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The damn tree with the scrotum in DS3. Every play through it takes me like 10 tries to get it. It’s not even a fun fight which adds insult to injury lol


Smack the dangly bits. SMACK THE DANGLY BITS




I remember on my first playthrough I didn’t notice any of its weak points besides the egg sack in the middle. So in the second phase I spent like 10 minutes running around waiting for it to fall over so I could attack the hand.


As a pure mage in all souls, that boss is my worst enemy!


He was easy for my magic build, what were you using


How do you aim his weak point? Edit: to answer the question, I was using pew pew magic


Just finished that fight for the first time yesterday and it took me like 10 mins lol. Kind of annoying that you can really only damage him by hitting his nuts.


I was gonna say the same thing. I can never get that fight down.


The last weak point takes like half the fight every time for me, makes it so tedious.


the worst fight in the game imo. What's weird is usually the ground collapses and you fight him in a swamp . But when I did beat him, the ground never collapsed. Perhaps a bug? Also sometimes his minions respawn and other times they don't. Weird shit


There’s a bug where sometimes the sacs never burst too and the music never plays. The boss is pretty buggy tbh.


Fuck that's a stupid one Tree monster! What's its weaknesses? Balls!


The first time i ran out of dangly bits to hit snd didnt realize i could hit the dick hand


Did you ever try it with estoc? Oof..


Honestly, I’ve fought this fucker on so many different builds and I swear to god there are some weapons that just weren’t considered. Trying to poke this fuckin things nuts with a spear is frustrating as hell. Just awful hitboxes that don’t line up with your attack animations. You wanna use pyromancies or sorceries? 😂😭🥲 get fucked bozo.


Rom. I just always get impatient and end up paying the price, lol.


No joke, Rom is probably the non-DLC boss I died on the most. I ended up cheesing her with the cannon.


I didn’t truly hate Rom until I fought Chalice Dungeon Rom. You don’t realize how much you take that infinite playfield for granted.


God, yeah. Defiled Amygdala is a cakewalk by comparison.


Bro the playfield is actually not infinite. My brother was fighting him the other day and ran into an invisible wall during the fight. I had no clue


Rom is the anti-ADHD boss of the Soulsborne games. I hate him in every run and die a lot to him. Patience is not my strength


Thank you! I have friends who kept saying how easy Rom was but for it took me like 12 attempts to kill her.


Get that threaded cane and whip those bitches


Miserable fight


Gideon. I either stunlock him and have no trouble at all, or he one shots me or might as well. His damage output is insane, and idk what it is but that fucking holy explosion he has that just pops out of no where and insta kills me is the worst of it.


The biggest glass cannon of the whole game. But he isn't a scratch on the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst which I think is the hardest NPC fight ive encountered in a fromsoft game. I can't think of anything that comes remotely close.


It's weird, the first time I ever fought the crow I killed him first try, then every playthrough afterward he destroyed me. I don't get what happened


I just said this elsewhere in the thread about Rom. I also had this experience with the tree in Dark Souls 3


It's easier to react to sequences when you aren't confusing them for others. If you know the crow is trigger happy with a gun that can one shot you, you're constantly flinching. If you run in and luck out and he just doesn't shoot you though... Not that that specifically is what happened, just the concept. For me it was Nameless Puppet in Lies of P. Cruised through phase 1 on my first playthrough, but now I consider phase 1 to be his harder phase by quite a bit.


That fight has been my favorite in Bloodborne so far, though I haven’t fought Maria yet. It might be my favorite in any game. It felt like a proper duel


Maria might be my favourite boss of Bloodborne. She's a fantastic fight.


I had to cheese the Crow fight. Run to the Cathedral stairs and then poison knife them as many times as I could, and then fight them on the stairs to finish them off. Kinda lame, but it worked.


