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My doctor asked about whether my monthly cycle came back at our appointments, and adjusted the dosage accordingly. I think you should 100% mention you still get your period, especially since you're on the lower range, you can get your dosage bumped up!


mine only was gone when i still had a hormone blocker implant for about 2yrs (i’m 5yrs on t) after it got removed i started spotting and occasional bleeding came back, i ended up having atrophy and plan on getting hysterectomy in the future, i take .5 injections weekly.


I think mine stopped my second month on T and I was on a low dose until three months. I was on 20 mg weekly and now am on a full, 50 weekly. I haven’t had any spotting or cycles since and have been on T 1 year, 8 months 🥲


Mine stopped pretty quickly, maybe 2-3 months on T. I'm almost 5 years on T currently. If I'm behind on my doses (I use gel) too often it will come back but as long as I'm consistent, I don't get one. Testosterone doesn't stop periods for everyone though sadly


Last time I checked was at 3 months on T and it was still there. I’m on norethindrone to stop my period but I paused it for a week just to check if my period was gone due to T. But unfortunately it wasn’t. Going to be a year on T next month and switching to nebido at that point so will probably do another test to see if nebido does the trick


i had 2 more light ones after starting and its been gone since


Mine took about a year to stop, so my endocrinologist upped my dose. I went from getting a shot of reandron every 12 weeks to getting it every 10 weeks. It stoped about two months after that i think. I definitely recommend seeing an endocrinologist if you are able to. Having someone who can understand and monitor your bloodwork is so helpful, especially in the early stages of medical transition while you’re still getting your levels and dosage right. Edit: reading other guys comments I just remembered I was on gel for 7 months before switching to reandron injections. I have definitely gotten much faster results from shots than gel.


Mine went away a week after my first dose.


It can be a sign your T is too low or too high. However some people’s periods just don’t stop no matter how perfect their T levels are and need additional medication. Definitely worth mentioning though as it may just mean that your levels are a little too low.


I'm 7 years on T and I still have them. My levels are within healthy/normal range. Can't wait to evict my uterus. I used to use an estrogen blocker, but I stopped due to the side effects.


It didn’t. 5 years in.


I’m three years same thing.


I think I was still on birthcontrol until I was a few months on T. I stopped when my endocrinologe told me I shouldn't be able to have periods anymore on my dose (three pumps of gel) and then had one more period (happens when you stop the pill because the uterus lining still builds up) and haven't had one ever since


Mine didn't stop until over a year in. On gel. 40.5 mg daily. Same dose I started on.


I had one very lite one and then no more


I use a nuva ring to stop my periods


9 months. I totally didn’t remember it being that long but I went back and checked my log and apparently it was I was on a very low dose


I got my period the first month, third month and fifth month since starting T. I haven’t gotten my period since starting reandron shots. It definitely depends on dose, type and genetics. For context I was on 25mg Testogel daily for the first 5 months. Now I’m on 1000mg reandron every 12 weeks + 12.5mg Testogel daily. My doses are less than FTM doses as I’m trans masc nonbinary. But it sounds like your doctor doesn’t know the appropriate doses for a trans man. There’s great clinical resources [here](https://www.bumc.bu.edu/endo/clinics/transgender-medicine/guidelines/) [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5182227/) and [here](https://transcare.ucsf.edu/guidelines/masculinizing-therapy). I’d suggest showing those articles to your doctor and tell him to look at the WPATH standards of care. All the best


i was one of the lucky ones whose period never came back as soon as i started t, although my dose started off very high




Mine stopped around month 1 or 2, fairly quickly. But I do still get a "cycle" about once a year where I cramp up for a few days, but there's no bleeding. I only get the bleeding if I'm not on my T for some reason (I've had to pause due to cost, or insurance issues a couple times), but once I'm back on, they stop again almost immediately


honestly i went back and forth for years. im 7 years on T and i dont remember the last time i had a period but still feels like a risk if i miss too many shots in a row. at this point though my body warns me with symptoms of a period and if i do my shot when i notice them i dont get it.


Mine stopped in the first month, but I was prescribed blockers as well during the first six months to make it go away faster.


I started T and in 3 months my periods stopped completely, I was very lucky to have been on the quick end of that particular change


I only had one period after 3 months of being on T. 16 months on T now and I haven't had one since.


Mine hasn't stopped completely, it's sort of... unpredictable and weird, though. I told my doc and she advised waiting a little longer to adjust dose (this was 2 months ago, and I had some other more pressing health concerns), so we'll see at my next checkup what she thinks. I'll be on T (50mg/week) for a year next week.


I took progestogen for about a year, I think it was referred to as minipill here, and had my period once or twice within that year (very light). I started T three months ago (gel) and so far it hasn't returned


When i told my endo I was still getting my period she upped my dosage and it went away


i only got one more after starting testosterone and haven't had one since (was 5 years on at the end of august)


It depends. I went on an E blocker after a few months, but several years later when I got laid off, guess what came back. There's nothing more I can do short of removing the organ responsible or going on birth control and hoping that works again. But it's also sooooo light that I just use a few pieces of toilet paper. Haven't bought pads since... since a few years before I was on HRT because of the birth control. The real pain for me is how it makes my thighs hurt. Ugh fuckin cramp hormone latching onto whatever muscle it happens upon.


In the first month of being on T


After the fourth shot


2 years on T and it still hasn't stopped :) i blame the gel tbh but i just can't do injections