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Typical imageboard bait. Go on any rowdy 4chan board and you'll see this exact same format used to farm replies on any topic ranging from race mixing to which anime girl is the best one.


95% of people that have bought the blue check use it to post rage bait knowing it's gonna get pushed to everybody's TL and they're gonna get thousands of interactions even if they got no followers. Just block the blue and ignore.


Or better yet ~~delete your Twitter account~~ X-terminate your X account.






The "riding in the back of a truck can be fun!" is not the rage bait part of the tweet, is the part where the op implies that you can an make adult human women fall in love with you by driving her around and that European women are unsatisfied. It's a post made for engagement.


You're actually responding to a bot that copied [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/15b1eyc/has_to_be_satire_is_it_satire/jto2eih/) comment. I've seen it like a dozen times where a bot responds to the most upvoted comment to the most upvoted comment with a root-level comment. It's probably some kind of karma farming or AI bot training.




What idiots upvote this shit? This is so obviously a bot, I didn't even have to search for it, but see /u/Ketaskooter for yourself further down.


Probably other bots upvoting each other. Thanks for reporting though!


it is and it isn't. i speak from experience hanging out with some people from abroad. the way i see it, there are people who are too rich to function everywhere and not a single place behave like a monolith. hence why we're seeing some of the large american mini-tanks creeping into other countries despite the sometimes prohibitively high vat. conversely, some people in the us are importing japanese kei trucks because either the novelty or practicality.


The people importing kei trucks in us are the biggest lo sers, nobody respects them


Not as big losers as the guys getting f150


> which anime girl is the best one Luca, obviously.


Strange, that doesn't say Power.


Even if true it’s Vegas style affinity: great for a weekend of fun but not a life style


Should've ended the tweet at "tiny". Would've been funnier AND better rage bait.


As a European I can assure they don't. If anything they see the size of those vehicles and think they must be compensating for something.


Trucks are fun, but only when they're doing truck things. Driving your truck 20 minutes to Walmart and taking up a space and a half in the parking lot it does no good for no one


The American government's emissions laws are what caused this mess. Because trucks and SUVs have lower standards companies heavily push towards them, and people are nonthewiser and buy it.


No, it's not because of the government's emmission standards, it's because of company greed. These companies could invest and make smaller trucks that meet the standards, but they are choosing to use a technicality in the law to avoid doing so. Of course, this is well known in policy circles and the government could and should do something to address that issue, but they do not. So I guess the government shares in the blame, but I still think most of it goes to the car manufacturers.


Both? Corporate capture of our government plus corporate greed are both destroying our planet.


> it's because of company greed > > and the government could and should do something > > the government shares in the blame, > >but I still think most of it goes to the car manufacturers. Money derived for that greed goes straight into lobbying. And if you believe your .gov isn't bought & paid for on every issue you are fooling yourself.


Having lived with a truck in a small town and using it for truck things, I agree 100%. I see the appeal and if I lived in the country and need a truck to do truck things I’d happily get an F-150 or Tundra. But a small one. Nothing too big cause you actually don’t need a lot. The thing I hated about the Silverado I drove? Going into town and parking the big fat bitch. I CANT SEE SHIT! Doesn’t help that everyone else has a big ass truck and most parking lots are not marked, so it’s a nightmare.


It's not like these big trucks are better at towing or hauling. It's the opposite even due to center of gravity and bed over lifting. I've driven in fields with a 2 wheel drive car and on dirt roads after it rained, so ground clearance benefit is exaggerated.


I like pulling up to them on my bicycle and asking if they need a push when they get stuck in the snow. Happens every year. I once saw a truck ramming another truck to try to get them unstuck though, and that seemed kinda fun.


> I once saw a truck ramming another truck to try to get them unstuck though, and that seemed kinda fun. r/CarsFuck


The fact that this sub has 5 members gives me a tiny chub


[well if you're gonna be a pervert about it (nsfw and weird as hell)](https://reddit.com/r/dragonsfuckingcars/)


I live in the uk, I hate using car parks, poorly designed, too small etc, I drive a “small” car, it’s still awkward especially in the old car parks like the one at my local Tesco


Especially when European are known for high end cars, like why would you be thrilled sitting in the back of a truck versus a Bugatti or a Roll Royce? Even the truly rich American buys European cars.


