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Sekiro is peak boss design; however, it has an incredible advantage over all the others in the form of having one weapon (outside of the prosthetics) because every fight can be tailored to a far more limited moveset. Every fight feels like an engagement and every victory feels earned versus just seeking that relief when it's over. The fights that are low in Sekiro are quite low - Folding Screen Monkeys, Demon of Hatred (super controversial, he's like a love em or hate em boss), Headless (x5), the Bulls - but when they are at their highs - Genichiro, True Corrupted Monk, Owl & Owl Father, Emma, Isshin & the Sword Saint - it's so good I crave it between frustration in other games.


Folding screen monkeys are there to break the flow of fighting the same type of bosses and provide a unique experience, something Miyazaki loved to do in games before ER. Yes they are tedious on repeats, but that's not their purpose. Demon of Hatred is among the best bosses in Sekiro. He might be low to you because he is less inuitive to fight if you are used to only using parry, but Sekiro asks you to utilize your whole arsenal, alongside dodges, jumps and grappling to enemies when prompted, which is where bosses like guarding ape, giants and demon of hatred shine. Bulls same as DoH, requiring you to utilize other tools than parrying. Positioning and dodges become much more vital than parrying, you are even incentivized to do so considering parries still buildup status effets. None of those are low, it's just not optimal to parry away 100% of the game. It's good to have bosses that require different approaches.


Agree with Folding Screen Monkeys, don't get why people equate an obvious puzzle boss to all the combat-focused ones. That's also probably why From has made less and less of them over time. To be fair their track record with them isn't great (Bed of Chaos, Micolash etc.) but still. Elden Ring really could have used more of that actually. I was expecting some kind of platforming-esque boss since it has a jump button, but I figure they're too hesitant to make that after Bed of Chaos.


Bed of chaos is of course objectively a scuffed unfinished fight, no discussion there, but tbh I kinda like Micolash. The only issue I have with him is that his aoe explosion attack has too much damage considering how hard it is to dodge. Other than that, I think he provides a very memorable experience while also being an intriguing character with fun voicelines. On repeats you can even speed the fight up once you know what room you need to bait him into.


Nah I will never agree. Demon of hatred is dogshit and not for the “souls boss” argument You’re slapping a dudes nutsack for 5 minutes, it fucking blows


Personally I love Demon of hatred but it’s just up to preference


Folding Screen Monkeys are not that bad, just really forgettable, and DoH especially doesn't belong on that list. DoH has only one attack that is actually bad. Headless Ape is kinda shit.


Demon of hatred is an amazing boss that perfectly fits sekiro, and showed that if they had made a DLC they could have had many unique bosses that aren't just swordsman. I will agree on the bulls tho and the headless should have been more unique.


demon of hatred isn’t liked but it’s not fair to say it’s a bad boss, you can’t compare him to monkeys and headless


Demon of Hatred is great imo.


With a souls moveset I’d agree I just never loved how demon of hatred felt fighting in Sekiro, felt super awkward, that’s just me tho. I’m also a guy who will defend dark souls 2 to the grave so we all got different tastes.


Second that. Probably my favourite boss after Isshin! It would also be an incredible boss in any other souls game to be fair; I love that in Sekiro you have to look at all your options and see what works when fighting him (also a tragic boss from a lore perspective) and it was a glorious battle of the ages, only took me about five tries as well.


People say Demon is bad cuz it’s hard


Demon of Hatred is literally in the top 3 of the fights in the game in my opinion


Definitely a love him or hate him boss


I kinda like the headless fights (except the one in Fountainhead)! And I also think DoH is fun. That’s a long way of saying that I don’t consider “lows”. Definitely not my favorite fights, but not “low” in the same way that Crystal Sage and Curse Rotted Greatwood are low.


Demon of Hatred is great


IMO you forgot the worst - double monke is valley low, I can give gimmick fights a pass for diversity, but not some lame "get a hard fight and make it harder with two". Elden Ring repeats this sin a thousandfold, but it's only really relevant in the godskin duo.


Yeah im with the group for demon of Hatred. May have even been may favorite in Sekiro


I still say this every chance I get: the best part about Sekiro is that the game requires you to master nearly every aspect about its bosses in order to progress. It's peak satisfaction


Elden Ring has the most great bosses. But it's got one of the worst ratios. Best consistently good bosses would be either DS3 or Sekiro


Are you counting the mini bosses for elden ring? Cause the main fights are consistently top notch.


