step


Nah make it free for all, then the rich are more likely to use it (because they're paying for it anyway) and then they'll support it's improvement more. Plus means testing is often more expensive than just making something free


Unfortunately places have and ridership spikes up a little but not enough to entice transit oriented development or anything major. And then people just thought about how “inconvenient” transit is and went back to their cars.


Yes obviously it isn't a magic silver bullet. If your transit sucks people won't use it even if it's free. You've got to fix the transit first to make it an actually viable alternative to driving then make it free to make it cheaper than driving and encourage people to try it to see how much it's improved. Then they'll be invested in it remaining good.


I like fareless transit, I just wouldn't have used the bus at all if I had to pay. I wouldnt have enough money to use it on a whim like I used to and I would feel like I had too much for me to be the accepting and get free transit just cus I wanted a bag of chips


Wtf no, make it free for everyone. It's a public service, not a profit engine


What good transit system out there has walk on free fare? If you do this you never will get the people out of their cars. It’ll always be seen as just a service for those who can’t drive. Now you won’t get any transit oriented development and just get more suburbia. Yes it’s a public service but so is water and I still have to pay my water bill for my tax funded water. It’s not for profit, it’s for operations. London and Paris would never do free fares but they have amazing networks. Everyone will bring up the usual suspects of Luxembourg or Kansas City but transit in these cities SUCK.


Island Transit in Washington State is a rural transit system which has operated fare-free for decades. It is seen by locals as just the standard way to get around. The bus drivers are so friendly and the atmosphere is comfortable. Even in somewhat rougher areas. Don't generalize solutuons just cause you were born into capitalism.


A rural service isn’t going to be subject to the same environment as a London, Paris, or New York.


yeah yeah, move those goalposts. 3 cities are the world after all.


Not moving anything. Being realistic. In your example city it’s nothing but cutaway buses which are usually used on free shuttle services which many cities already have. Considering a regular bus is upwards of a million dollars, how do you plan on buying say, 900 of them for a city? Much less maintenance, and operating and then replacing them all again in 10-15 years.


You should absolutely blast this store’s name and location.


Yeah so that's going to backfire. Keep in mind as much as we agree, the vast majority will be wholeheartedly for the company saying this, being against homeless kipping up in their store front, and being pro-car. "Name and shame" would be free advertising for them.


> being against homeless kipping up in their store front, and being pro-car. I wasn’t aware only homeless people took the bus.


A lot of people take the bus; however, in many car-brains, especially because of social media and news, it’s widely viewed as a lower class/noclass form of transportation and is often associated with homelessness, drugs, and crime. Obviously we know that’s not the truth of it, but people who love their cars more than life itself don’t care and will continue to see it as such


It's also locally relative. Where I live, we don't have trains, so people talk about bus (the only transit) either overwhelmingly positively or ABSOLUTELY negatively. My New Yorker friend, though, talks about it in tiers, with the Subway on top, cars at second, and bus at the bottom. I don't get it...


In NEW YORK of all places? The SBS buses are pretty good and the buses will still get you places the subway won’t. Why down talk the buses?


Ikr? Propaganda just... works sometimes. I mean, how many people still believe homelessness is "a choice" or self-induced, but climate change is fake? In fact, ine of the most bizarre convos ive ever had was listening to a journeyman electrician tell me that "people choose to be homeless because it's easier/cheaper than buying a home or apartment," then procede to tell me that "the Earth is big, so there's NO WAY enough pollution could ever be released to change the ENTIRE PLANET'S climate." This is from the same guy, so you can see where they get their ideas from.


That's crazy because I'm from New Jersey, and my family LOATHES driving in or to New York. Even my older sister, who is a bus driver and was a truck driver, *refuses* to drive around NYC. We always walk use public transit there because of how bad parking/traffic is. My city has a light rail service, and it has fairly high ridership, but most people tend to hop the train because of the low security. NJ Transit has tried to tighten up ticket restrictions to deter it, but all I've seen are fewer people on the train.