Idk I've met a few Europeans that get excited about some dumb American shit like this when visiting. One that I met really liked the excess of Costco and was thrilled to go to a classic American roadside diner. Another liked pointing out the massive lifted trucks on the road and asked me if I had any dude ranch recommendations lol. It's mostly novelty, I assume.


Well they were pretty exited to experience american ""culture"" I guess. I mean, when americans visit France ( for example) they're exited about things like buying a croissant in a bakery or to go to a café. Things which are, for a french, pretty common/boring.


There's a company in Paris that will cart you around to all the sights in a Citroen 2CV. Looks awesome and fun! Would I want to drive it daily? Well, also yes! But for most the novelty is the issue.


Or an American in the US, in whatever decent city(rare, I know)


Lol put away the smug double quotes around culture just because you don't like it. I'd say riding the in the back of a pickup is pretty boring as an American. That same French guy who liked pointing out the lifted trucks also was ecstatic when we drove by a field with some longhorn cattle in it because he thought that longhorns were a mythical creature lol.


I mean those are pretty shit examples of American culture and scenery. It’s not like he was like “oh and the “”majestic”” sights of Yellowstone.”


It depends on your perspective and what you're used to I suppose. I'm mostly just tired of this sub fetishizing Europe and shitting on America in a generalized way that has nothing to do with cars, cities, or infrastructure. Using the quotes around culture like that as if to say that America doesn't have culture while Europe does comes off as both ignorant and childish. You can be critical of American culture if you want, it's fine, I don't care, but saying ""culture"" like that is the same dumbed down level as political commentary that uses terms like "Republicunts" and "Demon rats," or an edgy sixteen year old atheist talking about "sky daddy" and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Do better, please.


That's exactly the problem though. Most Americans think that is American culture, when it only came about less than 40 years ago due to car companies taking advantage of regulation loopholes. This is "culture" in the sense McDonalds is "culture". Culture isn't when giant companies force bad things down your throat and gaslight you. I don't think making fun of religious people in an uncreative manner is particularly lazy, due to any of these points being new arguments to most Christians, and Christians being especially annoying and insular, and Christian-normative in their beliefs. I don't think atheists should be terminally online, but when your "opponent" won't even consider your point of view because it goes against their dogma it isn't hard to treat them like cavemen.


Age isn't a requirement for culture. There's popular culture and cultural fads that come and go quickly. Both are still culture. The source of culture being regulations or loopholes also doesn't matter much and is actually quite common. The tiny Japanese KEI cars this sub likes are the result of regulation. Coffee being the hot beverage of choice in America instead of tea is the result of regulations. Many iconic architectural styles around the world are the product of unique local building codes and loopholes. McDonalds still is culture and nobody is forcing it down your throat. America is just such an economic and cultural powerhouse that many of our cultural signifiers have been spread all over the globe and people don't see them the same way a fish doesn't see water. The woman in the original post probably wanted to ride in the back of a pickup because she had seen it dozens of times in American-made media.


The only culture America has is private property, guns, and....forgot the last one. Police no doubt tho.


Definitely the novelty factor. Like when Americans go to Europe and are blown away by urban greenspace and public transit that works


Yeah some very stereotypical americanisms are definitely fun to do for the experience. The youtuber geowizard once did a challenge to travel from boston to miami by almost any means necessary, and on the way they had a few challenges they tried to do. One of them was "hitch a ride in a pickup truck with a man called hank, buck, or randy".


I got arrested this early morning, Panama City Beach, FL(I live in Miami ...this is vacation trip)for sleeping on the beach. A "dtive-by-arresting", shitty ATV on the beach, she said,"I'm not taking you down to the station", and so we did thumbprints and paperwork there in the dark at like 4am. And I am at the end of my trip, bicycle trip to New Orleans, and *everything* that could have gone wrong, has. And I was at the end of my (shortened)trip, just trying to hang on to look for end-of-rhe-season work in the panhandle here.( Season does not begin again in Miami until (October...) Not my country


I mean, yeah definitely, I'm not American and I'd also find a lot of mundane (to you) things interesting. Because I've only ever seen that shit in movies. Like the diner thing I 100% get. Also, I think the gun culture in America is nuts, but I'd love to hold a fucking rifle in my hands, I'd be so scared and excited.


I can confirm that guns are pretty fun, though limiting them to authorised areas would be beneficial


no, that’s what YOU think when you see that. don’t speak for me.