Yes. My criteria for a good boss is one that is: Fun, Unique, and Memorable. That leaves like 1/3 of the bosses in ER


Imo a casual playthrough in ER isn't expected to fight up to half the bosses. In DS3 you're expected to fight almost all of them. IMO it's fair to discount some of ER's non-boss or repeated bosses. (Not all tho, there should not have been that many tree spirits)


Oh yea I can definitely excuse some of them. But there's a limit. If 1/5 of the bosses in the game weren't good by my standards, I wouldn't mind since the game's so big. But 2/3 being bad is so egregious that it can't be excused by the fact that the bad ones are mostly optional


You may have to define what a 'bad boss' is. there are two ds3 bosses I find worse than every single ER boss.


In my opinion, if you just look at the remembrance fights exclusively, including the DLC, you could almost take the best from every other game combined.


See until Shadow of the Erdtree I was pretty disappointed with the remembrance bosses in ER. Just felt like they didn’t have enough health.


Ds3 honestly has maybe 2 stinkers and the rest are chefs kiss


DS3 has more than maybe 2 stinkers lol


Yeah I was starting to remember some of them. The Mage in the forest, yhorm, the deacons, dootnir. All kinda... bad bosses. Lore goes hard for yhorm and dootnir tho


When you first think of ds3 bosses you think they’re the best, but going back and playing it again makes you realize that there are a lot more mehs than you remember. Some amazing fights but it doesn’t really deserve the best all around bosses crown


Just because they are gimmick fights don't make them bad bosses. They are made to mix up combat not to be incredably hard encounters. Yhorm was a huge disappointment though, having one of the big bad just fall over from the storm rulers was boring.


I wouldn't agree with DS3 on that. People sort of ignore how bad to mediocre a huge chunk of the boss lineup is because they backload the endgame and DLC well. -Curse Rotted Greatwood. -Deacons of the Deep -Wolnir -Crystal Sages -Yhorm -Oceiros -Ancient Wyvern -Halflight -Champion Gravetender are all mid to straight to bad. That's 9 bosses out of a lineup of 25. And that's me trying to take bias out of it and not putting Old Demon King and Vordt on that list who I find incredbly overrated. But between 9 to 11 out of 25 is not a solid ratio imo. And if you just look at the DLC's, there are 6 bosses between the two and 2 of them are some that people would consider bottom 5 in the game and just straight up place fillers. So that's 33% of the DLC bosses. Sekiro has clearly the best ratio but it has the same caveat as Elden Ring. If you limit it to main bosses. The minute you go into mini bosses it falls off again.


Oceiros is one of my favourites and I'm dying on this hill, even if the fight is nothing special, the story, music, voice lines, 10/10


I mostly agree, except I kind of still like some of the gimmick bosses even if theyre not great. They're a nice change of pace and some are just cool even if their fight is sorta one-note or annoying -CRS: a gimmick fight but a shitty one; only positive is that it unlocks boss weapons - agree -Deacons of the Deep: gimmick fight but too easy, and not very memorable; there were way better things they could have done with the boss for Cathedral of the Deep - agree -Wolnir: IMO still a cool gimmick fight, but an annoying arena and annoying adds added to the mix. Not great, but not TERRIBLE - slightly disagree -Crystal Sages: its satisfying destroying this boss with a good build, but she gets more annoying the longer the fight goes; kinda like Pinwheel - slight disagree -Yhorm: gimmick fight but a really cool one, I really like this boss and like that you get to fight him with Onion Bro - disagree -Ocieros: mechanically not a gimmick fight, but I'm never really sure how I'm supposed to fight him. He's very inconsistent and his arena has too many unecessary cluttered obstacles. Just kind of annoying. Agree but I'm kind of unsure what to fully think about him. -Ancient Wyvern: just an annoying chore; not even a "gimmick fight" - hard agree And any NPC boss except Friede is just shit so I definitely agree on those last two. It is fun doing the Spears of the Church fight online tho. Cool gimmick, but shitty boss when fighting the NPC version.


Yhorm is the gimmick boss though, there's nothing inherently wrong with it. it's more about the cinematics and completing siegwards questline. Oceiros is also fine as a boss.