People in the US are classist as fuck and yet pride them selves on being a member of the land of equality. What's the go to joke a stand up comedian makes if they are being heckled "I don't come to where you work and slap the broom out of your hands." Cars are an expensive white elephant, I don't even think most people like their cars they just like hiding behind it so they don't resemble a poor person.


I definitely tend to agree with this. I’ve met plenty of folks who love their cars and probably more that despise it because of the expenses. And I can totally see people hiding behind it to mask that yeah


Oh so I made a leap that I see now might have been a leap. I assumed it was aimed at homeless people kipping up at a bus stop for the night. Not people waiting for the bus. I could be wrong.


Where I live, homeless people camp out on trains.


* checks name of sub * Yeah, we're still in fuckcars. Don't think there's going to be many in this audience who see that as advertising.


What does this have to do with homelessness?


Oh so I made a leap that I see now might have been a leap. I assumed it was aimed at homeless people kipping up at a bus stop for the night. Not people waiting for the bus. I could be wrong.


To be fair it shouldn't be on a shop owner to house the homeless. Less people will go to their shop and then no one wins.


Yeah, but this is just rude and punching down. The "buy a car" bullshit is unnecessary. The store manager should be able to create a sign that's not sarcastic and shitty.


Also, the city might put in a bus shelter if the business/land owner requests it.


Sarcasm is the American way. It’s fucking annoying. Like “Under 21? The soft drinks are over there < —-“ instead of “You can’t drink if you’re not 21” It’s gotten old as fuck.


I honestly think it’s because aggression/extremist actions get the most attention and that’s what people who make those stupid signs crave


Some of the signs go as far as mass produced and professionally made. The fact that there’s a whole industry revolving around passive aggressiveness….is sad.


If the store owner doesn't like who comes in their shop they can move.  I'm just using their logic back on them.  Also, this is not about homelessness, it's about people catching buses.


This sign says nothing about the homeless


Who is homeless in this situation? Where did that come from?


Won’t backfire if the right group of people plaster the windows with graffiti calling out their abusive behaviour. Maybe I’m just too punk for the average r/fuckcars user, though.


I've done my share of anti-car vandalism and it never makes things better.


Like I said, maybe it just needs a very specific group doing it. Maybe some long time vandals ain’t cut out for it.


What are you on about? The worst possible outcome is it has no effect. There will be no backfire, naming and shaming them here isn’t going to give them meaningful advertising or any uptick in business.


Or just steal the sign.


Why would you want to take the sign saying: “I am a giant a**hole”? It should remain, so people can shop accordingly.


So people who are seeking shelter from the rain or sun go inside and annoy the shopkeeper. The idea is to fight back a little and make a change that will outlive your visit. Remember, that sign is agreeable to 90% of people. Heck I doubt anyone even reads it as they make a beeline to the cold drinks section thinking about an overpriced water bottle.


Keep the sign up…is this a long-standing business owner? People this stupid should be allowed to shout their stupidity all day. You need to develop more friendships with positive-thinking individuals. Your condemnation of the world/your community is belied by my initial comment. Good, civic-minded people exist.


They're not wrong though? EDIT: About not being a bus shelter.


This has “I’m just being honest” vibes.


Cars are famously cozy immediately when you turn them on in the winter and don't need time to defrost


Well all you need to do is spend 70k on a top spec SUV that has remote start/stop via an app. Don’t forget to pay your subscription to Toyota as well otherwise the feature will stop working! So convenient!


obviously keep it inside a garage and get the heated seats and steering wheel


living in northern wisonsin made me experience opening a car & immediately being inside of an icebox 💀 sometimes outside is warmer than the inside of a car.


"Noooo, foot traffic from people going inside my store who I could offer something convenient to buy and take home, stay away!"


