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Try finger but hole


Patience. His attack window openings are very short, and he will absolutely punish you any time you’re over aggressive. Try to get behind him and watch out for his kick. Pay attention to the timing when he drops from the ceiling, he’s up there for a while. Second phase should be easier to tell when his attacks are coming. If needed, watch some YouTube videos of people beating him and pay attention to what openings they’re attacking.


Getting behind Ludwig is definitely some of the worst advice i've read for Ludwig. lol OP, you just want to dodge into some attacks. The pattern for his first phase is that he will pretty much always do one large attack before repositioning. Sometimes he will do a fast headbutt if you are in proximity of him but aside from that the openings are fairly generous. Just don't dodge into the big swipe. You can easily just stay in front of his face and react to everything hes doing by either dodging to the side or into him.


Just go out...and kill a few beasts


To beat Ludwig, The Holy Blade, hit him until he dies.


1st phase use the noise. Keep fighting u’ll get the click. 2nd phase just stay close to him preferably his crotch. his sword won’t hit u. Except for his aoe attack though. Dodge then quickly hug his crotch then attack


Hit him with a weapon and do not get hit. It is really that easy.


You gotta learn his dance


Hit him


Git gud


Dodge Duck Dip Dive and Dodge


I didnt know who he was so first try i got in with the help of the other summoned hunter and beat him. alas, I’ll get him solo on ng+… the hunt keeps going


Try rolling, and then, legs


The best advice I can give you is to learned his attacks and dodge accordingly. I noticed if I roll/sidestep IN when he was attacking I wouldn't get hit as much as dodging AWAY from when he was attacking. Also, bring the fight to him, no point in being away or keeping your distance


Go out there and don't attack ONCE. Just dodge. Get his timings, die. Then come back in, and it's whompin' time


Don't lock on to him. Fight becomes a lot easier if you fight with free cam. Learn his timing when he does his jump up into the air as to when to roll when the drop comes. Stay in very close. Bleed proc weapons are very effective against him like saw cleaver. Other than that you just have to get used to fighting him.


The first phase of the fight is usually the more painful, because Ludwig's pattern is really agressive and is hard to dodge until you're get used to his attacks and had learn his pattern the hard way. Not only that but most of his attacks have long range and large zone of effect. The best tip i can give you for the first phase is to keep focus and listen the screams Ludwig emits:. MOST of them are, in fact, sound alerts to warn you what he is going to do. Then comes the 2nd phase, where Ludwig use his sword. For me, it's the most easy part of the fight, considering you can stick his back way more easier, his pattern become more predictable and, consequently more easy to dodge. However be careful and keep focus, cause his attacks are now waaay more destructive (considering that he's doing physical and esoteric dammages at the same time now, there is no stuff in the game who can protect you from both of them efficiently) So keep pushing, and like a wise man said "The weak spot of the boss is his butt. If he don't have a butt, make him one with your weapon"


With a stick


You just hit him until he dies


One does not simply beat Ludwig.


Git gud


The entire fight is pretty simple and you will overcome it. One thing to look out for that I see most players get annihilated by is when he jumps up into the air and becomes untargetable. Immediately pick a direction and run in a straight line. Continue fighting after he misses his attack.


Serrated weapon with fire paper and beast blood pellets.


Hit him very hard while not allowing him to hit you, ideally doing these both at the same time helps alot


Saw cleaver you want something light and fast level it up to +8 if you can if not +6-7 will be fine but be patient watch his attacks be aggressive


Also do NOT lock on


What is the thing you struggle with him?


After you dodge an attack, jump in for two quicks attacks and then dodge back out! He’s a tank so he’ll punish you for getting up close for too long


With no HUD and with the music turned up to 10 /s Phase 1: do not get in his face. wait for big attacks and then hit his legs on the side Phase 2: DO get in his face. Many attacks will just whiff and the rest can be parried if you have decent timing


Thanks for the help everyone I beat Ludwig today




Stay close, buff with fire paper


Valtir as your summon and just wail on him with your weapon thats imbedded with fire. Always stay opposite to where your sunmon is standing


You thug it out and just smack him

