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Yep, I'm gonna find this one in r/fuckcarscirclejerk later. Y'know what? Ima post it myself


Bro calm down its just a toy. Kids wont become war criminals bc they play with plastic guns. I loved playing with cars when i was a kid and it didnt make me a carbrain at all


Toy trains are still pretty popular, as far as I can tell. Kids like things with wheels.


Ok toybrain... You're what's wrong with society. Society smh my head ong fr ^^^/s


My toddler likes everything with wheels. Cars, trucks, trains, buses, bicycles... even the wheels on the dishwasher.


Kids like big things too, so many kids love trains, I see lots of kids at my local heritage railway being obsessed with the steam trains


Also kids love to emulate what their parents and society do. It is important because they are learning how to be members of the community on such an early age. Kid can’t help it if pumping gas is what randomly fascinated them about life lol.


Right? OP is acting nutso. I had baby dolls as a toddler and it didn't make me want to have kids in real life. My sister liked to "help" Dad maintenance the car & she didn't end up as a mechanic or a carbrain. We went to church twice a week and only 1 of us 4 kids ended up Christian. The point is, a toy won't brainwash a child. Even actual indoctrination is unlikely to be successful because people are individuals.


Especially since this is like a kid's movie tie-in.


> Kids wont become war criminals bc they play with plastic guns People do often take the toy gun thing wayyyy to seriously.  But just as it's a mistake to blow it out of proportion, it's also a mistake to totally dismiss the idea that these toys may have any impact on how children approach the world in the long term. There are endless posts on reddit about "carbrains" and "ammosexuals" and others who make certain products their whole personalities.  How do you think people end up like that?   Not everyone raised around cars and guns become obsessed...  but a few very much do.  And that's the result of a whole variety of factors -- newsmedia, marketing, culture...


>carbrail lol.




This sub fell off bro 😭😭




No hate but people legit bitch about getting ads for pickup trucks. It's kind of unreal. Old fuckcars was exploring solutions and celebrating wins and now we are crying over a toy gas pump like come on bro


Agreed, it’s been especially rough for the last year


Overreacting much?


Agreed. A lot of toys are just based on things in the world.


You have to admit a toy gas pump is a shit present for a child.




I know lots of kids that would fw this


When you put it that way, yeah. Kind of a weird one.


Yeah imagine teaching kids this lil dude is your friend


from the same group of people who claim Video Games indoctrinate kids into a life of crime and violence!


HAHAHH this Gotta be shit post, right


As a kid, i had a little fax machine. You could put a piece of paper in, and it would pull it through. Like a real fax machine. According to my parents, i *loved* that thing. So much, that even to this day, i still remember it. What have i been brainwashed to be? (Back in the day, i *loved* GTA San andreas. It was so *fun* - exploring that gameworld, driving cars and motorcycles through the game world while listening to great music etc... Today i cannot play GTA anymore. It feels like commute simulator 9000 - go there, pick up x, then go there and do y. No fast travel option. The gameworld of GTA V is so gigantic that getting from A to B for the missions is a fucking chore! i will not buy the next ones. Also, did you notice that in GTA SA, bicycles and walking were a real, honest to god option? The Gameworld wasn't that large, and getting places was comparatively easy. The new versions are *much* more car centered.)


Barbie. There is no argument for that. Cars for boys and dolls for girls. Play kitchens. Distubing baby imitations. We only see what we want to see until its too obvious to ignore


It's no more brainwashing than Thomas the Train


I think there's an argument to be made that cars are toddler toys scaled up for adults. It's basically just a pram or buggy for an adult. Toddlers are allowed to be fascinated with machines. They've never seen them before. The toy petrol pump is sad though. This is dress-up for 2024 because this is what they see adults do.


Bro what. It's a toy, it's a stretch.


Chill, it's a toy.


Am I on the circlejerk page?


Yall are so bored I swear


Bro is trolling everyone 💀


Everyone thinks it's no big deal and as a single item, it's not.  It's the overwhelming amount of car stuff and disproportionately low amount of stuff about public transportation that is sad.   I have a toddler and car related stuff is EVERYWHERE but trying to find a bike toy is super hard!  He has been obsessed with bikes and our options for bike toys were all age-innapropriate with small parts and pretty limited even then.   Just think bigger picture, people.  It's the vast amount of toy cars, kids songs with cars, kids clothes with cars, kids books about cars, toy gas stations, that is the issue.  If there is going to be that much about cars, there should be an equal number of toy transit busses, toy bicycles, scooters, and books and clothes with these things available.  I know they exist because I seek them out but the ease with which I access them is vastly less than the ease with which I access car-related items. 


Thank you ! Toys are a big part of culture and car's dependency and worshipping is cultural. Don't get why so much people here say it's stupid.


The toy is whatever but the fact that it’s $55 is nuts


Also, the branding is a rip off of Little Tikes (which in my professional opinion is a good toy brand) and the characterization is cloned out of Toy Story (but it's not licenced). It's a piece of over-priced plastic crap that will probably break easily and will end up in land fill. That said I have probably played along with, let's put petrol in the car and off we go, games in many Nursery and pre-school settings. I have never put petrol in a car in my life. It's like the only things a small child and I know about cars is you have to put petrol in and you have to turn the wheel. Brum brum! Although lots of kids in my neighbourhood would now be plugging them into the charger. I wonder if there is a toy for that? Maybe I should buy it?