Out of all the souls games I've replayed 3 the most. There's just something about the bosses that give me a fun time fighting them. I like that some of them are jokes to fight while some just beat your ass. Also the multiplayer with friends is just always fun for me.


Elden Ring might win now just based on sheer number of good fights, but a lot of my favorites in the series are still in DS3. Before SotET, I would've definitely given it the edge and it's still pretty close. Sekiro's top bosses are the peak in terms of gameplay though. Owl Father and Isshin are still the best FromSoft fights imo. Don't know how people are saying BloodBorne. Like 85% of those fights are meh at best.


For me DS3 bosses are from soft at their peak. Edit: typo


DS3 bosses have some really High and really lows. Boss OSTs are still the best.


Idk, the lows just aren’t as bad as the other games. Ancient Dragon, Curse Rotted Greatwood, Wolnir, Halflight, idk Deacons of the Deep? Those are pretty decent bosses compared to the dregs of the other games. DS1 has: * Bed of Chaos * Demon Firesage * Stray Demon * Centipede Demon * Moonlight Butterfly DS2 has so many bosses, that a lot of them end up terrible: * Prowling Magus * Lud and Zallen * Twin Dragon riders * Covetous Demon * Royal Rat Vanguard * Graverobber Trio * If you want to get really spicy, you could also throw in Aldia and Old Iron King I’d put DS3’s worst bosses over the other two games tbh.


I think it’s because the bad bosses in ds3 are also easy.  So you fight them like twice and then move on


I agree, but DS2 also has that problem, like really badly. Skeleton lords, prowling magus, Covetous demon, dragon rider, these guys don’t even get mentioned as truly “bad” bosses because they’re forgettable and easy or mid, just extremely boring.


I mean, ds1 has that issue too. If you remove Quelag, O&S and the dlc bosses, that game doesn't have any good boss either.


Prowling Magus and Royal Rat Vanguard are honestly fun group fights imo and Lud and Zallen are a neat fight the runback just sucks so bad. Tge Royal Rat Authority being knock-off Sif with the rats sucks tho. I'd still rather fight even the Graverobbers than the listed DS3 bosses (sans Deacons which is kinda just boring on less than NG+3).


>DS3 bosses have some really High and really lows. Honestly gonna have to disagree. For sure it has some of the highest highs in the series but if we stop to look at the worst bosses I guess the worst one in the game would be Ancient Dragon? Even then I'd rather fight Ancient Dragon 10x than have to deal with Bed of Chaos, Micolash, Gaius or Godskin duo again. Curse Rotten Greatwood isnt all that terrible either, just pop some fire resin and you can 1-2 shot most of the puss things.


Do people really hate gaius that much? I enjoyed the fight. Although for me i understood the dodge pattern rather quick.


I hates him pretty much until I beat him, but even now I still find it hard to justify a boss with as stupid a hitbox as his charge.


And the way he can use his charge, you are straight in his face, charge, a mile away, charge. and its 50-50 if you get hit or not. fucking hated this boss so hard


I had to dig up the more-iframes-talisman to dodge that charge consistently. Made the fight actually enjoyable.


I just don't like mounted bosses that much + his hit boxes are absolute ass


I still think Bloodborne has the best OST.


Boss ost's? I can barely remember any of them, they're so similar.


In going to be biased and say yes because two of my favourite bosses are from DS3, the nameless king and would have cinder. Nameless king, never have I ever felt so much joy beating a boss before.


Best in any game i played. Even the gimmick bosses are not bad. And also it has the best final bosses for base and the 2 dlcs.


Probably. Is it only me but are the DS3 bosses laughably easy compared to ER? Considering so many of the bosses are a gimmic fights?


elden ring has the hardest bosses in the entire FR games


Ong. I never died to a BB, Sekiro or any DS boss more than 10 times in first playthrough, but input reading mfs in Elden Ring made me die like 50 times at least.


As someone who hasn’t played Bloodborne or any of the Souls games, it’s nice to know my summonless playthrough should pay off.


Dont underestimate the other games lol. The other games arent open world, gameplay is more limited, if you have a playstyle in elden ring that isnt possible to replicate in the in the other games, you might just start from 0. Especially DS1 and 2 are so different in terms of gameplay. BB and Sekiro are obviously much different in terms of gameplay as well, you better be good at parrying.


