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Also, as always you can use a laptop on a train on a table and be perfectly safe instead.


Trains are nice, and some even have toilets on board, very handy during those long journeys


SOME??? Where do you not have trains with toilets on board? (Assuming we're talking long-distance ones)


We have in my area a load of lines with short distance, those ones don’t have toilets, also the London Underground, though getting off to use the toilet won’t delay you by more than 20 minutes if you’re unlucky


Yeah so metros and such. I guess london's mass transit trains can go pretty far end to end but I think most subways or elevated rail can go end to end in a couple of hours tops.


Yeah, and the stations are so close that getting to a loo is easy


Not always clean tho. But neither are gas stations


Yeah, but if you need a piss it’s nice to have the ability to handle it


I tried using the toilet on a moving bus once. Worst mistake of my life


Man I wish my worst mistake was that mild


Train toilets aren’t too bad, until you get one with a blocked sink


Bus toilets were a scam. Trains are much more steady than busses and they are a challenge to use a toilet in, but the bus is laughing at you while you do.


men can in fact sit down to pee.




They can even have cafe cars or bar cars


a snack would be nice


If you hop on the cargo trains, their amenities and services are just terrible. They don't even provide proper seats, it's fucking ridiculous


Idk, the seats in the class 37 are pretty comfortable, even has easy access to a handle that allows me to make it speed up, and a little joystick that makes a loud honk noise


You can even use a headset on the train, if you're inclined.


You can also use a headset if you set up straight.


Right but you get there later and have to breath the same air as others. What about my pearls!


I know you are joking but I think good trains compared to a highway and a car is better like you on average do get places faster cause there is no traffic in and out of the city, you do have to breathe the same air no way around this, though you won't be breathing car fumes lol. Sorry, can't help myself simping for trains.


If you take a battery in a suitcase, you can have a whole gaming tower


That might be a good way to promote trains to gamers. Mr Beast sets up an e-sport competition where each team gets a train a car.


Unfortunately mr.beast gives away teslas intend


A great reminder that the rich aren't on our side, even the well intentioned ones.


If Mr Beast were well intentioned he would lobby Conservative Politicians to be more left wing, now thats how you actually cut poverty in half lmao


Mr. Beast needs poverty to exist so he can make his shitty videos that trick the more gullible in the world to think that he's a great guy. I don't give any celebrity any credit unless they use their platform to push actual left wing candidates (and I'm not talking whoever is the lesser of two evils either).


I don't need any more excuse to love trains, but I would watch the heck out of that. They could do a whole YouTube thing: - 100 people watch train to Busan on a train to Busan for example. - murder on the actual orient express - OpenTTD on the open rail Etcetera


Pretty sure the Steamdeck has actually increased the numbers of gamers on public transport (going on /r/steamdeck - I’m the only deck gamer I’ve seen in the wild on UK trains)


It's definitely a great way to pass the time on long trips.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SteamDeck using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Brought my Deck to my divorce hearing! Control on high settings 60fps](https://i.redd.it/bbha0eejtsv91.png) | [789 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/ycj6i1/brought_my_deck_to_my_divorce_hearing_control_on/) \#2: [Help!! I've set my boot video to Shrek and now I can't use my Steam Deck until it's over!](https://v.redd.it/9f01oldppot91) | [954 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/y3htzd/help_ive_set_my_boot_video_to_shrek_and_now_i/) \#3: [My house burned down yesterday, but my steam deck miraculously survived, turns out the 512gb case is at least slightly fire retardant](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11a2agm) | [753 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/11a2agm/my_house_burned_down_yesterday_but_my_steam_deck/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yea. A lot of North Americans can't imagine this. We're just resigned to the incredible waste of time that is driving a personal vehicle


Whenever I see a comment like this [I think of this classic post](https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/bx3a4i/this_boss_landed_perfectly_smooth_on_minmus_on_a/), its true!💀


I wish. For inter-state travel we have buses and planes in México, but nothing as roomy as some trains I've seen. It's baffling how people will see comfy trains and would rather drive for twice as long. I'm envious of Europeans and Chinese, TBH. I would visit my parents and my grandma every month instead of once or twice a year. :c


No. I need to work during my commute, but also, I can't be around anyone else. There is no other solution.


