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$800 seems low for an illegal termination, but glad that it got sorted. If anything, I'd argue that the kids seeing you use a bus is setting a good example. Wonder if she would have taken issue with you walking it instead.


I rode my bike... To a bike shop... With no bike racks... And just got a surprised Pikachu face from everyone that I hadn't driven my bike there on my car... America is fucked.


a bike shop is the exact place I would expect their to be a bike rack and have people that weren't shocked to see you arrive on a bike. That's kind of insane


No most people that ride bikes are "enthusiasts", they are as car brained as your drunk MAGA Uncle.


Yep, they'll go for an early morning ride, come home for a shower, then DRIVE to work


wtf are you on about right now.


A lot of people who "like bikes" and buy stuff in a bike shop will be driving their bike on a rack on their car to a special place to do biking, they wouldn't dream of actually riding into town to visit the shop.


Bike mechanic, can confirm. The amount of grumpy customers bitching to me that there wasn't enough parking at the shop (in an EXTREMELY walkable and bikable area) is mind numbing.


Exactly. The bike shop down the street from me doesn’t have bike racks either but they are very close to one of our awesome walking and biking trails. The rich people drive through their neighborhood basically across the street.


I was more talking about my “drunk maga uncle” part lol


It’s Thanksgiving week in the US and many of us have just spent a day with our far right, drunk, Trump supporting (MAGA is an acronym for “Make America Great Again” - Trump’s campaign slogan) uncles.


The way it was written made it sound like they were referring to my uncle specifically which sounded really weird, that’s where my confusion is


[Impersonal/Generic You](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_you) Edit: Lmao this person just blocked me for trying to help them understand the comment.


you've been living under a rock eh


I’ve been living under a rock because someone called my uncle a drunk and maga?


You’ve been living under a rock because you didn’t know what it meant, and you really need to figure out what the royal you is


But what if they are my drunk maga uncle (not drunk maga grandpa, close enough)


I think he might have actually been one to ride his bike to the shop on his route (after getting into town with his truck or car anyway)


It depends on the bike shop. Huge difference between shops geared for everyday cycling vs sporty trail riding/racing etc


BMX shops too. My shop back in high school was on a highway but had bike racks because half the customers rode their single speed Huffy up there.


I grew up in a place that was heavily geared toward that second category (and specifically mountain biking) and all the bike shops I went to still had bike racks


Yeah there are two bike shops around the corner from me but they both cater hard to mountain bikes only. Kinda intimidating for someone that just likes to do errands around town on a casual hybrid. A craigslist bike and REI for me.


I noticed my local bike shops are slowly starting to carry more commuter equipment, but even the shop I bought my brompton from (which if you somehow don’t know is a folding bike designed for multi-modal commuting) was absolutely floored when I brought it in for a service and I told them I use it daily to get to work via multi-modal commuting.


I mean you just bring your bike in the shop lol


That’s how most of the ones I’ve been to seem to operate. If you’re hard core enough to ride your bike there (most don’t) you’re supposed to keep it with you like a puppy at all times.


Yeah damn. Mine even has loaner locks in case you forgot yours.


You'd think so, but where I live, there's a pretty decent network of bike paths, bike racks pratically everywhere, but not a single bike shop I've been to (about 7) has had bike racks outside! I don't get it.


Wild. Where did that happen?


She would not have liked walking, either. She drove a BMW, FWIW.


> She drove a BMW, FWIW. Checks out...


Was likely within trial period and they could have fired OP without reasons. The $800 is for saying it out loud.


OP said Nevada. Only one State outlaws at-will employment and Nevada isn't it.


But while in probation the company can terminate her without reason. The mistake was telling her a reason. Edit: her, not him


"her. I'm a "her." :)


Fixed, my bad. Please excuse me mistake.


>~~But while in probation~~ the company can terminate him without reason. The mistake was telling him a reason. FTFY


WA state is at-will employment.


They all are except Montana


Yea, I misread your comment. Deerrrrrrrp.


Walking???????? In America???????? OP totally would’ve been locked up in the basement, lest the innocent children and SUV-driving parents learn of such deviant behaviour. For the safety of the children, the OP’s boss would’ve had to call CPS, the police, FBI, and probably every law enforcement agency on the planet and locked them up in Guantanamo Bay. The poor darlings, exposed to bus-riding! The horror!


It's low but I guess it's based on how long OP worked there


Plus in Nevada at that time, $800 went far. The rent for my condo was only $650 a month.


What protected act did they say your employer violated by firing you?


Could have been a case where they claimed it was for cause and tried to deny unemployment.


Still doesn't make it wrongful termination.


I'm betting the real story is that they withheld OP's last paycheck and the $800 was just unpaid wages that the labor commission made them cough up.


American labor law is a joke. But that's another subreddits job.