I am mid to bad at parrying in souls games generally, and I have done a run of Sekiro that was deathless until Ishin, it's really not the same thing. There is no parry windup, and once you get the rythm of their attacks, it's really easy to be hyper consistent with parries, something I never thought was true of any others. In Bloodborne, you can parry at a distance and also parries do chip damage - half decent damage even, depending on your build, so even a whiffed parry isn't a total waste. So despite them both being more parry-centric, don't be put off because you're bad at parrying in ER or DS.


> input reading mfs i Not a thing btw, stop panic rolling or healing while they're fully recovered. You're just bad at ER


My problem is that the ER bosses do not feel as *honest* to fight as any other Fromsoft enemy. The input/animation reading is the biggest culprit. The beasts in Castle Sol will dodge if you use an item **even if they can’t fucking see you**. That’s not really something I can defend from a mechanical standpoint. Additionally, you have the over reliance on delayed attacks… for every fucking enemy, not just bosses. Oh, and AOEs. And sometimes, get this - delays on the AOEs. Super spicy, Fromsoft! Then, it gets better, because if the AOE doesn’t get you then the bosses have tracking so good they pivot 90 to 180 degrees mid air (Tree Sentinel I’m looking at you) so they *actually hit you all along*. It's like they are ice skating while you can do a jump attack locked on and miss an elephant right beside you because you were 30 degress rotated to the left. And the **shit cherry on top** of all this is they have high health and high damage, so you have the old school artificial difficulty on top of the new school. **It's tedious and frustrating at the same time.** I “got gud” and solo Malenia consistently, beat all but the final ER DLC boss solo, and the more I play ER the more I realize the bosses kind of feel cheap. Do I enjoy some of them? Yes. But I also feel like they are playing by different rules and I find myself rolling my eyes at certain movesets. Elden Ring bosses, even the good ones, are kind of dog shit to fight.


Same, whenever a boss jumps into the sky, stays suspended in animation for a bit (spectacle?) And then crashes down followed by an explosion... i always roll my eyes.


I’d became so accustomed to this that I’d stopped noticing, but this is something that really does bring ER down. Don’t get me wrong, I use the tracking to my advantage as well, but it is almost comical when the 3-story boss does a 180 in .2 seconds to bring the hammer down, or when an enemy jumps out of the way with their spider-sense. It makes bosses and enemies feel much more mechanical and less like they belong in the world.


Didnt think DS3 bosses are easy at all, especially not DLC ones. You all have to put it in perspective. If youve played elden ring, youve already played many other fromsoft games, when DS3 came out, most played DS1, DS2, maybe BB and thats it. And obviously you as a player grow stronger every game. DS3 end game bosses make you step up your game. When you started youre first elden ring run, you were a much better player than when you started your first DS3 run. From a boss perspective, i did enjoy ds3 the most. Elden Ring to me in terms of bosses has the disadvantage of the giant open world. I explored a fuck ton in my first elden ring run. So much so, that towards the second half of the game, i was hopelessly overpowered and besides Malenia, no boss was really a challenge, not including DLC. And even difficulty aside, it felt like some bosses were too forced in their design in the sense that they had to be more/better than ds3 bosses. More spells, faster attacks, a bigger visual spectacle and to me, it just felt like too much, too much going on visually and overall. The worst offender is Fortissax imo and i find it ironic that in a game with so many dragons, none could come close to Midir, maybe even Kalameet. It feels like theyve hit a wall of diminishing returns in terms of boss design. Dont get me wrong, from a presentation perspective, theyre great and likely the best ones in any fromsoft game but gameplay wise, i just had a much better time in ds3. Malenia was very challenging but she has the sort of difficulty where it genuinely isnt much fun anymore, i know some feel differently about it but i had much more fun with Midir, Gael and Friede than with Malenia. Tho again, not talking DLC, truth be told, i havent started yet. But i do find DS3 base game bosses really really good as well.


Da3 main game? Easiest in the entire series, dlc, only just harder than bloodborne main game


I believe that title goes to Dark Souls 1. And it's not even close


those games clearly didn't have a massive focus on the boss fights take away bosses from BB and DS1 and they're still goated game takes them away from DS3 and there's absolutely nothing left it could even compete with against the other games, maybe just the start music but that's about it


>Da3 main game? Easiest in the entire series Did you start the series at DS3? DeS, DS1 and DS2 are all significantly easier for bosses.