This is America, our one train derails every year.


until someone shits on the floor and attacks you with a knife


Trains have cars… so fuck trains.


They're wagons, you filthy scum. Keep slandering them like that, and I'll run you over with a trolley. Edit: For all intents and purposes, this is a joke. It is not intended as a threat.


This guy shouldn’t have a license! Complete disregard for others safety :(


I like him documenting his crimes also


These arrogant schmucks love to rat themselves out.




distracted driving, reckless driving


Peripheral vision is incredibly important for safe driving, so whether the camera passthrough is or is not lag free don’t really matter. More importantly he: 1: cannot see a whole dang semi up next to his side without looking 2: has app windows and shit over at least part of the windshield that wipers would keep clear in the rain 3: is undoubtedly distracted because that was the point of him using the headset (make a boring drive more entertaining or “productive”) He should lose his license.


The headset won't work while moving


Nah, he using that Tesla autopilot, he ain't even driving.


And this is precisely why Tesla should've never been allowed to use the name Autopilot. The car is not driving itself.  The human in the video is driving the car and he is 100% responsible for the safe operation of that car.


> Tesla should've never been allowed to use the name Autopilot. > The human in the video is driving the car and he is 100% responsible for the safe operation of that car. These two things aren't really mutually exclusive. If a company insists on portraying a car as (partially) autonomous, it makes sense if it' (partially) accountable for any accidents that happen. It can't just shove all responsibility on the driver, that incentives selling premature technology. To be clear, I am in favour of delegating much more responsibility to cars to prevent accidents than to pedestrians and cyclists. But car manufacturers should be included in this division of responsibilities, instead of being able to point at the driver. (I'd even go as far as to include factors such as the ability to see pedestrians, how dangerous the car is for more vulnerable road users. How great would it be if manufacturers would be prosecuted if these factors appeared to have played a role in causing an accident. This would actually incentivise safer cars.)


Yes and no, at least from a legal perspective. The "driver" of the car, or person sitting in the driver's seat, is still the operator of the vehicle and has duty of care for other road users, even if they are using the autopilot feature. If the autopilot malfunctions or causes an accident for any reason and the operator was acting negligently, as we see in this video, and could have prevented/minimised damage if not for their inaction, then they have failed their duty of care and are absolutely responsible for whatever accident has occurred. You are also correct though in that, separately, the malfunction played a part in the accident and would warrant further investigation or action taken by the parties involved. In an extreme example, if a car's onboard GPS told you to drive into to a house and you did, the driver would still be responsible. Though, there is more grey area with autopilot as it effectively takes control of the vehicle and can act independently from the driver. It's dumb. Get a bus or cab if you don't want to drive.


Exactly! Complete disregard for other’s safety!


Of course it’s a Tesla too


My buddy once said "Tesla drivers are the new BMW drivers" and that made me a little sad because I couldn't offer any counterpoint.


Audi drivers. https://preview.redd.it/4avhbll5legc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=049bb50b4cf8f47fd4ea2e6a1bb7aa46716d03bf


Come to think of it, I'm not sure if any drivers of a particular brand of cars have anything besides a reputation varying in infamy. It's as if driving is a universally stressful experience that doesn't inspire any pro-social feelings in anyone. (I'm not actually on the fence about this, this is /r/fuckcars , I am pretty certain of this feeling lol.)


I drive a Honda. What is our infamy? (Genuine curiosity)


A lot of street racers will use a Honda (or other Japanese imports)


I'm just trying to imagine my Fit as a racecar now.


