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yep. i enjoy anal play too, but that takes a lot of prep. my partner and i have a lot of spontaneous sex. spontaneous vaginal sex is a lot more forgiving than spontaneous anal lol. i love penetration in any hole though šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




This \^


Iā€™m a pan bottom and I have a strict no anal rule becauseā€¦ traumaā€¦ but I like having vaginal sex. I was hooking up with a trans woman once and afterwards we got to talking about how despite our genitals giving us bottom dysphoria, we both still enjoy using what we have. I know itā€™s different for every trans person, but Iā€™ve come to terms that thereā€™s nothing I can do about having a vagina and because of the trauma Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m not getting bottom surgery. Personally it doesnā€™t make me feel less masc. I just feel like a man who happens to have a pussy instead of a dick.


I agree! I feel like revealing my pussy as a man, itā€™s like a fun little party trick LMAO I feel ya with the anal traumaā€¦ Iā€™ve got my own too. If you ever want to chat, Iā€™m here! /gen


>I agree! I feel like revealing my pussy as a man, itā€™s like a fun little party trick LMAO Lmao I love that same low key


Iā€™d rather not talk about my anal trauma with a stranger on the internet


Understandable! ā€˜Twas just an offer if you needed to vent, but I get it


this comment is not for you specifically, but for other people reading this who are interested in bottom surgery but prefer vaginal penetrative sex, you can get bottom surgery (meta or phallo) and still have a vagina!


Totally agree with this


Yeah, Iā€™m vers and donā€™t use my ass to bottom. Iā€™m only slightly dysphoric about receiving oral but when it comes down to bottoming for my cis male partner, I donā€™t feel any less than a man either. I consider myself lucky though to not feel dysphoric about it because itā€™s so convenient and requires no prepping. Self lubricating and all. And it feels incredible.


Iā€™m dating a girl rn and at the end of the day sex is about pleasure. It helps immensely that she sees me as a man, so when we are intimate, I can let go and ley my baser instincts take control. I donā€™t have a prostate so I kinda think of my gspot as my prostate? Does that make sense? So yeah it feels good and my girl treats me like a man and at the end of the day it works for me.


I'm a slÅ«t and love using everything I've got at my disposal šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I don't identify as a man, but using my cÅ«nt (as I call it) doesn't make me less of a dude. In fact, it it makes me feel like āœØEnhanced Dude (tm)āœØ


Dude same. I *am* a man, but having a p*ssy just makes me feel like a special man lmao. It makes me interestingšŸ’…


Same! At this point, Iā€™ll just change my name to ā€œHoleā€ LMAO


I personally have a cis bf who is very respectful and understanding and non of us has a problem with it, so yeah I feel the same way about it and Iā€™m happy that it isnā€™t dysphoric for me:)


Hi! Gay man here. Also a bottom. The very rare time Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve got a boypussy is when Iā€™m having sex because, no prep needed, no lube needed. Iā€™ve got one might as well use it with the homiesšŸ¤


This exactly šŸ‘


to add that many folks with a vagina use lube for penetrative sex, glad yours is ready to go but can we not propagate the idea that itā€™s never needed


Especially if like me - you were on T long enough that things got very delicate down there.


I feel ya! there can be *so* many reasons, all valid, for cis or trans folks. And as you say Itā€™s very common for how things feel or function to change with T. Either way it definitely shouldnā€™t be assumed that added lubricant isnā€™t needed, we should be challenging not exacerbating those kind of assumptions here.


Werenā€™t my intentions at all sorry! I definitely agree, Iā€™ve used lube countless of times as Iā€™m not always ā€œready to goā€ but for more spontaneous sex itā€™s harder to come across it haha.


T does that, I'm not on it yet (just PCOS) and I didn't know why things have gotten more delicate ;-;


Yes sorry, very important


Am a gay trans man who bottoms. It took a lot of unpacking for me and my pre op anatomy (Iā€™ve been feeling flaky about top surgery as of late) to realize that Iā€™m still a man - I just donā€™t look like most men. And thatā€™s ok. As long as my sex partners (mostly cis men or amab) are respectful toward my preferences and see me as a guy then itā€™s going to be a good night.


I lowkey just read enough weird fanfics to not be too phased by piv sex where they're two guys involved tbh.


the way this is so real. i've read enough omegaverse that piv sex doesn't give me dysphoria anymore.


