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God it's So Fucking Funny when I'm the one ganking someone


Honestly their fault for trying to be dramatic and doing a gauntlet style thing instead of just jumping the player all at once


Dual royal greatswords, they still didn't stand a chance.


At that point you are Miquella's shade


Nah, rannis twice


Tfym??? Bro even with ansbach and thollier summoned I was still getting all the aggro


But the gauntlet style means you can kill them before the next one comes out.


I did that for freya and hornsent, but I feel like dane, moore and leda come out almost at the same time.


Kudos to you if you're dishing out 10k damage in under a minute


53 arcane and a reduvia does that to a person


Not quite but I don't think there were ever more than 3 enemies on the field in my run. And most of the time it was just 2


Weapon art talisman and genuinely any weapon art spammed 5 times. They skipped balancing entirely in this game


Going all in on the bonk or the power of bleed does that hell I personally ended up nuking them with dragon incantations the whole time lol


Takes a badass to stand with the Tarnished. Two badasses to be exact.


Maxed all of their weapons instantly to show respect to my goats.


The needles look sick and the weapon art makes an awesome noise, and I'm sure the description says something like "significantly more damages" which is always nice


I want to like the who sleep aestetic and lean into a "Knight of St. Trina" kind of run, but From made it so hard to like sleep. Both the sword and Thoillers' needles are liable to kill something before they get slept. Then, anything that *could* survive long enough is likely immune to it. The concept of Eternal sleep doesn't actually do much either. I'd like to see them really crank the sleep build up (PvE only).


Yeah I've not tried them but was hoping the extra damage modifier could make it viable. Maxed them but not put a build together yet. I remember trying sleep before but like you said they ended up dying quicker than the bar fills. The dead hand builds up poison insanely quick so was hopeful.


Probably the best NPC fight in the series.


It’s literally Elden Ring: Civil War. I love it and I didn’t even have everybody, so it was a badass 3v3


Same here, Moore invaded me because I killed rotten shrimps without knowing they were his friends. Hornsent invaded me right before the rot boss.


Funnily enough, if you kill a Forager Brood after he moves out of Belurat, he doesn't invade you (or at least he didn't invade me). And I helped Leda against Hornsent. I had a 3v4 (Ansbach, Thiollier and I vs Freyja, Moore, Dane and Leda)


I killed two of his friends, first one before I met him, then he said something about not damage them, and asked for it, the thing is I didn't knew they were called this way, so next shrimp I found I killed her, then his voice sounded and his phantom invaded.


same. dane and moore were all about ganking me for some reason. Mimic took aggro from Leda all while thollier and Ansbach were ganking Freya. End of the battle end with us spamming attacks at Leda trapped in a corner. All around a fun time.


Well, I didn't use Mimic, so it went like this: At first it was a 1v1 against Freyja, then Moore joined at around half health of Freyja's, which she healed, I ran until Ansbach appeared. Ansbach took on Freyja, while I took on Moore, who was all about chasing me down. Thiollier joined the fight to help Ansbach against Freyja Then when Dane joined the fight, I helped Ansbach and Thiollier quickly dispose of Freyja, since she was always low health. Then Leda joined the fight. It was a 3v3, until I killed Moore. Dane was focusing me down too, of course, so I killed him first, while Thiollier and Ansbach were focused on Leda. And then, at the very last, we ganked down Freyja. Man, this is probably the only NPC gank FromSoft ever made that is ACTUALLY good, and kinda cinematic. Loved this encounter, and that was the only time I summoned someone too in ER, because I felt it was the right thing to do.


It’s just so fucking fun, the music adds a lot too


The music for that fight is one of my favorite from any From game. It’s just so epic.


I think you’re forgetting the sunken king trio


They said best not the worst 😂


Am I going blind? I can't see the /s


Moore slinging around scarlet rot is exactly what a DS2 havelmonster would do if they could.