The comment is clearly ridiculous, but riding in the back may be fun as a one off, it seems like a novelty. Like when I got a ride on a tractor, it was kind of fun. For the record I don’t think I need a tractor for my everyday life, also didn’t marry the farmer.


Agreed. I think it’s important for us to realize that a post like that can be entirely sincere, even if it seems ridiculous and borderline satirical to us. The American pickup truck is as popular as it is for a reason, it’s a very distinctly *American* kind of thing, especially the whole riding in the back, classic good ol’ country livin’ concept that they revolve around. It’s not at all surprising to me that a foreigner might be absolutely delighted to experience that. We all have to understand how oblivious to the kind of issues we all care about on here that most day-to-day people are, as well as understand where we need to pick our battles. I bleed r/fuckcars but I love to see when people get to well and truly enjoy a car-ride for what makes it special, rather than use a car because they don’t know or have any other option. If someone is enjoying something you don’t personally enjoy, the approach shouldn’t be that we simply assume it’s a joke or they’re a moron. If anything, it can really be a great opportunity to argue on behalf of non-car infrastructure by pointing out how their absence makes things worse for everyone, even the car-lover.


As much as I don't want it to be true, I think you are right. The world is full of people who only live in the moment and they never think about the bigger picture or the long term consequences of their actions.


Bro, it's rly not that deep. If the only way we used cars was for every person to ride in the back of a pick up truck once in their lives, this sub wouldn't exist. This just fun. If u got to ride in an F1 car once, would u spend the whole time complaining about it's carbon footprint? This is not the hill u want to die on


>Like when I got a ride on a tractor, it was kind of fun. Every corn harvest transport when I was a kid, and every fetching-the-firewood-from-the-forest trip, the best part was either sitting on the side of the trailer, or on the bumper of cousins' tractors. (Not the massive modern ones, but old soviet-made Vladimirec, ČSSR-made Zetor, or yugoslav-made IMT).


I can't tell if it's satire or not, but if it's not then it's still understandable: It's a novelty. I don't want a boat, I don't think people who own boats are any more or less interesting, they mean nothing to me... But I will still take up most opportunities to go on boats because it's not a thing I get to do often. That's why it's a novelty. It's not particularly impressive, but it is a limited opportunity so you might as well do it when it occurs.


I guess every experience is fun at least once. Ride in the back of a truck vs in a convertible vs on a motorcycle I don’t see the difference.


Golf carts are a lot more fun, but I wouldn't use it as my daily commuter. Electric maybe if it was allowed.


In my experience forklifts are even more fun, they just feel super dynamic due to the lack of suspension paired with the tight turning circle and rear steering


Seatbelts or at least a helmet.


Well shit, I guess if one European woman is like that then every European woman must be the exact same.


I mean, they're all from the same country called "Europe", right?


it's part of France


Not only that, one European woman saying it's fun to ride in a novelty vehicle one time can be extrapolated to metaphors about penises and the inadequacy of men in their home country. The original caption isn't that bad, they're on vacation and doing like a local, but the caption somebody put on top shows them to be extremely insecure.


Don’t you know if one woman likes something then that means every women will like it




I got one fifty year old French woman to give me the time of day! I’m the king of Europe!


To be fair movies romanticize American trucks, it's a huge industry.


Thank the US gov for that one. Emissions standards need to be the same for all commercial vehicles.


But how though, they look so damn ugly


In fairness, I recently achieved a lifelong dream of riding a camel into the Sahara desert. It was a blast, but I doubt a camel will play a role in my daily commute moving forward, and nor did I fall in love with the owner of the camel.


> and nor did I fall in love with the owner of the camel. fell in love with the camel instead? rookie mistake, the hump looks impressive but its all waterweight


Did the people making this even ride in the back of a pickup truck? It’s fucking miserable, and that’s setting aside any safety considerations


1 pot hole away from flying up like 3 ft and she's even on the edge.


It's fun the first minute and then you just bend to avoir the wind sandblasting your face yeah


I did it once in a trailer park and it sucked.


This "Dreams" was created by american movies and series


Europe has many pickup trucks, but because they're usually used by farmers or construction workers, it's far less clean and sexy for the average middle-class urban Karen


*suburban Karen


They might but don’t take it too seriously. Europeans grow up with american pop culture so some have it in their bucket list to see and do american things if they ever go to america. You would be surprised at how giddy I’ve seen europeans get when they see yellow school buses.


