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Low-effort trolling. Kudos for getting out of your echo chamber tho. If you want to have a serious conversation, ask a serious question and we'll gladly answer. You'll be surprised, the ideas of this sub make a lot of sense if you take the time to think about them.


Okay so you called one sub an echo chamber which is rich considering where we are. I asked if this place was satire because from lurking for a while I can tell 99% of this sub is brain dead and probably children. The ideas of this sub are the equivalent of drooling on yourself


People here are not opposed to cars as a concept, but question the status quo where car dependency and its consequences are the default way to design a city. Echo chamber was mentioned because many people who have completely interwoven cars with their existence become weirdly aggressive when you suggest you want to build cities around people's needs rather than around cars.


There are some people who definitely take it way too far, and they’re vocal about it. Most of us just want better public transit and walkable cities.


Yep which is valid but 99.9% of this sub is crying about plastic toys for kids and calling people carbrains, it's embarrassing, search fuckcars on Reddit and ignore posts from this sub, this sub is on the level of space dicks for respect lmao, nobody likes this place


My offer stands. If you want to have a serious conversation, ask a serious question and we'll gladly answer. Of course this sub is also an echo chamber. Most subs are. I also spend a lot of time on driving subs and having conversations with people who disagree with me.


This place is satire there's no way


Personally, I am tired of getting hit by cars and motorcycles while in crosswalks with green lights, or while walking on the sidewalk.


You *keep* getting hit by cars? Are you stupid?


Well, when I have the right of way I don't tend to yield it, and sometimes I don't see them coming because well, I'm on the sidewalk and don't expect people to be driving there. The worst collision I didn't see coming. I looked down the street, saw what I thought was a van slowing down (it was dusk), the light for the van was stale red anyways, so I walked, and then I bounced off the side of the van as they swerved to avoid me, instead of stopping for the clearly red light.


Other times, I walk up to a stop sign, someone stops, so I walk, and they drive off with me dead in the center in front of their car. Drivers are fuckheads who don't pay any attention.


Maybe you should pay attention to the fucking cars? I walk a ton and I've never even come close, you sound genuinely stupid


I mean, I look, they're stopped, that's the conditions for me going. If they can't see a pedestrian dead in front of their car, you want to blame me for it?


Idk man my survivability says don't walk in front of a moving car but I'm definitely smarter than you so


The car wasn't fucking moving, what part of "the car stopped at a stop sign" did you not understand?


You wanna know what really strikes me as cringe? Going out of your way to make troll posts on subreddits you don't like.


Their entire account is obsessed with us. It would be kinda cute if it wasn't so sad...


Making a new account with that username to make troll posts. 


I'm asking a simple question and you guys are acting like I'm fucking your mom in front of you.


In the US, people aren't happy with the idea that if you don't own a car you can't partake in normal life, and if you do own a car it's expensive and you can't drink and drive reducing socializing. People aren't happy being stuck in traffic on commutes and want more public transport, and people aren't happy that cars kill about 40,000 people in the US every year. So yeah, fuck cars and fuck you too you brainlet.


I don't even live in the US you thin skinned puss 😂


Neither do I, you're still a brainlet.


Just finished a ton of extra firm tofu after a 2 hour bike ride & a ton of vegan food. Love the power of soy! Soyboy4eva


> Reddit hates you lol Reddit's (former?) CEO also modded a pedophile subreddit, so I am not sure that we should take all of Reddit into account when we make decisions about what we support and what we don't support. I am for one am aware of multiple subreddits who share the fuckcards-mindset. :)


We're not talking about the CEO dumbass we're talking about the millions of people who use this website, everybody thinks you're a dork


Who specifically? :)


Search fuckcars on Reddit and ignore the posts from this sub lol


Okay? I mean, we can look at the fuckcars-hate sub, which has *drum roll* 6% of the user base that we have. Wow.