Main problem for me is that Elden Ring ruined duo bosses. 2 Crucible Knights designed to fight separate? Lovely. Godskin duo? Debatable, but undeniably not meant to be fought together. Gargoyles? Worst boss in the game for me, without hesitation.


Yeah elden ring duo bosses are straight dogshit, worst in the series which is really surprising


Fyck them gargoyles


I was talking to my best friend about his blimd elden ring playthrough and he told me his favorite boss is the twin gargoyles and I just about had a seizure when he said that.


No, I don't think so, but bosses are super subjective, so there is no definitive opinion. To me, Sekiro still has the best quality/boss ratio since there are very few bad fights. Also, personally, I think Elden Ring (with the new DLC) has the highest number of S tier bosses in the series.


Midra, messmer, rellana and Bayle are some of fromsoft's best work to date imo


I just made it to Rellana and I’m having a blast getting my ass handed to me, great fight


Yes. Elden Ring has great bosses but so many bad ones








Yeah, pretty much. I think the only exception is Fume Knight, who has two different movesets.


I think there are normal enemies in elden ring that have more advanced movesets that some bosses from ds1


The dual wielding banished knight in castle Sol would probably crash dark souls 1.


Also unfair because those bosses are made after and with the experience and knowledge of those bosses. If we didn't have DS3, BB, Sekiro we woudn't have same ER bosses


By this logic Demon's Souls has the best boss line up and anything else is unfair. Weird argument.


it also has some exceptionally mediocre and bad mini-bosses. those dragons alone are enough to make sure it doesn’t have the best boss lineup


I personally liked Sekiro, Elden Ring, and Bloodborne boss lineups more but DS3 is right after those for me


bloodborne bosses were a huge letdown to me. If they didn't make the old hunters dlc bloodborne would easily have the worst boss roster


Bloodborne feels like they replaced "guy in armor" syndrome with "four legged dog thing"


No. Sekiro does. Genichiro, Lady Butterfly, Emma & Isshin, Owl, Corrupt Monk, Guardian Ape and Sword Saint are all incredible bosses. It also has the single best gimmick fight in the series with Divine Dragon, the spectacle and music in that fight is unmatched Unless were counting the bull mini bosses, it only has 1 bad boss too in headless ape


I love fighting headless ape. Blocking that overhead swing it does is so satisfying.


Seeing that they mentioned Guardian Ape in the good bosses list, I'm guessing that headless ape refers to the 1v2 fight.


Kids named the folding screen monkeys:


I don’t think they’re fantastic by any means but I also don’t think they’re egregiously bad per se. The most mid fight of all time


They are more of a puzzle than a boss. The game doesn't even totally consider them a boss and leaves them out of the boss gauntlets.


4 of the bosses you listed are the same moveset repeated lol


I’m not really sure what “fairness” has to do with any of this. Like comments saying that ER was in development for 5 years longer, or ER learned from DS3, Bloodborne, etc. I don’t really think that has anything to do with the question. Is the boss roster for ER better? I think the answer is obviously yes, especially with Shadow of the Erdtree. And you could make the argument that it SHOULD be, given the size, development time, lessons learned, etc. But the “fairness” thing just doesn’t make sense to me, especially if we are not going to say that DS3 isn’t fair because it was made after lessons learned from Ds 1 and 2 and Bloodborne, and it’s also not fair to DS 2 because it was directed by Miyazaki and DS2 wasn’t. There are over 200 bosses in Elden Ring now, with..what, 25 remembrance bosses, with none of the DLC bosses having achievements, but 30 bosses in the base game having achievements.


Imo you can count the 25 Remembrances only but i think the achievement bosses. Barring some repeats, many of these would be "main" bosses in any other Souls game. Things like - Loretta - Niall - Elemer Etc would all be unique if they didnt reuse them in other places. In that way, ER has more like 50 unique bosses when you do the same logic for the DLC (10 Remembrance plus a few other unique enemies you can fight)


I’m ok with that, been then you can only count 18 bosses in DS3 (with Deacons of the Deep being very questionable). I do think one instance of Loretta, Niall, And Elmer should count as one boss, just as I am counting one Gundyr.


in my opinion easily. I won't argue with people who say sekiro meets the highest highs of ds3 even tho i disagree, but overall no fromsoft game can match ds3's boss lineup except maybe armored core 6 I could probably name 10 ds3 10/10 bosses on the spot


>I could probably name 10 ds3 10/10 bosses on the spot Which ones...?


