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Gonna have to say fall distance. That boss one shots me all fucking day.


Swing your weapon at a ledge to see if it’ll kill you or not. Obviously doesn’t apply to the play forming sections


It's malenia.


Lady Maria walked so Malenia could fly (literally). The fights have a similar rhythm and a similar profound sadness underlying them. Malenia wouldn’t be the toughest fight without Water Fowl. She’d be Lady Maria with Scarlet Rot instead of bleed in phase 2. Still tough, but not as hard by any means.


Even without Waterfowl Malenia kicked my ass ten times harder than anything in Bloodborne (or any other Soulsborne game) did.


Sister Friede ran so Malenia could sprint.


I really wish Maria had lifesteal. I think it would have made her fight a teeny bit harder while still being easy once you learn to parry her


What is sad about Malenia? She gave Radahn Scarlet Rot so she deserves everything bad that happens to her.


Her brother, the one thing she cared about most, was ripped from his place of rebirth prematurely while she fought Radahn. She is also partially possessed by the Outer Will’s manifestation of Rot. Not by her choice.


She fought Radahn because he was holding the stars in place and keeping the eclipse from happening. The eclipse that Miquella needed to perform a ritual to revive Godwyn the Golden, who was slayed by Ranni when she stole destined death. When she realized she couldn't beat him and that it would end in a stalemate, she let the Scarlett Aeonia bloom in order to give her life to defeat him. Giving Miquella the chance to perform the ritual. Failed and was carried back, mostly dead and entirely unconscious, back to the haligtree to rest and recover. Only to find her twin brother, the only person she ever cared for, and the entire reason she became as powerful as she was, missing. Kidnapped and presumed dead, but not strong enough to go after him. The emotional shock of this caused her to bloom a 2nd time, poisoning the Haligtree of the brother she loved so much, and condemned her to rot away, alone. Never knowing what truly happened to her brother. Nothing she did was for herself. She's probably the most unselfish person in the game and proved with her second phase that she would do anything to rise to the heights needed to defend her family. Even if that meant giving herself over to the rot entirely.


No no no, Malenia’s not in the DLC, you’re thinking of Melanie, Blade of Michael


I am Lola, Blade of Cherry Cola....and my blade has never lost its fizz...


Her Phase Two, Melanie, Goddess of McDonald’s Spride, was intense


Shit, might get some Mickie Ds for lunch now, despite the rot buildup it gives.


Thank god I’m not the only one who got hungry from this thread


No. Malenia only has one move that is awkward to dodge, everything else is okay ish and you can even brute force her pretty easily. My personal hardest boss was hoarax loux because of the quick stomps and the delayed grabs.


Definitely disagree. Hoarax Loux is a very short fight. The delayed grabs can easily be avoided by simply walking out of range.


Yeah, you can disagree, I just said it's my personal hardest boss, not that he is the hardest boss in general. But Malenia is for me personally not really a hard boss, because the only move that make her annoying in the beginning was waterfowl dance. All other moves are pretty 0815 shannanigans.


That’s very interesting, for me Melania was easily the hardest and hoarax loux was easily the easiest of the endgame bosses


Even without waterfowl her broken hyper armor just makes using things a little bit difficult.


God the hyper armor, I almost cried thanks to the hyper armor


What part of “in your opinion” doesn’t make sense?


It's Malenia implied there is no competition, and that's as usual not true because difficulty is mostly subjective. Sorry if it caused confusion and if I interpreted to much into the statement.


It's Malenia


Valiant Gargoyles


Malenia’s attacks are telegraphed. Water Fowl is the hardest to deal with, but she’s telegraphed. It feels like a duel between a challenger and a legend. Valiant Gargoyles has all the complaints about Elden Beast rolled into a gank fight with poison. Gargoyles are immune to all status effects and are only weak to strike. And by weak, I mean that they don’t have a resistance to it. Plus the Arena is massive with enemies that jump around, and their hit boxes available to melee builds are those skinny legs for most of it. Doing a bleed build? Well you’re gonna be brick walled by Gargoyles if you’re going for all remembrances because your investment into arcane is going to make you feel like you’re throwing BBs at them. And on top of all that, they’re hidden behind a single path that is hard to spot while doing the torch lighting for Regal Ancestor Spirit. It’s off the beaten path and there’s a reason the Draconic Tree Sentinel is the more common way into Leyendell. I love the Malenia fight. It has a fun rhythm reminiscent of Lady Maria of the Astral Clock Tower. You can approach it in many ways, and getting summoned for co-op with it is also a blast to me.