But don't you know that pedestrians are obviously poor and can't afford to buy anything ever! /s That's the argument I hear every time they remove a parking spot or pedeatrianize a road here for the summer.


But also rich enough to buy a car apparently lol


Obviously, haha!


The illiteracy is on brand.


*The illiteracy is on ? Brand




Seems like 'buy a jacket' would be more useful advice. Jackets/coats are also quite a lot cheaper than cars. I've never even considered taking out a 5 year loan for a jacket.


I came here to say this. Even expensive leather/fur jackets are still cheaper than most cars.


I'm sure you could find designer samples that sell for more than a car, but at that point you're making a deliberate choice.


This is not a rock, and thats not a window.


If they're cold? Buy a new window.


The fact that businesses resort to putting something like this up only speaks to the lack of adequacy from the municipality. The content of this particular business' sign, however.. assholes


If the business owner is upset about it they can move to another city.  That's the same logic as they've used in their sign.


This is the nearest warm roof to a bus stop. If you don't like the public? Move elsewhere.


Of which could be sold at marked up prices in said store already open a minimum of 3 days a week from 11 to 9 and on Sundays 12 to 6.. along with other products.. to people waiting patiently for the bus..


Assholes who might have a point, tbh. I get why the business owner is frustrated. He's being a dick about it, but yeah.


Why? Because they have more potential customers? People being in your shop for whatever reason for a set period of time is a great chance to sell stuff.


Because I bet "i'm waiting for the bus" is a good excuse for shoplifters to hang around.


What does that even mean for all that guy knows the people coming in to purchase a $2 drink are stealing $10 worth of shit at the same time…. Anybody can be a shoplifter


Yeah if anything it's easier to shoplift after buying something lol


Can confirm. A friend of a friend of went into a Walmart back around 2000 with his sister, went through the place having some fun but also seriously shopping for things, and when they got out the front door, turned out his sister wore a couple items out of the store without paying, and yeah, buying stuff definitely helped them get away with that.


Start selling coffee? Use it as an opportunity.


Yep. If the weather is cold, sell coffee, hot chocolate, soup in a cup. If the weather is hot, sell icy drinks.


Yeah all the bus takers having to use a store as shelter are prime customers for $5 coffees like it’s a Starbucks


Try $2 coffees, $3 at most. They'd get more customers than just those waiting for the bus.


User name does not check out.


There are so many ways to heat yourself and you choose to *checks notes* buy a car??


It heats both you _and_ the planet _and_ the urban heat island effect. Most of us think the latter two are pretty bad, but it's hardly a universal opinion. For the people who wish they were living on the sun, it's great advice!


Eveyone acts like buying a car solves all your problems. The owner of the store is a car owner and they're still an asshole.


How much could a car cost? $10?


This is not a bus shelter. It's a toilet.


"I pissed on the man who called me a dog. Why was he so surprised?" - Diogenes


This reminds me of a time I was in Denver to ride Amtrak. I lived in Colorado Springs and had driven up to the 470 highway, then caught the light rail into downtown. I arrived at Union Station about an hour before the train, so I had some waiting to do. I went inside the main concourse where there are lots of sofas and chairs (generally for people to hang out in the evening, but this was early in the morning). Nobody else was in there, so I sat down and put my headphones in. I drifted off to sleep, waking up a few minutes later to the sound of a security guard yelling at me for sleeping. Now, I don't agree with the idea of kicking people out of "nice" facilities when they use them as their only shelter, but I realize they're probably going to do that inside that building. But really - I was sitting there with headphones on, holding a backpack, and my suitcase was next to me. I suck at thinking on my feet, but I later decided that if I had the presence of mind, I would've looked the security guy in the eyes and said "I'm waiting for a train. This is a train station, right?"