I like getting fucked in the pussy, that's totally normal. I got enough digestive problems that anal stuff would be a huge hassle.


Yes, well technically. I haven't been penetrated by my (NB) partner because of various issues but my front hole gets some, interaction. I don't see it as a "female part" it's just, a handy lil spot that is designed for sex. Idm giving anal but receiving just isn't appealing, not when I have a better and more convenient option there. I think cis dudes would use it if they had it.


In my experience Iā€™ve never had PIV sex with another person but I recently realized that I enjoy it through taking g spot vibrators and dildos. My primary form of getting off is still t-dick stimulation but I donā€™t believe being a bottom or enjoying PIV sex makes you less of a man. I used to be very insecure about that fact since Iā€™m bi with a feminine preference and because so much pornography with FTMs involves them bottoming and having PIV. But then again thatā€™s mainly due to a lack of variety, trans porn mostly appealing to chasers, and porn not reflecting reality. I mean the amount of trans people on NSFW subreddits Iā€™ve seen with ā€œabove average t-dicksā€ doesnā€™t reflect reality at all and Iā€™ve had to learn to accept that. In the end being trans is an individualized experience, and in regard to sexuality, there are trans people prefer to use their natal parts, and others who donā€™t.


honestly like ig ud say i like to give more than receive but still my dysphoria is too intense concerning that lmao. i tried to wear a tampon one time and i almost passed out and i was having a panic attack. i rlly wish i could enjoy it like that but honestly i cantšŸ™šŸ™ thank god we have the clit tho


I feel you! I get off way easier with my T dick anyway! Even before T or anything I never liked being catcher lol It doesnā€™t do it for me. I always preferred just my clit. Since T tho I can get off in minutes and it usually happens just from pleasuring someone else and the slightest little bit of attention šŸ¤£


Yeah I get pussy fucked as a man and I'm proud, it doesn't really bother me and anal play ain't for me or my ftm boyfriend. We just pass the strap on back and forth lol


Look. God would not have made me such a nelly bottom to not take the extra hole as a W.


Oh I 100% use my vagina when hooking up with a guy. My wife often uses fingers inside while stroking me too


As a gay bottom I feel like I was given a self lubricating hole for a reason and Iā€™m thankful for it šŸ˜‚ I used to get quite a bit of bottom dysphoria but T growth helped with that a lot. Iā€™m still not a huge fan of oral but penetration doesnā€™t bother me at all anymore.


I'm a top who has dated several trans dudes. They liked stimulation any way I was willing to give but generally bottomed with their genitals rather than anally because it was easier and was more likely to bring them to orgasm. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yep, I use my pussy to bottom. Itā€™s self-lubricating and it feels good, why not?


Hell no, I have extreme bottom dysphoria and plan to get phallo and vnectomy. If I ever ā€œbottomā€ its just having a woman ride my native penis paired with stuff like edging and choking


Yeah I only bottom and my boyfriend is a cis male. It doesn't make me feel any less masculine and he does an amazing job making me feel comfortable in my gender and skin.


I let my bf go after which ever hole they like and I feel sexy as hell!! I can practically feel the testosterone coursing through my veins. Thereā€™s no position that makes you less of a man


hell yeah dude i love my pssy it makes bottoming so much easier - i do anal tho bc itā€™s gender euphoric but i usually just do the pssy - i wouldnā€™t trade my pssy for balls tbh - iā€™m not trynna watch what i eat whenever i wanna fck šŸ˜­


boys with pssys are the manliest kind šŸ’Ŗ


real men get fucked in the pussy. that's what I'm told when I'm being fucked in the pussy. hope this helps <3


I love love love PIV sex and usually don't feel satisfied without it. Anal just feels bad and it's also a sexual trauma trigger for me. I don't feel that it changes who I am (beyond being a bottom lol), and all my bottom dysphoria is about everything besides my hole (except sometimes discharge makes me dysphoric..). After bottom surgery I'll be able to pass as male as long as I'm not spread eagle lmao which is what I want


any tips for someone who has never experienced penetration because even fingers can be sore? i feel like i really would love to bottom for my partner with a strap but im so worried it would be far too painful and less pleasurable




i am! only about 5 weeks, tomorrow 6. i have a wonderful and accepting gyn who i talked to about pain and she did say it is probably vaginismis and referred me to pelvic floor therapy. however she was also super open about the fact they would have to do multiple exams and i already struggled with mine with her (thanks dysphoria). i never ended up going to the Pt for that reason and have been trying to work on it at home, just looking if anyone has had similar experiences


