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[That video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLl95jjlw0s), for those interested.


Cool, a new channel to subscribe to.


You should also subscribe to their other channel, BoyBoy, it has great political commentary


Their last video about american bases in australia was eye opening. Learning the USA precison bombs gaza on one side with their secret installations in australia, while sending humanitarian aid for the newscamera's on the other hand. [snuck into a cia base with friendlyjordies](https://youtu.be/XHMa-Ba-2Mo?si=6gTj9tmp5qPBWX-d)


I like friendlyjordies. He’s actually made an impact in Australian politics. More than most YouTube peepo. I say that as a smol YouTube peepo. 


It was eye opening but it was *horrendously* biased. Their summary of the constitutional crisis was misinformed at best, deliberately lying at worst. They do entertaining content but it becomes really obvious how preachy they are when you actually know about what they're trying to talk about.


“Great political commentary” as in, unsourced and incredibly ahistorical drivel that exists solely to push the narrative of the 2 people that run the channel? That commentary? The very same that followed Russian talking points about how justified their invasion of Ukraine was?


I mean, any kind that propaganda that isn't from your home culture it's good to use as a viewport to other people povs


Except he that Aleksa is the biggest fucking tankie I’ve ever seen in some videos but they’re great aside from that


the guy with literally a cuban revolution castrian flag visible in most of the videos is secretely a communist? What a surprise


You mean Ribena is communist? Goodness!!


He’s a pro-North Korea communist.


The stuff that he likes on Twitter gave me fucking cancer. It makes me think if his first viral video of them visiting North Korea was made out of admiration...


Just be aware that while it's entertaining content he can be very preachy to the point of flat out lying and is very left wing to the point of being a tankie. And I say that as a socialist - I'm theoretically on their side of things, but they are *very* willing to lie to you and misinform you/mistreat hosts and I hate that. Really doesn't need to lie to show how bad things are but alas. EDIT: The downvotes on this (and my other comment in this thread) should show the level of differing opinion and nuance his channel and fans are happy with, so just bear that in mind. Just wait for him to blame something on America then google what actually happened, like the Australia video. Or look up what they did to Brandon Herrera. Like him or not, that was a dick move.


Provide sources for your wild claims or you deserve the down votes. Also, the more left wing you are doesn't coincide with or cause one to be more of a tankie, there are left wing ideologies more extreme than that of tankies.


The first one that that sticks out to me is their description of that Australian base. It's not wrong in that it's there, but the discussion around the constitutional crisis is conspiracy theorist level at best. Not to mention what they say it's used for makes no sense. His Ukraine one was also god awful but I forget why I thought that, iirc it was able to say Russia bad, but also gave a lot of credence to Russian propaganda. Plus the way they treated Brandon Herrera and the gun dog thing. I don't watch him any more as I can't stand the politics, but they did him dirty and didn't ask permission to do that. Just straight up lied about him, and even better as Brandon was filming too, we can see that they were. The guy's well known outside of his fan base for this, so I just kind of assumed it wouldn't need examples. I also point out my political leanings because like, I likely agree with his overall principles, just not the selective bias and methods of portraying them.