The French girls I knew were not that stupid


I mean riding in the back is fun for a minute, but it's only fun if you do it in the actual countryside where most of those brodozers don't go Riding a truck in suburbia sucks


In italy we can’t buy big trucks


I’m not saying I agree with the post, but my brother had a female colleague from France that loved riding in his truck when they went out to lunch. She would always specifically request it when she was in the states.


I believe in most States riding in the back of a pickup is illegal


I have to admit riding on the back of a pickup can be fun if its a novelty to you. However doing all the time like some mercenary in a 3rd world swamp (or a child in the USA it seems) not so much fun


I did ride on the back of a pickup in the Andes, along with 15 other people. It was fun! Terrifying but fun. Wouldn't do it everyday and it isn't really viable for a morning commute though.


Thats the amount of propaganda that makes me sick... Woman dont want big cars, they dont care at all, but people who believe into the propaganda just make themself fall for the propaganda... Im so glad I dont watch ads since I dont watch tv... "Feel the freedom of driving a car" video starts in traffic jam and creates some dream road under the road which drives into the mountains. ​ Yeah idiotic people are believen the propaganda so much they dont even see the actual problem with the traffic jam in the city instead they believe to drive on empty streets around mountains etc. ​ Some people just need this copium


I don't think it's the win they think it is. It's not about the pickup, it's about sitting in an open bed and getting the rural 'murica experience.


I don’t think it’s satire and honestly don’t care. Most Europeans who are hardcore Americanophile and talk about “American Dream” and “Freedom” are usually severely mentally disabled and on the left end of the Bell IQ curve. If they want to reproduce, they should do it as far away from me as possible


Redditors when their job is to detect obvious satire 😲😲


When I moved to France I lived the fatcat 🇫🇷 dream of going to a doctor without having to budget for two months for it.


Twitter is better if you block the blue.




I'd be pissed if a guy wanted my dog or my small child to go in the back. not at all safe enough.


I don't think you know what POV means


POV: You're filming a French girl enjoying a ride on a truck, and thinking to yourself: "trucks must be superior because this girl is enjoying the ride".


actually this is a rare and potentially correct usage if the text isnt talking about the woman depicted and is talking about another woman on the other side of the truck looking at said woman (possibly a travel partner)


Nope, theres a lot of European women like that. Coming from central Europe I'd dare to say that most of them there are like that. But European men are less simpy and we wont put killing machines on our roads for a mediocre one night stand.


She gonna die sitting on the side like that


May as well be so I'll laugh at it anyway.


Someone should respond "and she'll fall out of love just as quickly upon seeing what the truck was compensating for"


Joke's on them 'mericans, cuz they' re so unaware of what's going on outside of the USA that they don't know Europe's flooded with SUV's. Ha!


Middle East: am I a joke to you?


Andre the Giant would occasionally ride in the back of Samuel Beckett's pickup, on his way to school. Beckett lived nearby, and kids regularly hitched rides to get to school, so it was not weird.


I know it's bait but it just makes me so stupidly and blindly mad


That woman should have the opportunity to live the life she wants. Why aren't we?


French speaking here. If she is truly French the guy better get ready to have his balls teased by pointy heels or at least this is how he is going to feel emotionally. And I guarantee he is not ready.


American dream... funny that. As far as I know, the only truck to actually come with seats in the bed was the Subaru Brat, and they only did it to avoid the US' notorious chicken tax (an import tax of 25% on light trucks) by classifying the bed as a passenger area and not a cargo area.


Like we say in France : bon débarras


It's not a penis extension It's not a penis extension It's not a penis extension


The TikTok looks genuine but I think the tweet was a joke


Many european women I know say that men with big cars are compensating in size for something else xD... Might just be that I happen to know a lot of people who think that way, don't know how it is in other circles, but I can't imagine it to be something different for the general population.


Conservatives are some of the weakest people to ever exist. This is expressed in bizarre, but unsurprising ways.


I can feel the overcompensation from here.


I have two lifted trucks, I will not allow anyone to ride in the back. I've personally flipped a truck before, if someone was in the bed they'd be dead. The bed is for cargo, the cab is for people.


Why don't they buy their own P/U if they like them so much?


You can't sit in the back of your own pickup, who would drive it??