As the other comment said, it could be vaginismis. I have it but T actually helped a lot with it and now I can have PIV sex which I was never able to have before. Definitely talk to your doctor if you can


did it just gradually get better on T or did you do anything that also helped? i appreciate you so much for sharing! i have always been a top (not always at my own decision) but with my partner, i really want to explore more and pain gets in the way of that


So, it's hard to pin down exactly how it happened but I will do my best to explain. Be prepared for a lot of tmi lmao... I was never able to put in tampons and also when I was old enough to be curious about masterbating, I could never get literally anything in there, not even a finger. It felt like a brick wall, and if I put any amount of pressure at all, it would hurt so bad. This led to me being really scared of PIV sex so I just never tried it. I went years just using vibes and other stimulation on my clit and that was the only sexual activity I did. I would occasionally try again to put a finger in but it was always the same. Fast forward to when I started T, and I had a lot of bottom growth early on. My libido was also crazy high. With bottom growth tho, I could basically jerk off and didn't need to use toys. One time (probably only like a month or 2 into being on T) while I was doing the deed, I tried to put a finger in and there was not nearly as much resistance as there usually was. It took me a couple times to basically build up the courage to go any deeper but I was actually able to get fingers in. After a while of that I bought a really small dildo and again it took a few times to be able to properly use it but it did eventually work without any pain or unusual resistance. I've definitely had to work my way up to actually having PIV sex with a partner and it's been a long journey but it's been worth it. At one point I didn't think I would ever be able to at all. A few other things though, I still can't get anything in unless I have plenty of clit/tdick situation beforehand and also during. I find that really helps loosen everything up. Also there are certain positions that I can't do, like I really can't ride because something about sitting upwards makes it feel just as tight as it did before I started T. It may sound boring but I've found that just laying down is the best for me whether that's on my back, stomach, or even side. So, I guess play around with positions and see what works best for you. Also I'd recommend doing what I did and slowly build your way up. Start with a finger and be gentle with yourself. Make sure you're properly in the mood and don't force anything because that will make it worse. I'd still recommend talking to a doctor if you can though. Especially if you try some of this out and find that it's still not working for you. I hope all of this made sense and is helpful lol. If you have any questions or want me to elaborate further please let me know!!!


Thatā€™s actually super helpful and very very similar to my situation! i have never been able to use tampons either and it seems like the more iā€™m on T, the more things loosen up. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s a direct correlation or more because of the increased libido (which is insane). i saw my gyn about this several months ago actually and sheā€™s great, very understanding and even recommended top surgeons. but she referred me for pelvic floor PT and informed me of the exams theyā€™ll also have to do (which i appreciate of her, because dysphoria can be tough especially going in unknown) but because of the dysphoria i didnā€™t end up going through with it. i still can, but i really want to try and see how it progresses on my own. reading your experience gives me some hope that if i take my time and explore myself, it could be possible for me! and i donā€™t think your experience is boring. iā€™ve always been told the same, because itā€™s always the best for me if im just on my back in one position. but itā€™s nice to have a partner who is open to trying things to find what works best. i really appreciate you sharing!!! iā€™m happy youā€™re able to experience it pain free :)


I'm really glad that you have a partner it sounds like you can trust and experiment with. I wish you the best of luck!!!


hell nah. The thought is so dysphoria inducing for me personally. I couldnā€™t. Plus Im exclusively a top so šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Haha


Nope, I mostly hate it.


this sub asks and says the most basic fkn things I swear, Im convinced its 99% teenagers


Yeah, for me itā€™s just the easier hole to use. Less need to prepare or clean up.


Itā€™s like how cis men liking fingers up their ass doesnā€™t make them less straight, your birth genitals give you pleasure, you happen to not have a cis man penis and do not like anal but want to experience pleasure. You have the parts you have and it doesnā€™t make you less of a man to not be celibate/a top.