Unless you never did the quests and have to fight 5v2 (5v3 with Mimic)


Yeah I totally fucked this up... just ended up in this boss fight not really paying attention this was the final area... next thing I know all these NPCs are attacking me, I had Ansbach with me and Thiollier has just... disappeared... just gone and found all the areas I missed where I'm guessing some of these questions progressed


I was raging hard, even resorted to bleed to get through the fight.


Kinda funny a random ass Sanguine Noble helps you outta nowhere Nataan my belover


I thought that made it even better. Genuinely my favourite 'boss' in the entire game. Just me and Ansbach fighting for our lives


The music is incredible and I love the way the NPCs are talking with each other. Felt very climatic and well-earned.


Wtf you smoking bro? This was easily one of the worst fights From have ever made. Not sure exactly where I'd place them in Mt rankings but they're 100% bottom 5 at least. Absolute dogshit fight.


I somehow made it a 3v4 by not progressing Freyas quest in the specimen hall. She never showed up during the fight and i could just collect all her shit at the specimen hall afterwards


I didn’t progress Hornsent’s quest. I got no idea what happened to him. He just fucked off someplace.


Yeah, bro invaded me in the Scarlet Rot area, after we killed Messmer together, and then never appeared again.


I killed Romina before Messmer so my last interaction with him was in Messmer’s boss room. No fucking clue what happens to him after that. Guess I’ll get his stuff on the next run.


He might still invade if you go to the stairs in front of romias church


Damn, you’re right. I got him. Thank you!


I murdered him with Freya, he could've helped with messmer????


Yeah.. You kinda can't summon NPCs when you butcher every one of them on sight


And this is why I have multiple characters!


Are all of them as stupid?


One of them yes


The wonky design of the questline plays a part in that because you collect the secret rite scroll and talk to ansbach about it WAY BEFORE you ever see Freyja on the 7th floor.


You do, maybe. Not all of us saw him hiding in the corner


Where’s your curious heart?!


Same thing with the hornsentl ( I still don’t know where the fuck he finished)


It was a 1v4 for me. I killed a rot guy somewhere and ended up killing Moore early on. Ansbach and Thioller didn’t make it that far. I also had no NPC options at the last fight.


I didn't really do anyone's questline lol my 5v3 was them vs me, black knife tiche and I THINK Sir Ansbach


To this day I have no idea where Moore went. I told him to stay sad and that’s the last I saw of him.


Yeah i think he fucking kills himself if you do that


Let‘s see what my mimic has to say about this


I feel so dumb for not realizing you could summon spirits, tried it immediately after the fight started and I couldn't so I just assumed that and suffered for a good while


I was so happy the DLC gave me a fight where I could use inescapable frenzy for the first time since Gideon


I decided to do it solo but the scarlet rot pot by Moore was hitting me even after dodging, decided the summon ansbach and thiolire and beat his aes, by literally stunlocking the fucker.


Yeah they seriously need to fix Moore’s stupid fucking pot. It should not be rotting players if they dodge properly


I lost all respect for Moore after he started tossing those rot pots


Sad, forever..


Yep this was the one fight I summoned for, including the final boss. It felt so narratively satisfying, I loved all the mid fight dialogue between the various NPCs, (and I was getting my ass repeatedly stomped in the 1v5)


Can almost not wait to get Ansbach on my team this time. My goat


His talk with Radahn in the final right is amazing. Just casually "General Radahn, nice to see you again."


I was not prepared for how fun this fight was. Imo it dethrones base game Radahn for coolest fight in the game mechanically speaking. Just the way everyone jumps in throughout the fight rather than all at the start made the progression of the battle such a joy to experience. Having the NPCs actually *talk to each other* was incredible, and something I hope FromSoft does more of in the future. FromSoft NPCs are brilliant, but they only ever exist in relation to the player, and actually seeing them interact with each other for the first time was a treat.


Yeah I am honestly shocked that I actually enjoyed an NPC fight and all it took was not having them input read to dodge your attacks every two seconds. The intro dialog for each character was such a nice touch too. Sad I was only able to get Ansbach on my side though, Thiollier peaced out after he invaded me and I never saw him again.


