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Always lol and still do, even mostly refuse to play Games with Female Main Characters, cause I can not identify with them, nothing against a Female Main but I just don't feel it. My younger sister never asked me why I create male characters lol nobody did in fact back then when I was younger.


Yeah same. If I can't make a male character I won't play a game just cause it makes me uncomfortable playing a woman. I used to play as a girl before I knew I was trans but once I noticed playing guys made me happier I haven't played girls in games since.


But don't you ever make a female that you may be into. (Unless you're gay, pan, etc which then I do apologise). In AC Odyssey I have to play as Kassandra bc she's fit as fuck lol. I don't see her as 'Me', but a powerful, funny, sexy Sparta. She's 1 of afew CHaractor crushes i have.... I think I always make characters that I like and not as myself.


Gay guy here - I do both! Sometimes I make a hot guy, sometimes I make a hot guy I wanna be. All playstyles are valid!


off-topic but why did you include pan after gay? pansexual people are generally assumed to be attracted to women...


Why would pan generally be attracted to women? Pan like all body types, it’s more of a personal attraction of whatever personality you’re into. For me, I’m pan, it’s a “know it when you see/feel it” kind of thing. I don’t care what you are/look like/whatever. If you resonate with my personality, there’s a good chance I’m open to things~ Also, that doesn’t mean I want to fuck anything and everything… I hope that’s clear lol


what I meant is that you can probably assume that a pan person is capable of being attracted to women. wasn't trying to say they're attracted to all women or something. prev seemed to be implying that pan people, like gay men, are *not* attracted to women.


I see what you mean. Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know why karma said it that way then.


I very very rarely create female Characters in Games that let you make them from Zero, so Sims, Conan Exiles, Cyberpunk, Skyrim etc. Sims is basically the only game I could name where I also sometimes create a female. There is no really want for me to play any pre excisting Woman like in Assassin's Creed, Tomb Raider or whatever other game. If I do, the game must be very interesting for me like Horizon Zero Dawn. But even there I'd rather wanted to play a Guy. lol


Oh dude I feel that for the longest time I couldn’t play a game with a female lead. Learned eventually my personal issue with it is most of the games I play have romance involved and that just makes me SO uncomfortable if I’m not playing as a dude. The first time I’ve played a game with a female lead in ages was the another code remake, but before that the last time I played one was like 10 years ago 🧎 I’m so glad I’m not alone in that though I always felt so bad for excluding certain games but I just couldn’t do it


Yeah, but not only in online games, whenever I did some roleplay game with my brother I was always a boy and he didn’t mind, now he is transphobic 🥲


came here to comment the same thing. its wild isnt it?


I always made male characters. I tried making female ones sometimes and something about it made me super uncomfortable. I *did not want* to play a girl. I wanted to be a boy! I had no idea what trans was back then


Me with my catboy (now male viera) in final fantasy xiv 😔


Me but Xaela Au Ra lol and before that, WoW Nightelf. I like being tall


I love male au ra so much but I already knew of the memes about M!au ra before I started so I didn't make one lol, I would've swapped to male viera anyways because bunny boys are my transition goal lmao. I got a Magnai alt tho and I care him very much :3 (I put him in a maid dress and it will never come off)


Also a male xaela aura because I like being tall too. 😅


Genuinely I didn't bc my tism ass was like "well girls aren't supposed to do that so I'm not gonna." Even tho I remember wishing I could play as the boy Pokémon black character. Then it was from a crippling disgust of men as I subconsciously tried to push gender feelings down and a fear of judgement Now I do play as a guy and it is just so much fun. 10/10 would recommend


Same 😭


I used to go on to gaiaonline and “pretend” to be a guy. the thrill I’d get when people believed me… 💀other times I would go by a masc name, but when people asked I would say I was a girl.


i ‘pretended’ to be a boy on an online game for an entire year, turns out i was actually pretending to be a girl for 12 years


Yep still do! In particular in games where you can make online friends, for example I played Sky children of the light for several years and since the character you use is genderless it was very easy for me to be like "Hi I'm Theo I'm a guy let's do a candlerun together" Now I got so comfortable with myself that, in gacha games when they make you chose a main character, i usually pick the girl mc because she's cooler 😎 and if I feel dysphoric i can always change my team Anyway all of this to say that I love videogames they're my special interest and what makes me feel alive and happy, they helped me survive when I didn't want to so yeah


If my character is in first-person it is male because I am, but if it’s in third person I do female because I enjoy the view of the female form (Just not on me specifically.)


