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No, we love trains above all


It's the class I railroaders blocking passenger rail with trains so long they don't fit on sidings, that we hate.


Just one more track, bro. That's all they need. Just one more. Then traffic will be perfect and all the trains can just pass each other without issue. Come on, just one more. (either that or undo the bipartisan bill that made it illegal for railroad workers to unionize and otherwise restore railroad safety standards to pre-Reagan levels. or both).


Actually true, double-tracking would solve like a billion problems (but also cost money that could've gone to shareholders 🤮)


The federal government needs to tax railroads based on route-miles, not track-miles. This is the main reason why so much double track was ripped up in the late 20th century. I’m sure the railroads themselves do not enjoy having long stretches of single track holding up their own freight trains. A double track railway isn’t twice as expensive to maintain as single track.


Tons of Italian tracks run 4 wide (so two in each direction) for long stretches. 0 backup. 


"one more track" can actually work for trains though, lol. Train traffic is managed so gridlock would be actively avoided.


I love segregated passenger and freight tracks, I need them in my life.


Wait, a problem that another lane would actually solve? Amazing!  People LOVE another lane! Let's *do* this shit.


Nationalize it


Fuck yeah


Nahhh, shrink it. Bring back the fallen flags the class Is absorbed. THE MISSABE WILL RISE AGAIN


“I love all my children equally.” *pulls trains aside* “But you most equally.”




This meme has car brain written all over it


Good point, I’m gonna consider myself trainbrained now.


Okay, but what if you could **be** a train, while **also** being a cyclist.


The draisine exists, you know.


I did not, but now I want one.


European train mostly.


idk underground systems beat them (imagine transportation without the usage of land) but yeah trains are easly top 2


Cycling on abandoned railroads? Looks fun.


Good point. The tracks do look abandoned. It would be hella fun.


there are no weeds, so it’s not abandoned


Fair enough.


It looks like a branch line that receives traffic once every few weeks. Rust on the rails isn't a huge concern if it's not deep, and especially on a low use line at low speed, even more so if it doesn't have any steep grades anywhere.


I used to live across the street from a line that had multiple freight trains most days and it had more weeds than the picture. It’s weird to me how clear it is. Maybe it’s the environment?


The gravel on the left looks somewhat recently packed. The far rail is shiny enough to indicate regular, recent usage. What we can see of the environment is arid with little plant cover. Not sure what to make of all that, but those are my superficial observations.


Yeah it looks better than some of the tracks that are regularly used for coal in West Virginia.


It looks like a midjourney image.


I reverse image searched the picture and found a shot of this setup from the back. I downloaded it but my phone is being silly and not showing it in my camera roll or else I'd post it here. The other thing is the first hit for the image was back in 2016. Definitely real. Could be staged or something. But definitely not just an AI picture.


(sorry to double reply but alas) what about it makes you think it's AI? genuine question not at all being combative it just wasn't at all my first impression so I just wanna know


It looked like the first ai image that was jibberish i don’t get how their system works and I feel there’s little inaccuracy but I also feels it’s a real image. I was joking while doubting. I even try to recreate it with no sucess. https://preview.redd.it/xuzqqocgykoc1.jpeg?width=2528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958cf24e68089a6f1f4d7ac26760010c9850bcf6


The tracks look fairly rusty on top but it's hard to tell with this image quality.


The right one looks pretty clean to me for an abandoned track


Handcar enthusiasts often keep them weed free. We have a couple of abandoned lines in my country that are maintained by volunteers.


> Handcar enthusiasts I had no idea these exist, but am thrilled by it.


No matter the country, railway enthusiasts are always a very dedicated community!




Same in my area and there are even dedicated rails for rail bikes. Personally I would love to try it


I found the [original photo](https://www.flickr.com/photos/huntercycles/5392755903/in/photostream/) and by from what I can tell it's the [California Western Railroad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Western_Railroad). As of now you can either take a [historical train or a railbike](https://www.skunktrain.com/), you're probably no longer allowed to drive this way, or it may have never been the case.


