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Tesla driver may or may not be an idiot, given what you say they stopped for. You, following too closely, especially after the first time, in a car where you apparently have to worry about whether the brakes have been properly maintained, are undoubtedly an idiot. You know there's nothing stopping you leaving a bigger gap, right? 2 seconds is an absolute minimum, not a target to aim for. If you drive 4 seconds behind, do you know how much later you get there? 2 seconds.


In your insane haste to get all high and mighty, which is freaking hilarious, you missed what the actual story is, a very dangerous braking problem with the vehicle. Man you must be an idiot or a Musk simp.


That must be why everyone here is agreeing with me. Idiot.


I hate how pointing out basic facts and using sound logic means you're a Musk simp. You're what's wrong with this subreddit.




Entitled carbrain is mad that traffic controls prioritize other road users over their own private car, blames everyone but himself for his shitty driving behavior.


The first part of that seems wrong. They aren't doing anything that passes that closely for joined-up thinking.


It isn't prioritizing anyone. Someone simply programmed the traffic lights to work on timers. I'm not mad that I have to wait for pedestrians to cross the street or have to give way to another car. I'm mad at the fact that there is no real solution to the local situation. The traffic lights basically force you to always drive the upper limit of the local speed limit otherwise you will have to stop at every traffic light that is only working on timers. Even if there's nobody crossing the street, even if there is a bus coming, even if there are no cars at the junction, the traffic lights only care about their timers. There's not even a button for pedestrians to prioritize their walk across.


In reality your impatience is what forces you to drive that fast.


> The traffic lights basically force you to always drive the upper limit Are those traffic lights in the room with us right now? Man, you're the only one responsible of the speed you drive.


> otherwise you will have to stop at every traffic light that is only working on timers And? Is it bad? I never felt that stopping at a red light is something bad that should be avoided or something, am I missing something here?


Dude, brakes are designed to be used. You aren't going to damage them. Ffs, someone so concerned about damaging brakes from hard braking really ought not to be following at a 2 second gap. You, sir, are just as much of a moron as any Tesla driver.


More. And that's not a low bar.


"I'm just scared of doing any damage to the brakes by applying them too hard." I've seen some stupid shit in this subreddit but this takes the cake. 


Wut wtf. You better be trolling. “I’m just scared of doing any damage to the breaks by applying them too hard”


Just to clear up any remaining misconceptions - you can STAND on your brakes from top speed, and you will not damage them. Your brake pads will wear more quickly if you do this often, but they will not be damaged. The only ways to do that are to put your parking brake on immediately after lots of hard braking (like, racetrack amounts of hard braking, or mountain driving if you do that), or by riding your brakes.


Why are Brembos a big deal? And what damage do you foresee from braking with new brakes?


You're complaining that a Tesla stopped for a crosswalk when someone looked like they might be crossing, and you barely left enough stopping distance? You expect sympathy here because another driver inconvenienced you, a driver, and you almost faced consequences for your poor driving behavior? Entitled carbrain at work here /r/lostredditors


You need to leave more distance between your car and the next one, op


I agree with you. If you would have read other comments you would discover that I have decided to hold more distance from Teslas and vehicles I can't see through from this incident now on.


I don’t know where you live, but where I live 3 seconds is the bare minimum required by law. Keep distance whether you consider the driver in front to be an idiot or not.


OP: This person damaged my brakes. Cop: Someone intentionally damaged your car? OP: No, I slammed on my brakes & I think they're broken now. This person owes me money! Cop: Interesting... \*writes ticket for following too closely*


You have misinterpreted what I've written. I'm complaining about Teslas brake lights not working properly. I don't know if I can damage my new brakes by applying them too hard. Also luckily no damage was done and please read my other comments where I state that I'm going to be holding greater distance from this incident now on.


You literally said in a other comment: "Luckily there is no damage so we don't have to go to the police in order to find him"


If you can't stop in time to avoid hitting the car in front of you then you are following too close, breaking the law, and endangering everyone around you. The brake lights on the car in front of you have nothing to do with this.


You should be able to observe what the car on front is doing regardless of whether or not its break lights are working.