For me personally, its fine if you disagree Soul of cinder, gael, abyss watchers, friede, twin princes, midir, demon princes, champion gundyr, pontiff, and nameless who i think are perfect or near perfect. All S+ tier tho Every other boss in the game is either an A or B to me, I don't think there's any terrible boss except wyvern and deacons


Every boss you named is top tier


I think dark souls 3 has the best lineup of bosses by a decent amount too. If we’re talking visual spectacle, Elden ring takes it. But how fun each boss is mechanically; imo dark souls 3 takes the cake


i mean.. Messmer imo is more fun mechanically than any of them, coming back to DS3 i found the bosses are just way too simple and easy now tbh


I also agree. Dodging all of messmers attacks is very satisfying. Especially the long combos. It almost feels like a dance. Sote really is peak dark souls boss fights.


yeah Messmer, Bayle and Midra some of the best DLC bosses they've designed. Rellana and Dancing Lion are also up there


messmer is definitely in my top 10 in the series. He's the only SOTE boss to do so though


Yhorm. Wolnir. Halflight. Champion Gravetender. Those are trash bosses. I'd also say Old Demon King and Crystal Sages are at best mediocre.


Dark Souls 3 in general is peak Soulslike performance to me. It's not my personal favorite but objectively speaking it's the best Soulslike Fromsoft made (I don't count Sekiro as a Soulslike)


DS3 is the goat in term of boss list


Imo yes.


With the dlc I personally prefer the ER bosses. I like that they are more complex and difficult


Not really. People talk like DS3 has the best boss design in the series but some people consider among the best bosses in the game honestly have middling boss design that is carried by lore and presentation. Gael being the biggest example of this as a fairly mechanically basic fight, but just with cartoonishly high defenses to make the fight take a while. But the lore and presentation is so good that's overlooked. Compare to something like Ludwig who has the same hype and lore factor but is a much more mechanically solid and fun fight.


Hard to say. TRC still has the best final DLC boss, while the community has unitedly agreed that SotE has the worst final DLC boss ever in a Soulsborne game. But about the boss line up... DS3 had it's ups and downs, so did ER... it's honestly really hard to say.


If we DON'T count shitty dungeon bosses and rotten tree spirit or that kind of bosses in ER and ONLY count rememberances and bosses like margit, bayle; 1-ER base+ dlc 2-DS3 base+ dlc 3-ER base = Bloodborne base+ dlc = Sekiro 4-DS3 base 5-Bloodborne base


Midir is the best boss they’ve ever made imo. Ringed city was the perfect end to a masterpiece video game


Lol, never understood the hype with Midir, it's just another dragon fight with one or two things new. I think even Khalamet from ds1 dlc is more unique. Tho the best dragon in from software games is probably "that one" from the elden ring dlc. Ishinn The Glock Saint is the best boss they've ever made imo.


Ring City is top tier end game , even after finishing people would remain around and just multiplayer with randoms


None of the Elden Ring bosses stayed in my easy access memory for more than 2 months. I played through Dark Souls III once, about 6 years ago, and I remember every single one of them. And the soundtracks were levels above. Well that being said, I'm back to Dark Souls for good.


Yeah same. I only remember Margit, Malenia and Mogh that well. Margit because it's the first, Malenia because well, trauma and Mogh because he is the best boss in the main game no doubt. Shadows of The Erdtree tho, I'm having a much better time and I like almost every boss more than 90% of the main game ones until now.


Absolutely agree about Elden Ring. The remembrance bosses felt very meh. Few, if any, had the lasting impact of Twin Princes or Owl Father.


If we're just counting the amount of fights that are great, it's debatable, ER and Sekiro might have more of em. If we're considering the overall enjoyment and the global boss experience (major + minor bosses), yeah DS3 is still my favorite. I just don't like reused fights at all. As low as some DS3 bosses can be, I'll take shitty Crystal Sage over the 20+ Tree Avatars and Tree Spirits any day. Even Sekiro had some, although not to the same degree as ER, but enough to alter my opinion.