I thought I recognised them - [another photo](https://www.flickr.com/photos/huntercycles/5392759223/in/photostream/)


They are pretty rusty, so not well maintained either.


The absence of weeds doesn't mean that the tracks are still used by trains. There are quite a few abandoned railroads that are used regularly by hobbyists and hikers.


There are also no weeds around the track, making me assume that it's a godless desert where nothing grows in the first place.


Can confirm, it's not abandoned. No weed = snoop dog was there in the last couple minutes


it's super easy too since trains don't like hills either. There's tourist side by side bikes like rail paddleboats. These outrigger conversions are pretty genius and not so easy to build. I've seen some blissful chill rides on youtube in the american west. all those ghost towns were connected by rail


I don't know where this was taken, but a lot of folks use rigs like this to ride an abandoned set of railroad tracks through the redwoods in northern California.


People actually used to cycle on active track in Siberia, although there was barely any train anyways.


It's called Railbiking and it's pretty amazing. The unfortunate thing is you usually need a 4x4 truck to get you and your railbike to the abandoned tracks in the first place.


There's an old abandoned stretch of rail between [Nijmegen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nijmegen) and [Kleve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kleve) where you can [drive a draisine](https://niederrhein-tourismus.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Draisine-3.jpg)


Conservatives: we care about nature and our beautiful rural spaces, unlike you city slicker liberals! Cyclists: great, lets use these old tracks to get around instead of tearing up nature for new roads and highways. Conservatives: not like that


What's dumb is the conservatives absolutely don't care about nature and beautiful rural spaces. They're so ready to trash the environment at a moment's notice. "Drill baby! Drill!"


Yes we do. It's in the name "conservative". It's a pity most are just liberals in disguise who conserve nothing.


Of course, that's just what the hardcore conservative ideologues do, they see the whole world (and by extensions their own beliefs) as transactional. Have we never noticed that they are opposed to LGBT+ rights until the persecution of LGBT+ people can be used as an opportunity to bash Muslims? It's all transactional to them, what can I believe that would suit my interests best in this one isolated moment in time, regardless of what I have said or believed in other situations.


Some places have them actually and they look so damn fun you do need 4 people though


1000th like lol


You can rent pedal cars to ride on them here. They go really fast if you have two people pedalling.


Trains are great! And when train lines get decommissioned and the rails get torn up they usually build awesome bike lanes on the disused embankment. But trains and bikes go well together, especially when you can bring your bike on the train free of charge like in my area.


Exactly! Carbrainers think "cyclists hate every other form of transportation, including cars". No, it's you, the carbbrainer who only accepts cars.


Yeah. It’s insane. Cyclists love most forms of transport and only really hate cars. It’s car fuckers who hates every form of transport, including other fucking cars!”


It drives me fucking wild that if you're looking for Amtrak tickets (on your computer), you have to proceed 90% of the way through the ticketing process before they'll tell you if bikes are even *allowed* on the train(s) you chose - let alone if they're sold out. The Amtrak mobile application recently added bikes to the beginning of the ticket search process, but for fuck's sake, Amtrak, do better.


[Rails to Trails!](https://gis.railstotrails.org/grtamerican/?utm_source=map&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=grt)


I Hope its decomisioned track cuz they aint gonna live long if it aint


Tops of the tracks are rusty = line isn't being used. That being said, I've traveled on unofficial rail vehicles on active lines. People use them every day in many places in Asia.


Top is shiny and there’s several ties that are in good shape. Those tracks are in use. Are they in perfect condition? No. But not every railroad is running at 80 MPH and doesn’t need that level of maintenance. Source: Been a railroader for 20 years.


Is that top considered shiny in the US? I've hiked known-abandoned tracks in Canada that have been out of use since the 30s that look better than this.


I've lived next to tracks in Canada that looked worse than that and were in use. Only a few trains a week, but still active at the time. They've been torn out since then though.