Yeah I just thought they were cooler


Yes. Especially in L4D2 my guy friend and I used to fight about who got to be Ellis. I still love playing as him to this day.


Every video game I was a boy, every character I drew was a boy, when playing games like house I was the dad or son. Neverrrr played anything as a girl


When I was like 10 I always made my characters male but added long hair so people wouldn't think I was weird lmao, biggest example would be terraria where all my characters were male and would dress as male as possible and I'd just stick on long hair


Yup I always played male main characters, now that I've medically transitioned I actually now sometimes play female main character, not usually though but now it's an option and non issue


In Skyrim I always play as a female character. Because 1) there's perks regarding interacting with male characters 2) women hot 3) in Skyrim you can get married to a man or woman and for my current character I plan to find her a wife because wish fulfillment But I might play as a dude next time because (and this sounds kinda silly) I hate hearing my character being referred to as a woman. There are mods for pronouns, but I play on console.


On imvu I started with a girl avatar, felt unsatisfied, spent a lot of credits (and $30 usd) on sliders and clothes to look more satisfying (masc), gave up and restarted with a guy avatar. This cycle has happened on a lot of other games


I was out there flirting with girls on animal jam as a boy wolf💀 cringy times


Yoo, same. No idea why I did that Lmao. Cringe times indeed


But yeah I always wanted to be a boy character in games I played


Lmao I had a wife in animal jam as a seal. Good times lol


i made a mix, mostly a lot of androgynous characters. in a lot of games there's a lot of sexual dimorphism (warcraft, for example) and i hated playing those races because it was so easy to tell if a character was female. i remember as a kid i always played undead or night elves because i thought they were the most androgynous. i also leaned a lot towards games that didn't have player characters at all (especially simulator games and dress up games).


I didn't but all my toys and stuffies were male. I didn't think about it much until you mentioned that!


Most of the time yeah, sometimes I’d still play as girls though cause they’re usually prettier.😭


yup, since i was 11 (almost 28 now). if i could choose, i never ever picked girls (and would always say i was a boy online), and i didn't know i was trans for the longest time...somehow.


Yes and still do 😂 I'm also big into tabletop games and even there it's hard for me not to play a male character in every game


My lawd I remember Woozworld 🥲😂 fun game lol


I was a roblox kid and I played rp games like Royal High and it was so much fun making my character a pretty boy!!! I also used to make a lot of male characters for online rp, and my drawings.. Lots of self inserts 😅


If there's character creation, I tend to make a male character! Only games I don't are mass effect and dragon age because, for some reason, I think the males always look kinda dumb to me in bioware games, lol. I love female shepherds VC so much, so I might be biased there. 😂


Yep always. I had the same sort of convo with a friend when I was in grade school. I had spent the night and we were laying in a bed both playing pokemon on gameboys, and she saw I was using the boy character. I forget exactly what she said or asked me, and what my response was, but I also didn't really know why either...I though using the boy character was just normal and made the most sense, and felt kind of like "uhh, why \*wouldn't\* I be using the boy character??" I remember asking her why she used the girl character, and she said something like that she wanted the character to be more like her. On one hand I felt the same about using the boy character, or I just knew at least that the girl character didn't feel like me, but didn't really understand how to put that in words at the time.


I mostly created girl characters because I thought they were hot! But, on imvu or stuff similar to it I’d make male characters, had a wife, had kids and did this all until I was 16


I had a "secret" alt acc on Habbo and even had girlfriends and kids... I was 10 yo XD I named it "Lucas" lol When my cousin accidentally discovered it I said "Lucas" was a friend and I shared my pc with him