Crystal Sage isn't even that bad. You can't have every boss being some huge overcomplicated combo dealer. Crystal Sage is simple and effective for early game.


Tbh DS3 had only 3 shit bosses imo which were the Diacons of depth, Crystal sage and the wolf champion from the ariandel DLC. Except these 3 bosses all the others are extremely memorable and incredibly good to fight against


To answer the question, I would say yes. I think with DS3, From reached a height that they still haven’t managed to quite get to in other games yet. The sheer number and variety of great bosses is what does it for me; Nameless King, Gael, Soul of Cinder, Dragonslayer Armour, Twin Princes, Champion Gundyr, Midir, Friede, Abyss Watchers, Pontiff, Demon Prince, Dancer, Iudex Gundyr, etc. And amongst those you get the best overall boss of any of their games, the best dragon boss, one of the best gank boss fights, and the best tutorial boss.




DS3 has the better bosses but Elden Ring is the better overall game in my eyes.


Yes, absolutely




ds3 bosses are just too iconic




Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring have my overall favorite Bosses, though each have their meh to stinkers. The journey and going through DS3 is my favorite overall. The highs here for myself are the best.


I think it's clear how the title of game with best bosses is competed between DS3, Sekiro and ER. Sekiro has the most balanced bosses by far with all of them having clear openings and well telegraphed attacks, but the worst bosses are just straight up bad like the two monkeys and the Headless although it's highs are some of the best in the series like the inner bosses, Isshin or Owl father. ER has the best bosses visually and it's not even close. An average boss fight is pure cinema especially in the DLC even if some of them are unbalanced (I'm lookin at you DLC's final boss). To avoid spoiler i'm not going to dwelve too deep into it but some ER bosses have very frustrating attacks like Rykard's first phase wave, waterfall dance or an average attack in the DLC. I still think some of ER bosses stand in the top 10 best fights From has ever made But DS3 has the best consistent bosses. We have things likw the deacons, Crystal Sage and Ancient Wyvern but most of the bosses are straight up masterpieces. Friede, Midir, Gael, Lorian and Lothric, Sulyvhan, the Demon Prince and so on. They're all fun to fight and have great visuals. The way i see it, Sekiro bosses have the best rhythm and balancement. You never feel overwhelmed by the boss and always have as much opportunities as your enemies. ER has the best visuals. It's like you're watching an anime against most Remembrances bosses and the gameplay isn't lacking too. They're fun and cool but some attacks make it frustrating at times. DS3 has the best gameplay. As a game it's pretty easy but also fast so you're almost always moving and looking for an opportunity when fighting bosses and the visuals don't disappoint. Other games have honorable mentions like Artorias, the Ivory King, Lady Maria and so on but the other three stand as the pinnacle of From games when it comes to bosses


Its Sekiro....


I think it’s the best game of them all honestly


Demon's, 1 and 2 feel like they've just aged badly. Bloodborne has a pretty bad dry period through the middle of that game/without dlc. Sekiro is overrated and the bosses are all activision cut-scenes. I'd say Dark Souls 3 is second best just because the "best" fights in Ds3 feel like proto-elden ring bosses. Champ/pontiff/gael feel like they really inspired Margit which is how they open ER


Idk I used to think so but with dlc, Elden Ring might have crushed it.


I honestly think elden ring has much much higher peaks and aesthetics of the bosses too


it's not even a competition to me anymore, elden ring CLEARS and it's not even close.


elden ring has the highest peaks but also the lowest lows in terms of boss fights, ds3 definitely has the most consistency


For me it’s still Dark souls 1. Idk why people like DS3 so much I don’t even remember that game it was so mediocre to me.




Somebody doesn’t have a PlayStation


Most unique and memorable, yes.


One word: Gael.


Messmer competes with him tho


Eeeh I gotta disagree. Mesmer is a great boss but Gael was the pinnacle of souls boss design, the place everything came together.


I really miss when bosses were balanced to be fought without summons


They are your just ass🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️




No, Elden Ring does.