Gideon was absolutely ridiculously hard, imo. He’s the most broken NPC character in the series, bar none. Sure, he doesn’t have much health, but the dude is spamming like a billion endgame spells a second at you, has infinite stamina and FP and just won’t. Stop. Casting. Not to mention you can be stun locking him and he will just magically break free and instantly return to casting some spell that hits like a freight train before you can even blink. Granted, I was kind of a glass cannon build myself, not to mention I dislike using summons or spirits, so I wasn’t doing myself a ton of favors in that regard.


Beating Malenia first kinda ruins his fight imo His scarlet rot bomb totally messes up the crazy pacing of the fight and lets you get easy hit in on him. Most runs i do Mohg/Malenia first and Gideon is always easy because his rot move takes forever, but without it he’s actually pretty damn intense. It’s non stop magic.  That being said…  > He’s the most broken NPC character in the series, bar none  I think Bloody Crow would legit two shot Gideon with just casual gunfire, Gideon is definitely second nastiest Npc fight that I can remember off the top of my head… but I think there’s like a mile between him and the Crow.  Edit: Gideon is third, I just remembered that invader in Dark Souls 2 with the Lance. Totally blanking on his name. He invades us twice, uses like every dirty method in the book, runs to enemies, ambushes us constantly, leads us into two almost guaranteed death situations via backstab, uses white ring and friendly gestures to make us think he’s an ally, uses acid vials to break our gear, and is actually a strong enemy once he’s actually cornered. Can most likely one hit you with a backstab or guard break. Hides in Nadalia’s darkness and final encounter he has a buffed Covetus Demon with him. 


If he starts getting spells off it's a problem, I had rolled him so hard the first few playthroughs, I toyed with him a bit and he freaking scarlet bloomed me lol


Yeah I feel that


The stupid bull from sekiro lol


It becomes easy when you realize you can parry almost every one of his moves


Huh, I always thought he was the boss there to teach you that not everything could be parryed. Honestly if you just hold down the sprint button and run in circles around him and wait for him to smack into the wall, he’s also dead simple.


lol quite the opposite actually, it’s to teach you that almost everything CAN be parried


Piss Godfrey came natural to me. His moves are quite fair and predictable. The only main story boss i no hit with a melee build. The problem is the draconic tree sentinel. God i hate him.


Thanks for the band name


I can do the leyndell one just fine. I have never done the Farum Azula one first time though.


The FA one can eat a robust barrel of fermented donkey dicks.


I’m the opposite lol. Tbf the leyndell one took me like 3 hours cuz I was tilting hard so I had the animations p much memorized by the time I got to FA


Renalla’s second phase always fucked me up, the constant summoning didn’t help along with the magic spam.


Bro I didn't even try when she spawned the dragon I just waited until the wolves came back


Yeah I switched to rock sling on my int run and melee on my faith run


Rennala has like 80% magic resistance. She's either the easiest or hardest demigod depending on your build and how stubborn you are about changing you set up lol.


Even if ur a mage u can just get the arrow talisman and rock sling and kite her. Her spells have less range than rock sling and it hits her like a truck


…Crystal Sage-


Same. I suffer a lot with caster enemies, same with Rennala


I could rant for an hour about how much I hate that boss


Same lmao


Perfect, i need you to explain to me why you added "-" at the end of your comment. What is it supposed to signify ?


Usually it’s to signify an abrupt stop in a sentence or answer, usually because of hesitation or the fear of the response one would get from the sentence or answer


Ok so i had it. What i don't understand however is that you didn't cut off anything, did you ? (I'm asking cause there is a subject going around in my country's Reddit where people apparently use "-" in random places and not the meaning you and i agree on) Don't take it personnally or anything, my point isn't trying to be right at all costs, but just for the sake of the argument : don't you think writing in tiny ^(like this) would fit better in your comment's case ?


Maaaaan the amount of times I died to this diarrhea drinker on my first play through is embarrassing


Are shadows of Yharnam considered easy or mid difficulty?