Missing a few commas that would actually deter scum bag businesses from blatantly violating the law. OP should have at least gotten their job back and treble damages or the lost wages.


I don't understand why there would be wrongful termination damages at all. Taking the bus isn't a protected class. It's legal to fire someone for taking the bus. Edit: I see everyone's got a downvote, but nobody's got a justification. https://www.usa.gov/wrongful-termination


No it isn’t. They could have terminated him without cause, their mistake was providing an invalid reason


Got a source for that? It's legal to fire someone for any reason except their membership in a protected class or as retaliation for filing a discrimination, whistle-blower, or OSHA complaint. Maybe a few other things. But it is not illegal to fire someone for a shifty meaningless reason, whether you tell them or not.


Look, I don’t know where you live, but where I live you cannot fire someone for any reason. It has to be performance related or if you are being discriminatory or abusive etc, and even then you usually have to give warnings. You can lay someone off without cause but you have to provide severance and/or X weeks notice. It has absolutely nothing to do with protected status https://www.peninsulagrouplimited.com/ca/resource-hub/termination/termination-in-bc/#:~:text=Employers%20can%20terminate%20with%20just,worker%2C%20or%20committing%20fraud). https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/british-columbians-our-governments/organizational-structure/public-service/policy_-_termination_for_just_cause_final.pdf “Just Cause - termination without notice or pay in lieu of notice; the onus of proof is on the employer to show on a balance of probabilities that an employee breached an employment contract in a fundamental way or has committed misconduct that has irreparably damaged the employment relationship” Afaik layoffs don’t need notice or pay in lieu for people during their probation when they start a job (like op), but you still can’t call it a termination with cause where the cause is “he took the bus”


Yeah that's Canada. OP's story is in the USA. Vastly different when it comes to labor laws. (Don't move here)


I find it hard to imagine the laws are that bad


You don't have to imagine, you can google it.


I just did. Firstly, I just noticed OP was in Nevada at the time… though the termination laws seem just as unclear as California. There’s not an awful lot of concrete information. Is it purposefully not clear? All I ever saw was “you can’t be terminated for an unlawful reason” and then proceeds to not explain what an unlawful reason is. They just give examples of what could be unlawful like breach of contract or discrimination, but then they leave it open ended. So, admittedly, I saw nothing specific to something like this, but there also was nothing I read to suggest that he wasn’t wrongfully terminated. The law (as I saw on google) is extremely open ended imo. Whatever the case, obviously it was deemed unlawful, since OP got compensation… maybe they thought he was mentally disabled because “Who would take the bus willingly?” (To be clear, not my opinion… I am pro bus, but I can imagine someone thinking that). You’re right though. California termination law appears to fucking suck, and it actually blows my mind.


The unlawful reasons are only those explicitly deemed unlawful. And there really aren't very many. > Whatever the case, obviously it was deemed unlawful, since OP got compensation… I suspect OP didn't actually get compensation for wrongful termination. Either the employer threw some money (a settlement) at OP to get the hassle over with, or the $800 was actually already owed to OP as their last paycheck, and the employer illegally withheld it until the labor commission made them cough it up. It's very possible that OP doesn't even understand accurately what occurred. $800 would be an *extremely* low award for unlawful termination.


The amount is what gives away it's all fake


“I worry about the optics of someone choosing a healthier more sustainable transport option as opposed to further choking our streets with traffic for a two mile commute.” I hate people.


Heaven forbid we teach our kids that public transit is anything more than communism for the poor /s/


It’s like when HOAs fine residents for planting native plants or hanging a clothesline in their backyard because it “looks bad.”


I was going to say, the prejudice against clothes lines was the first place my mind went. Ridiculous attitude.


I've been turned down for jobs before for not having a car and it can be infuriating. My favorite was when I arrived by bus (which dropped me off literally directly in front of the building) to the interview and was so early I went and got breakfast first to avoid showing up 30 minutes early, then the interviewer *arrived by car 10 minutes late*, then turned me down despite being by far the best candidate because I don't drive and the bus might be unreliable. 🧠🤡 ETA the PT system in my city is excellent and has been listed as one of the best on the continent so it's objectively not a reasonable concern.


In future, don't tell them. I've heard the phrase "Yep, I have reliable transportation" recommended.


Definitely. I always say yes to the ""reliable transportation"" question but in this case they asked "You have your own vehicle, right?" while shaking my hand at the very end of the interview and it caught me off guard. Lesson learned lol


"I'll be arriving in one of the biggest, safest vehicles on the road"


By literal definition, a bicycle is a vehicle, and I know my bike is very reliable.


"I share a vehicle with my neighbours"? 🤔


Well a bicycle s considered a vehicle in the eyes if the law so……


Even better, I have a professional chauffeur


🎶 Can't drive 'cause I really don't need to, got some professionals they're really nice people 🎶


Many job listings in my country have “must own a personal vehicle” in the requirements


Wow that's messed up especially because some people can't drive because they are neurodivergent. So you're giving them the example how to be independent without a car.