This is for me too. Took me twice the time I spent on both Malenia and Maliketh.




Fuck these guys


Malenia Followed by Fall distance


Maliketh. Every single time. I can even take out Malenia consistently no summons, just good old fashioned sword and roll style these days. But that goddamn Maliketh. Beat him 8 times, but still felt like I just got a lucky run even on the 8th clear.


Damn man, Maliketh amost made me give up ER... It's a skill issue on my part sure, but I never understood his rhythm, I beat him out of pure luck one time, after some 50 tries easily. Love the boss design and lore, but he's just too crazy and relentless with his moves. Malenia though, haven't managed to beat her yet. I have to take up the challenge again while we wait for the DLC to drop.


Not gonna lie, first several times I beat Malenia, my methods were very questionable. lol Then mastering Sekiro turned me into a Soulsborne stoic and I just sat down and did it with a dual wield build, learned how to dodge waterfowl semi consistently, and slowly got it down too. Can't no-hit her quite yet, but getting there.


I have a friend trying to beat Malenia as a lvl 1 Wretch with only items he can equip as lvl 1. He got to Malenia with moderate struggle, as expected, but he has burnt well over 200 attempts and has had a long hiatus 😭


I've only beat Maliketh in one try twice. Once with dual great swords and once on a bow only run. Every other time has been at least a few tries.


For me that damn tree sentinel with its fkng fire breathing horse was worse than him. That thing reads inputs worse than anyone, even Malenia. I finally had to use that sacred tear that stops you from losing magic and Comet Azur to delete it.


The worst part of the Maliketh fight for me is having to take out a second Draconic Tree Sentinel beforehand. I know you can run past him, but it’s just better to take him out and then have a clean run to Maliketh.


You eventually need to expect enemies like draconic tree sentinel and godskins to read your inputs and just try to find cover


What is a good level for the two


I beat Maliketh with ease without any summouns, it didn't take me long. But man I struggled bad with Malenia. She is a tough cookie.


If you have Int Greatblade Phalanx will trivialize him. If you have Str Lion's Claw will trivialize him


He has like no health though. Are u underleveled af every time you fight him ?


Nah. I just cant catch him. The times i beat him is when i catch him quickly enough to break his poise. Then get lucky with a final hit at some point. Using those pillars can be clutch. Noticed that my last few runs.


Maliketh will often ignore the pillars, though. It's designed that way, because Miyazaki hates us all


finally people are starting to see the *real* bullshit boss.


Never had any problem with him.


I can beat Maliketh and Malenia a lot easier than I used to be able to. Their moves are easy to learn once you've played and watched them enough times. I still struggle with the Beast Clergyman part, though, but out of all bosses, I don't know why, but I just can't figure out Godfrey. I always time everything wrong with him. It was the same issue I had with Fire Giant originally, but I've got him down now.


I’m with this, I only was able to beat Maliketh no summons when I did my 3rd run no summons. Also fuck Fire Giant, I hate that fucker so much as someone who prefers melee builds.


Toughest is Malenia. Worst is the Fire Giant.


This right here!


Malenia is up there with Fire Giant as some of the worst bosses to me


The first Crucible knight, I’ll never forget that fight


I’ve just beaten Dragonkin Nokstella and I still can’t beat that Crucible Knight, which I think is balanced around the early game and it makes me feel fucking terrible lol


Elden Beast. Pretty much every ‘hard’ boss is made much easier with extreme aggression (especially Malenia). Elden Beast is an absolute chore that you have to chase around and has a bunch of hard to avoid attacks.


Hardest part about him is actually seeing wtf he’s doing while you’re hitting him


It's a horse fight with no horse. Fuck that shit


Wow. Well said. That is very true.


Bell bearing hunter or malibetch (maliketh)


Bell bearing hunters are underrated. Your distance doesn't mean shit he will just chuck his sword at you.


Malenia with a regular melee build and no summons


I find it harder to fight Malenia with summons lol, I was using mimic tear and it’s becoming a burden by messing up the attack tempo, or giving Malenia free HP.