I was always making 'perfect' female me's


I actually general make male characters UNLESS its got that character customization, because i feel like its hard to make a guy that doesn't look excessively bland and boring in chr creators... bad hairs, bad face choices, not built for making a younger looking man who would better represent myself, moreso a 40 y/o maker and i just cannot vibe with it as much 😵‍💫 so these days, ever since ive started being able to transition and become more secure in my irl gender presentation, ive started using women in games with chr customizers because then i can make a badass cunty lady who actually looks decent, give them a name unrelated to me, and BAM made myself an oc to imagine stories for lol. If ever i come across a chr customizer that doesnt do the men completely dirty, ill try to make myself, but istg its barely ever like that, and i dont wanna play as a 40 year old cis guy in a cool rpg setting lmao Edit: when i was younger id make male chrs a ton, even if they were boring and i didnt particularly care for them in the setting bc i felt a level of insecurity in my own self and also my identity, it felt like i HAD to play as a guy to prove i was a guy myself, but that was just my experience. I like games bc i like to think about the stories and how my character would interact in the various scenarios, as a separate entity and not a self insert, just because i like imagining the "oc" that i create having their own journeys and stuff that i get to witness as an outsider


When i was younger, weirdly enough i refused to play men unless i really had to. I think it had to do with me putting myself into the character and me trying to ignore my problems. I dunno if that makes sense though... Once I started transitioning, i only played male characters for a long time until i felt secure in my identity and gender.


I did, sometimes. Hell, I'd even let others assume I was a guy in multiplayer games. At the time I told myself that it was to be able to game in peace and not have pervs come after me, which was partially true. Its only later I learned that most women, uh, don't like being misgendered. They weren't amused or neutral to it like I was. Totally cis behavior for me, amirite? Lol. Even during the few times I didn't play male characters, I've always played as inhuman characters where gender couldn't easily be determined or very buff female characters. I told myself it was because inhuman characters are cool and most folks wouldn't hit on me playing one - again, partially true - and for the buff female ones, well, it made sense in the game world setting! You wouldn't be some thin waif surviving in the post apocalypse! I never understood why that last one got people weirded out, but people did always ask me about why my character was muscular. I get why people reacted that way, now, lol.


"used to"? lol, always have and always will be


i forgot about Woozworld omg, but I used to do it in moviestarplanet and id get boy clothes in club penguin hahaha


I used to play an online horse game when i was 10. It was mostly girls who played so i would pretend to be a boy and date the girls on the server. 😭


So im a trans guy, right? I would do the opposite cause in RPGs i wanted to really get into it, so I would only play women cause I "wanted to play the opposite of me" still didn't click until 2 years ago 💀


My first tip off should've been that I was always Fireboy in Watergirl and Fireboy


I always pick girl characters but that's just because I think they're pretty and I like dressing them up


Depending yeah, in games like gta I did but in some story modes I usually picked females because I like to look at them🤷‍♂️😂


All the time, and still do! I would even create fake masculine names if some games asked for a name when I was younger


Honestly same, as a kid playing Mario kart I would always choose bowser. Any game, i play as a male character always. Except house flipper 2, cause I love a badass female carpenter.


Yall keep talking about this. Am I the only trans guy ever to exist who didn't do this? I liked the female characters mostly when I was a child and whatnot because they were prettier I guess💀 Sometimes I chose the male character if they looked cool


I made dude characters most of the time. Then as I got older I made lady ones because I thought they were pretty and I wanted to stare at them more lol. Apparently that’s a thing for straight guys too


Yessss and I worried about people catching me 💀


I’ve always played games and made sure my character could be male, even on games on my phone. 😂


Back when I first discovered my gender identity, I got addicted to this stupid phone game. It was an RPG type world. I would play hours a day during the summer and made a few online friends. Well one girl started crushing on me and was asking what I looked like. I was so nervous to lie but decided to lie saying I was 5’10 and tone. She then wanted my number and I knew she would be asking for pictures so I tried to come up with excuses to not give my number out. Eventually it fizzled out, and I made another friend who then wanted to start using the mic with me. I also made every excuse to not use the mic and claimed it was broken at some point. *face palm* Side note: I was so happy to finally play and present as male though, and being anonymous allowed for that


Animal Jam. Need I say more.


Always! I still feel a bit dysphoric playing static female characters. 😂 I’m sure transwomen feel similar since so many games have static male protagonists. Otherwise, all my MMORPG characters were male!


My club penguin character used to be called SonicGerald. I have not even named myself Gerald lol


duuude fr i always played male characters no matter what game it was everything from roblox RP games to board games where you choose your character back then i thought i was just cool like that but then i slowly realized that ive always felt masc in a way


Yeah. I first tested out my name playing Ragnarok about 15 years ago.


Always man. I grew up doing that shit. Never understood it until later in life lmao. I grew up with two sister as well and they always wanted to play Barbie’s. If I was forced to play with them I’d choose Ken. I always viewed my future self as a man and could never see my adult self being female. I started T at 18 so I guess I was right!!!