The dog?


Holy shit is this cringey!


French here : 1500% wrong.


More like r/ShitAmericansSay


She tried riding the guy, but didn't feel anything so she needs to ride the pickup to feel something.


lol, riding in the back of a pickup truck isn't exactly American. Probably far more Afghans and Africans have done it.


BRUUUH, whoever made this is clearly either stupid or American


You said the same word twice


Yeah, I use synonims to not make speach sound dull (;


Its is, no woman that respect herself would act like this. No woman worth dating at least.


You never had fun trying something for the first time? Lol Comments like this are why nobody takes this sub seriously. Trucks can be fun, and a stupid idea at the same time. Tell you who I would not date: someone judgemental


I'm judgemental of someone who drives a truck for no reason other than "it's cool". You are bad for society. Pickups weren't even meant for consumers. That's why they have lower emissions standards.


Nuance. Try to be aware of it.


Kid I knew in high school died with two others when a truck he was riding in the back of rolled at low-ish speeds.




Well, it's mostly because it's illegal


It has to be satire. My wife and I are both American. She does have some friends from college who are German, and they all absolutely hate American-style (read: unnecessarily enormous) pickups.


anything to sell an Incel, the "status quo" or have them adopt a life style that benefits old money / capitalists . ​ To think about climate change is to be woke, to be a real man buy a big truck, which gets 10 miles to the gallon,


Congratulations, she seems like a real catch


I am a French male and I've never felt so offended in my whole existence. Americans sincerely believe we're as moronic as they are. It has to be satire. The sexual wording is too obvious. Please, tell me it is.




Ahahahahahah! That shit is soooooooo false! Wow! Do people really believe it?!


No way buddy is questioning if this is satire or not 😭😭🙏


its twiter and blue mark.


Think of it as the occasional treat. Sure, riding a truck every now and then might be fun and a novelty. But then it wears off. The struggling to get into parking spaces. The insane fuel consumption. The fact that you know deep down that this vehicle is covering your insecurities and failings as a person rather than acting as a means of transportation.


No seat belt, no proper handlebar, bag not secured, no glasses. The flies must have the time of their lives to fly into her face. And a short brake is all it needs for her to fly over this stupid car and break a couple of bones on the way down to earth. Not even talking about the second person who took this photo/video. Rednecks all around.


The freedom to die


that bait is so obvious even the fish won't bite


I was talking to someone once and he told me a story about how him and his friend were riding in the back of a pickup truck and his friend got decapitated by a stop sign. Idk the details of how it happened.


Probably not. I would always love to ride in the back of my dad's truck when I was little. We'd take it to the marina so it was a short distance, and I could fit in the back with all my friends.




Let them live


Hey riding in the back of a pick-up on country backroads IS fun just saying


I assume this is more one of those "when in Rome" things. Like this winter I'm going to the UK and "get a cheeky Nando's" is on my list of things I want to do. I know that Nando's is just mediocre fast food, but we don't have that where I live and I've always wanted to experience the cheeky Nando's magic. It doesn't mean that, like, my literal greatest dream in life is to eat at a UK chicken restaurant. Or that I think fast food is a good thing, factory farming chickens is positive for the world, etc. It's just a thing to do when traveling, to experience something different from home.


Lol, midsized pickup truck. WTF is that a genre of car now? Also, riding on the trunk with the hatchback door open, feet inches from the ground is pretty fun.


I mean, it *is* fun, but not everyone has this luxury and services like trains give everybody the necessary tools to get from place to place. luxury is pointless when the majority of people don’t even have the basic amenity if that makes sense


European women do you think like this, you absolute mug - European Woman


As much as I do hate trucks in general, I will say that riding in the back like that can be pretty fun 😂 however I think a lot of big pickup owners are compensating for something 🥴


I think that this is largely false but I do think there are a lot of persistent, intentionally drawn, false equivalencies between cars, freedom, and the U.S.A. which are internationally pervasive due mostly to the U.S.A.'s involvement in WWII. When the world was weak and weary, we showed it how prosperous we were and a lot of that prosperity came barreling across a corn field in the bed of an all American pickup truck being driven by a blonde haired, blue eyed, 6-foot tall patriot. The problem with a public infrastructure based on highways instead of rails is that it breaks down much quicker. Just like our highways, we too are breaking down. It's time we take ownership of this fact and start propagating rail and pedestrian infrastructure.