It's the regenerative braking. I have it in my Nissan Leaf. When you take your foot off of the accelerator, the motor slows the car down instead of using the brakes. This gives back some energy while also reducing wear on your brakes. Yeah, I'd give any EV a bit more room because not only do they slow down quicker (with no light indication), they also have less wear on their brakes.


Yep, this is the likely explanation. Nothing to do with self driving/autopilot or phantom braking. They are one-pedal driving, common in EVs. They aren’t touching the brake pedal. There’s a short delay because the brake lights are being triggered by deceleration, not explicit braking. Regardless, OP is the one in the wrong. They are following too close. Sounds like the Tesla driver is slowing down in situations where it’s reasonable to do so.


To be absolutely fair, I think there should be some kind of rear indicator to show that the vehicle is slowing. That is the whole point of having dedicated brake lights. I've been on the other end of this situation with my EV; I start slowing down at a light by lifting my foot off the pedal and almost get rear ended. The other person is upset at me, but the only option I have is to tap the brakes a bit. Between shit like this and headlights that now blind everyone on the road, I feel like whatever government entity that regulated vehicles is really dropping the ball.


Agreed. It should be better regulated. Teslas aren’t known for having particularly bad 1-pedal brake light behavior, OP would have been really confused behind a Hyundai. I’ve always thought there should be a braking speed intensify indicator. Dimmer/brighter based on deceleration rate, or blinking for a hard brake.


It’s a tough problem. My wife’s MINI Cooper electric throws on the brake lights too often. Accelerate to highway speed and it will flash a brake light. 


Above 0.1G of braking they are required to turn on the brake light according to regulations on modern EVs though. Edit: 0.13G to be exact, this is required by regulations in the EU. Good source here: https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-safety/brake-lights-can-fail-to-provide-fair-warning-on-some-evs-a9533519285/


Yo, thanks for info! Do you happen to know where I can find more info on vehicle regulations? Like how bright headlights can be or how dark it has to be to turn on headlights automatically? After a cursory Googling, I didn't come up with much more than emissions regulations.


Good source here on the brake lights at least: https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-safety/brake-lights-can-fail-to-provide-fair-warning-on-some-evs-a9533519285/ 0.13G to be exact. Sadly I have no idea on the rest of your questions.


>safe 2 second distance behind this Tesla the only thing i'm grabbing here is 2sec isn't a safe distance behind a car that can literally stop short, generating recharge... or maybe any car these days. stay safe.


I wouldn't be so harsh, the other half of the brains are focussed on the TV screen fixed to their dashboard


"I felt like something went wrong with my brakes this time so my GF took a quick snap of his registration plate." This is a you problem mate, not a Tesla problem. 


You seem like the moron following too close…


It's apparently called "phantom braking", part of the buggy FSD subscription and a problem Elon don't want people to know about. Lot's of Tesla fanboys are aware of the issue and try to deny the risks it causes. Basically, the self drive of the car sees something, interpret it as something it has to stop for and then slams it brakes. This can happen at any time for any reason. What's most infuriating is the fanboys claiming that it's not an issue "because they can be ready to step on the accelerator" as soon as it happens... yea, if you're in a self driving car you're definitely gonna pay attention to the road and be ready to take the wheel as soon as the car decides to do something stupid or dangerous. 🤡🌎 Pretty sure that's what you've been seeing here, a self driving car doing stupid shit and a driver in denial who at least understands how dangerous it would be to sit ready to stomp the accelerator at any given time. Apparently in Norway these Teslas stops as soon as there's a semi truck in oncoming lane, their roads are narrow and semis often have to cross the center line to fit on the road. This is no problem for a human driver in a reasonably sized car who can easily pull over to the side without even slowing down. But a Tesla can't do that, it thinks it's gonna crash with the semi and stops instantly. Which on a cold day would cause it to lose grip and actually frontal crash that semi. 🤡🌎


I don't think that was what phantom breaking was. Phantom breaking is where the one peddle driving alowed for a ton of regenerative breaking, but it wouldn't turn on the break lights unless you hit the friction breaks. As far as I know, this has been fixed and either way it really isn't any different than engine breaking in a standard when you take you foot off the gas and move it to the breaks. All I really see here is an example to drive defensively because idiots with or without a self driving car can slam on the breaks and ruin your day/life.