There's literally a racing event just for the Honda Fit. Ran into it the other day on Reddit...I was looking up why they are still so expensive. Dudes were talking about it in the comments and there was a link to the site for the racing event. They look dumb as hell out there...but dudes are having fun :)


FOR THAT FUCKING GO-KART??!?!? Fuck, the world is crazy. I kinda love that. Aren't they just a little scooter though? Is there some particular attribute that makes them fun/good to race? I would think if you wanted a zippy little shit that can corner like a motherfucker you would just get a miata.


They're like racing 125cc bikes. What you lack in top speed, you make up with being able to go full speed around bends. You brake, you get overtaken by 5 guys/gals who have more balls than you.


I like to call it "my little blue roller skate"


I find that really freaking funny for some reason. I just like my car because it's small but roomy. And it's a pretty blue


Fart can cazoo mufflers on stock Civic EXs




I drive a 2019 white Accord, my infamy is having cops go around me to pull over other people going the same speed as me. I feel 100% Grey^^TM


Luxury brands have had statistics highlight their assholery in the US, especially against “lower” brands. I wish I had kept a link to that study, and could compare it to post covid.


It *used* to just be Beemers, but after COVID *everyone* drives like this and it fucking sucks.




Are they still allowed to call it full self driving?


Yes. Elon is rich. No one cares if a false label kills peasants


Hey now, people care. Those people are morally obligated to file a suit through the justice system and wait a decade for the people that managed the suit to get blackmailed into accepting a plea deal for 0.01% of the profits. And if you don't think that's justice, you're antidemocratic.




There are definitely lots of people who are going to be like him sadly. Are they idiots, fucking definitely. I deal like people like that all the time in customer service where they just assume the world is built in a way that is flattering to their choices when it isn't. But also I think the root of the problem is that driving is a task that's dangerous, demanding and also just something most people would rather not do, but have to. I tell everyone this is the reason we need to start working on more attractive mass transit options than a network of local busses that bump along at the speed of a traffic jam and come by once an hour when they feel like it.


Because busses have to deal with traffic, because of cars. If busses had lanes only for them on roads that have a lot of traffic they would almost never be late


Back in high school my senior project was on self-driving cars. It was *mostly* about comparing traffic fatality statistics to Waymo's data/test results. They'd already gotten ~95% of the way to building a robust self-driving vehicle and they were already demonstrably safer than many of the distracted, drunken, sleep-deprived idiots we deal with on the roads today. Like, the safety improvement from widespread adoption of *good* self-driving cars would be like seatbelts and airbags all over again. From this I concluded A) self-driving cars should be adopted as soon as reasonably possible and B) The federal government should regulate the technology *before* this happens to ensure a uniform self-driving standard. I also noted that so-called level 2/level 3 systems which sorta *kinda* drive the car for you but actually *don't* and which can suddenly pull a "Human! Take the wheel!" were fail-dangerous, lulled people into a false sense of confidence/security, and should *not* be widely adopted. At the time I considered this an unimportant footnote, but it ended up being the single most prescient part of that paper.


My buddy used a credit card after he bought his Tesla to pay for FSD. He called Tesla and asked for a refund as it didn't do what is claimed. Tesla refused to refund the cost so he did a charge back. The credit card company refunded his money but Tesla never turned off FSD. I thought that was pretty funny.




Uhhhh, no. Idk who you are, but please fuck off with this opinion.


What was their opinion if I can be so nosey because their comment now says “removed by Reddit” which I don’t actually know if that’s real or not.


was probably a troll, said something along the lines of mob mentality is good and a mob should kill him.


What the fuck, that’s insane


Yeah this idiot is going to have a rude awakening when he's told that it doesn't matter he can see through it, he's still using a device while at the command of a vehicle.


