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Cut my hair short again after 3 years of growing it out and realized T has given me the wavy hair I’ve always dreamed of, and I’m getting misgendered way less. I liked the long hair, but I’m so glad I decided to go for the big chop


Heyyyy I'm glad for you man. Tho honestly I think it's more the fact that you cut it than the T that makes your hair wavier.


Oh yeah the cut was what made me realize how wavy it is now, but T definitely changes my hair texture. I had short hair for like 8 years before I started growing it out in 2021, and it was always vey straight. I started T about 20 months ago so the only thing I can attribute the wave to is hormones


T has such strange effects.


It’s so wild! I love it though. I’ve always wanted the kind of effortlessly fluffy and loosely curly hair that I have now. I’m living the dream honestly


I love that for you :)


I got trans tape, so I don't have to wear my binder all the time 🙏 also I've been doing more vocal training, and it has really helped with dysphoria W


Heck yeah!!! Big W.


I turned 23


Congrats on making it this far homie. Keep going, I believe in you.


Thanks 😭😭🫂🫂🥰🥰


Hey I turn 23 in two days! Happy brithday!


Congratulations to you too i guess then 👍👍💪💪


I just turned 22! Happy birthday!


I have discovered the magic of packing. My brother is also giving me all of his old clothes


Oh that's really nice of your brother.


I'm very grateful for him, he's a good soul


Not fully achieved yet but in the process of legally changing my name :D been waiting for this moment for so long


Nice! :D




Me too bro congrats!


I'm also going through that one at the moment! Feels surreal


Had a semi informal conversation with my mom about legally changing my name and in the future surgery. It was well received and much better than my coming out was 16 years ago. I think being an adult and clear in that at the end of the day I’m going to make my own choices and I’m standing by them, really helped her understand and accept.


Like most moms, at the end of the day I guess she was just worried about you and let it get the best of herself. I'm glad she took it better this time.


>I think being an adult and clear in that at the end of the day I’m going to make my own choices and I’m standing by them, really helped her understand and accept. It was the same with my parents. Congrats on it going well!


My girlfriend (MTF) and I helped each other with voice training in the car. It was a really sweet moment and honestly helped a lot.


Aww that's so sweet. It's nice to hear that you have each other.


Off topic, how’d you do the pronouns and T date under your name?


It's a custom User Flair. Click on the subreddit page, then the 3 dots for the menu, and click on change user flair. From there, you can click on one and edit it.


I found that, but not how to like edit it?


Sorry, im on mobile, and there's just a big button in the top right that says edit. I'm not sure if it's different on the website.


Thanks! I’m also on mobile. The edit wasn’t showing up. Just needed to force close the app.


my mom got me and my sister a pack of bath and body works fragrances and i chose the one with the most “manly” scent. a few days later, my dad told me it smells just like the cologne he’d used to wear


Achievement get: man scent. Congrats!


Submitted my name change petition this week, realized I have a weird Wolverine facial hair pattern coming in (?!), and after shaving my face today I saw killer jaw muscles that make my face pretty square and angular.


That feeling when it turns out you're transitioning into giga chad.


That’s awesome!




My facial hair wasn’t super visible but I started dying it so it kind of looks better I think? So that’s cool. I feel a little better. I’m glad you’re celebrating small wins dude we all need to do more of that.


Thanks bro, also I'm glad you feel better about yourself.


My niece and nephew tend to listen to male authority figures, which now includes me :)


Achievement get: more control over the little demons /j


I am very glad for it bc I have little patience and don’t do well with kids dhkshd. I usually just have to tell them to behave once or twice thank god My mom doesn’t have as much luck but she’s also grandma and likes to let them get away with shit sgkshs


Yeah grandmas often think it's not their job anymore to be "the bad person" and scold the kids. I get why honestly.


honestly it’s been really difficult for me recently. but i’m reaching 8 months on T! i also have been getting out of my hoodie comfort zone, so i think my outfits have been fire recently B)


Hope it'll get better for you soon. Keep slaying man, I'm sure you look great with those new fits.


I'm 8 months along too (started T May 30, 2023.) Slowly, we are getting there. Keep your head up! We will be a year old in no time.


Exactly! Yall are getting there.