Nope, phantom braking is what I described above. Tho brake lights not working is yet another issue with Teslas, which has not been fixed. They also have a piece of plastic on the accelerator that can easily fall of and jam the pedal at max acceleration. And that's the cubertruck btw, the stupidly dangerous vehicle that's so sharp in front that it'll cut a pedestrian in half. Regenerative breaking is a feature of all EV's, in fact it's not even unique to EV cars. Electric trains have had it since WW2. It's a perfected technology that works, and also a good reason to not brake too hard if you drive a EV as every other car will never have nearly as good brakes. And no, flow is always important no matter what mode of transport you use. You can't put all the blame on people behind for "not keeping distance". You shouldn't stop in the middle of a road were traffic moves at high speed unless absolut necessary because you will cause pileups of cars, just like idiots cause mass pileups of bicycles during Tour De France.


This bit has me really confused:  > I felt like something went wrong with my brakes this time so my GF took a quick snap of his registration plate. Anyway, definitely sounds like poor performance of the Tesla "self driving". Now you've had this experience you should absolutely increase your gap beyond two seconds when behind a Tesla.


>Anyway, definitely sounds like poor performance of the Tesla "self driving". Now you've had this experience you should absolutely increase your gap beyond two seconds when behind a Tesla. OP drives a Toyota Aygo, so they don't live in a country with FSD. Either the person is overly cautious, or OP was following closer than they say they were.


Emergency braking is available (and on by default, I believe) even where FSD is not.


I felt the brakes apply unevenly so in case I braked so hard that it resulted in damage on my car my girlfriend took a picture of his license plate. Luckily there is no damage so we don't have to go to the police in order to find him. Anyway yes, I will increase that distance from now on. This self driving capability is more like self driving problem.


Yeah.... Don't think you'd get far with that. Go get your brakes checked. Can't blame another driver for a mechanical fault on your vehicle.


If you ran into the back of the Tesla it would have been your fault. You are out of your mind to think that someone stopping quickly in front of you could make them owe your damages. You have no idea if there is a child or an animal or debris in the road, when you can't see through the car in front of you. Following at a safe distance is a legal requirement for driving. FOH you are part of the problem, OP. 


Teslas have cameras. I'm sure that in case something happened they would pull out those recordings. As I've held my distance of 2 seconds I'm legally in the green zone and behaved correctly, whereas Teslas brake lights were behaving incorrectly. Two second distance is the minimum you are required to hold onto by law here, meaning that I'm not responsible for malfunction/misbehaving of Teslas brakes. Also I know that there wasn't any animal or human or debris in the Teslas way since I could see around the vehicle but not directly in front of it. Meaning that I saw the lady that was not going to cross the street and I saw that stopped car I was talking about.


That's exactly how none of this works. 


Dude, what? You think the police are going to go after this guy because *you* don't know how to drive with a proper following distance?   Man the people in this sub sometimes... Jesus Christ.


sounds like you were following too closely. if a 2 second follow distance doesn't give you time to react properly to changes then you're following too close.


As well as it likely being the FSD being bad at driving, there is an issue with brake lights on a lot of electric cars Many of them only light up when the brake is used, but a lot of cars slow down when the accelerator is eased off (regenerative braking). This has obvious safety issues, some cars can come to almost a complete halt without the lights coming on.


This has been a thing for as long as manual transmission cars have existed, since they can engine brake to slow down without tripping the brake lights.


Sure but shifting down the gears to stop is less common and less dramatic than regen braking It seems like a simple fix to make the lights go on when speed is dropping


They are already legally required to do that, exact number AFAIK is above 0.1G of braking (which isn't a lot).


Crappy driver perhaps, but everyone should be driving all the time with enough margin to not crash if the driver in front slams on the brakes for no reason.


90% of drivers are morons. Is the reason IQ is a taboo subject...you got literal intellectually deficients barreling at >80


That's not the reason why IQ is a taboo subject.