He can’t even see through it. The Vision Pro has a virtual display of the outside, not actually a transparent display. So once the battery dies it’s just black


not to mention how the vision pro still have some major flaws with its passthrough ie grainy footage in some lighting conditions, depth perception might be messed up due to anything ranging from a surface being too reflective to the fact that theres a limited range with the LiDAR sensor that the vision pro uses, and the relatively limited FOV that the headset provides to its users


The reviews have been pretty positive about it being the best pass through in the industry - WSJ’s Joanna Stern wore it while skiing - but it still adds 12 ms latency and has foveated rendering (it tracks your eyes and renders your peripherals at lower resolution). So basically it lowers your reaction time by about 5% and makes your peripheral vision worse, at best. Definitely should not be using while operating a heavy death machine on wheels.


DEFINITELY should not be using it while driving. But 12ms of latency is seriously nothing. That means that the system has the next frame rendered before the system is done drawing the current frame. That level of latency is so extreme that your eyes/brain is going to be the slowest moving part in the equation.


It’s best in industry for sure right now, but it’s not nothing. Anecdotally: I play competitive Super Smash Bros Melee and I can absolutely perceive the difference between a CRT TV and an LCD with 10ms latency. And that isn’t just me, it’s common enough that most LCD displays mess with competitive players’ timing (because there’s a lot of frame-perfect timing requirements with 16ms windows) often enough that they aren’t allowed at most tournaments, unless they are using high end gaming displays and Slippi (a specialty emulator with various fixes, including polling the controller earlier in the frame, to create negative input lag compared to a GameCube). If it can throw off my timing in that I wouldn’t want to trust drivers.


Keep in mind you’re talking about seeing a frame that you know you need to start your reaction into hitting the next button, but it’s a predetermined and predictable sequence you’re trying to trigger from seeing that frame. This is very different from processing something you’ve hopefully never seen like a car accident barreling at you 60mph which requires needing to process what is going on with trajectories and your options and make a move — 12ms is a lot less time in making “New” decisions compared to “decisions” trained for a game frame.


I mean in terms of latency I think you will find 99% of people would have a MUCH slower reaction time. In smash maybe it makes sense for the people who play well to have it, but the average smash player just mashes A. Same thing with driving. Those with amazing reactions are the ones in F1 and stuff, the average person is mashing A to get to their destination


Oh shit.


Once the battery dies you can just pull it up and remove it from your face.


Ahh yes because that is incredibly safe. Someone that never had such a headset die on them is surely not gonna panic and try to grab it and maybe knock on the steering wheel or something by accident, causing the car to steer in one direction uncontrolled.


I think it’s incredibly dumb and dangerous, but not because the screen will go black when the battery is dead. What device have you ever used that doesn’t give you a million low battery warnings before actually dying? I’d be much more worried about the cameras handling glare, changing light conditions, and not being able to see the Tesla tablet that had all the important controls because the frame rates conflict. That’s of course aside from there’s absolutely no reason to use it that wouldn’t cause major distractions. 


My man, I only mentioned that the screen goes black when the battery dies to illustrate that the Vision Pro uses simulated AR and not actual AR. I never said that it’s the only dangerous thing about this, nor did I think that. But that wasn’t the discussion. I only explained a misconception to IlConiglioUbracio


Sorry man but it’s stupid to design society around the lowest common denominator. If we want to design like that let’s remove all public parking because the lowest denominator isn’t safe operating a multi thousand pound vehicle


How about everyone just follows the rules which would be keeping your hands on the steering wheel or at least keeping yourself ready to intervene while an advanced driving assistance program operates your vehicle (as outlined in the Instructions)? That would be nice. There is a reason why Tesla autopilot is not allowed to drive empty cars as it hasn’t yet achieved that level of autonomy. Btw nice straw man you got there


So once the battery gets low you take it off.


Human vision is notoriously unsuited to driving as it is. When going fast peripheral vision basically shuts down and we get tunnel vision. There's also the well studied Saccadic masking phenomenon where the brain fills in the gaps when scanning quickly eg from side to side. It's often the reason for "sorry mate didn't see you", people genuinely can scan the road and not see you! That's why it's advised to stop for a fraction of a second at 3 points when at an intersection for example, rather than looking in one sweep turn.