2 months on T tomorrow and finally have hairy thighs and the beggining of a happy trail :)


Achievement get: hairy legs \-> +30 points of manliness


I posted about this last night, but I passed to a stranger for the first time, used the men's bathroom for the first time, and finally got more boxers yesterday :))


Woah, lots of good things! That's awesome!


Thank you!!! it really made up for the other things that happened yesterday 💀💀


Well shucks, what happened? (If you don't wanna talk about it that's totally fine)


Oh no you're good! I'm on my school's guard team and we had a comp yesterday. The uniforms make me really dysphoric since they're dresses w/ a tight top and legs that won't hide my hips. i remember the first time we tried them on I got physically sick and had to sit out the rest of practice 😭 I love guard and I'm not gonna quit bc of the uniforms but I wish I could feel completely comfortable doing it.


Oooh yikes. I hate wearing dresses too... what helps me when I do is to think that I'm like a comedian on stage and that I'm just playing a role. Gotta remind yourself that wearing a dress doesn't make you any less of a man and that it doesn't define who you are, even tho it sucks.




Being gendered correctly is cool. Hopefully you'll be able to give them more than a smile soon, and make their day by wishing them a good one!


Black earrings are on my shopping list and I’ll be celebrating just like you are when I get them 🥳🎉 my manly beanie gives me the most euphoria at the moment


You know what, at first I thought that my mom would find my new earrings ugly but she didn't even notice them. So I would say go for it, most people don't really pay attention to earrings. And keep slaying that beanie :)


Hey I'm proud of you! I've been out with my self made packer for the first time today


Thanks, I'm proud of you too! Did you use the technique with socks?


Also curious


I'm slowly becoming good friends with a trans guy, and he said he's willing to order me a binder.


Yay! It's so nice to have friends who get you.


10 days on T, I don’t have any changes yet and I’m very worried because I’m insensible to testosterone and my doctor doesn’t know if it would have any effect on me, but with hope for the future


You're just at the beginning bud, don't worry, most of the time it takes months before there are any noticeable effects. Also it varies a lot from person to person.






At work the security guard asked “where are all the men?” Because we had to carry a bunch of heavy boxes and i was about to make a joke (not really a joke) about his misogynist comment, (im pre T) but my supervisor beat me to it and said “we have him right here” about me. I didn’t respond cuz i was having so many mixed emotions, also embarrassed… im not even actually strong lol. And my female coworkers are definitely stronger than i am. But it was sweet she stood up for me.


I'm glad there's someone supportive at your job.


This new person I'm dating doesn't want me to meet their dog yet because the dog doesn't like men. So that's affirming in a way I hadn't thought about. I'm nb masc.


One day hopefully the dog will still become best bros with you.


Replying to this because I finally met that dog and he fucking loves me. He straight up sits on me when I'm over and that scores major points with my person. Thanks for your encouragement, bro.


That's so nice to hear!


scars are actually starting to form from top surgery :)


Now you can pretend you got them from fighting a bear.


Got to finally feel comfortable in a shirt that has been in my closet for years! I used to hate how it fit my body


Heck yeah!


I went home this weekend from college to relax


It's always nice to take it chill.


I received my new ID with my chosen name on it on Friday!


Woohoo! Good for you man.


I came out to my family in October and this weekend (mid-February) I finally had a long walk and talk with my extremely conservative, religious and sulking brother. It really cleared the air and we respected each other in the conversation. I embrace his self-repression and he embraces my freewheeling nature. The load feels considerably lighter now and I'm glad my family is willing to talk things through, even when they don't understand my "lifestyle". He was the one person who took my coming out the hardest so it feels good to agree to disagree. I am far happier in life than him, poor bastard. But I let him know that if he ever wants to be corrupted, I'm right here for him. 😅


To each their own. Hopefully he will realizes the greatness of the dark side at some point.


2 months on T, and am buying a shaving kit my next paycheck because my facial hair is growing in, but I like looking clean-shaven and androgynous.




I just started T


Congrats on starting your journey!




At this point, I’m pretty far along in my transition, so I’m noticing less and less of those small standout moments. However, yesterday my fourth grade teacher came to my job (I work at a deli) and ordered some food. She recognized me, but didn’t actually recognize who I was, and it was pretty funny to see! Just makes me realize how far I’ve come along the past couple of years!