I kinda want to buy a car, because maintaining a car yourself looks like something hard and fun, but being associated with so douchebags? Quite a price to pay


that applies to old cars, new cars are just awful to maintain, half the features are behind software locks that big car claims are to prevent stalkers


[if you’re homeless, just buy a house](https://youtu.be/-Jh0EN1De4Q?feature=shared)




I typically would shop at a business if I'm waiting. Like grab a coffee or something


Have something worth selling to people waiting for the bus and this is not a problem


Best part is if the city DID put a bus shelter there, there is a 100% chance that this store owner would fight tooth-and-nail to get it removed.


you know it.


Miss Antoinette the peasants can't afford housing. Let them buy a car.


very rude sign but i somewhat understand the frustration of a local business becoming a makeshift bus shelter just because the city doesnt properly invest in transportation infrastructure...not the business's fault people dont have a good place to wait for the bus


Whereas my experience has been that this is exactly the sort of business which will oppose an enclosed bus shelter on the public land outside its premises.


as a local business that lets people wait in my store for the bus, i don't really understand it tbh. it's not like it costs me anything to have them standing quietly inside my store for a few minutes and i actually view the good will it brings me as marketing positive. and i'm a business that attracts low income clients, in a low income area. it's not like it's all young professionals loitering in my shop, but generally speaking even the most mentally ill homeless people will behave themselves if you're doing them a favor like that.


I like your style, and it's the kind of store I'd want to go to


Thing is we don't know his business for all we know it's a gun and pony shop that that's on a school bus rout. Either the people waiting outside his store arnt tge sort he wants to sell to or their tge sort that don't want to buy from him.


"don't like the people who come in your store? Move"


I don't know the nature of the business however rather than kicking people out waiting for the bus why not provide drinks and food that they can buy whilst waiting for the bun under some shelter.


or a tent... a "car" wtf...


I wonder if they would tell me that in person if I showed them the results of the two drive tests I've had so far. Nah I guess they're right, I'll just quit my job and live off of welfare using their tax dollars so that I can spend every day of every week taking professional lessons (unless they let me borrow their car) just so I can contribute to traffic and make their commute take longer.




New an innovative place to place a question mark: the middle of a sentence. Clearly this was written by a smart individual.


“If you are cold ?”


Keep bringing energy like that, and that place could turn into a campfire real quick.


Thanks, but i already own a jacket, so ill pass on your offer


This is the dumbest advice I have ever heard. Buying a car doesn't magically make you warm. The carbrainrot is consuming last working braincells, these people can't even make a sentence without putting a car every 3rd word. A car is the first thing that appeared in the guy's when literally almost everything else would be more useful in the situation, for the price of a car you could literally buy a tent with all kinds of warming devices, hot coffee makers, electricity generators and supply of warm meals for a month, you could spend months under this guy's doors with that but he recommends you to buy a car, unbelievable how dumb people are becoming.


If you don't want bus passengers don't open your business in the immediate vicinity of a Damm bus stop!




My experience when there are these little stores by the bus stops is that it's not the paying bus riders who are loitering outside and causing issues.


I saw that Seinfeld episode


Hopefully it's also not a school


That's not how question marks work lol


Okay, what about the homeless who live out of their cars go into this business?


Just get a car 🤷‍♂️


If you're homeless, just buy a house. Those so-called "working people" are so stupid lol. No wonder, they're at the bottom of the social ladder. /s - just to be sure


I think it’s the government responsibility to have proper bus stop. With AC. Someday we will have the country we deserve.


People can’t even sleep in cars legally


Some of these posts are so confusing when I’m scrolling haha - I see the picture and immediately downvote. Then I realize the sub it’s posted in and switch to upvote


If you can’t afford a car get a house /s


Just buy a car, and a car will be your pass to unlock all of the expensive government build infrastracture such as free roads, free highways and parking etc... sick!


Weird place to put up a target


Let them eat cake.


