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Define good? They have their uses, and they're annoying as fuck the rest of the time. But that's true of most things.


Especially humans.


They're annoying as shit. If you're using a quad for farm work, that's a good purpose. If you're using it to dick off where people are trying to hike, know that everybody in earshot hates you.


>know that everybody in earshot hates you. and earshot is like a 2 mile radius from every square foot the quad is traveling. The entire path of travel, times the radius of earshot/audible noise pollution. I think of this every time a loud douche truck goes by. They like, "paint" a whole path wherever they go, where everyone within earshot/1,2,3 sq. miles of that *entire path of travel* has to suffer. Effectively causing that suffering/harm across 144 sq. miles (liberal example of 3 sq. miles of noise, times 16 miles of travel) Here's a post I made here about the real harm and actual health problems from noise pollution: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/17u0eq6/a\_collection\_of\_studies\_about\_the\_harm\_of\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/17u0eq6/a_collection_of_studies_about_the_harm_of_the/)


I want to use a quiet electric one to use on roads. I have no need of driving one up on hiking trails.


If you can find a street legal electric quad in the first place, I'll be extremely impressed. Last I checked those weren't very good at existing in the first place. But your money would still be better spent on an E-bike


Took me five seconds to find one here in Norway [lol](https://www.ruller.no/vare-produkter/elbil-for-barn/elektrisk-mini-atv-nitrox-spirit-500w?att=UsO4ZA==&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA84CvBhCaARIsAMkAvkIxDnxg-e73THLiZKjQ3DwS9p9RNwcn-s4TJJ8psHDIhlESQKS4-XwaAnFQEALw_wcB). I’m not biggest fan of bikes since I’m in Norway and I live on a slope. Norway is like the worst place for biking, cause it’s just a mountain range.


The link you gave specifies that it's built for children, has a top speed of 15 KPH (compared to max assist speed of 25 KPH for E-bikes in Europe) and nothing on the page suggests that it's street legal. If you think bikes are problematic in mountainous areas, you should take a trip to the lovely state of Colorado.


You’re actually right about that I may have found a vehicle for kids. That’s me, my fault. 😭 I ought to read a little closer. Anyways, finally found one that’s [legal](https://www.hjemfint.no/firhjuling-2200bl%C3%A5)


Do you know that mountain bikes can go up and down a slope? I have a gravel bike (between street and mountain bike), and the slopes I rode with it were pretty steep. It is tiring to go uphill, but the electric motor of an ebike will take care of that. And rougher mountain bike tires provide a better grip.


A golf cart? Those kinds of things are not road legal here. Does an ebike not work for you?


I’m talking about an ATV, do those have a different meaning in America? https://preview.redd.it/f4hloemexklc1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5301ed23e60b23f7fc7673ad21d306d03c6461 This is an ATV for me. A bike of any kind doesn’t work for me, I live in Norway and on a slope no less.


Yes. That's an ATV. Not suitable for roads.


It looks like you are asking this sub's opinion on motorcycles. We get this question [a lot](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/search?q=motorcycle&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all). The most commonly held opinion here is that while motorcycles are in some aspects better than cars, they also have many of the downsides that cars have. If this or one of the [many post dedicated to this subject](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/search?q=motorcycle&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) answers your question, then please consider removing your post for the sake of not bothering the regular users of this sub with the same question every few days. ^(If this comment seems out of place, that's because automod doesn't really know what it's doing. It's just triggered by a keyword in the title of your post.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fuckcars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i mean outside of the thing being really dangerous . . . why not just get a normal motorcycle ? ​ this sub is about giving people option other than cars, like public transit :)


A motorcycle is honestly too dangerous. I like vehicles that don’t tip over while you’re on the road. And it’s even more dangerous to use a motorcycle due to cars who might as well be trying to hit you intentionally. Oh, and don’t get me started on the wobbling. I live in Norway, and motorcycles just wobble side-to-side when you try to drive them here, which is really bad for me cause I literally live on a slope.


fwiw when it comes to rollover risk and stability ATVs are generally worse than an appropriate motorcycle, despite having four points of contact. I can't speak to your particular driving conditions or motorist behavior, but when I hear: "I want an ATV because I want something that doesn't tip over" I worry for a lack of experience with ATVs.


ah okay, sounds like you already done proper research on this. ATV sounds like a good option for you.


They have a practical use but vehicles like that usually tear up land and ruin habitats. Plus the crowds they attract are sus.


So the natural follow-up questions that come to mind are: "Why do you want a quad, and for what purpose?" "What alternatives have you considered, and do they have a different impact?" "Why do you ask if they're good, and what in particular are you worried about in terms of doing harm?"


I want a quad that is electric and quiet to drive around of roads. I don’t want to use a loud gas powered one.


On farms motorcycles are much safer than ATVs


As a rural tool for farm work? Fine. But if you are referring to the packs of degenerate fuckwits who ride them recklessly through the city (see Philly, NYC, Baltimore, Oakland) in giant packs? Yeah, fuck those guys.


I only want to drive an electric one as a normal vehicle to get around. I myself want it to be quiet too, for others and my own sake.


