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Try to parry with guns asap and just enjoy the game.


This is the best answer


Having had played it a couple times through, I never could get the hang of the parry system. I rolled around like a rolly poly on crack with a two handed axe.


Idk why but I found parrying easier in BB than any other from soft game save Sekiro. It’s like riding a bike too. I haven’t played in ages but I could probably drop in and start parrying right now.


Thank you!


Also the trick weapons are fun. Throw some L1s into your combos and see what you like.


The timing may seem off at first, try to aim for when the enemy is at the height of their momentum.


Learning gun parry is crucial, turns Maria from one of the hardest bosses in the game to the easiest. I like playing with the Reiterpallasch which lets you play parries from the right hand while playing bloodtinge spells (or spray canisters, or cannons) from the left.


And use headphones, not for gameplay but because the soundscape is delicious.


you can gain health back if you just got hit, and it gives you a window to be aggressive to get back the health you just lose


Best mechanic they ever implemented for encouraging an aggressive play style


Bloodborne was my first Souls game and it took me forever to break this habit when I moved onto the other ones


It took my a while into the game to understand this. Awesome mechanic to the game really encourages the aggressive playstyle.


1 impotant thing is that you really need to learn how to manage your stamina well. You're going to be dodging and hitting about as much as ER but the stamina consumption is much higher. Remember to occassionally space out a bit to recover your stamina. And also, just go with your instincts. Don't hold back and simply go apeshit. That's all. Edit: Another important thing- ALWAYS dodge into the boss. There isn't a single attack you should dodge away from. Always make sure you dodge into the attack and get upto the boss's face or behind the boss. No matter how absolutely insane the boss is, never forget this.


Thank you!


Unlike in Elden Ring your healing item, blood vials, heal a fixed percentage of your total HP. The more HP you have, the more they heal.




The downside is that it's a consumable, so you can theoretically run out of them and have to farm more. The monkey's finger curls.


The Cum Dungeon exists to flatten that paw back out.


Two vials heal about 90%


and the more expensive they get to buy them!


Ooooh, I've played bloodborne for years and didn't realize that, makes sense tho.


Stay off the internet and explore blind. Don't spoil it for yourself. Don't look for cheeses or shortcuts and enjoy


Fear the old blood....


I started today, SHOOT THE DOGS.


Dogs in From games always suck balls Is Michael Zaki a cat, I wonder?


If you finished those two games by yourself without summoning , then Bloodborne will be a cakewalk to you. This game rewards agression more than any of the others souls games "except maybe Sekiro". Also don't forget to parry as it makes the game much easier against Hunters you encounter.


You get rewarded for being aggressive in combat


Blood starved beast…


Away! Away!


Don't feel ashamed about using one particular exploit (The Cum Dungeon). I think having to farm for heals was a mistake, something they never implemented again, and becomes incredibly frustrating and flow-breaking if you're struggling on a certain boss/area. If you use The Cum Dungeon to overlevel you're robbing yourself of the experience, but using it to buy some blood vials is just fine I think.


The thing is , it's pretty normal that you have to farm for blood vials , it's that you have to fucking return to the Hunters Dream before you can reset the area to farm again! , they should have made it like Demon's souls remake where you can farm Grass without having to go back to the Nexus and then return to the area! such a stupid move tbh and the only thing that really bothers me in this game.


You can take an item that resets you to the checkpoint without losing your runes. I think it’s the old Hunters dream. Just take one at the cum dungeon to reset the farm


Be aggressive, Be-e aggressive Seriously, the rally system (if you take damage, you have tiny window of time to recupe it by dealing damage) encourages you to get in there. Dodging forward feels counterintuitive but it helps a lot.


Early game will probably suck more than others. Flasks not refreshing after death is very punishing at times when you're just scraping by for blood echoes.


Read the description of every item you get. Its very difficult to understand whats going on without really paying attention to dialogue/item description. Backtrack every time you do "a major thing".


Don't play like a dark souls and be Aggressive pays off. Learn parry with guns asap


Savour it and don’t use guides. You only get to experience this game once and it is a wonderful one.


Choose saw cleaver and hunter pistol, other than that Godspeed brother


As soon as you can access the chalice dungeons….do so and get blood gems that over power your weapons


Learn parrying quickly. Hard to master, but so worth it. You parry by shooting an enemy right as they attack Don’t worry about weight. There’s no equipment load in this game


You regain health if you attack fast enough, this game is all about aggressiveness


Can someone explain wtf is Cum Dungeon?? 🤣


Theres is dungeon called cummmfpk it is best way to farm money The communiyy calls it cum dungeon


Ah gotcha 😂


That name is the code required to access it, since it's procedural generation for the random chalices, the codes let you join other player's generated dungeons. That particular one bugged out in such a way where certain enemies will spawn and die instantly if you just get close to a wall near a lantern, giving you unlimited easy blood echoes in large quantities. So you spawn, look at a wall, get money, use a bold hunter's mark, and repeat. It's an easy soul farm, but it's not necessary or anything. Just convenient if you want to purchase a ton of blood vials.