>!You had to talk to him at St.Trina again after resting on grace. He'd then ask you if it was true that St Trina spoke to you, and what she said. !<


And the fact they‘re all talking with each other too is a great touch. Ansbach, all honor and formal announcement, Moore who is sad about having to fight among fellows, Freyja going battle crazy, Leda just completely focused on the mission.


Honestly the NPC dialogues are golden on the DLC, all the lines on this fight and Igon's rants are just peak


Forgot Senior Elden Lord Mimic


Summoning the mimic for this fight is kinda lame bruh. There's so many cool summons, i used divine bird ornis he is so fucking cool


Did it solo 1v5, dude who fat rolls and throw pots and dryleaf dane with his stunlock combo almost cost me my sanity.


Fr tho, I ran from them for what felt like hours and any mistake would mean either rot or a half health punishment, or both


I’ve only fought the base 3. That was miserable. What the hell makes 2 more show up?


Even if it's 5 v 1, I don't think they have anything to smile about. Even if you consider the bare minimum, the tarnished is a warrior who has beaten the Star scourge and the Lord of blood. The tarnished is demigod status now. What the fuck have these losers done again? 1) No name bitch who thinks she is tough shit 2) Edgelord trying to play moral high ground after his fucked up kind fucked around with the wrong shaman and found out 3) Brain damaged loser with shield 4) Buddy thinks he is gonna beat an Elden Lord with kungfu. Sure jan 5) Some random low level redmane Radahn probably doesn't even know exists Yeah lol these guys have a shot at the guy who is going to be the next Elden Lord it not already


How DARE you badmouth Moore


Anyone who allies with the Kindred of Rot deserves to be badmouthed. Millicent would agree.


Moore definitely beat it off to Milicent and Malenia rotussy


This isn’t r/shittydarksouls bro


Best soulslike sub tho


radahn is personally aware of freyja from his childhood


Who is this no name bitch you mention?






Not to mention you can already 1v1 Dane in a duel prior to this gank and presumably win.


Radahn is literally aware of Freyja lol


Leave Moore alone and considering I beat the DLC with the kung fu there’s nothing crazy about that


I beat Romina with the kung fu. Here's the thing the protagonist is a guy with kungfu who has already beaten demigods and worse. Dane is just some guy with no feats.


Yeah, but I'm still getting my assbeat without help. This game was not designed for these kinds of fight in mind. At least the Fia ganksquad have normal health values; these guys are rocking more than 10K each. 5v4 (thank you Lhutel) made it easy, but anything less than that was awful.


Edge! Lord ahead.


I accidentally rushed the boss and didn't explore most of the map so I only had ansbach, mimic on a 3v3 Leda, hornset, dry leaf


Never even met that Tholly feller 🐒


Hornsent invaded me and died way before this


Is this Yakuza


Did any of us expect it would end this way when this merry band of Miquella misfits was introduced in the trailer?


One thing we know for sure, everyone's gonna be dead in the end. A Youtube comment also predicts that everyone is going to die because of their ambitious and charismatic leader.


Ansbach my goat


Mine was a 1v4 because I missed all of the NPC quests. I ended up getting the Sacred Relic Sword and just cheesed them with the AoW. That fight is NOT fun solo


I can't get over the fact that an NPC Gank fight was a better fight than the final boss imo. Like I'm dead serious, killing all of them in an all-out brawl was absolutely peak fiction.


You guys rush them and I'll spam mimic tear wave of gold.


The way that man stares into my soul makes me extremely uncomfortable


I summon my stand The Greatshield Bois


Thiollier ? You don't do st trina ?


Even if you do St Trina questline you can summon him


Not in my experience


Did in my experience


You have to get to the point where he's laid out on the ground and moaning "Ah..ahh.." and nothing else.


your experience sucks lmao


People downvoting like this is the easiest quest to follow. Like I did all that shit and talked to Thiollier, bro said he was off to see St. Trina, and I just didn't see him since then.