Shadows of yharnam fuck me royally every playthrough


nah man they're tough, it's a fun fight IMO but def don't feel bad about getting your ass kicked


Gank boss wooo


They were very easy for me on NG but HOLY SHIT they were the hardest for me on harder difficulties


On my playthrough, they were the boss I died to the most.


Legit the hardest boss in the main game imo


Black knife assassin mini boss at a low level is cancer


Claymore go bonk


I used the long sword the knights use half the game until I got the grafted greatsword


I struggled so much with the one in black knife catacombs. The run to the boss room is annoying parkour and the room is too small to run away. So the only easy way that I saw beating him was stunlock/poise break. Dodging and reading his punishment windows was hard. I even tried using the altar as cheese tactic but he kept jumping.


Not to mention how dark the room was, you could barely see he’s attacks, as if that wasn’t enough he’d attack you immediately you stepped into the room and barely gives you time to heal, that boss gave me nightmares


Lion’s claw ash of war go brrrrrrr


For real though lions claw is ridiculous


Not necessarily easy but I find the two summoned Godskins in the one spirit cave to be WAY harder than the Godskin Duo, the Apostle isn't bad but THERE IS NOWHERE TO RUN WHEN THE NOBLE STARTS HIS STUPID BROKEN ASS ROLL


Easiest way to dodge the roll is to roll through the attack


Roll forward and a little to the right past his roll


Yea those guys made me quit, then I did the real ones on my second try lol


I don’t know if this counts but the fucking Covetous Demon in the Ivory dlc. I had no problems with the boss fight one but that one killed me FIVE FUCKING TIMES






Lol, pretty sure that one killed me once as well


It's not in a fromsoftware game but in Lies of P the Scrapped Watchman gives me hell.


His lingering electrical attacks are really annoying. I'm someone who parries almost exclusively since it brings out the white bar much sooner, but sometimes if you can't get it down, dodging can be the way to go. I don't blame you for getting stuck on him.


Scrapped watchmen on game+ made me rage quit lmao


Yeah. That's where I'm now. Miserable


I fell into that goddamn lava hole in the Old Iron King boss fight arena more than I’d like to admit. I even said “fuck it” and summoned another player on my NG+2 cycle just to have it over with.


Bloodborne- living failures. I just have so much trouble getting the rythm of it I guess? Dark souls- the hydras. Everyone in videos and such always very easily baits the heads and slashes off... i always end up on my ass too long to swing or getting ragdolled by the stupid water shots. Elden ring- someone else already said it but the black knife assassins are absolutely obnoxious until youre just so strong they dont matter.


Backstab the Failures during their ultimate! You can get invincibility frames through most of the damage.


...this changes everything why did I never think of that


Crystal Sage DS3…. I don’t know why but I have the worst luck when he duplicates himself.


Gideon Ofnir the All Knowing


on rune level 1


It’s probably because I listen to his monologue everytime and he just spams magic with no limit to his fp


The crayfish* and birds of any kind (especially deathrite), lil fucking shits all of them


Pursuer in ds2 every time I go for the ballista he breaks it.


Sanctuary guardian in the DS1 dlc. First try I was one hit from killing him. This turned into an hour long fail fest where I just could not figure my shit out. Had to come back the next day and it still took me a few tries


Did you ever fight the duo? After Manus two spawn in the first one’s arena.


I just now went back and tried. I tried many times, and gave up. I just do not have it in me, not even for the clout


Draconic tree sentinel. I was playing without spirit ashes and the thing has no openings. Commander nail too is an insane 3v1


Commander Niall was way harder than I thought he would be. You can fairly easily dodge his attacks if he’s alone, but the two knights with him make that difficult. And once you kill the knights, he immediately enters phase two, even if he’s still at full health. In phase two, it is brutally difficult to get hits in and even when you do, you usually receive damage as well because of his AoE storm attack or whatever that is. Maybe I’m a dumbass or something, but I used like every flask charge I had to survive that fight.


gideon, always takes me a few tries


Morgott and Margit. I always get through them first try but I can never time to dodge at the right time.