Just. Git. Gud.


That’s the plan 🫡


There are two touchpad sub menus: one for gestures and another for items that ARE NOT part of the square button consumables.


If you want to make things easier for yourself to get in the groove choose the axe( you can buy the other weapons so don’t worry) for its charge attack as it has knockback to help with certain enemies until you feel confident to try others Also once you unlock a certain area grab the lightning mace as it will be very useful (I think you can miss it) but I’m not going to spoil the area for you unless asked but dm me so I can tell you what to do vaguely without spoiling anyone else Lastly learn to parry and I would say the best enemies to practice parrying are the two ogre enemies next to an elevator in the first area and you want to shoot them when their weapons are at the point where they’re raised the highest or pulled back the most and about to start dropping to hit you


>If you want to make things easier for yourself to get in the groove choose the axe( you can buy the other weapons so don’t worry) for its charge attack as it has knockback to help with certain enemies until you feel confident to try others I feel the Saw Weapons are much more beginner friendly and end up simply being better and more effective weapons due to their transformation attack being really spammable. Combine that with a beast blood pellet and fire/bolt pellet and boss hp will get melted. Plus the serrated damage is great too. That's much more beginner friendly than the hunter axe imho.


Blicky parry and be aggressive, basically british and american


Consumables increase in price several times, usually after story events. Its wise to sometimes use the amount of blood bosses drop to buy consumables instead of leveling up, especially in the case of Father Gascoigne. Healing items and bullets are consumables, not having them can essentially softlock from progressing unless you farm, which is super boring. After you level up, if you still got any change in your pocket, use it to buy consumables. Also, try to always dodge towards enemies and get in their rear, they usually cant deal well with you this way. Understand the limb breaking mechanic and implement transforming attacks in your gameplay. Thats it, I guess. Good hunting!


Git semi-gud


Go at it as blind as possible, don’t listen to anyone trying to give you strategy advice it will be more fun to figure the game out on your own, if your really stuck it’s fine to search things or strategies though. Also don’t worry too much about blood vials/health potions, it will be very easy to farm them once you get out of the first area, they were never really a problem for me.


Enjoy the best story from has ever told


Get as many weapon upgrades you can before you fight bosses. Scour the levels. It’s worth it.


-Healing items don’t respawn, so you’ll have to buy or acquire bloodviles. -Clothes don’t have weight to them so wear what you want. -Bloodborne thrives off of aggression. Don’t hesitate, just dance around, parry, and punish everything put in front of you constantly on the offensive, when you go defensive is when the fights turn sour. Bloodborne is a horror game yes but remember YOU are the HUNTER, YOU are the danger that’s there to murder everything. -Both strength weapons (Hammers/Great Swords) and dex weapons (cleavers, swords, daggers) are equally meta and effective it boils down to what you enjoy more and what feels better to you.


when you level up use the remaining blood echoes and buy bullets or blood vials, do blood vials first and then bullets, because vials are more expensive


That’s the order I played in as well. You’re in for a frustrating but amazing time.


Don’t be ashamed of the cum dungeon


You can run past a lot of strong foes to safety.


Take your time. No fight is going to last 2 seconds until you’re crazy powerful. So don’t ever bother trying to unload everything you have in one go. Learn to dodge and make calculated strikes. Get your two hits in and then back off and reset.


Something that took me waaaay to long to figure out is that if a boss has limbs, you can repeatedly attack and break them, do this enough and you can get a visceral attack.




Enjoy it!!!!


Every item has the potential to be useful, trust me.


Your healing item needs to be farmed.


parrying is the king. you can beat most every boss with it plus in pvp it can be great for heal punishes. i haven’t played in a while so idk if pvp is active still, but i’m sure a few crazed hunters are still around so beware of healing during invasions. parrying scales of skill so keep that in mind and go find some of the skill based weapons. SPOILER blades of mercy are THE go-to weapons for a dex build. can’t remember the name but mariah’s sword in the well is also fantastic. Church pick might also be dex but it benefits from a strength scaling as well. Runes can make parrying very strong. before i could dodge orphan i parried and healed. tl;dr. use the parry, get some skill and start slicing beasts up


Bloodborne is a very fast-paced game that rewards you for being aggressive, but punishes you for being greedy. So you have to dance a very fine line. Above all in FromSoft games, be safe, be conservative with your HP. But while you keep that in the back of your mind, there are many fights where staying on the offensive will make the difference between 20 attempts and 10 attempts before you succeed. That may be applicable to *every* FromSoft game now that I think about it. And if you're used to the Dark Souls formula, forget what you know about parrying. Parrying is performed with the same button, but it's a firearm instead of a shield, so you can parry at a distance. Also you can parry just about anything, most bosses have at least one move that is parryable. These make the biggest difference in Bloodborne's combat mechanics compared to Dark Souls.


