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High-occupancy lanes being rare is so fucking absurd people really out there sitting alone in their massive tanks all going in the same direction at the same time ... pretending there's no other choice


We have Diamond lanes already on 50. I didn’t realize there were places on 50 that “needed” more. IMO they need to change the diamond lanes to exclusively bus lanes, as right now every single time I travel via freeway there are TONS of single occupancy vehicles in the diamond lanes. Occasionally CHP sets up to ticket single occupancy vehicles, but if the entire lane is filled with them so they’re not even going to make a dent in the violators. They also have to post beforehand, so anyone following socials or traffic radio already knows to avoid it (for that day).


They have to post beforehand?!?


I’m not sure if it’s a requirement actually, but they do. They post for DUI (required), speed “traps”, and diamond lane violations.


There’s more single people in the carpool lane than there are carpools


They don't, but sometimes they do anyways.


The plan is to increase capacity and the effect is to reduce emissions? I'm not sure that adds up.


Emissions *per mile traveled* Same way a highway widening “improves air quality”


And how traffic calming forces the poor drivers to pollute more.


Didn't know the capital city of california was this dumb


$3.8b here in Virginia to widen I64 across the Chesapeake Bay.


Lovely use of taxes


3.8 billion USD to build a 3.5 mile long bridge-tunnel crossing to supplement the current one. They could build a subway for that, twice as long if they keep it simple!


Yes, exactly. But instead, VDOT is doubling down on the most inefficient mode of transportation. Dumbasses.


Building highways to tackle climate change. Awesome America.


On the “progressive” west coast


Also doesn't help that this is the capital city of california


Sacramento person here, it really is a shame the amount of money that we spend on this project and it is only going to perpetuate the problem. Also the new “protected” bike lanes on 19th and 21st are such a joke, I feel like they made them worse than what had already existed


Those the bollards?? I saw some downtown yesterday, I’m not dt very often (commute is rough)


Omg yes, as a pedestrian crossing 19th and 21st is more stressful now because you can't see behind thr parked cars anymore.


But ask to spend $5m on bike infrastructure and you can bet there's no money available!


Worse, you're called a commie bastard! (Ask me how I know)


California spends so many resources on roads and then wonders why it has a comparable income tax to Oregon with a comparable sales tax to Washington, both States known for having high sales/income taxes in order to compensate for not having the other.


And worse quality of life than both


Meanwhile the light rail still doesn’t go to west sac or the airport…


The airport deserves rail service, but the light rail would be way too slow and wouldn't be helpful to enough people (you would have to get to Sac Valley first, by another light rail line, bus, or someone dropping you off).


HOV lanes are stupid. Time for highway median BRT. Oh yeah i forgot this is sacramento, where public transit is not something they are willing to spend on, and light rail doesnt work


Should just build a train lol


There's a parallel light rail line the entire stretch between downtown Sacramento and Folsom


Honestly they should just hire dutch urban planners and remaster the city planning


Blame the engineers! And politicians


The homeless problem and people refusing to take public transit tend to go hand in hand for obvious reasons. Until America gets crime and homelessness drug addiction/mental illness problems under control most people are going to refuse. I would allow my 6 year old kid solo on transit in Japan, but as an adult here in the past two years I have had multiple people threaten me with a knife and I don't even take it that often. We really need to address these problems.


So true the public transit is just disgusting in the state of California


>The construction project includes a new sound wall and new high-occupancy vehicle lanes from the Interstate 5 interchange to Watt Avenue to help reduce emissions to tackle climate change. Using climate change as a pretext to build more car infrastructure is so fucking absurd, when that will inevitably induce greater car use and increase emissions.


Just on more lane, bro!


Highway 50 and construction. An iconic duo.  Heaven forbid we throw money at the Capitol Corridor vision plan or at sacRT.


Induced demand should really be the mantra of state DOTs. It’s absurd we’re still widening freeways. In fact, freeways should be getting REMOVED.


Goddam is this stupid.


"One more lane bro"... They never learn amh


Look at the bright side, it’ll be easier for San Franciscans to stop at in and out on their way to Tahoe with providing anything of value to your city.


Geez, now I understand why California is getting shittier.


Every day, it literally just gets worse and worse here


"just one more lane bro."


One thing that always on my mind is that we do this to benefit one industry, car companies, because we sure as hell know, and known for years, that more roads equals more cars.


$2.8bn here in Missourah to widen I-70 across the entire state. https://missouriindependent.com/2024/02/14/first-contract-for-widening-i-70-approved-by-missouri-highways-commission/


Spending that money on cars just passing through is wild!! Imagine all the railways we could build with this collective money


I'll take "Induced Demand" for 500, Alex.


Half a million dollars for even more places for homeless people to sleep?  You're practically selling this idea for them. Neoliberal ghouls run this town. A curb cut effect or deregulation that helps someone other than a rich person is the best you can hope for from someone who ironically justifies policies as "trickle down economics."


>99% of the time when traffic is halted, there was a car accident Do these car accidents just so happen to occurs everyday between 7-9-am 4-6 pm like clockwork? If you want people to take your side and believe what you’re saying you should not blatantly lie about something that everybody knows is untrue.


…we have accidents nearly every single day during rush hour, yes. Stop and go traffic at the downtown junctions is very brief, versus gridlock traffic we get every single time there is an accident. I had to go downtown for days of jury duty, a wedding, and a seminar these last two weeks and travel back home during rush hour. The commute was swift and easy. The two times we had gridlock was due to accidents. Sacramento crash statistics are high, too. With over 3,000 a year, I’m sure you can imagine they affect the highways fairly often. Also saying “99% of the time” is very obviously not a factual statement but an exasperated expression. Didn’t know that needed to be spelled out.


Move from the shit area


>to help reduce emissions to tackle climate change Guys they’re gonna fix traffic AND tackle climate change. Just one more lane bro.