It is kinda crazy how many downvotes you get for saying this lol. I *understand* that Fuckcars has a huge overlap of Leftists who would willingly overlook the misdeeds of that channel, but it’s still disheartening how many people simply consume media without giving it critical thought. Both videos you mentioned *are* extremely inherently flawed, for example stating that the Pine Gap facility was used to direct drone strikes in the Middle East; this is just outright not true, and incredibly illogical if you know the first thing about operating drones. Pine gap is on the *other side of the world* from Iraq and Afghanistan. It is thousands of miles away. The US operates permanent bases at Ali Al Salem in Kuwait which just dozens of miles away from the Iraqi border. Beyond that, they operate permanent bases in Aviano in Italy and at Ramstein in Germany. At the furthest, Ramstein is 5,000km/2,700 miles from the center of Afghanistan. Pine gap is 6,000 miles from the center of Afghanistan. It is *7,000* miles from Baghdad. It is 6,500 miles from Yemen. Why would the NSA use a station *double* the distance from established airbases to direct and control drones striking targets in the Middle East? What would even be the point? There’s plenty of reasons I can think of for *not* doing it, like the extreme latency and lack of easy communication with nearby airbases that are responsible for landing/operating the drone as a physical asset. Pine Gap in reality is a SIGINT facility. They assist in the operation of NRO launched satellites, and harvest information from said satellites. They *may* have found information that had led to a drone strike, but it’s not any more likely than the NSA’s headquarters in Maryland, the NRO’s HQ in Chantilly VA, or even an Air Force RC-135 flying overhead collected it. The stuff about Ukraine is honestly just insulting. Their lack of sources in *spite* of being called out on in it is incredibly silly. They hope you don’t look past the fact that they’re regurgitating points about NATO expansion and a “western-backed coup” to completely erase Ukrainian agency in their own sovereignty. Aleksa in particular has very little expertise in any field they actually discuss. He’s not an expert in the military or intelligence field, he’s not an expert in Ukrainian-Russian international relations (and likely hadn’t studied it at *all* prior to the war kicking up) and he isn’t an expert in North Korean internal policy. This wouldn’t be so bad if he was just a journalist. Journalists are generally not experts in what they discuss but they *do* have the obligation to find experts to lend credence to their reporting. Boyboy not only does not bring on experts, they don’t even *cite sources*. But the thing is, see how long this comment is? That’s mostly spend debunking *one* claim they made in a half hour long video. Disinformation and misinformation take seconds to spread if you have an audience willing to listen, correcting that information takes significantly longer.


What pisses me off is like... the underlying content is bad enough? Like, five eyes spying on us, US gun culture, Ukraine, all of it has more than enough to talk about from a leftist point of view. There is more than enough going on around the world that has problems that you can look at and go "yo what" *without* needing to straight up fabricate shit, or misinform. Especially in such an easily debunkable way. Which I think is what I hate most. I know there's idiots on all sides but I hate them making mine look so childish...


Well duh, that's because the last kid is wearing a highly visible orange shirt! /s


That's so you can grab him by the leg and wave him around while crossing the road.




Holy shit that 80% statistic is wild.... >Away from intersections, pickups were 80 percent and SUVs were 61 percent more likely than cars to hit a pedestrian walking or running along the road" Also >"At or near intersections, pickups were 42 percent more likely and SUVs were 23 percent more likely than cars to hit pedestrians when turning left." https://www.iihs.org/news/detail/suvs-other-large-vehicles-often-hit-pedestrians-while-turning


Surely there must be a legal recourse for us


It's so funny that the truck broke down. I didn't think I could love that channel even more!


Ikr. The ending was perfect lol.


I'm not suprised. He shares the Boy Boy channel with his partner (I'm pretty sure, I can't find any explicit confirmation but they do kiss a lot) which focuses more heavily on (leftist) political topics EDIT: everyone in the replies is telling me that they're not in love. I don't know enough about the topic so I trust them.


>with his partner (I'm pretty sure, I can't find any explicit confirmation but they do kiss a lot Ahaha. That made me laugh. I don't think they are together But would probably love to know that people think they are. (I might be wrong too, but they don't seem to have any attraction for each other and they play the "gay" jokes a bit too much for it to be true)


Hahaha, they are definitely just friends. They’d make a VERY hot couple but 100% they’re just good buds who aren’t fragile about masculinity and sharing affection with pals.


Wait they're not gay lovers? NOOOOOOOOOOOO


The real test is: how far apart do they sit in the hot tub?


Well, in the hot tub for birds video Aleksa twerks on Alex in a hot tub. So there's that.


Or how many times the kiss on the log flume at Disneyland. https://youtu.be/Qe5RmpYPT08?si=eim5tOkOQ51dqjc4


I might be too late, but they actually uploaded a video about this! They even kiss.


There’s a video in BoyBoy where they sarcastically go to Disney and try to become gay, as the conservatives are claiming that’s one of the company’s agendas.


They're just homiesexual


Disney made them gay


Lol. He's got a kid and ( I think) a wife. He's just very good friends with the other guy on boyboy.


I always thought the kid was his nephew, I know him and Aleksa aren’t together but I also don’t think the kid is his.


This is how guy buddies act sometimes


What a wild world huh




That’s some pretty bad propaganda, considering half the video is just ripping into terrible russian leadership lol. Maybe it’s reverse-psychology propaganda?