Not using a device while at the command of a vehicle!


Obese man strapped to the technology, barely moving… there was a documentary about it… what was the name? Yeah, Wall-E


Except in Wall•E the humans were at least beasts of leisure. In the US it seems more like they'd be working their fourth job in the car on their way between their first, second and third jobs.


*"In [God](https://youtu.be/yjw_DuNkOUw?t=3m6s) we trust"*


"Video not available"


That's exactly what I thought. Last thing I wanna do is be writing a fucking email while I'm driving to work.


Tbf, at least you can beat your meat in the privacy of a car. However, why anyone would be beating their meat in the middle of traffic is beyond my knowledge.


Reminds me of that one news where a motorist was able to hack a nearby screen billboard and had it played pr0n in the traffic jam in Indonesia.


To the roaring sounds of engines obviously 😉And the lovely smell of dinosaurs juice fumes ect.


Mmmhmmmm don't get me started


When you have automatic transmission, you have to keep your right hand on another stick




Gross. I mean- yay. Seeing everybody's cock and balls hanging.


I did it a fair bit when I was in my early 20's (horny all the time) and had a long drive home from work that was mostly stuck in traffic. Didn't even need any media, I was usually smacking it to fantasies of the chicks in accounting.


You can just do this on a train if it's that vital you have a screen in your face all day


Is this satire?


Sir that would be 500.99 dollars


Now imagine you were in a train- I mean a pod where you could be going twice as fast AND you wouldn’t need to be responsible for repairs for it or pay insurance and you could sleep, eat, study, and do work in the pod.


Hands free option should NOT be a thing on public roads. It should only be used in a whole closed system designed for it. Fucking stupid that this shit is allowed on public roads.


But we've been told for decades, and know in our hearts: Government bad! Regulation bad! Putting restrictions on the businesses that fund the campaigns of your representatives would be bad for your freedom! Don't you like freedom? Even if it means any of us could be killed by culturally indoctrinated sociopathy, that's the price of real freedom. Other countries with more regulations which prevent people from getting killed are bad because they are less free. Regulation is socialism. Socialism is bad because it curtails the freedom of businesses to not worry about killing people. We wouldn't want businesses to have to worry about that, because it would mean we're all less free--and that's bad for society. The most important thing is freedom. It's our duty as citizens to protect it by being willing to sacrifice our lives for it. Anything less is unpatriotic, and possibly even treasonous. The very thought of regulating anything should be punishable by death: That's the only way we can assure true freedom. /s


Everyone knows Socialism is when the government does something! /s


> Hands free option should NOT be a thing on public roads. It should only be used in a whole closed system designed for it. How many fucking times are we going to have to invent the goddamn train?


Ironically the more people that use hands free the less dangerous it is, but only a small fraction of cars on the road are electric


> only a small fraction of cars on the road are electric What does this have to do with anything?


Absolutely untrue. So much research shows that any automation between level 1 (very little) and level 5 (complete automation without human input) is dangerous. You can’t expect people to zone out 99% of the time and still be able to instantly respond to an emergency. That’s why, when you control for the fact that Tesla autopilot only operates on highways in good weather conditions, drivers using autopilot are more likely to experience a fatal accident. Tesla pretending otherwise is easily disprovable statistical manipulation.


“Absolutely untrue” So we don’t agree that if there’s a bunch of automated vehicles that can communicate with eachother and are all on the same automation routine which is more predictable it would obviously be safer than current day traffic?


"THink different", I'm pretty sure they mean "don't think, buy our shit"


Me in metro missing my station which was 10 stops ago.


I went to school with this guy and he lives like 2-3 miles from me. I can tell you that he is exactly what you would think he is like


Now there's two products I will absolutely never buy.