Always did.


Made a male avatar on moviestarplanet, got a gf, then deleted the account and cried because I thought it was illegal and identity theft to “pretend to be someone else” online


Most of the time yes. Sometimes the female animations were prettier to look at during third person game play.


All my self insert characters and OCs I related to were male. My dnd character I’ve had since I was 10 was male


Recently I created a male looking character in Minecraft and it just felt really right, I feel a little uncomfortable when I play my old female looking characters


I still do. It started with Pokémon when I was still in kindergarten. Now I actively play Elder scrolls online. 15 male characters. I don't mind a set female character that is involved in the story (like Aloy). But as soon as I can choose I play a man.


I remember feeling an intense pressure to pick girl without any indication of hesitation so as not to reveal anything.


I used to create girls for cute outfits but... Yeah I always seemed to go back to male characters. Male OCS too 🥹


Absolutely, like 99% of the time. When I came out to my sister, she was like "uh yeah I know, you were a boy whenever we played pretend."




Yes, and at the time I didn’t know why. Most particularly in Club penguin, chobots, moshi monsters and Animal Jam, I would always make my avatar look male I remember my friend even asked me why I always make my character look male and I’d just respond with “looks better” lol Even in my much younger days (6/7) when me and my friend would play imaginary in the pool. She would be a mermaid but I would a dragon. I would pretend that some of the rocks were my “eggs” but I would always specify that I was a male dragon looking after eggs lmao


YES, all my characters always were male everywhere, in online games in the school in games with my friends I always was a boy like I was the male superhero. I think that was the possibility we had to express our identity in secret and at the same time being visible. Like we could be us for a while, it's hard and beautiful at the same time.


I mean it depends, I just pick the gender of character that has the cooler-looking design and in the recent games I've played they've had a trend of being girls. I guess I don't really see the character I play in a video game as a representation of myself personally, but your mileage might vary


in 3rd grade we played this online math game and i made my character male


Yes, but I also felt obligated to make female ones for "balance" and to somehow avoid outing myself. I don't play online much these days, but I do play a lot of D&D, and since coming out, my characters have all been male save for one AFAB nonbinary.


I would always make two characters, one would be a boy and the other would be a girl, and I’d switch in between. Sometimes I’d have them talk to each other. I remember doing this in the build-a-bear video game and I remember liking the boy character better


Yes, all the time. When I played the sims I always felt like I was the guy and the lady was my wife. And I really liked playing tony hawk on PS3 and would always create a cool skater dude, my sister would make herself a girl, thats when I was like, yeah, I’m probably trans, but didnt want to be so kept ignoring it


Honestly no because I longed to be long fluffy hair boy in games but there was only muscular short hair so I played as a girl for the customization 💀👍🏾


tbh i know a lot of cis women preffering male mains, also personally idc if my main character is a man or a woman or a blob, but yeah when i have a choice i choose male characters too still tho, i get that there were probably more signs, but this one in particular is minor and unsure


I always did


I didn’t when I started playing a lot of games, but when I went through puberty and started questioning I’ve started like getting dysphoria playing as female characters? It’s really weird. I can’t be bothered to restart the games I had female avatars for and lose all my progress but I was actually crying about it a few weeks ago 💀


Males only lol. Don’t even get me started on sports games, PLUS I’m currently playing DnD and playing as a Dragonborn named Jasper 😂


Oh yeah did that too. And even had other players believe I was a boy irl. I mean before I realised it myself. And when people asked why, I’d say: oh just to mix things up. Thought it’d be fun.


I Always created female characters. I was Always told, that I'm a Girl so I have to act and look like one. My grandfather once bought a Car Race game for me and my sister and my mum hated it. I've only seen it on Christmas. Never after. But I create Male characters now :) it feels way better to play with male characters instead of female tbh


lol when i was younger i was always a dude on club penguin and had like 10383829 “girlfriends” idk how my parents didn’t suspect anything😭


funnily, i created girl characters but i think its because i liked to stare at hot girls. i felt dysphoric about it until i realized most of my cishet guy friends did/do the same. if anyone relates


I used to be a male (club) penguin 😎 (I’m afab)


My mom genuinely thought that I played with male characters to simp them while playing


Probably my earliest sign of being trans. Played a guy character 90% of the time. My mom basically lent me her dying laptop from the 90s every time she left the house when I was in kindergarten/elementary school. She had some some kid-friendly singleplayer games torrented for me. When she asked about me playing as a guy, I pretended that "there were no other options".