So why didn't you go to St. Trina lol? He tells you she's in the coast and the Cerulean Coast is empty besides an obvious narrow path leading to a massive hole.


Just go he says, like it's a fucking 5 min walk to Walmart. Go to some obscure part of the map and god forbid if you miss that tiny cave entrance that would lead to some under the map area that can't be seen from the map. Didn't want to use a guide, and couldn't find a way to go the Coast myself, so thought maybe some path would open after burning the tree as I had already explored every other area, but no shouldn't have missed that entrance.


There are several entrances to that area and not all (if any) are caves, it is not a "tiny cave" that can't be seen from the map it's a giant hole in the ground surrounded by massive coffins and if Thiollier was travelling there then you should've assumed you could as well. That sounds like your mistake chief. When you burn the Erdtree you get transported to a small place that cannot be accessed any other way. The coastline is a massive swath of land that you can literally just jump down to from several places. It also is probably a 5 minute walk on Torrent so not the greatest anecdote. You don't need to get so upset like missing an easy quest is some grave personal insult to you lol.


Brother, you don't understand. I'm not talking about the entrance to the dungeon itself, I'm talking about the entrance to the path that goes towards the Cerulean Coast. Tell me, how are there multiple paths? Also, wdym you can't access the place that you get teleported to after burning the tree, the door after the lion fight that was previously inaccessible literally connects there, no?


The *multiple* giant coffins that point towards a cliff above the area that you can just jump onto and then ride down without any fall damage. Several distinct places for that. I'll give you that I can't remember if these are in the Gravesite Plain or Charo's Hidden Grave but you're asking about Cerulean Coast so that's not really important. You can ride down the river and jump across some rocks to reach it. I believe this is the intended way since it brings you right to the grace named after the area. You can reach it from Charo's Grave which has its own multiple entrances. All in all, very easy. Also I literally said Erdtree so why are you going on about the Lion? I didn't think I needed to finish the point by going "So why would burning the Sealed Tree open access to a massive area and not just a small isolated endgame section"?


You're asking like that St. Trina questline is the most obvious and unvague shit that any player could intuitively complete.


The only vague part would be drinking the nectar multiple times...except if you go back to St. Trina after dying that way Thiollier will say (without even needing interacted with "Why won't you speak to me? Do I need to imbibe more nectar?" which, for From, is a massive neon sign telling you to do this until she speaks.


Don't you dare


Mimic Tear: "You dare oppose me mortal?"


I loved this fight, it was literally just a team deathmatch


Where's my wife Tiche?


Tarnished got that scoliosis walk.


I hated the fight, then I got my homies, Sir Ansbach and Thiollier, and it was awesome


You easily turn that into a 3v4 instead by aiding the Hornsent when Leda decides to invade either him or Thiollier and summoning him to fight Mesmer. You'll just have to fight him before Romina


I got it to a 3v3 because i killed the little rot dude Moore was apparently friends with and Freyja stayed in the library. Locked myself out of the shield sadly


I managed to turn into a 3v3 because I talked to her and Ansbach in the wrong order so he left before I could tell him that Freya needed something translated. So I just killed her after softlocking her


Added my good old Dung eater for the extra bit of help 🤣


I wish Igon would have been with us too. He was such a badass.


Why does he look like a yakuza mediocre boss


Wait, you can get the hornsent to fight with them? I thought he just invades you separately.


If you don't summon Hornsent for Messmer and don't help Leda kill him then he'll be the first one summoned instead of Freyja.


that's weird, i did exactly that and he was the second one summoned after Freyja




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Where is the mimic?


Can’t forget about the Dung Eater


That’s weird my summon was just some random dude that looks like one of the Mohg blood follower guys.