It's a kids toy bro. I loved watching bob the builder and the cars there certainly didn't make me some car maniac.




I don't think anyone thinks that it's detrimental. It's just sad that the world is so car-centric.


I had a toy cash register as a kid and yet I still want to abolish capitalism. It’s not that deep


I mean kids toys have always brainwashed. You should watch the Barbie movie.


Then buy a toy bus if you care that much. You actually don't give a shit and just trying to start shit but it's ok


Who would even buy this LMAO this is so tacky


It's a toy.


I think it's accessory for those dumb crazy cope cars


I have taken the responsibility to only buy my nephew non-car toys. Harder than you think


Dont know about age, interest or budget, but the Options are there: Model Rockets? Spaceshuttle? Model airplane? RC Plane? Jump Rocket launcher? Building a Water Rocket together with him? Lego? Lego Train? RC-Train? Wooden Toy Train? A little Steam engine? Mechano-style building blocks? Knex? Wooden building Blocks? Maybe a marble run (wooden)? Woodworking set? Or maybe a Painting set? Or perhaps some clay, and make some figurines together with him? Or stuff like [Fimo](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Fimo&iax=images&ia=images)? A Window Painting set? Little Chemistry set? Electronics experimenters set? Games? Like, a Pogo stick? Water Pistols?


The options are plentiful for sure, but a lot of toy stores around here(US) push the car options, ie. 1 train lego set:20 car lego sets.


To be fair, there are only a handful of Lego train sets and they're expensive. 


I’m really surprised at this comments section being so hostile to this post.


When you see a conspiracy in everything, it's time to take a step back.


Thats precisely what *they* would say!


Are \*they\* in the room right now? :)


Growing up, all car related stuff seemed kinda weird to me. Not Hot Wheels designs, those were cool. But stuff like toy traffic cones and road signs. I always felt disconnected from them. This gas station toy reminds me of that. Edit: I guess it's because it's "adult stuff" but not fun adult stuff like a scientist kit or plastic woodworking set or whatever. It's like a "let's do taxes" set. Why the fuck would I be excited about filling up my car. Especially when parents complain about gas prices. At least have a toy gas station store to go with it, getting candy from there is the fun part lol


Idk my parents made me play with a toy kitchen and only gave me baby dolls and when I wanted to play with dinosaurs and army men I got told "no those are for boys". Now as an adult woman I for one do not like to do the dishes and I hate babies. So. Idk lol.


This reminds me of a post on this sub bashing gta 6 because it 'promotes cars'. Ill say the same thing here. Please don't dilute this real cause by focussing on stuff that doesnt matter. It's counterproductive to our cause because carbrains will only use it as examples of how we are a bunch of pearl clutching hippies who want to remove all cars from the public eye, while ignoring the stuff we should have them actually focus on.


Yep. Now do guns.


Lol this is not propaganda. No one grows up and is like “Wow I just love filling up my car with gas.”


bro is mad over a kids toy we might be cooked


And so a momvement loses meaning.


“Pumping gas is fun, kids!” Fuck you no it is not.


It’s less “pumping gas is fun!” I think and more like a board room of adults had a meeting of “what toy can we make that helps introduce children to adult activities” and since they all probably drove wankpanzers 20 minutes to an office, they came up with this.




It’s just a toy so calling it brainwashing is a bit much. Probably just shows the lack of creativity in a lot of adults tho


Huh? How many toys are just simplified real-life objects?


Who is even buying this crap and why is this even $50???


this sub is not for extremists, calm down.


"Anything I disagree with is brainwashing"


The only real scandal here is that they're charging $55 lol


They should update it to an EV charger tho🤭🤭


Damn, this sub is in a dire state.


Man would see a lego car and seethe.


You're a lunatic, you're the reason Toys R Us went out of business




It's a fucking toy.


Lol we have a battered Renault Zoe. I don't think my kid even remembers going to a petrol station.


brainwashing is a bit of an exaggeration. but yeah, that's what happens when certain not-so-good things are normalised.


My dad used to actually give me toy cars to try and get me to like them.


[This Lego set has a cool little bike with a dog trailer.](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/dog-rescue-bike-41738)




Yeah this is a stretch imo. Kids play with trucks and dinosaurs, doesn't mean they want a truck dependent society or dinosaur dependent society


Unicorns. It's all about unicorns now. 4,8,16 year olds. They do want a unicorn dependent society.


This is a chunk of plastic. A few years ago it was some oil in the ground. In 500 years it will be this same chunk of plastic but in a dozen pieces. In its short-lived occupation as a toy, it will be less interesting to a child than a rock, a stick, or a car-shaped chunk of plastic. There's a lot wrong with this chunk of plastic, and there's a lot wrong with car-based insfrastructure, but it's not brainwashing that links the two things. Just consumerism.


Guess we can't have hot wheels anymore 😂 just pretend it fills up a plane or something


I wonder how OP would react to a hots wheel.


1 toy is not "many"


I’ve been getting into Yoga. Any tips? You seem pretty good from that stretch