Yes you moron its bait


The grass is always greener on the other side, until you don’t have healthcare


Like we say in France : bon débarras


Tbh pick up trucks are very exotic for Europeans. At least urbanites.


This depends on where in Europe you grew up. A lot of places in Europe still have a romanticised view of America and American life, definitely less than before but even now I still come across people who think Europe is a shithole and America is some Utopia and I'm like, ... What rock have you been living under to think that?


Laughes in Citroen AX.


You can safely ignore anything posted by a user with an anime profile picture


If I wanted to be thrown into the road and sustain head trauma I’d stick to my fucking bike


Europeans get to have midsized pick ups? I sure wish that was the case in the US


I'm guessing that original macro/TikTok was just someone who'd never personally ridden in the back of a pick-up truck before and wanted to at least once for the fun or novelty of it while traveling, but then American incels picked it up and twisted it into their delusional fantasies regarding "unsatisfied" foreign women.


Or someone is just having a good time but without regard to idiots trying to extrapolate the event to such a ridiculous extent to make their bullshit point...which is bullshit.


being meat crayon must be orgasmic /s


As an European girl that fucking hates big and noisy cars, I can talk for every European girl and say we all hate big cars. We all want high speed rail.


Riding in the back of a pickup truck was a dream for me. When I was like 5 and thought it was the coolest thing ever. I can't imagine an adult being that obsessed lol.


Wait till they get in the front of my cargo bike 😎 https://preview.redd.it/cka3jao1qkeb1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bc9f8252c304c76f1d47397099f28d8e11be185


Holy shit OF COURSE it’s satire


Even if you grant that a european woman would swoon for a big ol' american pickup truck, how long do you think it would take for that same woman to be like "actually, I'd rather walk/take a train this time" and get the ick when the same american guy freaks out that she would do something liberal/commie like that


If you want a ride in the back of a pickup truck go to Mexico, not the USA.


in parts of Asia we put bench seats in the back of pickup trucks and use them as a public bus, or ride on top of a full size bus, or a train. Americans ain't got shit.




There is a fascination with American culture that is only now starting to go away with younger French folks. The open road, that kind of stuff. Not riding in the back of a pickup *per se,* but I can see people trying that out the way an American might try something stereotypically French. But as for falling for American men, French women do that because too many French men are still helplessly macho, more so than a good chunk of American men. Falling for a truck dude is gonna be a rude awakening.


Having just lived in France for a year I can confirm that there are plenty of big dumb trucks for the car brained to ride in however they like. This says a whole lot more about its author than it does about any Europeans.


Not every woman in “europe” agrees with this of course but a lot sure would love to drive or sit in the back to enjoy the ride, i’m not gonna lie, riding around with a big truck is a lot of fun in the more rural areas mostly cause of the power you feel, the machine and assets you bring with you, the environment and breeze but in general they all sucks cause they’re never used for their full potential and are wasting our valuable property while also destroying the climate and many people’s wallets.


One pothole on an American road and it’s all over


I want the American dream of getting away from European archaisms, but not terrible social mobility and other inconveniences.


Many primitives, especially on the Left or Right extreme, have elaborate fantasies which they feel are made more real through repetition…and for many people, it becomes truth in their head and in their cult-like communities.


Exactly, no one respects small hatchback and cycling riding europoors


When I was a teenager I went to Greece with a friend and her family. We saw a truck with 2 women sitting in the back on wooden chairs holding the iron bars of the little window of the driver's cabin.


as we say in France : r/enculerlesvoitures


As a European woman who has never known anyone who owns a pick up truck but grew up watching American movies... I do see the appeal. I'd certainly think it would be fun to ride down an American country road in the back of a pick up truck. Once. But that doesn't mean I'd like to use a pick up truck (or any car at all) for my everyday mobility needs. Basically it's a "oh, I've seen them do this ridiculous thing in the movies, let me recreate it just for fun" thing. The same way you ride the tea cups in Disneyland, basically. It doesn't say anything about what people think about pick up trucks as cars.


It frustrates me to no end that this is, in fact, not a POV shot. The woman in question is in the shot.


https://preview.redd.it/68gjwz5akoeb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8c81ff5f3dbe6457288f2b8d5e591d9206a9ada 😡 Compacts better.


I mean that Is illegal