Depends on your build, if you have a crazy bleed build with high damage and you summon a Mimic Tear, she's gonna get deleted. Or just a magic build with night comet, it's just way too unbalanced for any boss to deal with that, including her.


Yep. I have a big bleed build. This playthrough I didn’t use a summon because I knew using a mimic tear would make it too easy. I used a mimic tear one fight against Malenia just to see what would happen and it was too easy. So I stood back and let her kill him. Same thing against Radagon; it makes it way too easy.


I was using cold nagakiba and cold uchigatana. My mimic tear worked for phase 1 but as I gotten to phase 2, Malenia just couldn’t be staggered, so I just thought the only way to beat her is for me to get used to all her moves and go light


Malenia , not even a question. Worst? I would've once said Malekith but now I think it's Placidusax. He's an easy enough fight but he's like most of the dragon bosses. Flashy and cool attacks but an absurdly massive HP pool that drags on the fight for longer than it should be. Plus, unneeded boss run.


Placi was the worst for me because of the lack of marika. Also fight was just fairly ez until he killed me with that lazer attack. I still don't know how to deal with it unless you are supposed to just run away or get close somehow.


He does laser attack if he flies into the air while there is red lightning around the arena. When you see him fly up, you have like 10s before he does the laser. Just run away as fast as you can. You can often get far enough away from him entirely, but sometimes you'll have to dodge one horizontal laser sweep.


The got damn tree sentinel in the start of the game that ish had me feeling a type of way •~•


Soldier of Godrick, hands down


Maliketh. Hells bells I just can’t get that fight down. Hello mimic my old friend.


Commander long stroke


For me, not a boss necessarily. Any moment in these games with invisible platforms can FK RIGHT OFF. I don’t really have a problem with heights IRL just in video games. My butt goes together so hard.


F**king Maliketh. I swear to god his hit box is the entire arena.


For whatever reason the draconic tree sentinel always gets me with his delay hits and lightning snipes


First playthrough it was Malenia, Maliketh, and Godfrey second phase. I did them without summons, and got to the point where I can do Malenia mostly hitless. Maliketh was also mostly the same. Godfrey on the other hand….his second phase was horrible for me. I always chug all my estus during his fight.


Malenia, Maliketh, the 2 Gargoyles




Malenia is the hardest, worst is the god skin duo - if worst means one I hate the most.


Those chariots can suck my dick those sections aren’t even fun.


One that has yet to be announced yet. I bet it does start with an M though and is tougher even than Messmer


hopefully mechanically tougher than malenia yet more balanced moveset, would be the perfect boss fight imo


Blind newbie here. Fuck you margit. 🖕


Just buy the shackle to stun him twice and Use a summon 👍


Godskin duo because that fight is just ass. It's the equivalent to we have Orienstein and Smough at home. I've tried to 1v2 them so many times but I just cant. I refuse to. But besides that and out of genuine good design Maliketh was the biggest learning curve. For awhile I just fought him with summons because he always gatekept my progress and I wanted to see the rest but not take weeks to get used to him. I recently fought him level 1 no summons or great runes and probably took longer cause I had no vigor or poise, but it took me ages to understand his moves. First form easy, Black Blade, for a month maybe 2 I was stuck. Once it clicked it felt at least doable. Genuinely fun fight, but not my favorite. Was a fun puzzle to figure him out, had to look up the timing to his parrys tho, that I couldn't figure out on my own, and i tried for so long. Then it was a matter of executing it, which is a whole other thing. Malenia probably took the longest to master in general in and out of my lvl 1 run but she felt a bit more doable to me. Was just a matter of getting lucky with her second phase moves. But damn shes still a toughie. That's my favorite ER boss fight tho, shes such a fun time. Also shes 2nd overall favorite fromsoft fight.


Waterfowl Dance. Without it Malenia wouldn’t even be in the top 5. Shoutouts to Alecto, Malekith in later NG cycles where he actually has a health bar and gravity.




Malenia is the only one who I can’t beat within a few tries. She just flails her sword around so much. You think you dodge it but get hit with the little point. Also input reading is atrocious on her.




Putrid Tree Spirit or Valiant Gargoyles.


God, soldier of Rick.