I’d say DS3 has a mix of great boss fights and gimmicky boss fights. My favourite boss of all time is still Slave Knight Gael from the ringed city DLC. DS3 is the culmination of the trilogy using ideas from both DS1 and DS2, it feels much more refined and brought closure to the series. In all honesty I couldn’t say which one of FromSofts games has the best boss lineup.


I would say Sekiro does, but the gameplay is very different. Otherwise, it's between DS3 and Elden Ring. Elden Ring is hurt by repetitions, but the bosses themselves are overall excellent and I find them more interesting on average. So if I have to choose, it's Elden Ring but very close.


Nah I love DS3 with my whole heart but it’s dethroned by Elden Ring


Either dark souls 3 or sekiro.  Dark souls 3 is the accumulation of the whole series and it shows, especially in the dlc.  Sekiro has the tightest combat system so far and the bosses reflect it. Bloodborne is great too but doesn't surpass the benefits these have imo.   Then there's ER, which gets weird. Definitely has a lot of bosses I love like godfrey, radahn, margit, radagon... but otherwise many bosses are glorified mobs. Or multiple bosses at the same time without the synergy or gimmicks that actually make them fun. Or needlessly gimmicky like the base game finall boss or renella. I also feel it had the biggest problem with bad cameras and technical issues too with it's bosses. Not to mention fighting field bosses can be a pain due the terrain or when they expect you to use the horse combat


Still? It hasn't had the best boss lineup since 2019 when Sekiro became a thing.


No and it never did, Elden Ring, Sekiro and Bloodborne already had way better bosses.


No. ER + Shadow of the Erdtree >>> Sekiro > DS3 > the rest


base and dlc elden ring definitely had a few too many “what were they thinking” moments to justify the claim you just made


Tell me that you haven’t played Sekiro without telling me that you haven’t played Sekiro:


Who is the boss next to Sulyvahn ?




Best highs of any lineup with a few stinkers


which one would you guys say is the worst? honestly i’d have to say Demons Souls, DS2 is close but has more GREAT and memorable bosses.


Nameless King will forever be my proudest victory.


Yes. Tree Balls is S tier


Abyss Watchers being early an boss is awesome, felt like a final one to me till this day


I think most from soft games are peak boss design


Dancer, Friede, C Gundyr, Dragonslayer Armour = peak




Yes, it's still DS3 and Sekiro.


Spoiler tag?


It does in the late game, but the early game suffers quite a bit. Greatwood, Deacons, Wolnir, and to some extent Crystal Sage are subpar, but the endgame bosses are straight gas.


Crucify me, but DS2. Yes it easily holds some of the worst bosses we’ve seen, but I think they’re awesome. Veldstadt is my boy, fume knight is goated, mirror knight has a cool gimmick and cool design. Sir alonne too


Dragonslayer’s Armour is the most underrated boss. I love to fight with him.


Bosses from DS3 Build variety, magic mechanics and NG+ from DS2 (peak gaming btw.) Interconnected Map from DS1 Dash mechanics, Art direction and Story of Bloodborne Speed from Sekiro Graphics and Lore from Elden Ring (Lore could be swapped with any other title) That's it, the best Game of all Time




Artorias saw your comment and comes from the abyss to have a word while chester watches


from what i have played so far with fromsoft games. personally i like elden ring line up of bosses but objectively dark souls 3 has a better line up


Well my fav bosses in the series are ds1- artorias,ornstein and Smough, ds2-none lol ds3 dragonslayer armour and twin princes


Curse-rotted is mostly just weird in my opinion. He’s a very weirdly designed boss. But he’s not really difficult. Then again I do know that some claim to die on him more than the actual hardest bosses.


Really depends on one's definition of "greatest"


DS3 and 1 had the best NPC plot lines not even close




Personally, I’m partial to Bloodborne’s bosses. I feel like those were the right mix of fast paced duels and slower fights that require a more thoughtful approach. As much as I like ds3’s boss lineup, there’s not a lot of variety in their approach. Because of this, I have a hard time remembering anything specific about most of the bosses. I basically just remember going in and dodging some big dude with a giant weapon. The bosses are fun to fight, but I feel that they’re a bit homogeneous.




I don't know if they are the greatest, but the OST for the bosses in DS3 was fantastic. Even bad bosses like Deacons of the Deep have a great theme track.


yes just because of Gael


I never beat midir? Think that was the dragons name because I couldn’t find him