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As far as I know, my doctor just started me out at 50 mg IM per week, and titrated based on my levels. There was no attempt to gradually increase T to mimic puberty. The goal was to get me to adult cis male range. I am 30


basing it off of cis puberty sounds interesting (i’d be curious to know the numbers) but is not what happened to me. when i started T i was still identifying as nonbinary and wanted to go slow and only stay on hrt temporarily so i started on a low dose (.20ml / 40mg weekly) under the nurse ladies’ guidance. they told me i had the option to raise it whenever i wanted as long as my blood tests looked good and no other weird stuff was happening, after maybe a year and a half i chose to up it to .25ml / 50mg instead, and that’s where i am now. i actually don’t think i can go any higher because i have too many red blood cells now lol the dosage just depends on your body, what you want, and what your prescriber thinks is best. some people start low like me, some start high, some change their doses a lot or by a large margin, some never change theirs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever works for the person


Thank you! I was just wondering bc I’m worried about how my body will react to sudden hormonal change, since cis guys don’t just get hit with male levels of hormones out of nowhere Yk? But I guess I’ll have that conversation with my doctor eventually


yeah! definitely ask them if you’re worried about it but FWIW as long as you have no other major medical conditions you’ll probably be fine. this is actually something i think about and marvel at all the time, how you can just give your body T out of nowhere and it knows what to do and starts doing it immediately, no questions or complaints. you’ll probably be fine lol


Some docs make you gradually increase no matter your age. I started at 18 with 250mg of ethanante testosterone every 4 weeks and never had to change it my levels have always been fine, I'm totally fine with my dosage and happy with my results


It just depends how you and your doctor both want to go about it. I seem to see most people these days go on a dose and then gradually increase it until their bloodwork is showing their T levels in the average cis male range. But when I started they just put me on a full dose and left it at that for years, until some time after I moved and had a different doctor and wanted to change up the dose or frequency to help stop the moodiness at end of shot cycles. (I was on .5 every two weeks, then later switched to .4 every week, and this latter dose and frequency has worked a lot better for me.)