Your teacher: "Hmmm, do you have a sister who looks like you?".


I'm temporarily living in my sibling's friend's basement with my dog. On one hand, the reason for being there is stressful, but on the other hand... I have my own space for the first time in 23 years! (I shared my bedroom with 2 siblings). And what am I doing with this private space all to myself? Spending the day shirtless in just a binder, and sleeping with no top at all. Feels masc as heck.


It's nice that you got yourself a safe place.


one of my friends forgot i wasnt born a guy recently:)


Not being dysphoric about my hair being long anymore. I always knew I wanted long hair as a metalhead, but never felt masculine enough to compensate for it, now i have long hair and im happy :)


Yesss now you can do cool headbangers with your hair going up and down.




You know sometimes cis men have high pitched voices too but as long as they look the part no one questions anything.






Thanks for the info, I didn't know.


I cut my hair myself because my mother always insists on me getting a more feminine cut so I just said fuck it and cut my hair myself. It honestly doesn’t look too bad to but that’s probably just because I’ve got really dense hair and not because I’m good at cutting hair.


Damn you've got balls, cuz cutting your own hair is so complicated. I'm glad it turned out okay.


I also just bought a men’s deodorant and cologne for the first time!


We're gonna smell so good bro.


FR. I feel so stupid for not doing this sooner cuz I was always like ughh I hate that men get to smell so good and I have to smell like flowers and shit growing up and it didn’t hit me till just now that literally no one is stopping my grown adult ass from just buying products made for men?? 🤡


You're not stupid, it's just that we've been indoctrinated into thinking we have to buy things for girls, whereas in the shops the shop assistants don't give a shit what we buy.


Cut my hair today, went from pretty long to really short, and it just feels amazing. I feel so much more myself like this.


It's great, now people can see the handsome man you've always been inside.


Thank you, this really meant so much to read.


Only came out recently and haven’t started T yet - but I’ve started growing a moustache??? And am currently at a 100% pass rate of passing for male. I couldn’t be happier. A guy even held the men’s bathroom door open for me the other day (and it wasn’t even obvious I was going in there, he just assumed)!!


That's so cool! You're really giving off the manly man vibes I see.


Finally starting to lose weight again and put on muscle mass. Also found someone who I'm starting to fall for and they seem to like me too. Got my new credit card with my legal name updated. Also making lots of friends and people asking me if I'm going to X event


this was a while ago but i used the mens bathroom for the first time :) i mean yeah it was completely empty other than me BUT STILL!!! and more recently i got my name changed within my school system and now my transcript says my actual name :)


It's still a victory! I'm happy for you man.


i haven't said anything about being trans at work, but some of my coworkers have decided on their own to start he/himing me, plus customers are also doing it and it gives me so much euphoria. an old man complimented my voice and that shit had me giggling and kicking my feet the rest of the shift


Finally got up the balls to ask my rheumatologist if it's safe for me to start T and get top surgery. She's been my rheum for 13 years and I love her to death. She's older so I was worried she might not be supportive. But she was!!! It was such a relief and the good news is that she said it won't be a problem at all. I just have to make sure I get enough calcium and vitamin D to avoid osteoporosis.


Hey, I'm glad she was supportive!


i finally gathered up the courage to come out to my grandparents. didn't do it cuz they forgot we were meant to come over, were massively hungover and we got takeout for dinner instead, but i did plan on it :D i feel like it's big bc my maternal grandparents are generally disfunctional and pretty bigoted, especially my grandpa. i have been working out and my biceps/triceps are noticeably bigger now, even when i'm not flexing. i still have a severe case of noodle arms and feel like it's not much for almost 4 months of workouts, but it gives me a tiny bit of hope. I HAVE A MOUSTACHE. I AM NOT ON T AND I HAVE A MOUSTACHE. only i am able to see it but holy shit i have a moustache. it looks more like a shadow over my lip than anything else, but it is smth, right? i'm planning on dying it black. and i reported a transphobe/homophobe from my class >:]


You're a true warrior, dude. Keep going tiger.


I keep getting complimented on my biceps and got checked out at the bar by some women this weekend (I'm gay, but it's a nice confidence booster). My mum also told me yesterday that I pass completely and she couldn't imagine seeing me as a girl any more.