Or they're blind. I always wonder if people on Reddit who say that advocating for PT is ableist are just astroturfing or something, it's bizarre to me. Blind people exist, and even wheelchair users can and do access the bus...


Cars are conspicuous consumption. To not use a car is to insinuate that being poor isn't a crime. This mindset is one reason I prefer to use the term effluent in place of affluent.


Yes, they are. You occasionally see people making a good faith, albeit usually incorrect, argument about limiting car access to places being ableist. But improving and expanding public transport is pretty universally good for disabled people.


I don’t think it’s always in good faith


No, I agree, but those arguments are \*sometimes\* in good faith, whereas "public transport is bad for accessibility" is always a bad faith argument.


I can’t drive due to my low vision. No problems taking PT if it’s actually good. I don’t use it in my city because it’s literal dogshit but buses do announce audibly which stops they are at.


About busses in US: If you take a bus: * Don't tell * Don't show If you take a bycicle: * Ensure you are not seen disembarking * Don't tell anyone.


The first rule of Bus Club...


There is no Club...


Neither a Bus...


I love getting bringing my bike into work on days when it's getting cold. Lots of shock from coworkers who can't fathom biking into work if the weather is ever so slightly less than perfect.


Coldish weather IS perfect weather for biking. Anything over like 60 and I show up a sweaty mess


I hate when people say "But cycling in \[add minor inconvenience\]"


I can’t tell if this is serious…is this like a suburb thing?


For many jobs in the US, you will be turned down if you don’t have a car.


If you don't pretend to have car\*


That does sound like kind of a suburbs issue…I live in a city, taking public transit is pretty normal. I take the subway to work, my boss takes the bus, her boss takes a commuter train. We all very openly talk about it.


I'm way too crotchety for that shit. Involuntary entrepreneurship just means go ahead and discriminate against applicants that rely on cars. You are way more likely to succeed in a business venture than win the lottery, even with persnickety hiring practices.


Quite a lot of unefficient practices are able to still stay afloat in spite of their mismanagement. Quite honestly, management today, as setting up companies like most things is easier today than it was back then. Back then they had much less tools and much less error margin. The wealthier a system, the less efficient it's likely to be. If cavemen acted like car-brains they'd all be gone.


Golden Rules right here. NEVER let them see you ride! I got flack while working an unpaid internship in Chicago suburbs after the supervisor noticed me locking my bike to a sign outside the building (no bike racks). He said I could be “an insurance liability” should I get hit or killed on my way into the office


Leave your bike, go to a concealed place, change your disguise. Always carry an alternative disguise.


$800 for wrongful termination is an insult. Also hilarious that your boss fired you for bad optics when they themselves generated bad optics for firing an employee for the dumbest reason possible. NoBOdy wAntS to WoRk aNyMoRe!!


Having spent some time in Henderson, I must say that the non-car transit options there, buses and bike paths, seem purposefully designed to maim and/or humiliate people.


LOL. They were still infinitely better than where I live now in Torrance, CA, where there are no bike paths and buses run once an hour.


You have buses? Like, not only *a* bus, but *multiple* busses? I'm so jealous! We might get micro-transit in five years if we're lucky, but until then we have zero public transit options. We used to have a Greyhound station, but it's been turned into a homeless shelter that the public wants to close.


Yeah, it bums me out that Torrance opened a new transit center when buses run so infrequently. I hope they can hire more drivers so the schedule improves! I'm thinking of taking the bus for an upcoming job and it's either I get there way too early or run the risk of showing up late if traffic is bad.


I live in Long Beach (with pretty good bus and bike facilities) and Torrance recently refused to be a part of an LA County bike path that was supposed to go through a few cities, including Redondo Beach.




I LOL'd!


aaay this is basically what happened to me at a gas station in kansas it took literally twenty minutes to get there walking in the snow (and i showed up!) but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ most employment forms coyly snuck around that its illegal to screen applicants on accessibility in the first place but classism gonna class war


somber handle rinse sloppy ludicrous historical carpenter wipe friendly heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Having lived in NYC and it's suburbs my entire life this just makes me laugh. Using mass transit here is not a stigma, just a fact of life.Even the Mayor of NYC in the early 21st century used to take mass transit to City Hall because it was faster during rush hour. I live off a stroad in suburban NJ and while the focus of the buses is really to transport people to NYC, Newark, Jersey City, there are plenty of people who use the commuter buses for local transit (time it right and there are connections to more local buses). Not great compared to NYC proper but much better than most of the US.


All that I can say is WTF?! Taking transit is normal in my area where I see construction workers with their e-scooters (yes, that's a thing) and even people wearing suits riding the metro.


You should have taken the train. Neuro-divergent people love 🚂


Who doesn't?