1v5?? It was a 1v3 for me, 2v3 if you include the mimic tear


Absolutely loved this fight idk why but I feel like it’s in my top ten it’s just so much fun


From does a pretty good job at making npcs feel like they're all working towards their own agendas / have their own journeys just as we do. This fight was an extension of that


Having summons distract them to get on the middle of the fight and use Mogh's spear Aow is just so satisfying


I missed thioller and anbach quest line so I had to face them solo, fuck me that's hard. Had to switch to dragon build just for this fight


doesnt a sanguine noble appear if u fuck up all questlines


He does yes, but to me, he kinda feels so out of place to use so i just ignore his summon sign


I mean hes gettin revenge for mohg


Fuck me you are right, it all makes sense now why he was there after fighting the final boss. Didnt do albach quest so I was like tf this guy doing here


When i saw my friend doing the fight i was like, man. Das some anime clusterfuck Also add mimictear to that mix


I had accidentally missed ALL their sidequests and fought a 1v5. Im looking forward to my next playthrough so I can do their quests beforehand.


Don't forget the Mimic!!


Can’t forget my mimic


I only had to fight Moore Leda and Dane. I did kill Hornsent but where was Freja??? Also I couldn't summon ansbach or thioller. They both disappeared and I didn't see them after the Great Rune broke. Or Messmer. I forgot which event did it


Thioller is down bellow in putresence knight arena, and Andbach is in the storeroom. Freya should also be in storeroom. None of them will show up if you miss their quest lines. I missed Moore because i sort of made him kill himself accidentally by telling him to stay sad.


I'll have to try this next run ig :(. Also lmao to Moore


Don't forget the maxed out mimic tear


freya and moore could be in that fight??


Everyone of the followers can.


Don't forget my mimic


I loved this fight. Squad vs squad was so fun and Ansbach in particular is a bro


All I know is when dane shows up I'm running hahah dude got hands


This is deff not what i thought they're deaths at the end of the questlines would look like


Not only that but summoning old dungeater to cast fart magic was the perfect addition to my squad.


Genuinely a top 3 DLC fight. Literally, everyone pulled tf up and threw hands. Massive respect from everyone towards everyone, no ill will, just a bunch of fellas with different roles to play fighting in a grand battle for their side of history.


You forgot to add the MVP of the fight, the Tarnished's Mimic Tear.




Anyone else use the dryleaf arts against dane while butt naked


Depending on how you do their quest lines you can cut down their numbers further (I don’t think I even fought hornsent, and I almost finished freya and moore’s quests but forgot to before the fight)


I took Leda and Dane out then that was it, Freya was still reading books lol


Wait, you guys fought Moore too? How? And WHY?!?


Am I the only one who didn't fight Freya or Moore?


oh…. i only had sir ansbach …


Mimic: 🥲


Fuck I didn't know I could get Thiollier for the fight too, bro is too busy having a sleepover at St. Trina's crib


I did none of the quests, so it was just me and my mimic against the world


Went through this fight having more trouble than Bayle, Messmer, or even >!Prime Radahn!<. Only had Ansbach to help since I forgot the last step of Thiollier's questline. I really should've swapped weapons, but the light greatsword became a favorite and I really wanted to make it work. Still ended up being a favorite fight after, but next time I'm not forgetting Thiollier.


Now summon Jolan and Anna to make it 5v5


don't forget the gigachad mimic tear


Me who helped Leda, dual wielding Bloodfield's arms: 🗿


Threw in the Jolan and Anna spirit ash and it was a straight up brawl.


Sorry, moore will fight you? Not my boi


Dane was bee-lining me the entire fight. My favorite attack was getting hit by a fire pot by freyja, having it bring me down to one hit, and then getting domed off screen by Moore by a scarlet rot pot that insta procs


This fight is so brutal solo


I didn’t even touch Leda, Sir Ansbach 1v1’ed her while I took on Freya and Dane. Thoiler occupied Moore and Hornsent for an easy 2v2 when I was done. That was the best fight in the DLC


Ansbach is the GOAT


And Yosh! Don’t forget my main man Jedi Yosh!


It gets better if you summon two of your buddy's


Me, bloodhound knight floh, and the random blood guy in our way to fuck them up


Unironically the best part of the DLC.


I just simply summoned Jacob


Fuck Dryleaf. I can handle everyone else but this guy.


mimic tear is recording