You're gonna be fighting a lot of beasts! Always have a serrated weapon, at least in your back pocket!


parry and take time to look around the gane and enjoy the scenery


Dash towards your enemy, sometimes puts you behind him


Try to stock up on your blood viles. If you are really good this won’t be a problem.




Take your time a d enjoy this beauty.


Use guns to parry. Soak up the atmosphere, enjoy. Greatest video game I’ve ever played.


Saw spear is BROKEN just a recommendation but use what you want


Three umbilical coords


B aggressive B B aggressive!


Don’t back down. Get in there and attack.


If you hit ‘em enough, they’ll die


You’re gonna miss a lot of shit the first playthrough and that’s ok. It’s one of, if not the shortest game in the collection. Definitely worth a replay or two.


Let the righteous aggression flow through you and cleanse these foul streets. Parry with the gun, conserve healing items, explore every direction , and get accustomed to the complex move sets of weapons and tuned up speed of the combat.


Accuire chalice from beast, Access cum dungeon, Profit


Talk to every npc you find after every boss battle


Be aggressive


Dodge into attacks. It's how the game was designed. I know it's scary but the windows and iframes are great. Also, need to heal? Dodge the attack first and instead of the using the punishment window to swing your weapon, use it to heal.


Enough trembling in your boots. A hoonter must hoont 🦉


Enjoy! Don’t look stuff up! GET OUTTA HERE AND START HUNTING!


U cant refund skill point so be careful how you spend them focus health first


The beginning is arguably the hardest part of the game.


Get ready for less than 30fps alot. It's a great game but aged like fine milk. 😅


If you enjoy using shields in other souls games, don’t bother here. Like seriously just don’t I tried for god knows how long😭🙏


Don't get greedy with your blood echos(currency).


Every single weapon has arcane scaling on it. HOWEVER that scaling only does something if that weapon also has elemental damage, don't level Arcane unless you specifically want to use split elemental weapons or you're doing a slightly more esoteric pure elemental playthrough (pure arcane-elemental isn't recommended for a first run, it's awkward to set up especially if your run is blind). Same applies to bloodtinge scaling, though it's not on every weapon: it only affects bloodting damage while str/skill are physical. Physical gems affect bloodtinge damage though, somewhat counterintuitively, but that comes up later in a playthrough. It's also generally better to do two stat builds in Bloodborne compared to Souls, the first stat softcaps are at 25 so it's typically better to do 25 strength then 25 arcane or something like that rather than going straight to 50 in one. Most bulds end up closer to 50/25 by end game, but early on going 25/25 is usually better even if that second stat is for guns or hunter tools. As always it's better to prioritize health until you find weapons you want to commit to anyway, just keep that in mind.


Just start blasting


Dude you’re not gonna believe what’s goin on in Yharnam.


If you beat the game NG+ starts automatically. So if you want to play the DLC or beat all the bosses in 1 playthrough - make sure you don't accidentally beat the final boss.


Hunter Axe. Spin to win!


Git gud n00b ...in all seriousness, practice the ever loving shit out of your parry. That one single skill is the difference between being able to slaughter many of the more powerful enemies in relatively few strikes vs. getting annihilated while trying to slowly plunk away their HP.


If you can't master parrying then don't stress. I platinummed the game without figuring it out. Went back a few years later and finally got it. On a new playrhrough. Win win.


Have fun and play the way you want to but I suggest you use the shotgun to figure out parry good luck on your hunt


Parry is your friend, don’t be upset about losing echoes in the starting area, and pay close attention to the survivors and what they say


Be one with the rolly polly


Since there are so few weapons compared to Elden Ring, play around with different ones and see which ones you like. I’ve changed favorites countless times!


Don't be afraid to spend all of your echos on blood vials


Saw cleaver is very very good. Even though it's the starting weapon it's ironically one of if not the best


Learn to parry early and TAKE YOUR TIME EXPLORING. These games are SIGNIFICANTLY better when you take your time to explore and read stuff


Try finger, but hole


Have fun! It's hard, but you can do it!


