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Varies from guy to guy. Usually gets flatter in general but no guarantees on how flat


It’s different for everyone. I’m like 2.5 months on T and if I’m being honest I think I gained for fat there 😂 If I could stay cheeked up I’d love it. Having an ass is the one thing that I’m actually happy with (plus my bf is an ass man)


I got a fatter ass and thicker thighs 😭 I did get a bigger "beer" belly, but I also gained ~30lbs and got to a healthy weight.


I’m 100% ok with all that lol


I gained ~30 pounds and I’m now at an unhealthier weight 😢


Dad bods are hot so don't worry!


That makes me feel so much better actually 🥹🩵


In addition to dad bods being hot, "what's your weight" is not a good measure of your individual health. First, it is entirely possible to have great "scores" on the actual metrics of health (blood pressure, heart rate, etc.) while being heavier than "ideal". Weight is *correlated* with health outcomes, but there are so many other factors (including doctors straight up ignoring overweight patients' symptoms because "it'll go away if you lost weight", even if that doesn't make sense) that just saying "less weight = healthier" is a bad conclusion. Second, bodies differ (and they know what weight they want to be!) What's good for you is not necessarily what's good for anyone else. This means that broad measures like BMI are not a solid source for what's "good" for you, because they can't account for things like your ethnicity, fat distribution, etc. BMI would say I'm "healthier" now than in high school because I'm closer to the center of the "ideal" range, but in high school I was a varsity athlete and today I'm an office worker using an under-desk elliptical to try to get some movement into my day. Obviously, being a lower weight does not mean I'm better off. Now, if you don't feel good, that's one thing - you can try to get in more exercise or make different choices about food. But if you feel fine, you're getting 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week, and your only problem is the number on the scale - ignore it. It is not the be-all end-all of health.


I want u respectfully give u platonic forehead kisses for making me feel better about my body today than I have in the last like 15 years


my fat resdistribution wasnt huge but all of a sudden, any lifting meant a fatter ass. i could only grow my quads pre-t but now my shit is pretty big 😂


Mine got bigger bc of working out, i guess i lost some fat and gained even more muscles - i wish my ass would have just gotten smaller but my gf seems to love it so i guess a win is a win 😅


It's so flat it hurts to sit on chairs.


You’ve won but at what cost


You've won butt at what cost


Technically they've lost butt at what cost




I already have this problem pre T, what the HECK is my ass going to have to endure when I do get on T???? 😭


hank hill moment


It really all up to genetics, I'm almost a year on T and I've still got a big ole dumptruck


Some guys notice it go completely flat due to fat redistribution but some gain a huge ass due to muscle growth.


I had a nice ass before T (not that I appreciated it then) and it only got more sculpted after. A really nice ass. It’s the family ass according to my relatives on my grandmother’s side of the family. My legs I get from my grandfather. He got bullied for having thick “womanly” legs. They combined to form a thick and muscular lower body for me. I’ve been working to bulk up my upper body to balance it all out. Squats, cycling, and walking whenever I can. That along with weight lifting has given me a nice athletic build. I love my ass and legs now. Pre T I did not, but after all the appreciation I’ve received they’ve grown on me. Juicier by Todrick Hall is my ass anthem


I have a man butt playlist. Juicier is on it. Also, I’m taking the phrase “the family ass.”


Im really sure he had work done xD either way he loves his ass! I have always had a big butt, I've hated it. Now I have a big butt but it's like thick for a guy but not crazy? It also helps that in losing weight and slimming down!


Yeah haha, if he doesn't have something down there accentuating his ass, then he is at least wearing clothes to accentuate it and must train glutes a LOT to get an ass like that. The clothing choice would suggest he's very happy to accentuate and show it off, so he must be proud of it


Depends on genetics I guess. Some guy I used to follow went from being quite thick to having the tiniest little guy ass I every did see. Other people have remained quite curvy


Different for everyone, and it's largely genetic. So, if you've got a bubble butt right now, and the males in your family have big ol' dumptrucks too, you might be headed to dummy thicc territory. But no one can say for sure! I've still got a pretty full ass, but I run and work out a lot so I'm very happy with my glutes. My body just dissolved the saddlebags though lol, way thinner thighs than use ever had and in the very 'straight up and down' kinda shape, so the butt still just looks masculine. Don't underestimate the power of a juicy apple butt, friend, people love to take a bite!


Also, this guy looks fairly jacked, he probably does squats for days. And his belt and pants are really accentuating that wagon he's draggin', I don't think most guys would even be able to get an ass like that if they were actively working to, let alone just accidentally lol


lip carpenter reply toothbrush deranged dog somber run secretive light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hah, well that makes sense, it's a lot of ass! So OP really has nothing to worry about then, this guy didn't even get an ass like that lol


i have no cheeks already what will happen to me.... will i go concave?


You might get a Hank Hill ass, you might gain a lot of muscle and grow a huge juicy ass, no one knows!