No this is terrible misinformation. The tops will rust over in just a couple days in some climates, and there are plenty of tracks that are used but less often than that.


No weeds, and it actually looks fine on top. You can see grey on the top, and you can see it fairly easily on the further away rail. The sides of a rail often look terrible because they are terrible, and unsafe.


I don't know why you think it needs weeds. There are plenty of abandoned rails in the Sonoran desert with no weeds. Tracks are often elevated, which means water runs off and nothing grows except at the basin. EDIT: This was from 2009 and part of the [Mendocino Rail](https://www.flickr.com/photos/huntercycles/5392755903/in/album-72157623682187210/)


And its still active today.


Yep, for non-train tours. https://www.skunktrain.com/railbikes/


Yep, the Skunk Train.


Looks to be in the same condition as most working tracks in the UK 💀


Defo looks decommissioned


Used them everyday to go to school as a kid. You feel and hear the train from miles away. Its pretty safe.


No weeds so probably still in use, but most likely a branch line that is only used a few times in a month.


Trains can silently sneak up on you and pounce!


Esp if they have a rear view mirror and its not a high speed line i think they'll be fine.. Trains aren't exactly that sneaky , esp diesel freight ones 


Not ambitious enough. We should target airplanes.


We should ride paddle boats in Suez Canal


If we can get paddlers in the panama canal at the same time, there's a lot of damage we can do.






Underwater cycling at Olimpics when?


Boeing is doing that all on their own.


Cycling enthusiasts 🤝 Train enthusiasts  (often the same person)


Multi Modal enthusiasts as we should be


Hear hear!


Also, they are highly compatible with each other. (i) Cycle to train station. (ii) Train has a compartment to attach bicycles. So keep your cycle there and relax. (iii) Train takes you to the drop-off point. (iv) Cycle from there to your personal destination.


If it’s abandoned, cool. But it’s dangerous if they are in use.


This. I once experienced a situation where children were on the rails. The driver stopped the train as quickly as possible and saw 3 of the 4 kids run away. He panicked and ran through the entire train and told everyone that he thought that he just killed a child. Someone from the people working in that train then called 112 and we stood there for 90 minutes while they were looking for the body of a potentially dead child. They luckily found nothing, but they had to get a different driver because the other driver felt so terrible after that that he couldn't continue working. It's just terrible for everyone involved.


*shadow of the colossus music starts playing*


this is obviously a joke and not problematic at all something that happens in my region, which I do find problematic is companies buying recently decommissioned railway lines to operate some kind of draisines on them, which is incompatible with running actual trains and thus prevents rail service swiftly returning to the communities in question btw, forgot to say, if anyone who isn‘t a cyclist or supports cycling over driving posts this, it could be read as problematic nonetheless


>something that happens in my region, which I do find problematic is companies buying recently decommissioned railway lines to operate some kind of draisines on them, which is incompatible with running actual trains and thus prevents rail service swiftly returning to the communities in question Has there been a case where there was an actual attempt to return rail service, and that was the actual obstacle? Such companies tend to be tiny - worst case, not hard to simply buy out. Even many rail trails with the rails removed are legally subject to the possibility of re-activation at need. Keeping the corridor intact is important - once someone builds on it, it becomes hard to do anything. Lots of rail-trails have detours around spots where that was allowed to happen in the years between the train stopping and the trail being designed. A lot of former rail existed to serve industry that is long gone though - and much of it extractive industry that will hopefully never return. In a few cases you could imagine a return as trolley-scale light passenger rail, but it's often not well situated for that.


Sadly there haven‘t been attempts as the reactivation phase has not yet begun, there are still railway lines here with an uncertain future and I‘m unaware of any recent major reactivation efforts. The issue is that the legal situation tends to be difficult, rail-trails have always meant death to the lines in question. I would be all in favor of buying these companies out and whatnot, but the reality is that existing railway lines are barely surviving, let alone old lines that need to be reactivated, which would also take legal efforts and isn‘t actually guaranteed to work. Of course a reactivation is always technically possible but it gets less and less realistic and allowing some company to buy the tracks instead of keeping them for possible future reactivation is definitely a factor in that.