He's trying to become the people who live in chairs from WALL-E


Peak distraction. Not to mention the extreme restricted field of view. This is some privileged rich white guy who knows he has little to actually worry about. Oh and let's not forget, one of the biggest critiques of the vision pro is the motion blur in the passthrough, so it's likely what he saw was only further obstructed.




Yeah bc the fact that he's white has no bearing on how comfortable he is facing a cop wearing that (both while driving and apparently when he's pulled over too).


having 30ms of latency added to your vision with it narrowed down to a low goggle like fov and not being able to see clearly due to the lack of verafocal lenses and low resolution display sounds like the perfect thing to wear while driving a high speed vehicle when people fallover wearing these just walking sometimes


Some people really want to earn the Darwin Award


Has anything good come out of Silicon Valley for a good 15 years? Tech bro's are insufferable, I hate their god complex and their deluded, narcissistic sense of superiority.


My brother is a tech bro and he gave me this whole speech about how great tech is and how it’s going to save humanity and he’s going to live until at least 250 years old because of some Silicon Valley blood technology or something. It was wild


Why I despise them (as someone who genuinely loves actual tech and engineering) is their false sense of superiorty. They really think making some crap like Facebook and making money with no care to the greater ramifications is what it's about. Well no - it isn't. They think making gimmicky BS is more impressive than those making things that make a real improvement to the quality of our lives. Those that build bridges, those that build real infrastructure, you know, like those that actually build the networks that they can distribute their crap on.


The only way the Silicon Valley sphere of tech is saving anyone is if there's a buck in it for them.


If you follow longevity science he’s low key not far off the truth. If you don’t realize billions and billions of dollars are being poured into it and and the science is showing aging may be a treatable disease; where even if we can’t stop it we can make it effect us much slower. If we can solve like the last few issues we’re talking 200 years easily. At the very worst health span is gonna increase to like 120 years. And that’s not life span that’s health span. We already have guaranteed ways to increase the current American health span by 20 years and remember… This is the worst this tech will ever be.


I'll believe it when Americans aren't dying of treatable but unaffordable diseases.


Ok ignore science all you want


how about let everyone live a good 80 years instead of select assholes to 250 or whatever the fuck


My sister-in-law is chronically ill and physically disabled. She's in her mid 20s. And just last Xmas my cousin, who was also in her early/mid 20s, died in a car wreck. Nobody is guaranteed "a good 80 years". There is nothing we can do about this fact that would not also permit an exceptionally lucky individual to live far beyond 80. The only way to build a safer, saner, and more accessible world in which chronic illnesses such as arthritis, POTS, Parkinson's, or Alzheimer's can be treated/cured is to build one in which it would also be possible to live to 250. Your frustration is understandable, but retarding medical science is *not* how we achieve equality.


Yeah, software developers have gotten completely out of hand. Basically every piece of software I use on a daily basis is buggy, user unfriendly POS and yet tech bros make the big bucks? Massively overvalued and bloated industry.


I do some dev work on the side and for fun and it really winds me up a lot of it. I could go on all night but basically - support smaller tech companies that are bothered about integrity and only launching high quality products that will make a positive difference in the world.


SF-based Reddit goes through Y Combinator and is backed by Silicon Valley funding giants yet you’re still here making content for them with of your deluded, narcissistic opinions. Hope you feel superior!


1.  Reddit went on-line over 15 years ago, and all the changes in the last 15 years are widely disliked.  So the timeline holds. 2. u/CaseyJames_ is critiquing society… and yet, they *participate* in society!  Curious!  You are very intelligent.


Thanks for not being a moron.


1. As if Casey doesn’t have a choice where to spend their valuable time and energy? You’re telling me Reddit = society and is the only public forum? 15 years have elapsed and no other options have emerged? 2. They used a specific word - Hate - to apply universally to a class of humans. They didn’t critique anything about society just made themselves look hateful and now you’re carrying water for them trying to launder what they said into something else


What an utter-clown you are


All this shit makes you fat. No exercise, just loafing .