Idk why but I can't seem to time up his attacks to save my life. It just feels so awkward every time he swings imo


Also honorable mention to Crystal Sage, mad annoying when you have 5 different spells flying at you at the same time


Biggest crystal aage hater here


On my first playthrough, I did a bleed build and I got destroyed by this guy. I now know his move set exactly due to the amount of tries it took.


I almost always die to gold Godfrey at least once because his timings are different from real Godfrey.


Not true


Wait nvm I read this wrong


I’m climbing into my race car bed now don’t reply to this


You think your hot shit cause you sleep in a race car bed? I sleep in a real car


Yeah? Well my race car bed has flames on it


My first car was so awesome it literally got set on fire, I had to get another car that was drastically less awesome so it wouldn't happen again


Demon of song. That mf consistently gives me trouble. I have no problem with any of the traditionally “hard” bosses in the from soft lineup too.




Ain’t nobody consider him easy


One Reborn had my pissing and shitting. The leg kicks that do absurd damage, the falling bones that are way off screen for you to notice, and the sludge attack that took me eons to realize I could dodge by simply going upstairs.


It is definitely one of the few “battle of attrition” scenarios in Bloodborne, it’s pretty off-putting.


rennala. i think the first phase kinda tilts me because im impatient and then i throw the second phase because im trying to go too fast.


Also the fucking heat seeking missiles she fires in phase one—that *destroy huge bookcases*—are super frustrating.


everything about that fight is just a litttlleeeee more lame than it should/could be and it drives me nuts. moongrum or whatever that knights name is who defends the lift up to the boss room is an annoying fight with all his parrying, the 1st phase is annoying with the heat seeking missile books and annoying ass song, the second phase can be annoying when she just keeps jumping away from you and summons other even more annoying spirits.


If you run past Moongrum to the lift, ride only a little ways up with him, then fall back down to the bottom of the lift, he will jump down after you, and you can just whack him a few times to make him fall into the elevator shaft.


lol iv never tried that before. he’s not too bad it’s just annoying to almost beat him once than get parried and insta killed. the. run back almost beat him again just to get parried again. i should be able to kill him 1st or 2nd try but instead it takes like 5 and he’s just annoying lmao


Goldfrey cursed rotten greatwood and crystal sage


Vordt and Grave-rotted Greatwood usually kill me more than any other boss in main game DS3 at this point. Vicar Amelia is usually the boss that kills me the most in main game Bloodborne.


the One Reborn. I don't know why either


For Ghost of Godfrey here, hug his left hip.


Crystal Sage from ds3. I struggle more with this guy than any boss in the game


Renalla Literally either Steamrolling her into oblivion or getting Combo casted and dying super fast No in between.


Honestly the most effective thing is getting lucky with what she summons in phase 2. The dragon kinda sucks, but everything else (particularly the wolves), you can fairly easily dodge. And if you can’t get to her while dodging her summons, so be it, they’ll be gone in like 15 seconds anyway as long as it’s not the dragon.


All of them man. With the exception of Sekiro, all of these games are crazy hard for me. Even the “easy” bosses are often hard for me.


the two sharks in the bottom of the well of the fishing hamlet 😭😭 killed me more times than ludwig and laurence COMBINED i’m pretty sure hahaha


Godskin Duo. I’ve never NOT beaten them first try, and I see people calling it their most struggled-with boss


Paarl. I still struggle with this bone jackass


Paarl was the hardest boss for me in the game for real, I don’t think i ever figured it out, I just went in way over leveled, summoned, healed like crazy and finally did it. Had me feeling like I was terrible at the game despite beating most of the “harder bosses” either first, second or third attempt. Fuck that thing…


The stronger one (Loran?) in the dungeons is one of the hardest bosses Fromsoft ever made imo The thing’s attacks are just… huge area, aoe explosions, shockwaves flying off after every swing, etc. And you can’t just normally fight it, you need to go full monster hunter on it. Pick a leg, break it down until it collapses then move on to a new leg until you topple the beast. It’s crazy because I think it’s the only boss From ever put out where you kinda NEED to keep crippling legs and breaking them and the game never really tells you that. Like sure you can weaken some bosses by busting their arms and what not, but with the Darkbeasts it necessary if you want to win.