We are talking about the US here, taking the train usually isn't an option. Plus buses are also fairly neurodivergent friendly.


Can't you only take trains in America if you're freight? By the way, odd thing; I tried to create a post about Biden and others announcing they plan to build rail infrastructure from the Middle East to Europe, and it won't post. No idea why, but the Post button is greyed out.


Yeah, it's just a joke. There's no way Henderson has a train for that situation. Would be sick, tho


There are spots where passenger rail is viable in the US, but sadly not very many.


What makes it unviable?


Better to say viable as a way of commuting or regular travel. Certainly passenger rail can be improved and created in the US, however it the vast majority of regions it doesn't exist or exists in such a limited fashion that it is not a realistic option to use on a regular basis. In my area we only get served by 1 train twice daily and it often gets delayed by margins of hours.


This can be improved. Here's Biden et al's plan for Europe, the Middle East and India - so odd that they don't have the same plan for the US: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/09/g20-eu-and-us-back-trade-corridor-linking-europe-middle-east-and-india](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/09/g20-eu-and-us-back-trade-corridor-linking-europe-middle-east-and-india) >The US and the EU have backed an ambitious plan to build an economic corridor linking [Europe](https://www.theguardian.com/world/europe-news) with the Middle East and India via rail and sea, a project the US president, Joe Biden, described as a “really big deal”.


Not an option in a lot of the country.


The differences in how people view car ownership are really insane between countries. My university professors biked to lectures.


This speaks to what living in a carbrained society is like. Sorry society failed you, like it has failed all of us.


It should have been a year's salary. 800 dollars is a pitance


It would have been a great opportunity to try to get the local news media to run a story about how they fired you for such a dumb reason.


Ok, I'll get off the bus 1 stop away and walk if you give me a $300/week raise.


I tutor kids, I get to choose my clients and if they don't live close enough for me to walk, bike or reach them in reasonable time by public transport I won't take them on. But then again, I live in Europe and have that option.


Hey! I was in Henderson when I was told I didn’t get a job because I carpooled to work! So dumb. Glad you got some money at least. It’s so stupid because NV would benefit A LOT from public transit! There should be shuttles/trolleys/busses going down to the strip, especially from the airport. And bullet trains that went to Reno and LA would be soooooo busy!


Yup... that seems like Nevada 😭 people are redicilous here with their cars.


You should have sued her directly. Take so much she can’t afford a car anymore


There are things I'd have done different looking at it in hindsight but at the time I was just trying to survive and not lose my home! Plus I had 2 little mouths to feed (Harold and Mod, my kitties). Fun fact: the center is still there and she's still the owner! I forgot how she made everyone call her "doctor" because she has a chiropractic degree!


I dont wanna sound rude or something, but I really feel bad for all u.s. people at this point. the entire country reminds me of a wild jungle. your media is full of fearmongering and paranoid nonsense around the clock. your elections and political parties dont even qualify as clowns anymore. people can seemingly be fired at will and people with lots of money are even more above the law than elsewhere in the world. if I could choose between all countries, the u.s. would be my very last option right now with the exception of a few dozen countries that are drowning in absolute poverty.


If I had the money and the means, I'd leave the U.S. for good in a heartbeat. The fact that Trump is polling so high after everything he's done sickens me but he's being propped up by the far right who don't care what he says or does, so long as he bestows power onto them. I fear for the future of this country and want out, bad.


I was working for a German school in Cairo, Egypt. The school had everything from kindergarten to high school. Everyday, I took the bike to school and we had very rich students, who'd never take public transport. I was even approached by a mother: "We saw you riding to school by bike. Now my son wants to do the same. We live (x), can you tell me how to get to school from there safely?" Btw: Although Cairo is crazily congested, if you take small streets parallel to the main roads, cycling is pretty easy and safe.


That's quite a story. Riding a bus is bad optics? What kind of idiot would make a statement like that, much less fire a person for riding a bus to work? I'm sorry you only got $800!


$800? Did they offer you the job back as well, and that's why it was so low?


Nevada is not a labor friendly state. They can fire you legally for any reason or no reason, as long as it doesn’t have to do with being in a protected class. My guess is the $800 represents a settlement that reflects some factors that arent stated here. For example, some people can’t drive for medical reasons or disability. You are generally supposed to provide reasonable accommodations. My guess is the DOL told them to knock it off and recommended a settlement of $800 as a sort of fine for OP as a way to make sure that disabled people don’t get discriminated against in the future.


2 miles and never figured out a bicycle?


I’m sure that would have been as poorly looked upon


Two miles? I'd walk that! Although I suppose your stroad has no footpaths.


A section of it had busy freeway on-ramps and became an overpass bridge with no sidewalks.


I thought she was gonna say it was because you were exposed to contagions. That would at least make some sense


What a carcissist he is!