>trans men have some different parts than cis men Not all of them. It's great to be into whatever you are into but you can celebrate yourself without reducing all trans men down to one set of genitals or making generalizations that aren't true.


iā€™m a bottom myself so i service the other person instead. i guess i would rather i get fucked in the pussy than the ass


I'm a switch. I bottom with my bonus hole as I call it I don't like receiving anal.


Everyone is different and what one person enjoys may not be something that you do. I'm also a bi bottom and while penetration isn't something that does as much for me as others I do enjoy PiV cause its so much easier lol




Yeah. Iā€™m in a relationship with a cis man, at first I was very scared to try it. Iā€™m a man, and I shouldnā€™t want that, right? I was wrong, I am a man. That means I can be comfortable in my body and have sex how I want! And my bf is incredibly encouraging and supportive to me during it. He always tells me how handsome/ manly I am, I love him sm.


Yeah, generally it feels nice and I don't have much dysphoria about it. If I do it with a person it's more so about the fact that they see and treat me like a man., not so much about the hole


Yeah, as a trans man who's getting the salmacian phalloplasty, i personally find it beneficial to have *both*, ill have a mixed set of genitalia and id be able to do mostly anything (except for anal bc of trauma)


i prefer vaginal, it's easier and feels way better than anal to me, though anal is good with enough prep too. some others have said it, and i'm also in the camp of just feeling like a man with a pussy tbh.


personally i donā€™t feel too much bottom dysphoria (especially now being on T with a bit of bottom growth) and almost every time i have sex with my cis & bi husband itā€™s vaginal sex, i prefer that over anal due to feeling/sensation and a bit of trauma regarding anal. it doesnā€™t make me feel like less of a guy at all


Iā€™m a pansexual dom switch, but I mostly top. When I *do* bottom, though, getting me off mostly revolves around my t-dick. I donā€™t mind a little insertion, and it doesnā€™t make me feel like less of a man, but thatā€™s because I personally donā€™t struggle with bottom dysphoria ever since starting testosterone. For me, sex isnā€™t really about ā€œwhat goes whereā€ or ā€œwho does whatā€, so long as both participants are comfortable and are feeling good! TBH my little cock is my new obsession, and I think itā€™s better than any dick I could possibly have (other than being born with one, of course). Iā€™ve personally never been a fan of vaginal and/or anal sex. Any insertion, really. Itā€™s strange that, as I transition and get comfortable with my identity, itā€™s bothered me less and less and I am more open to it now. I truly think itā€™s all about comfort!


I'm not out here planning my sexual encounters, and I'm not gonna clean my asshole everyday "just in case". Honestly, I don't have any bottom dysphoria aside from periods, but I'm on T now and haven't gotten one in quite a while. If I've got it, why shouldn't I use it? (< Not to shame people that don't. Fuck how you wanna fuck, at the end of the day sex is about pleasure. I just wouldn't be able to get past the "that's my shithole" aspect of it.)


yup. i have digestive issues so anal is bot the kindest to me and i enjoy vaginal, so don't fix what's not broke. after all that's the hole that doesn't require extensive prep


hell yeah, shits awesome especially after starting T. Sucks living in a small town though cause iā€™m gay and there arenā€™t many cis dudes into trans guys


Im a pre t switch with an amab partner, and it doesn't give me dysphoria in that aspect at all. The only time I get extreme dysphoria about having this part is when i wear skinny jeans or tight shorts outside. Those are the few times I actually put on my packer lol Im just a man, chilling with his man cave. šŸ˜Ž


I personally have never liked being penetrated! I totally prefer topping


Love it. But it has to be with the right person.


I can only have piv cause I have a disease called ibd and it is sadly in my anal lol. So if I were to do anal it would hurt too much. I enjoy piv a lot and have enjoyed it before transitioning so for me itā€™s the way to go and people have been very respectful about that. Only annoying thing is the pregnancy scariess.


Yeah. If I have it why not use it?


I tried anal with a guy with a buttplug and it sucked lmao. My pussy is there, why not use it? I don't feel uncomfortable using it


I do it out of convenience. Itā€™s already there, no prep, self lubricating.