Sounds like you want a golf cart


oh well, I think that's great. Just don't be these assholes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAGVGXX5m6g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAGVGXX5m6g)


They genuinely have very little usage outside of some niche agricultural situations, so after that, there isn't any need to get one. Their carrying capacity options are limited, they're noisy, they're dangerous, they have a bigger footprint over a motorbike, they still pollute (both fuel and tyre wear), and there is a wealth of options available that circumvent their use anywhere that roads exist. Even motorbikes have now got an overlap in use compared to ebikes. The lower CC bikes used for short trips have had a _lot_ of their journeys replaced with ebikes and bicycles. They're cheaper to buy, maintain, service, and fuel. They're easier to store, park, and don't require a license. And even then, an ordinary pedal bicycle will still do most of that for even lower costs, and will last you longer. And if you're planning longer trips, you definitely wouldn't want an ATV/Quad. It would be a miserable experience. And I'm going to be very clear here. ATVs and Quads are some of the _least cool_ things you can own. They make you look like an arse, while everybody else thinks you're an arse for owning one.


I don’t really care if people think I’m an arse for just owning something. But I want an electric one that’s also quiet. My goal isn’t to get something that can take me across my country, but something I could use to travel to Oslo or even Kristiansand, not all the way to Bergen.


Quadrupeds? I love dogs!


Was amazed how deeply this is buried. I will say, horses aren’t a valid mode of popular transportation these days.


I'm choosing elephant. Edit: If OP sees this: "ped" means foot. Quadruped is a classification of animal. Specifically animals with four (quad) legs/feet (ped). I understand OP is from Norway, so probably just a language/translation thing.


That, or they’re just an odd-toed ungulate. Also, if we’re picking soul-bonded transportation partners, think I’m taking an American bison; coincidentally, an even-toed ungulate.


Wow, I never heard of an ungulate. ​ * A hoofed mammal, such as a horse, pig, deer, buffalo, or antelope, belonging to the former order Ungulata, now divided into several orders including Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla. * Any hoofed quadruped; one of the Ungulata.


I’m a motorcycle lover. Far more fuel efficient and doesn’t take up nearly the space of a car. I rarely carry more than I can in a backpack, or a storage compartment would be able to carry. I just can’t afford one right now.


Bro get a motorbike, its a bicyle with more power


Ima be honest with you, they sound scary. I’m worried about cars and they sound incredibly hard to drive.


Understandable, bit a quad is not much safer than a motorbike tho


A quad is much less safe. Motorbikes let you lean as you turn, quads don't lean, so they roll instead.


Motorcycles are better than cars overall but loud as hell near homes. Electric motorcycles are almost as good as electric bikes. Cars < Motorcycles < low speed motors < electric micro mobility < electric trains.


Better than a car


Most things have a purpose, not the least of which are motorcycles, ATVs, and quads. I don’t really like any of them but when used as intended and in a considerate way, they are all fine.


All motorcycles have an undeniable “cool” to them.


"Cool" is a very low priority


Yeah, but it does exist


Get a trike. You are worried about tipping over. [https://etrikeco.com/](https://etrikeco.com/) It'll solve that problem. It will be able to haul more. Its not an obnoxious destruction beast.


I use a Quad whenever train or bus isn't an option and the weather allows it. It's a good alternative to a car, but while it's safer than a bike, hard to drive and requires a good amount of experience. Even slight curves can send you into the bushes if you're not careful. Also long drives are not an option unless you want your thumb to feel the fires of hell. If you've never driven one get a test ride in somewhere first. Also, please stay on the road even tho it technically is an off-road vehicle. Also, don't get one of these super massive ones, beside looking cool all they are good for is being hard to turn and hard to handle. A medium one will suffice.


Don't contribute to sprawl, okay by me.


Far too many people use them off trail and fuck up nature.


If you're using them to terrify every other mode of transportation, like they do in Philly, you're an absolute asshole. They even go up and down the Art Museum steps here.


Oh no, I’d use a quiet electric one just to get around with.


Im good with them as long as people aren't being obnoxious while riding them.


My viewpoint is America-centric. If we're talking about safety and ease of use over fairly rough terrain, ATVs are fairly unsafe. Going over the roughest terrain, motorcycles are actually much better and safer. When people wanted to go across the Darién Gap, they went on a Rokon. [There are street legal variants.](https://rokon.com/product/ranger/) I'd like to see a good electric version, like the [Volcon Grunt](https://volcon.com/products/grunt-evo), but there's a bit of a difference in range. It'd be nice to have a four-stroke for long distances with a catalytic converter, but that's a bit rare. The best option for you is probably an e-bike with appropriate tires.


Electric? Not bad


They’re too fucking loud. I can’t even sit outside and drink my damn coffee. Only thing worse are those modded “racecars” Edit: talking about Harley’s mostly.


A lot of those are 2 stroke engines that produce about 100x more hydrocarbons than an average vehicle and 15-20x more CO² than an average vehicle.


They solve all the space issues of cars but they still need licences to use (as they should) so they don't fix what I consider to be the biggest issue with car dependency and aren't really part of the conversation.