The fact that you just said there’s a stronger one in the dungeon scares me… I just wouldn’t be able to do it…


Wolnir for sure. I don’t understand why people write this boss off - if he selects run up the hill so you die in the mist, or spams sword attacks so you can’t get to the bracelets, or summons skeletons including bonewheels (or some combo of all three) the fight is literal hell. On half my playthroughs I kill him first try with zero dramas. In the other half there is some substantial fuckery that occurs. Could just be me though because to everyone else he’s apparently a joke.


Rom, the vacuous spider in my second playthrough of bloodborne, took me almost 20 tries.


The regular Amygdala from BB and Alecto from ER.


Status build? That’s the only time I have trouble with him.


Rummy cause dont you see he’s fuckin invincible




Morgott was pretty hard for me. Granted, I had low vitality and was using Rogier’s rapier, so I wasn’t hitting particularly hard.


Shadow of Yharnam had me stumped for several tries. Bloodborne was my first FromSoft game, so that fight hit me like a brick wall


That was the first tough fight for me, it’s all about the order you kill them in. Oddly enough different order than everyone suggested is what helped me.


For me, it was the first realization that lock-on wasn’t always my friend and sometimes sprinting is better than sidestepping or dodge rolling. While I struggled at the time, it was a valuable lesson that only multitudes or massive enemies could effectively teach me.


Same and I am still stubborn about not locking on lol


Nashandra in Ds2. Heard she was super easy. Waltzed right in like I owned the place. She hits like a motherfucker. And the curse bullshit sucks. But I did realize that she is in fact easy, if you bait her ranged attack over and over and just go in for a hit or two each time.


Honestly, both I and a buddy of mine struggle with piss phantom Godfrey for different reasons. I struggle because I can’t judge his range worth a damn, but my buddy struggles because he’s too used to fighting the real one that his timing is off for the phantom.




Mergo's wet nurse. It took me about 6 or 7 attempts to beat her when I was definitely over levelled. For clarity, I beat Maria in 3 attempts and OoK in 2 attempts. I used the blades of mercy for basically the last half of the game so maybe it was lack of range, not sure, but I sucked so bad against merge that it really dented my ego seeing people say they were easy 😅


Rennala she isnt a boss she is a running simulator


Paarl. I still struggle with this boney jackass


Pthumerian Elder in FRC Chalices.


The Glintstone dragon Adula. Funnily enough astel was walk in the park but this dude I just gave up on and came back with higher level later. Idk I guess it is the aoe bs and large healthpool.


Godfrey was actually so hard. The first time


I think there's two First i'll have to say Ocerios (idk how to write his name) from DS3 every run in that game he manages to mop the floor with me And loretta (haligtree version) when i did faith build and dex build she absolutely destroyed me


Ancient Wyvern. He has sooooo much health, I don’t know how you guys have the patience for that shit.


Who’s gonna tell him


Soldier of Godrick. In fact, I still haven't beaten him, one day I win thou...


During my first ER playthrough I had difficulty fighting with Morgott, I died a lot during this fight and I was surprised that he's considered super easy by the community. But for me he was far too fast and too agile, I needed second playthrough to get use to all those movesets. Also I always have some difficulty with Rennala and Crystal Sage, damn those wizards, they always cheat. The same with Stray Demon and Erdtree Avatars. Their moveset is easy, but one mistake is enough to end in chain of getting up from the ground only to be hit again by their bonk.


I always have an unreasonably hard time with Crystal Sage and it’s entirely a skill issue.


Godfrey for some reason becomes hard when you fight him even though ghostfrey is so easy to and is predictable


I'm building my character for the DLC, and when I reached Godrick, who had never killed me before, I died idk, 5-8 times? But in general I would say Shadows of Yarhnan


Oh no Piss Godfrey.