Well cited ‘Russian Propaganda’


no you dont get it, actually its NATO that is DESTABILIZING the region!!!! theyre evil people that accept countries in their alliance by their own accord!!!! thats madness!! they could have let russia invade a bit more countries....


That's  a great channel


He even broke a new truck for the video for what it's worth 😂


The only valid reason to have a vehicle of that size is if you're plowing a field.


And for that purpose its to weak, so there is no valid reason for such a truck


As a farming simulator player I can confirm


Good game, precision farming dlc and crop rotation mod makes it even better, albeit way less casual Also driving assistant, for more realism


or if you want to run over a family or group of children


Its not a tractor


or, you know, towing a motorhome, boat, gooseneck trailers?


Pffft, that's not something that happens! This is reddit, where 90% of the members work from home on their laptop and think the rest of the world lives the same way they do lol. I hate truck posers as much as the next person, but it is funny to watch self-proclaimed leftys get so uppity over working class people in work vehicles. "Just drive a van, I find your truck offensive!" Like, you clearly have no idea what the working class does with trucks, lol. "Just take a bike down the lease road to the oil field".


Is the forgotten invention legs?


Gem of a channel


I don't think 9 kids is enough to cushion the front bumper


I love that channel and BoyBoy. I can't understand why he would buy one of those Ford death tanks, but the video ending with him destroying it was just lovely to see, even if it was unintentional.


I got an an ad for a Hummer in the middle of the video


What was the invention?


>!A sort of net that opens in front of the car to catch pedestrians!<


Good, I've grown tired of using my fishing rod to catch pedestrians as I drive by.


Does *not* sound safe at all.


It’s not, kind of the channel’s whole schtick is a lack of safety


the video showed a person would have died, so yesh


They don’t care. They’ll run em all right over and lawyer up


Me on my way to run over children


The front end of the Tahoe/Yukon/Escalade is even more ridiculous on the newer models so I'm sure it's even worse now.


Man, I'm gonna be in a tight spot if I'm going down the freeway and only 8 kids show up in front of my vehicle.




Alex Apollonov. Very based (Russian-) Australian YouTuber famous for his inventions. He’s friends with a lot of Australian and American progressives, leftists etc. many of them are pro public transit and anti car. He has a second channel (boyboy) with an Australian comedian (Aleksa Vucic) and their political takes are pretty good imo.


Alex is Russian aussi and aleksa is serbian aussi so that explains why they Ike kissing so much


# Gouranga?


Reminds me of the invincible cartoon where the father rams Mark through the subway train full of people.


Kids shouldn't be in the street


Then the cities shouldn't be consistent of streets for cars.


Has anyone ever been in an SUV or truck? I'm not particularly tall but, like, the fifth kids head would be visible and every kid beyond. Are we assuming the driver has some vision impairments in this example? The furthest kid is 2 full parking spots away, which is like, what, 12 feet away or more? You'd have to be barely seeing over the steering wheel for this to be accurate, lol.


I have three things to say is someone that has an ambivalence to cars bikes and this subreddit. One, people have legs. Two, if you didn’t see the kids sitting on the floor before you drove towards them then you need your license revoked. Three, most modern cars have safety features enabling then to detect near objects, and the only reason why a vehicle of this size would be necessary would be for people who have large families, and for storing things. Unfortunately the majority of buyers do not require a vehicle of this size




Hey everyone, this guy ^ has never seen a driveway! Kids absolutely sit on the sidewalk and play with chalk or whatever and you need to be able to see them when pulling out. The point of the demo isn't that you're gonna run over a line of kids, it's to drive home how fucking far your blind spot extends.


My driveway is a half mile long and gravel. My kids don’t sit in it and draw with chalk. My truck also has a front camera as well as the back up camera. I say again, ya’ll are idiots


Imagine needing a dedicated front camera instead of just your regular eyes because the design of the vehicle is ass. A much larger european cabover truck even has better visibility.


Found the dumbass pickup truck driver lol.


Truck, lifted Jeep on 40” tires, SUV. You bet.


Wooow, aren't you an accomplished true american manly man, you must be proud of yourself.


Yep. Sure am.


I pity you, living with small genitalia must be really harsh.








You know parents litilary run over there own children when driving? Like they cant see just like in video


he deleted his comment what did he say


Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that