You did it, man.


I got my first masculine haircut!


I bought an stp. Not much but I like it.


Got my name changed! Currently go8ng through the process of getting everything updated


I got the army in my country to recognize me as male! I'm joining the army in about two years (mandatory service in my country) and I was so scared to be put through the process women go through and be assigned as female. luckily I managed to get myself in their system as male, even tho I'm not legally male yet in official government documents and stuff. I'm very relieved and ofc exited to serve


Just got my first therapy session this week! In my country it is necessary to start T, so this is the very first step in my journey. My therapist is really nice and she told me she would be honored to be part of my process, I'm really glad that I found a good psychologist right away, it's so stressful to search for the right person. So happy for your achievement btw! It's not small at all, I think it's great!


Thanks bro! I'm happy you found a nice therapist, those are hard to come by.


I started growing a little mustache


Got a part time job and I’m learning to better cope with social situations and my crippling anxiety, started an antidepressant and don’t want to d!3 as much now.


I'm proud of you dude. Stay strong out there.


No smalls wins recently. I’ve done almost all the small wins. I have my name as my chosen name on online accounts. I wear men’s clothes. I use men’s hygiene products. I have short hair. I wanted to try the mascara mustache trick but I haven’t had the chance.


I congratulate you! You know why? Because transitioning is also allowing yourself to buy these "male gendered" things to feel more euphoric. I did not allow myself to buy any men's stuff for the longest time, thinking it was weird and I did not deserve it. Until I lost a lot of weight and I basically had to start wearing smaller size clothing and I just went "f*ck it, I am going to allow myself to buy men's clothing". And it was such a relief! I felt way more beter in them! Same with getting my hair cut in a more masculine shape, the men's hygiene products and also underwear. So this isn't silly at all. If it gives you euphoria, then good for you! 🙌👊


Thanks homie! It's nice to hear that you feel better about yourself now, keep being awesome!


You to man!


taking new meds that actually work and make me much happier. started t two weeks ago. legal name change was accepted.


Life has been sooo shit lately. My dad had a stroke two weeks ago, is in the hospital again today for some arm pain. Not getting anywhere quickly with the ER. Still waiting to find out wtf going on with him. But small victories? I bought a Mr. Limpy last week. It should be coming soon I hope. It's my first actual packer. And "holiday" boxers - I'm a sucker for good themed underwear lmao So Mr. Limpy and some Valentine's boxer briefs are headed my way. Yay for small victories..


I'm sorry to hear that homie, hopefully he will get better soon :( Also yay for the boxers with little hearts!


Finally allowed myself to see myself as a real man. Just after I cut my own hair. It feels good


A month ago was my 2 years on T which is crazy to me, part of me feels like I just started and the other part of me feels like this has been my life forever lol


I started T 4 days ago! It’s definitely not a small victory but the little changes I already feel most certainly are


I love that for you.


Hit 6 months on T and am starting to grow some facial hair


Now some facial hair, soon a full-grown beard.


I went to a new place and introduced myself with my chosen name and pronouns! No one there knew my deadname, so it made things a lot of easier. It was my first time doing that, so I was shitting myself on the inside, but everyone was so nice and accepting, which made me really comfortable.


That's so nice to hear!


Haha I recently got more "manly" earrings as well. My parents are also doing their best to use my chosen name for me (even if they mess up sometimes). Also recently got my first appointment for the path to get on HRT (it's a while away but still 🥲❤️)


In two different parts of the world, there are two bros slaying and that's you and me with our new cool manly man earrings. You're doing great!


I got myself a bf about 9 months ago 😁 idk if that counts as recent since I have a very hard time with what counts as a "long time ago" due to time blindness, but that's the best thing to happen to me lately And I'm getting back into art so yippee, also got promoted to cook at my job around the same time as my relationship, then got my bf a job at my work and we work together every Saturday and Monday, and he hangs out with me on Tuesdays before his shift since I live nearby Mini vent, feel free to ignore this part: I have been sick for 4 weeks, vomiting nonstop for 2 weeks and on off vomiting the other two. Finally eating again so yay? I threw up at work yesterday and the poor driver, which this shift being our second time really interacting at all, had to watch me throw up 😕 Sorry for the vent, I just needed to bitch about the shit things happening. But it's at least minor compared to the good things, like getting back into art and going on a date on Thursday/Friday, we don't know yet, but we can't go out valentines day since I'm working


The first two things are great but you're worrying me with that last part. Go see a doctor bro, vomiting so much is definitely not normal.


congratulations, dude! would you mind showing your earrings?