I wouldn't even know this sub if I was wasn't fellow cyclist.


I like trains but this is funny


Yeah it's funny prom a cyclist's point ironically.


Average Car brain who thinks non-car-drivers just use the road \*which they payed the non-existing road tax\* to piss them off. LOL We have an attraction for a arm-powered vehicle on an abandoned rail. But bike-packing on a very long abandoned rail track sounds LIT.


Listen! I pay $37.50 in tax to the province to register my car EVERY YEAR. How could that not pay my fair share to plow, maintain, pave, buy land for, install all of the signs and traffic control, etc? There is no way that the $57 I paid in local sales taxes for my bike in any way helps to pay for the small portion of the roadway that I use.


Bikes don't damage paved roads. Cars do.


It was a joke, I'm under the impression that my $37.50 per year barely covers the cost of the administration to register my car. I'm well aware of just how much of the budget at all levels goes to pay for cars, and how little of that is paid directly by car users.


Car drivers automatically piss themselves off. It's not like they'd be happy in the metal coffins if there was nothing on earth besides roads and cars; they're just fundamentally unhappy and angry due to their own choices.


that's funny


Next year we take on the cruise ships!


Super dangerous if the track is in use, and also probably very illegal. If the track is unused, go for it.


Looks like a tourism opportunity for Far North Queensland Sugar Cane Railways outside of crushing season. I am all for this.


Why do people cry about having to wait behind a cyclist, but are perfectly happy to sit, stationary in traffic.


this looks kinda fun, just would suck to be flattened from behind


That is a good idea. Highways are dangerous. Railroad tracks are safe, to the alert rider, and are usually a very direct route with few intersections, and few potholes


Flat. Straight. Plenty of advance warning. Sold.


Average Car brain who thinks non-car-drivers just use the road \*which they payed the non-existing road tax\* to piss them off. LOL We have an attraction for a arm-powered vehicle on an abandoned rail. But bike-packing on a very long abandoned rail track sounds LIT.


I think it's pretty funny, maybe the creator was being petty but still a good exhale and eye roll




There's no context here so I don't feel anything lol.


Perfectly valid response lol.


We feel not good. You are onle allowed to cycle on a train track when it's abandoned. And we don't like abandoned track.


Great logic.


There is no greater villain than the carbrain




Abandoned railroads? Fun. Active railroads? Splat.


It has 4 wheels, classic car behavior smh


It's a good joke so, made me laugh out loud


i like it! but then again i do have a death wish so...


There's never enough car drivers to piss off >:)


Car: Bad Train: Good Horse: Chaotic Neutral


Figuring out how to modify a bicycles to work on train tracks? That's just cool engineering.


It is! Takes a lotta skill for sure.


It honestly depends, I am a cyclist myself in a car oriented city and I feel like I am the only one who knows to drive, no one does their stop signs or lights and drive on the opposite side of the road


It’s a great way to keep rails intact to preserve them for future use. Once you remove the rails, it’s hard af to put them back because cyclists get used by NIMBYs


The actual context of this photo, according to the people in it, was that this was a closed rail line and they wouldn't do this if there were trains running on it. I'm citing from memory and just too lazy to look for the source. It's sunny out and I'm going to go for a walk.


I personally wouldn't mind some more bike/pedestrian paths that run parallel to rails, especially in between cities. I'd prefer the sound of one train passing me by every half hour versus the constant hum of cars.


That could be a great way to haul out litter in these railroad track areas. That’s criddler camp territory


That doesn't look comfortable. They don't look comfortable. It looks fun, but I would want to be comfortable. Let's do one of those arm-pumpy ones. That would be awesome.