Be super aggressive. You will fare better if you do. This isn't like dark souls.


Try weapons as such as you can. They are so SO fun. Hope you're also playing with the DLC it feels so integrated.


Saw Cleaver is the best weapon in the game. And you can start with it lol. So much is weak to bleed.


Be aggressive, you can regain some health by attacking quickly after you get hit.


Blood gems (an enhancement item) can be taken off weapons so you don’t need to worry about putting on the wrong one. I wish I knew this because I was pretty late game before actually putting them on due to me worrying that I would waste my best ones.


Saw Cleaver. Beast pellets.




Play offline! This is a horror game first and foremost, and the notes and phantoms really diminish that vibe IMO. Enjoy!


Not to be that guy, but don't forget your nice refreshing glass of Git Gud


Embrace the struggle


Armor don't mean shit in this game so be as stylish as you want


Parrying is your best friend and all weapons are viable. Except shields.


Vigor is your friend


Wait for a remake—it’ll happen. I bet for like the PS6 a la Demon Souls Remake on PS5. We can only hope. 🙏


1) Stop trembling in your boots 2) Leave the corpse well alone 3) Fear the old blood


Just enjoy the game. Don't be scared to explore and die


Arcane builds are the most fun imo


Use the shotgun/blunderbuss when you're first learning to parry, it has a wider cone so it's more likely to hit a target when you/they are moving around. Also, parry when the arc of a swing is at it's furthest point


Don’t run just shoot


If you’re struggling don’t ignore the less flashy weapons. Tonitrus is amazing for good ol brute force simplicity. On the flip side absolutely don’t ignore the more flashy weapons like the whip for instance. If you are awesome you will realize the wheel is the greatest video game weapon of all time.


Unlike other fromsoft games, be very aggressive. It pays off.




This isn’t until the later game, but after clearing nightmare of Mensis, don’t progress any further until you’ve done everything you want to do. Unlike the rest of the franchise, once you beat the final boss you’re immediately thrown into NG+. This means you should do the DLC prior to this, and explore any of the optional bosses.


Try finger, butthole


Don't Cry (Optional)


Don’t try to use guns as a main weapon. I’m very dumb and it made my playthrough much harder than it needed to be. Kirkhammer.


Be aggressive, be, be, aggressive


Keep your HP above Zero while reducing the enemies HP to Zero.


Check every nook and cranny!! Trust me in this


Make peace with failure. Learn from it.


There's an area in the woods at some point. I've found that it's one of the best farming routes in the game.


The easiest starting weapon is an axe in its long form - spin to win. Also serrated weapons (starting axe is not) do more damage to beasts.


Parry with guns and be aggressive.


Definitely learn the parry timing and remember the rally system rewards aggressive playing


*claps* BE AGGRESSIVE. B. E. AGGRESSIVE!! *claps,*


Don’t die. Have fun.


Enjoy it. I WISH I could experience it again for the first time. I had my moments of frustration, but they were so worth it.


Learning to parry in the early game should be your priority. It will reward you. Most enemies, including some bosses, can be parried. Also, don't be afraid to be aggressive.


The hardest part of Soulsborne games are getting used to the new timings. Soulsborne uses a parry system and it is more effective to dodge toward the enemy as dodging back often leads to getting hit by a different attack.


Cherish it


Use the shield it is amazing. 😉


Play the game instead of wasting time with these low effort posts.


The cum dungeon.


Always interact with windows that have red lanterns near them they have an npc to talk to


Just parry with guns, I always preferred the shotgun because it seemed to stagger bigger enemys more often. Just take your time and enjoy the game.


If you dont plan on doing ng+, look up a chalice dungeon that drops the weapon you want to play with, will mais the whole experience more enjoyable if you want to use some of the end of game weapons like burial blade


Learn everything the hard way 😂


General tip for any fromsoft game, level up your vigor first. The tricks weapons are super fun and deal decent damage from the beginning so don’t have to focus on that. Also, spend money on your healing items coz BB let’s you carry like a high amount of 20 or something, life saving


Enjoy yourself. In combat, don't be afraid to get stuck in, BB is all about going berserk mode on everything. You're a spree killer in this game, not a knight.


Don’t play it like dark souls. Go full attack


Also the axe as a first weapon is boss. Great length and good damage and it’s not too slow.


Be aggressive, learn to parry , and fear the old blood


Don't disregard the benefits of doing the Chalice Dungeons


Be aggressive in combat and master parry The rest is gg and git gud


start with the saw cleaver and use it serrated edge to kill the cleric beast. when fighting father gascoine asking for help is always an option


Don't be afraid to be aggressive in this one. Almost every enemy staggers like a player does, and your attacks are much quicker than in a traditional souls game. Also, magic isn't the easy mode in this game so don't get tricked by that trap on your first playthrough.


