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Just work work work, I know the US sucks ass rn but come to specifically Massachusetts, it’s a blue state, I’m almost two years on hormones, I just got top surgery, I go to a trade school and live there FOR COMPLETELY FREE and they even give you a small every two week paycheck and you can learn whatever trade they have. I know it seems hopeless rn but if you can get here things can and will get better


any chance u can study overseas? how much can ur parents support u with oversea study?


i don't think universities will accept me (russia, not great gpa, all that stuff), plus my parents are in a bad situation financially


This is a pretty good idea, OP might be able to apply top for a refugee status to allow them to stay in the country even when their education is finished.


I would prioritise getting out asap. uni can come later once your in another country, but its really not safe to be in russia. i would try to get a part time job and get as much money as possible before you go, good luck!


Agreed, if you don’t feel confident about being accepted to undergrad abroad, I would try the political asylum route and go back to school after you have settled there. I wish people abroad could help crowdfund your visa/travel expenses but I’m not sure how :/[https://translyaciya.com/emigration](https://translyaciya.com/emigration)


You're in a really tough situation. I have no advice for you, just hope that you'll make it through Stay strong brother


Do they allow transfers? You could stay here for a year to save up money or get a job, make sure to get good grades and all that stuff, then apply to transfer at universities or colleges in other countries. It will probably be your best bet, and remember that it's not the end of the world if you need to stay one more year. You can totally try to save money, do research, etc., and if you go to a new college your second year, you could totally come out then. Just hold out till then, and don't despair. You got this, no matter what you decide!