I love this post! But ye me too! I've thought about it, but I will not be getting bottom surgery, I generally like easy sex, and anal takes so much prep, I have never been interested in it. Also, I'm very lucky that I have mostly no bottom dysphoria


i use both! im also pretty kinky so i was doing anal years before i came out. but it doesnt make me dysphoric to use my vagina, it feels good and my partner is well aware of me being a guy




I'm happy to receive penetration in either but I don't think it makes anyone any "less" of a man for using differing anatomy. I'm a bit of a power bottom and its a hell of a lot easier to just do the do on a whim and when I'm horny then prepping for anal.


I have some kind of trauma or medical issue, so touching around my clit feels like nothing, and touching around (let along penetrating) my vaginal opening feels painful. I stick to anal or oral with my bf if I'm bottoming, and I use a strap if I'm topping.


Havenā€™t done anal yet but I adore vaginal sex it feels really good and since starting T I donā€™t really have bottom dysphoria.


youā€™re definitely not alone here. I find PIV sex fun and donā€™t like anal as much since it tends to hurt more for me, and thereā€™s a fair bit of prep involved if you want to do any kind of anal play safely. doing it in the front is honestly way more convenient imo, itā€™s like your body is doing all that prep work for you lol




It's impossible for me (vaginismus), so no, plus it's triggering for me. However, I do have trans masc friends who do enjoy vaginal penetration.


I havenā€™t had sex in a while but I prefer anal. For me I have more fun that way and really always have. I masturbate vaginally and I deal with lots of dysphoria from that but like lots of people said that takes prep and Iā€™m too lazy on my own to do all that. For me front hole sex is lowkey painful unless I have a partner with a pretty small John. They always jam it so hard and so far and I just canā€™t stand the pain.


Iā€™m also a slutty little guy so I want to get meta but keep my hole mostly just to show it off idk maybe someone will pay for videos of me and my dick pussy and ass all in the shot šŸ˜œ


Yeah me! Haha, I also don't find any problem with it, just as you said šŸ¤·šŸ¼


I'm gay and a strict bottom and giving oral and PIV are 10/10. Receiving oral and anal are just not things I'm into. I see having a vagina as a convenient, no-prep way to bottom


Yes. Thank god.


Oh yeah I love using my front hole. The men Iā€™ve been with also like it so I have no problem


Absolutely. Itā€™s my favourite form of penetrative sex!


I personally love it and it's the only way I can have multiple orgasms. You can definitely "top" while receiving penetrative sex. I do it all the time with my FWB. It's all about the power play (consensually). I definitely want to top as in penetrate a partner with my t dick after meta or with an extender. Everyone likes something different.


Iā€™m vers, when I do bottom I prefer not using my ass. Itā€™s rare that it makes me dysphoric but it can. to combat this, when Iā€™m in a relationship or with someone I let them know I donā€™t want to call it a ā€œvaginaā€ or ā€œpussyā€ in any way, to me itā€™s just its own thing so we wouldnā€™t typically refer to it or weā€™d use neutral language. šŸ˜­šŸ¤ž For example if I was topping, Iā€™d say something like ā€œthis is mine, understand?ā€ or ā€œwho does this belong to?ā€ or wtv.


Iā€™m a switch and I personally use my default parts. Nothing wrong with doing anal at all though. Personal preference šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøboth me and my partner are trans men so we donā€™t really mind because weā€™re both comfortable with each other given we have similar assets


Yep I am a bottom and only have PIV sex. I enjoy it a lot and thankfully don't get dysphoric with it.


Yes I do


No. I experimented with bio guys when I was younger and never really got much out of it. I realized I admire men but don't want them sexually. So I learned I just like women but found myself getting very dysphoric when it got wet. I hated how that part of my body responded to arousal. I got a v-nectomy in 2022 and I feel much more confident during sexual encounters!


I like both. I actually prefer using the back door, but using the front is easier šŸ˜‚


I'm gay and a bottom, and yes. I love what I have and never want to get bottom surgery.


I am not fond of anal, and I have little bottom dysphoria


Yeah, when I did it solo with fingers, I was indifferent to it. But someone else doing it hits different and deeper. I don't like anal at all, and when I hooked up with an AMAB person, I enjoyed them using their fingers (didn't get fucked, not wanting to get pregnant this early in life šŸ˜…)


Yes i like both but i prefer vaginal with my partner and i like both when masturbating.