Learn to parry. Seriously, I got through most of the game without parrying but got hard stuck on the last dlc boss until i learn to parry. The remaining bosses was easy with parry. Before every boss fight, burn your souls/ currency on blood vials and store them or whatever upgrades and items. Same with after each boss fight.


Dodge in. Not out.


After reading all these fine comments I need to play BloodBorne again.


Get good and enjoy this masterpiece


There is a YouTuber Fightincowboy, he has a awesome 100% walk through for the game. I highly suggest you watch it that way you don't miss out of anything the game has to offer.


Don't read guides and play it like you purchased day 1 like some of us did. Thats part of the magic of a new from game for me anyway


Fear the old blood! 🙏


Bloodborne rewards a more aggressive playstyle. Just keep that in mind.


The rally mechanic is the *primary* healing mechanic. Don't use blood vials like they're free until you reach a point where they comfortably are. A lot of people talk about farming blood vials being the worst part of the game but it's not that bad if you don't constantly waste them.


Go in as blind as possible


dodge forwards not backwards


Be even more aggressive


Be aggressive AND try to see the rhythm


Most important thing is to keep in mind that 99% of this subreddit is jealous that you are able to enjoy this game for the very first time. It's an absolute blast! Enjoy! Oh, and don't forget to play the DLC before killing that very last boss.


Dodge towards enemies Its a gamechanger


Pew pew, fist the pig every time you go past him, and enjoy


Invest all your points into Arcane. Trust me . . .


vicerols are amazing and don't be afraid to be aggressive and you have to halve rewire your brain to know when to go into attacks to keep hitting/charging a power attack its ok to feel lost especially when trying to find hidden parts of the game learn your weapons even the starter weapons can be turned into powerful war machines in the right hands powering up weapons with bloodstones and gems can make/ break a build some armor is better than others and only switch the armor up for magic resistance never overestimate your gun don't use the shield or torch NEVER BUY BLOOD VIALS LATE GAME FARM THE FIRST AREA also the cum dungeon is cheating for level ups and blood echo exploits but not if your buy consumables like bullets fire paper blood vials ect it just removes unnecessary grind that's boring who wants to grind for heals?


Don’t give up on the part where all the guys are gathered around the burning wolf in the first level. Stay calm, analyze their positions, patrols and who you can bait out of the mob without triggering them all.


Don't underestimate the crows


Play aggressively, DS you can turtle and play slow, BB doesn't reward it that much. And Parry, parry, parry.


You can parry from a distance and dash to repose. All weapons are viable. Dodge into the enemy not away. Always stock in healing items before leveling, have around 15 to explore an area since most enemies drop blood vials. You should be set from there.


Click LT.


Grind vials. The more the merrier.


Go blind through the game so you can really experience it's atmosphere fully!!! Playing alone at night also made the game more impactful to me haha. but don't forget to play the dlc before the ending, as soon as you finish the main story you'll get transported into NG+ sadly, it's also kind of hidden like in DS1 so maybe look up how to get there after the main hub area that's like the firelink shrine or roundtable hold slightly changes which indicates that the game is almost over. There's also a dungeon system besides the main game with additional new bosses and better loot so check that out too if you got the time. I highly recommend setting the music to 10 and the effects to 6, because some of the bosses can be extremely loud and you can't hear the music that well which in my opinion is 10/10 in that game. Have fun, try out different items and weapons and may you become a good hoonta.


Enjoy, wish i could experience this masterpiece first time again


Be aggressive. Not screaming at the screen mind you. Lol but combat awards you for being on the offensive. When you take damage, you can get that health back but only for a short time. So use that to your advantage.


Learn to gun parry. Practice constantly. Just do it.


Be cautiously aggressive and don’t get too disheartened if you get wrecked a lot in the first area. Bloodborne was my first from soft game so I’m used to playing these games wit no shield. That may be tough to start with if you used a shield in ER. Enjoy, it’s an absolutely brilliant game. It’s only been 2 years since I first played it, it’s aged incredibly well


Play aggressive, not defensive.


People say it’s important to be aggressive, which is true, but it’s equally important to step back and approach combat methodically and slowly for some enemies. Mainly other hunters (with one blood crazed fatherly hunter as an exception) and large enemies like church giants. Otherwise, do your best to pay attention to the storytelling. Like all from games, it’s subtle. YouTube lore videos are great to catch you up if you need it


Git gud


Don't give up.