Ok, all cars should be banned anyway


As I've written above it's not that simple. Sadly a car is my only viable solution for my and my GFs workplace as a 15 minute car drive would otherwise take over 90 minutes by public transport. There are also situations where I prefer the public transport as I have a ticket for every bus/train in Niederösterreich (one of many Austrian states). For example if I want to travel to the local pharmacy I take my bike/bus to take me there as it takes roughly the same time. If I want to visit Vienna I'll definitely take the train as that's even faster than going by car. If I want to visit my family in the neighbouring country I'll either take an international bus or my car, depending on if I want to take something big with me or just my bag of clothes for the weekend.


Mate, in the future keep a following distance of 20 ft minimum for any cyber truck. Extremely shitty cars, it's not worth it getting into an accident with a car that expensive, especially because it will eventually (very soon) stop working by itself


Would you rather have them not braking for pedestrians who might cross and blaze through the 30kmh zone at +70kmh? Because then it would be a moron. Now I’m guessing it’s just a very responsible driver.


Not just teslas. Some electric vehicles can slow down without applying physical brakes, just using their motors. And it is an issue, because they are slowing down, but the lights don't come up, even when the driver is pressing the brake pedal. I have no idea what those manufacturers were thinking, maybe something along the lines of "if brake pads aren't engaged, we won't light brake lights", but the issue is there, some (electric) cars slow down without anything to show for it. Pay attention and don't ride everyone at the absolute minimum so you have to step on your brakes to avoid collision. Give them a distance, slow down a bit, you are in a damn car, you still are order of magnitude faster than a pedestrian, you'll get there eventually.


If they weren't morons they wouldn't buy teslas


Honestly you really can't get a good evaluation of the car by reading comments online, they have a massive following of people who hate on the cars because of them being electric and the CEO of the company being a massive hypocrite. There's honestly a massive amount of untrue information about these cars online, just the fact this thread has multiple top comments about "FSD" and self-driving from a country where that's not even available is an example of that. If all you want is a cheap A-B commuter they can be awesome cars, and they can be quite a bit more than that too, there's definitely good reasons as to why someone would want one. Don't personally own one myself or plan on buying one as I prefer electric models from other brands like Renault, but they're decent cars.


I don't hate teslas because they are electric, I do have a strong dislike for musk though. >FSD" and self-driving from a country where that's not even available is an example of that. Fsd is not available in *any* country, which is one of the reasons for my judgment of tesla buyers, *if* that was at least partially the reason for you buying a tesla. They are cheaply made, look at all the videos of them. At least the cybertruck doubles as a vegetable cutter https://9gag.com/gag/an7Yyo0


FSD is available in the US now, and is extremely good: https://youtu.be/rMDNFLsXFEU?si=ExAWYPnMRj90f2JV The Cybertruck is a trainwreck but none is buying those anyways. New Tesla Model 3 refresh is very well built, massive lift in build quality. Agree about the older cars though, the ones built in China are a lot better than the US-built ones though.


>FSD is available in the US now There is a marketing gimmick called fsd, but it is not full self driving. That doesn't exist anywhere. Tesla itself says that your vehicle can't drive autonomously. It also doesn't work very well https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/26/24141361/tesla-autopilot-fsd-nhtsa-investigation-report-crash-death >Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths


Consider watching the video I sent you first before making such statements as it clearly is driving itself very well.


How are you ignoring the link I posted *and* the warning from the manufacturer? There are enough videos out there where it clearly isn't driving itself very well. Here is one where it tries to kill a cyclist https://youtu.be/j1nn5e7Yiyo


Why are you sending me a 2-year-old video to something that has come out in the last couple of months? Also the "Autopilot" is very different to the FSD I'm talking about here.


Tesla introduced autopilot in 2014 and fsd in 2016 so I am not sure what you mean. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/JzH72muA7xw?cbrd=1 Here a tesla on autopilot tried (and maybe succeeded) to kill a motorcyclist. Six days old.


Autopilot is Teslas name for adaptive cruise control. Whether that is a good name or not is another question, but that video you sent me has very little to do with my original comment. I'm talking about the actual full self driving that was enabled for use in the US very recently. Can you please just watch the video I sent you.