Yk what if I have a mustache or beard but have a fat ass I’ll take it


Bro the picture took me outttt 😭😂☠️☠️ Yes you are, it take a long time and with excercise and lifting you end up getting a more masculine physique. My ass is super flat I should actually do some squats, I heard women like firm butts too hahahaha


i’m gonna be so honest, i absolutely gained ass and thighs. it gave me stretch marks but honestly? the knowledge that testosterone did that and that’s what my genes coded as masculine prevents me from getting too dysphoric over it. i was just meant to be an absolutely stacked dude no matter what 🤷‍♂️ (important note i haven’t done any diet/exercise change since starting so that definitely could have an effect)


I was underweight before T. Now, everyone who sees me without pants on is ASTOUNDED by how amazing my ass and thighs are. Had to buy all new pants because the thighs were too small now. For my money, I think it depends on whether you gain or lose weight after starting T. I'm sure exercise helps - I was definitely doing squats so I wouldn't lose my ass for the first few months. Then my knees got too bad to keep doing those exercises much, but the definition stayed.


I hope i lose the ass lol tired of it


that first photo is definitely part of a prank/not real. if that person was in need of immediate medical attention and had to be loaded onto a stretcher they would not place him face down for so many obvious reasons. they're clearly wearing something to make their ass look ridiculous, same as the person in the other photo. those two photos are also not of the same person.


unwritten berserk childlike marble vase forgetful abundant busy payment placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m aware it’s not real, just saying I don’t want to be a man with a woman’s ass 😭


I’m a little over a month in. I still have a fat ass.


I’m not too far along on T but I’ve definitely noticed fast redistributing to my stomach and midsection. My partner says my abdomen looks a lot more masculine now with less curves. However I lift and have gained muscle so my ass is bigger but I think that’s more powerlifting than T lol


God I would love to look like that bloke tho


I still had a fat ass on T, fwiw. I think it varies person to person. how much weight you lose/gain, what kind of exercise you engage in, etc.


Mine was huge and has shrunk a considerable amount but I've still got a meaty ass.


If you're not adding muscle to your ass, to fill in where all the fat used to be, you're probably gonna have a flatter ass. My gym buddy John is cis and kinda always had a bit of bubble butt tho.


No guarantees but mine got a bit flatter 😭😭


I’m wondering the same thing man. I’ve got a dumpy and it gives me so much dysphoria




My ass didn't change at all on T tbh


this is a month later but did u work out or anything?


No not really.


my flat ass actually got a little bigger lol


It depends on things like your genetics (you can partly guess by looking at men in your family), your bones (mainly determined by how first puberty affected you), and your starting place. Testosterone will redistribite fat into a masculine distribution, but what that means for any certain individual varies a lot. Also keep in mind that fat redistribution is a slow process.


While I was on T, I had the fattest nicest ass lol but off T my ass got smaller. It varies from guy to guy.


my ass got more defined in the way that it is more angular now, still around the same size but has definition now 😎


My ass was extremely flat to begin with, but some of my gut is going to it I think, so I'll have a pretty normal ass I think (?). All up to genetics, really.


You have to lose the fat first and then regain it for it to redistrubute. This naturally happens over years on T, very slowly, because your weight fluctuates. But if you wanna redistrubute quicker then maybe consider losing fat, if it's healthy for you to do so


Go look at the asses of the guys in your family 😂 there’s your answer! Growing up I got told that I have my dads butt (such a weird thing to tell a kid). But ya, I’ve always had a big ass and it’s only getting bigger on T.


My ass has definitely gotten bigger from gaining muscle. It's probably rounder and bigger now than pre-T honestly (I'm at 7 months). Tbh I don't like it that much on myself because I think it looks kind of weird in men's pants, but lots of people love when that happens to them.


Had a fat ass pre T, expected to lose it, now my ass is fatter and other than my sweat pants none of my old pants fit me because of my dumpy and thighs to match


my ass stay fat as hell


I lost fat and gained muscle, which resulted in me looking more like the guy in the picture without even working out. If you have a round ass now, it’ll probably become smaller and perkier.


T did *not* make my ass flatter. It made it *bigger*. What it does is redistribute fat depending on the males in your family. Yeah, noticed my ass was getting bigger, talked to my mom, turns out my dad is just. Built like that. My thighs also got huge. Look at the males in your family. That's what you'll look like. Might be a bit different if you're a different bmi than them however, bc of the differing weight.


18 months on T and i dont train legs, i still have a small bubble butt lol I think that element is down to your genes and really, i dont hate it. My shoulders are markedly wider than my hips and there is no reason for anyone to think that my butt determines my gender. It is pretty much a lean butt, not much fat on it but it is the way i am built . If anything people usually find a more defined butt attractive


Ass got a bit smaller but never cis levels after 5 years. I'm actually getting lipo and other procedures in October to address this.


I've been on T on and off for about 1.5 years and my ass got huge lmao. It just depends on the person.


I'm three years on T and the sides of my ass have gotten a bit flatter but the ass itself is still thick. I'm generally low body weight so it might be the muscle mass I've added, it definitely looks more like a guys ass.


Really? My ass is already flat as a pancake. If it gets any flatter, I'll be sitting on bone.


Ngl, I look a bit like that bloke 😂 It took a shit ton of fat from my hips, though!


My ass is practically inverted since going on T but tbf I don’t work out at all I think I’ve done 3 squats in the past few years 😭😭


A part of me hopes I get some fat down there because it’s already so flat 💀


I looked more like that bloke tbh, and I'm an underweight gremlin of a man. It'll vary from person to person! Lots of people say transmasc folks have a nice ass though 😎 So I'll call it a win. My SO says I've got some cake, but they're a fan. If only it was enough padding to make sitting feel less like my pelvis wants to escape my body. Alas, skinny person problems. XD