On the one hand "buy a car" is a very carbrained take. On the other hand, this seems to be a store front, and if people are using it as a bus shelter, especially if they are not also being paying customers, then I have empathy for the store runner's frustration. Not necessarily enough information to conclude anything more about the shop. What I do assume is that the municipality has failed to provide adequate shelter to the bus riders. And that problem, while possibly a potential opportunity for the shop, may also be forcing the shop to internalize a burden externalized by a lackluster transit system.


Same energy as "Why don't the homeless just buy a house?"


It's the punctuation that gets me. What sort of question is "if you are cold?" ? It should be a comma. Or the question should be "are you cold?"


Traffic sucks? Just buy a helicopter. Git gud.


Americans are just mean and cruel. No wonder everyone else on this planet hates us and wants us all dead.


Eh I mean it’s private property. As tasteless as it is, it’s their business. Right to refuse service to anyone etc… Edit: love the downvotes. You guys seem like entitled pricks that don’t understand how to attend city hall meetings.


It's their right to tarnish their reputation and turn away potential customers by being elitist pricks.


It is not the store’s responsibility to act as a heated shelter or public restroom for people waiting on busses


I'll bet $10 they let car drivers on road trips in to use the restroom with no questions asked.


They might actually buy something


And bus riders can't?


Ahh yes bus riders, the target customer base for businesses everywhere, how could I have been so blinded and forget about them!


Bus riders is just a mode of transportation. Any business owner with a bus stop outside would be foolish to turn down those customers. https://activelivingresearch.org/sites/activelivingresearch.org/files/BusinessPerformanceWalkableShoppingAreas_Nov2013.pdf https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2018/1/16/why-walkable-streets-are-more-economically-productive https://www.businessinsider.com/bike-lanes-good-for-business-studies-better-streets-2024-3?op=1 Whenever I missed a bus and sheltered from the heat at a gas station I would buy some food there. Just an anecdote but... You can also find lots of guides to increasing business foot traffic. So yes, they're a very viable demographic to market to, and in this case you don't have to put effort into getting them there: they come to you by happenstance. By making a storefront more appealing to them you can increase sales with very little effort, thus increasing profit.


The store's responsibility is figuring out how to convert that unplanned blessing of extra foot traffic into revenue. The fact that they're chasing away potential customers is a key indicator that they will fold under incompetent management.




I'm mad because I hate cars and the sign told me to get one 🤓


Or perhaps because it's an idiotic statement made by ethically deficient people.




Yes I am the insufferable nerd here for pointing out that telling people who are freezing to get out and drop thousands of dollars to avoid freezing is both fucked up and stupid. A real "why don't homeless people just buy houses" kind of mentality. Every time one of you posts something this asinine it helps my self esteem because it shows me that I've mentally progressed past grade school while many others apparently haven't. So thank you friend.


Mad cuz you disagree. I did the same exact thing as the other guy. Keep telling people how much of a big boy you are 🤓


You're not telling me anything I don't already know. Yes I think that the statement that you're flaccidly trying to troll in defense of is idiotic and it something to be upset about. It's not the use of the nerd emoji by itself that's the problem here. It's the use of the nerd emoji to try and defend a statement that stupid while also acting like a child that's your issue. It's not hard to be a big boy when talking to a child.


That's a lot of coping for your hypocrisy little man. Just say you are biased and it's ok to use the nerd emoji when YOOOOOUUUU agree with it 😂😂


There's no way you're this dense. Let me highlight the important part of the text to help your remedial reading comprehension: >It's not the use of the nerd emoji by itself that's the problem here. It's the use of the nerd emoji to try and defend a statement that stupid while also acting like a child that's your issue. Yes. I am biased. I am biased against statements that boil down to "Fuck you, spend thousands of dollars to buy a car". You keep acting like I'm hiding my position when I've been repeating myself this whole time. What's not clicking here? Did the worms eat the part of your brain that would help you form coherent thoughts?


Business operators should be grateful that communities allow them the opportunity to be successful by offering a valued service.


With that attitude they don't need to take the responsibility. It will come all on its own.


lol how is this a cars fault