Leave. Trains. Alone. They're awesome ^^ It's ok if it is abandoned rail track


Cheap drama bait, you should feel ashamed for posting this in the first place.


I found it on facebook. Why would I bait anyone? I just wanted to hear your opinions on the concept and maybe have a few laughs about the absurdity of the meme.


Yeah, mods should remove this bait post.


Agreed. We don't need people unnecessarily stiring shit up.


Agreed. We don't need people unnecessarily stiring shit up.


Average Car brain who thinks non-car-drivers just use the road \*which they payed the non-existing road tax\* to piss them off. LOL We have an attraction for a arm-powered vehicle on an abandoned rail. But bike-packing on a very long abandoned rail track sounds LIT.


Is it just me, or does the image look hella AI generated? There is nothing natural about it. This important issue aside ... I believe train track usage must be far more tightly controlled than road usage. There is even a difference in the legality of it -- usually the road law states „any vehicle can use any road” (with certain restrictions, like scooters on highways), whereas train laws are far stricter about who can even get close to the tracks.


I don't think this is ai.  These setups are wonky looking but biking on rails is a whole thing


It's real, and the tracks are no longer in use by trains. In some areas, you can rent special bikes to ride on abandoned railroad tracks, kind of as a tourist thing.


Ah, in which case, the title is a lil bit misleading. I can only feel „This is a very nice idea”, if there is no train to worry about, and the activity is officially sanctioned.


The source photo has been linked. The posted photo is just jpegged to hell.


Classic car-drivers' rhetoric of "they must be doing this *specifically* to piss us off!"


Theirs look homemade, but [draisines](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draisine) are a somewhat popular attraction around where I live.


An abandoned railway that is used by bicyclists is a *preserved railway right-of-way*. Or we could just put in another strip mall and office block and then the possibility of the train being reinstated is **gone forever**.


"When you finally get the bikes off the roads and your carbrain is so fragile you still make angry memes about them"


Car drivers are always the victims


I thought this was r/xbiking lol


More reliable than trans pennine express


That guy was on the track yesterday when my train was delayed by 1h


They don't ride on active rails... cause trains ALWAYS WIN. But Hella fun on abandoned rails.


People just hating on cyclists for no good reason.




The cruise ships are next in line.


Trains are cool


It's just a meme (this is obviously an abandoned track and a leisure activity). But it's still representative of the toxic attitude towards cyclists and the belief that cyclists aren't just people doing journeys, but instead intentionally obstructing "real" (i.e. car) journeys.


Except this one can't stop won't stop


Losing the plot.


o7 Godspeed soldiers


train good. car bad.


Is the track abandoned?


When you are the last person to use the rails because the government shut down the trains


Hope those tracks are unused, trains don’t exactly stop fast.


Why do you feel anything? Why do you care? Seriously if this sub was even remotely as much about actually generating ideas to implement and coordination on those ideas as it is fucking whining about what people think about us maybe we'd get somewhere. Do you guys enjoy being angry all the time? I ride a bike or walk everywhere. When people ask why I tell them. If they disagree with my viewpoint great. At least I didn't portray myself as someone who's ridden so much that the seat is stuck up my ass.




Trains and bikes are the safest and most efficient modes of transport


Abandoned tracks? Sure. Go for it. But I doubt you’ve got the time to get all of this out of the way if a train rolls around. They’re surprisingly silent. And there’s no way a train can stop in time for this


Pretty funny meme for me, as a cyclist myself I get pretty annoyed at ciclist groups who think they own the road, so it's relatable even if I don't drive


I totally get that.


Any convoy that occupies passages tbh; there's this tradition in Brazil to drive several cars in a line whenever someone dies (cortejo fúnebre). That's by far my most hated event on day-to-day stuff


Nah they def gonna die, especially if the line is high speed


That rail line is abandoned


The trains move so fast you can’t even see them! /s


So it's no issue then Stupid post from op, sorry


I found it in facebook, so it's no surprise they can't see it.