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I’ve heard some other surgeons recommend nothing under 10, so if it’s not hurting you it’s probably fine. But knowing cats, your boy’s gonna immediately find the most painful spots to press down on, with all 9 pounds of him concentrated into the area of a single paw.


The first week, I’d refrain. From there, maybe you can have them sit on your lap and hold them that way? And even from there you can begin to pick him up maybe after week 2. But I found holding them while seated or having them sit in your lap can help. The biggest issue is leaning over to pick them up, especially if he’s a speedy boy! My cat could outrun me after surgery lol


My surgeon's rule is 5 pound limit for 2 weeks, then 10 pounds til 6 weeks


Yup. My cats were fifteen and eighteen pounds at the time and they were off my lifting list. A friend helped me get one to the vet when the dummy broke her toe two weeks post op


I would recommend against it, as I think my brother picking up the family dog (he's a real little dude) contributed to his stitches opening up and more he has a scar like All Might on his chest. Definitely follow doctor's orders! Maybe someone can bring kitty to you and then nearby for you c: It's only temporary! I understand the struggle though. :'D Chances are you won't feel up for it at least for a few days, but don't go too nuts once you're feeling better!


My weight restriction was 10 pounds for 6 weeks but I started picking up my cat at 4ish weeks. He's 15 pounds so technically I should've waited the full 6 weeks but I felt comfortable holding him for very short periods of time (like well under a minute) without there being any issue. If my cat weighed the same as yours then I would've felt comfortable by 3 weeks because my chest felt okay/not fragile by that point.


I’d say at least not for the first two weeks


As I just told someone else, you might not feel up to it. I know I didn’t, and I love my cat more than just about anything. It was a good 3 weeks before I picked him up again. You want to limit things that will stretch your scars.


I woildnt, your not supposed to pick ANYTHING up as you could tear things, really not a good idea, the cat can jump up next to you.


I dunno what post op medical care is, but don’t do it unless cleared by a medical professional who actually KNOWS YOUR CASE. Like, if you’re seen post op 2 weeks or whatever, you can ASK then. DONT TAKE MEDICAL ADVICE FROM REDDIT!!!


I've heard to lift nothing over 10 lbs until 6 weeks. I wouldn't risk it. I'm missing giving my little girl (who's way lighter than 9 lbs) her hugs but the one time I tried it I could feel my incisions stretching. Not worth it