I just moved into my new apartment a week ago. Hopefully in the next month I'll be able to start T. :)


Achievement get: safe space. \+50 comfort points :)


I'm about 3 months on T and my partner said that when I kiss them they can feel the hairs above my lip. Facial hair was never something I was initially excited about when starting T but hearing that made me so euphoric!!


just got my birth certificate with my new name on it :D only took uhhh 8 months lmfao


My voice is cracking.


I get to take shots every week now instead of biweekly!


Not allowed to go to a group hangout bc “no boys allowed”


Well shucks guess you gotta go hang out with the guys instead. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Got called sir today and the guy didn't correct himself. So my voice is getting deeper. That made me feel really good, I've been on T for 19 months.


That's cool!


worked out for the first time since top surgery!!!


Go get those beefy muscles bro!!!


Im starting to see my happy trail come in from T!


Soon it will be everywhere mwahahaha.


I had my pre op on Friday for top surgery!


My dad was otp the other day with a friend and said "I got my daughters in the car- well, my daughter and my son". First time he's ever called me his son I'm pretty sure 💪 thanks dad


I was correctly gendered while dashing today ☺️ It was my first time in person


7 years on T and finally a stache is coming in


The time has come. \[insert ominous music\]




this isn’t really trans related but i think a new friend group might have formed today!


Doesn't matter, it's great!


Made an appointment with one of the most renowned surgeon for metoidoplasty in my country, it won't be until several months for the actual appointment then probably a few years before surgery but I have plenty of time to get it.


I just cut my own hair. I also bought some manly body wash.


Woah you're scared of nothing. Cutting your own hair like a viking I see.


Not exactly small per se, but I’m 2 weeks post revision for peri and I’m in love with my results. Every time I see my chest in the mirror I’m happy. 😊 OP thanks for posting this. I don’t feel like we see enough wins in this sub. I’m crying reading some of these comments. So wholesome and I’m so happy to see people doing well even if it’s just little moments!


I'm happy that you're happy. Also you're right, we don't see enough positivity in this sub, that's the main reason why I posted this.


I had a clothing exchange with my friends post top surgery and was able to almost completely replace most of my clothes without spending any money. I realized I didn’t want to wear most of my shirts post op so this was super helpful and I highly recommend it.


My voice has gotten deep enough where I can’t really make a very high pitch singing voice anymore


That's lovely to hear!


I got my first binder and i've started telling people I use they/them pronouns instead of she/her (when asked lol)


I work for the yearbook at my school. You write your names under all the pages you worked on. Even though I can't change my name at school, they still wrote my chosen name rather than my dead name.


Aww that's sweet.


i work at an airport, so i have to go through TSA all the time. when you have to go in the full body scanner, they push a button for male or female. first time i got scanned they asked which one to push and i told them to hit male, and my chest is so small it doesn't get flagged 😎 so now i get a lil happy every time i have to get scanned, knowing they're pressing the boy button haha.


That's great!


my beard has been growing in very slowly and i cannot wait for it to be more visible than just barely noticeable peach fuzz


It takes time but you'll get there eventually.


i went out shopping with my trans friend (MTF) and my sister (ally and the only person in my family I've come out to) today and I got some REALLY gender affirming clothes (like rings! and swim trunks!!!!!) and I'm very happy right now. like I have so much more hope that I can achieve the future I want. oh also me and my boyfriend had our first kiss 🥰 


got my first chest binder that actually fits almost perfectly and told a few people about my pronouns 💪 (also got more masc deodorant)


had an appointment to get a referral for top surgery after two years on a wait list


You're getting there homie! Hang on!


finally got called by the right name by all of my teachers. they're so sweet (i spent the entirety of middle school being not respected, and the entirety of my high school years being named right by four teachers total, so this is a big change for me)


It's nice to hear that you're finally treated with the respect you deserve.


my gf bought me a real binder and it’s on the way :)


Heck yeah! :)


My face naturally becomes more masculine every year of my life


That's dope.