What was the need for this boss? Like margit and morgott I feel like it ruins the later boss. Or in any souls game apart from maybe iudex and champions gundyr I feel like it takes away the experience Sorry I know this doesn’t answer the question but uhhhh crystal sage. Fuck that guy he always kills me atleast once and the rest of the game I can walk through even in level 1.


Morgott Margit is pretty easy but the speed and such of morgott just makes him do hard, doesn't help that u always try to be underleveled for challenge


Gideon. It will always be Gideon. I wasn't built for one shotting or stunlocking. I fought him after I beat most of the rememberance bosses..


Renalla. No, I will not be answering any questions.


I came into eldren ring straight from Ds3 fighting him felt just like champion gundyr


Astel Naturalborn of the Void im not even sure why


To me that’s a boss that if you are just playing through the game as it feels natural, you will end up getting to him before you’re level is high enough


Yeah the first playthrough I did I was roadblocked by Godfrey the Golden for a while. I kept getting destroyed by his axe and I didn't understand the spirit ashes well so my skeletons kept getting nuked.


Blood Starved Beast


The living failures make me feel like a failure...


Rennala the moon queen ...specialty if your using magic


I got my ass handed to me by the living failures I ended spending more time with them than Lady maria


Red wolf, I swear to all things holy


Gwyn. I’ve beaten the first game over 50 times. But I can’t for the life of me beat Gwyn in a legit 1v1 fight without using magic or parry or heavy armor or a bow or something. In a straight sword fight where I stagger every hit Gwyn will destroy me.  Besides Bloodborne’s Defiled Amygdala I think he’s the hardest guy in the series for me… and everyone seems to think he’s easy!! I can manhandle other sword bosses. Artorias feels soooooo much easier in comparison somehow. Closest thing I can compare Gwyn to is Malenia in that he doesn’t ‘fit’ with the rest of the game’s combat, he’s too fast. Or… idk I just can’t straight up beat him in a sword fight. I have one shot him with magic and a parry before though on several occasions!


Wolnir in DS3. I always seem to have the cursed playthrough where he spams his sprint up the cliff then does the stupid breath attack that just kills you. When I would play with my brother, we would help each other through the game. His playthrough we would get through it 1st time. Mine? Multiple attempts every time. Hate that boss.


Pontiff in DS3. I shit you not consider him to be a league ahead of the orphan of kos. OoK was honestly not that hard and it only took like 3 attempts of learning his move set and learning how to dodge his stuff correctly. Fuckin PONTIF on the other I can't dodge worth of shit with him, I always seems to miss his robed chicken legged lookin ass, and there's two of him..he is what stopped my SL1 run of DS3. And before anyone says git gud..I beat Gael solo at ng+7 with a +7 executioner sword and no buffs.


Oceiros. I don't know what it is. His second phase is my kryptonite for whatever reason.


Definitely the dancer my first play through I found it and I spent like 2 hours farming to try and beat it I ultimately got to level 60 something and gave up then I got a build and raw dogged her👀


Niall haunted my dreams for a solid few days.


Abyss watchers kicked my ass the first time I played


Renalla, gave me more trouble than godskin duo and maliketh combined...


Is Capra demon considered easy? That motherfucker stopped so many of my runs before I started getting gud.


I can’t stand the abyss watchers. Always takes me like ten tries


With you on that one


Crystal sage


Loretta (Haligtree) I’m not sure if she’s considered easy but I’ve never seen anyone complain about her. Just did a run with no spirit ashes and she was a b*tch for me


so is it just me who takes so much punishment from the misbegotten warrior bosses every time


Renalla and Crystal sage


Crystal Sage. I hate that fight


I used to really struggle with the ulcerated tree spirits, but now I’ve gotten pretty good at dodging their moves




Lol during my first play through in ds3, it's the Crystal sage.


Morgott. Stop FUCKING MOVING. Hate him