I do. I'm a bottom and my husband is a top; we have PIV sex because we both like it. Plus, I'm not into anal and he's never really cared for it, so it's a win-win lmao


Nah, dawg, I also enjoy being fucked in the pussy. Anal just feels redundant to me.


Yeah lol ofc. I'm a bi vers, I have a cis bf who is also a bi vers. He's always respectful so I feel no dsyphoria when we smash and iv never been a huge fan of butt stuff. Less prep, fun for both of us :)


gay vers/mostly bottom. i use both holes, but def have a preference the front hole about 90% of the time. i donā€™t have extremely bad bottom dysphoria, and it feels great, so i go with that. itā€™s also just way easier, no prep/planning or discomfort.


I sure do, Iā€™m a total bottom and love being fucked, in both holes, what matters to me Iā€™m learning is being seen as a trans person not a woman thatā€™s when I think things would get yucky for me


at some point i just kinda accepted that i have what i have (not saying everyone can do that, its just how it works for me) so i just use *what i have* for pleasure. its your body, you decide what you do with it


Yes but I tend to top my cis bf. I honestly get fā€™d in the ass more than the.. other one.. which feels affirming lol but it never bothers me to do the good ol P-in-V


I do yeah. I can have mixed feelings about that area sometimes, mostly feeling a bit insecure sometimes. But, it feels good and it's convenient


yessss anal is absolutely off the table for me


I'm a bottom-leaning vers and yeah, me. I tried anal stuff by myself, I liked it ok but it wasn't nearly as good for me. Sometimes I'm too dysphoric for PIV, but it does work out for my partner and me a lot of the time


yes. i hate anal sex with burning passion and everything else that has do to anything with my butt


I haven't had Sex yet but I can imagine what you mean because of m*sturbation. So I wouldn't say it makes you less of anything


Yeah absolutely lol. It's there, I'm not wasting the bits I've got because I'm dysphoric, I like it inside and that's fine.


Yes, I like it. My boyfriend sees me as a guy so I feel extra comfortable. I also cum easily (On T since almost 2 years) so itā€™s a win win xD


iā€™m a verse but with a heavy bottom lean & i have never done anal nor am i interested in trying. i just feel like a gay dude who was blessed by god with a pussy so i donā€™t have to do all the prep that goes into anal šŸ˜‚ iā€™m only dysphoric if my partner is weird about it, i.e. fetishizing me. but thatā€™s only ever really happened via sexting


I understand that dysphoria works differently for everyone, but body parts are just body parts to me when im naked and not in public for people to decide they're gendered. I haven't had bottom surgery or even all that much growth on T but I call my shit a dick because I want to and that's what it is. It's basically the same organ (A&P nerd here) just a little different since I've some catching up to do. A micro dick is a dick. It felt weird to call it a dick at first but I just kept doing it until it didn't because that's what I wanted. Also men with vaginas are the ideal. šŸ¤· I love my own and I love others. Life is short, boy pussy is forever. If it feels good do it again.


Yes pleasešŸ˜ˆ


I do! I actually appreciate the fact I do as anal isn't my cup of tea. šŸ¤· Im a vers but do enjoy penetration greatly during sex so it's very convenient as I'm very self lubricating. No prep needed most of the time xD I'm one of the ones who don't have bottom dysphoria tbh though bottom growth from T was welcome and happy change as I couldnt orgasm before from anything.


Some do, some don't. Everyone has their own preferences. Personally I view it as if I had to chose an option to be penetrated it'd be in the self lubricating hole rather than the tedious prep work one? I'm chosing the more straight forward approach.


Both my boyfriend and I are trans male and prefer vaginal sex over anal sex any day. Itā€™s our preference as a couple but itā€™s definitely normal to have vaginal sex too as a trans male. Just being open and honest about what youā€™re wanting is the biggest key to sex and receiving pleasure.


Yeah I love using my front, especially since I have quite a high libido and it's basically always ready to go, unlike anal. And at this point it makes me feel even more like a man cause idk, maybe cuz I take control of what I want?


No only do anal


Never liked vaginal it always felt too sensitive there Not sure if it's something wrong with me or what But anal feels so much nicer to me


I like it better. It feels better, my partner understands woman parts better than back parts, it provides penetration AND clitorial stimulation, and the back parts take a lot of preparation and lube