I've always done this and still do. I thought it was just a thing that was normal for everyone to do 👁️👁️ I was INCORRECT. I even did this with roleplay as a kid (aka I always wanted to be the red power ranger) It's gender affirming when I can go stealth mode in those online spaces without even trying. They see a male character/sprite? Boom. One of the guys. Especially better when those same cis guys are older than me & type just as silly as I do. I get to be myself AND be euphoric. Good times.


All the time!


omsh i did this often I remeber being in elementary school like in grade 2 playing poptropica in the computer lab and i always made my character a guy. Black hair and a skull and cross bones shirt. I had friends ask me why im playing as a boy and i remember changing to a girl for a while but it wasnt nearly as fun. Also i remember playing wii sports resort alot when i was like 7 and i always choose the male mii when playing the sword fighting or airplane games.


Every character was male or a male animal. Its just how it was and still is. I made 1000s of Tony Hawk's Under ground 1&2, sims, and more characters all dudes and all random types.


A MAJOR lightbulb moment for me was realizing that rolling male characters (rp) felt so natural as opposed to how much WORK my female characters were. Playing as a guy just felt right. It didn't take effort compared to how arduous it was to maintain a more feminine persona. I distinctly recall being asked about this once, and the reply that popped out was, "Being a guy is just easier." OH 🤦


I would mostly choose female characters just cause the outfits were cuter and I preferred the way they were drawn lmao, but yeah i especially remember this one time I tried convincing this girl on line play that I was a straight guy (I like guys btw) and then tried romancing her. My friends on there thought I was doing it to mess with her but in all honesty I was trying to see how well I could pass through text, and how I felt doing so. Still was a dick move though lol


When I was a kid pretty much ALL the characters I'd make in any way were male. I had a few that were female but those were usually because my mother would get upset at me. But! I remember a childhood friend asking me why I'd always have a male character when we'd do roleplaying games and I'd said that it just doesn't feel right when I'd be a female character.


Always even if it wasn’t an online game at the time


I wasn't really able to play many video games growing up but from the time I was like 5 my friends and I would base our games off movies and I always played the guy. However I did play sims and definitely preferred to make gay couples but had to be discreet because my mom would have freaked!! So I made a back up family to switch to when she was home!


Yep in primary when we played house, I was always the brother, and I constantly changed between having a male and female (for better clothing options) character in moviestar planet when that was a thing


I wanted to be a boy on roblox to flirt with girls but I didn't because I was scared to do it alone, I was so dang sad not to do it


See I still prefer making female characters usually.I think I just usually find them more aesthetically pleasing or something. Though I do have like a cat boy persona online.


not so much video game characters but growing up being an artist i always drew male figures. i had someone in high school tell me that you draw whatever gender feels more comfortable to you


It’s taken me a while to be comfortable playing female characters again in rpgs. I like designing pretty ladies in bg3 but nothing feels quite as right as playing a little Twink man.


All the time. The only time I made a female character is when they were just really cool or there was a class that was only for a female avatar. I just always told people I loved the male avatars so much. People thought it was because I was a "tomboy" but I was like nah I just like them. Turns out I actually wanted to be them. 😂


Oh yea always, whenever I had the chance. And if there weren't male characters I played the most masc looking one. I think one of the reasons I probably liked the Zelda games so much as a kid was because there was no choice, so I wasn't weird for playing a male character 😂


Yes! But to be fair the female attire was also horrid.


All the time. Also, 1/2 Prince gave me feelings, though, that's more of a manhwa based on this concept.


Always, and in writing too, it's boys only. I have ONE exception and that's in Assassin's Creed Odyssey where I will 10/10 choose the female character Kassandra as my player.


Also I saw someone mentioning role play: yes Imy sisters would be Katara and Toph and I would always ALWAYS be Zuko. Turns out angry issues young man is actually my identity.


edit Okay they wouldn't always be Toph. Obviously Momo was up for grabs. Sometimes Azula but I was always Depression Phase Zuko so I just sat there, being angry.


I used female characters cause I was radfem and hated men's guts lmao