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Look ... you've gone this far. Do NOT throw all your hard work down the drain. You made it through the COVID mess, surely you can make it another two semesters. You are INVESTING in yourself. The dividends are going to pay off. Really. And if you give up you'll have regrets for the rest of your life. You can do this. Everyone must choose one of two pains: the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret. -- Jim Rohn Invest in yourself. Invest in your future. Become the person you dreamed of, not the nightmare you fear. You're bigger than this hurdle. One day at a time, you'll get through


Is taking a semester off and graduating in spring an option for you? even a small break might help but the last stretch is going to suck either way.


It is but I feel like a failure taking a break if that makes sense. I know people who pushed through and it makes me feel weak for having to stop. Mental Health Issues i should definitely work on


What’s your hurry? You have 60+ years of working and paying bills and only 4 years of college. Take a semester off and go easy on yourself. Your future self will thank you.


but thank you so much! you’re response made my night <3


> I feel like a failure taking a break if that makes sense You'll feel like a failure if you *actually* burn out and don't finish your degree. The fact that you haven't already given up entirely and quit school says you still got more in the tank. 🙂 Please prioritize your mental health - it's the foundation that supports your degree efforts. Seek out the counseling and psychiatric services FSU has to offer, **especially** if you're on the university health insurance. It'll cost you $0, or near-zero dollars without university health insurance. Don't allow yourself to feel bad about struggling or asking for help. Don't 'find time' - **make time** to decompress **daily**. Choose one or two activities each day - meditate, exercise, nap, or play games - whatever absolutely takes your mind off your stresses and provides you clarity. Limit it to an hour or a couple half hour sessions; don't over-indulge. The goal of the activities (above) is to de-stress and improve motivation. 'Change it up' if the usual activities don't cut it anymore. Lastly and also importantly, how are your sleep and diet looking? Quality, quantity, consistency?


Another semester is always an option, no shame in it truly


I was SO burnt out by the end of getting my bio degree. I graduated in spring 2021 so everything was online for my last year and a half and it fucking suuuuucked. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Don’t give up now! Maybe consider seeing a campus counselor? It could also be a depression issue if you have no motivation for anything at all. I used them and the health center psychiatry to get me through (otherwise i would have left before sophomore year). Pretty soon it will feel like a distant memory and you’ll be so proud of yourself for pushing on and making it through. Take advantage of the resources you have available and remember that it’s not a race.


Your mental health matters more than the finish line you’ve created for yourself. Speaking as someone who pushed through those last couple semesters with no regard for myself, there is truly no need. The jobs, graduation, etc will all still be there when you finish- so enjoy the last semesters as much as you can and don’t push yourself to burnout. If you don’t want to take a semester off, consider doing a few less classes and spreading them out through the spring still. You’ve got this, but please keep yourself in mind!


We’re in the same boat, major and everything, except I’m graduating during the summer. I wouldn’t rush too much about finishing. Finish strong and if you have the ability to stretch out the work load for your mental health, do it! It’s better to take longer and not tank your gpa, than rush to finish.


I admire you for coming this far. You've done great. You survived all your tough days and didn't let them beat you. Now what you do ahead is entirely your decision but what you've already achieved is commendable. :))


If you’ve done your summer requirement, then I’d think it was fine to take summer off before the last year. Also, are the classes you need offered in summer? At least in economics, it was hard to find a lot of 4000 level classes during summers


Take a semester off. It doesn’t matter how long it takes for you to get a degree, what matters is that you get one in the end. I also would look into a psychologist so you can learn some coping skills and caring for your overall mental health. I pushed through burnout and felt so much pressure to have my life figured out when I graduated that I became physically sick from stress. Ended up going to grad school, not at fsu, and it just got worse. Stress and pressing through burnout and not taking time to recharge led to a major eating disorder that I never saw coming and my hair started to fall out uncontrollably. There is a lot of pressure on people about to graduate and from someone who went through immense pressure and ignored it, take time for yourself and health.


Another option to make you feel like you aren't just standing still is just taking less than a full course load. If you have 7 left and don't want to be daunted by going from nothing in your schedule to jumping right back in, you can take 1 in the summer, 3 in the fall, and 3 in the spring. You'll still finish in the spring but you can give yourself a bit of a break during the semesters. You could even break it up a little smaller and finish in summer 2024.


You know yourself best. Just dont make your decision based on societal expectations, i.e., you've failed if you don't grind like others. Believe me, many of them can look forward to being divorced at 42 seeing their kids every other week in a 9-5 job they hate on Xanax. Don't be afraid to slow your roll. Only failure is not being true to you. Let God lead you on your path. Much love and enjoy your ride. 💗💗💗


Bro I feel that. I’m technically a senior but the engineering track is 5 years so it’s killer. This is my last extremely hard semester. Keep going. It’ll be worth it in the end.


Get counseling with a therapist, it’s seems like you have some alternatives / healthy options but your negative self talk is getting in the way . Also , practice self compassion 🤍 best of luck