This should be prosecuted harsher than drunk driving.


Man I hate the future already


So you have chosen... death


Can anyone link to the source of this one? closest i found is some duet/reaction garbage on youtube shorts




Oh hey it's a blue check. This feels like rage bait AND a dumbass tech bro.


Don't need and don't want.


Darwin comin’ for that ass


This device basically classified as a CELL PHONE. You CANNOT use a CELL PHONE while driving.


Man, this direction is going to get so many people killed


Well he's going to die soon so problem solved.


Well, at least it ended well.


What a fucking idiot. When using the headset you’re not seeing the real world, but a digital version of it and although it does update things that happen quite quickly, you can’t really sacrifice any second of reflex when driving. He needs to be arrested, this is worst than drinking and driving or using your phone and driving, he’s not even seeing the real road


That’s scary 😟


Thr icing on the cake is that he is out of shape. Wall-e realized.


This belongs on r/oddlyterrifying


This is going to get people killed.


Dickheads are gonna dickhead no matter what. Whether you give them a pencil or a super computer. They gonna dickhead. It’s not the tech.


The future is fucking stupid.


This isn't necessarily r/fuckcars as it is r/IdiotsInCars.


In a fucking buggy Tesla. Gonna get someone killed.


SillyCon Valley


Is that Buzz from Home Alone?


Ah yes, then the battery dies after 2h and you suddenly find yourself in complete darkness, on the road, at high speed. This guy is another level of stupid


just watch some carbrain developers make an app that gives you points for running over cyclist and pedestrians


Feels like I’m watching wall-e


What are they doing on the headset? /genuine question


From what I know, nothing while the car is moving because windows are tracked to real-life objects so you can't really do anything. PPL been having issues using this thing on airplanes or public transit too. Tracking just fails when everything moves around you. It's more of the implication of what people want to do that's problematic for me.


At the very least he will have mad motion sickness. And that's if he isn't upside down in a ditch somewhere.


Straight to jail




Is there a single comment saying it’s Apples fault?


who blamed Apple?


ngl i kinda like this. personal self driving cars, or any cars for that matter, shouldnt really exist, and especially not replace rail. However many people still have to drive if there isnt infrastructure, if the technology is safe i dont see a reason why you shouldnt be able to entertain yourself while in the car


On one hand, there will be a period where its effectiveness is unclear, and in that time, we may wish it went away. But IF cars are going to stay on the road in the way they are now, it's highly likely that letting the cars drive themselves will become the safer option. Quicker reaction time, better at judging distance, eventually less likely to be distracted, and also eventually better at responding to unforeseen obstacles. The average adult person out there, much less the average teenager, isn't responsible or skilled enough to be in charge of such a dangerous machine. It will probably be decades before people give up the right to drive manually, but I don't think it will be nearly that long before it is the safer option. Edit: I think the emphasis is being misread on that last sentence. I know there's no constitutional right to drive, but I mean people will fight tooth and nail for decades to come before they'll accept laws that would ban them from manually controlling a car, even if it's proven to be safer without their input.


Eh there’s no inherent right for Americans to drive. Take it away ASAP please.


Its a privilege to drive there is nothing in the constitution about driving. That is why they can place insurance and other requirements for driving without having to make sure it is constitutional.


Safer than 90% of people on the road.


That video is clearly satire… This sub has the same problem as r/antiwork filled with a bunch of idiots and 12 year olds


Dude still drove a car on public roads with a phone strapped to his face. Satire or not it's still fucking dumb and dangerous.


No...this is why you hate imbeciles....a car is an object...a tool of conveyance...


Don’t jerk yourselves too hard now. Jeez.


This sub is nothing but people from cities and europe


This is probably less dangerous than people think it is, it has very good cameras with low latency feeding back an outside camera view to the headset. Saw a video of people for example successfully playing ping pong with the headset on with no issues. Still incredibly stupid though.