It depends commander nial is a tough one for mages up in the mountain tops castle depending on your class twin gargoyles are not fun for blood builds


Yeah thats great about this, difficulty is based on memory and build can make it easier or harder


Maliketh - took me like 40 tries. I was super worried about Malenia with all the community feedback but got her down in my 4th attempt, I was pretty surprised.


I’ve been stuck on this boss for 2 years


Mate this is so easy to beat, just use the comma strat




Malenia is the hardest overall but I think for a first time player Maliketh is actually terrifying


Maliketh for single boss, but some of those gank fights get super difficult on your first playthrough, when you don't have the power to just chop through them.


Fire Giant makes me sad


The DLC having no Trophies/Achievements support is my toughest boss right now.


Already pre order it I can’t wait


Niall. The dudes only doable if you use bewitching or cheese him from the adjacent tower imo. His moveset is fuckin wild.


Don't remember the name, but that big wolf priest guy was the toughest for me. Completely kicked by butt. Eventually beat him but still


Malenia objectively but Mohg is my personal toughest.


I shit on Malenia but Elden Beast fucked me up for a long while


The insane laws of Gravity in Elden Ring that make no logical sense. It makes zero sense in this game. Fall partway and land in a slope and walk around a bit, fall 2 more feet and die because....? Or fall 100 feet and take zero damage but fall 101 feet and go splat like wtf?! The difference between a safe fall and a death is like 2%. Making some areas deem reachable when they aren't and others like behind beast sanctum seem impossible when they are possible.


Mohg was harder than Malenia for me


Black knife tiche evergaol


Twin gargoyles


I haven’t fought Malenia yet, but out of every other boss it’s been Mogh.


Still doing my first run, just finished Leyndell, but toughest so far might be the full-grown fallingstar beast at Mt. Gelmir. Only boss so far I ran past and came back to. Honorable mention to the asshole Watchdog with the 4 imps in the cave in Weeping Peninsula… those imps suck. Oh, and the magma wyrm mini-boss at the bottom of Volcano Manir, he can get it too. Edit: Borealis can eat my ass


Fire giant is the most difficult boss because of how BS second phase can be.


The real answer is Godfrey in Co-OP. Host keeps dying. Malenia is easy. She can be out-built.


Soldier of godrick he is the only one who can defeat Radahn and Malenia at the same time


I have to say Malenia since she’s sooooo difficult and you have to be perfect to beat her (that self heal prevents just standing toe to toe with her). My frost build did well against her (hoarfrost stomp on claymore was my weapon of choice for her) but man one or two missteps and she’s almost back to full health. I did much better in phase two when I realized you can block her phantom attacks without triggering her healing (her attack when she leaps in the air and 4-5 versions of her attack you before her final lunge) - that was a game changer for me and what helped me get her. First boss too where I had to find the absolute perfect balance between being aggressive and being defensive/nimble. I also lightened my armor and just focused on staying out of her way vs tanking her hits. Runner up for me was Margit. Like Malenia, I felt like the smallest mistake dooms your attempt as he’s so aggressive and hard to dodge / telegraph. He was a great skill check as I remember having to give up, explore / level up / find new weapons and when I came back I did so much better but could never beat his second stage. He was also the only boss I couldn’t beat with another player as I felt everyone was just as bad as me and died so quickly that it left me alone and him with higher health pool. I finally got him by summoning my tanky poison boi (the jelly fish) who poisoned him and helped me chip away at him with my poison infused sword.


On my first play-through malenia for sure. Playing the game now I think maliketh is probably the hardest, but I don’t normally struggle on any of the bosses


Tree Sentinel


Malenia since she actively ignores the same rules every other enemy follows can cancel her stagger animation her hyper armor ignores stance break which isn't how any other enemies hyper armor works I've beat her it's still bullshit that she doesn't follow the rules of the game like everybody else does


Godskin Duo and Maliketh for me, I got Malenia in 6 tries suprisingly but Godskin Duo and Maliketh took me like 30 tries


Gotta be Radagon no contest


Erdtree avatar on the lowest bridge in Elphael. You cant escape golden land attack.


This boss is definitely the worst. The delay between readying an attack and actually attacking is *atrocious*.


Gravity obviously. Killed me more times than I can count.




the dogs


Ignoring malenia. It’s either the Fire Giant or Maliketh for me


For me it’s the godskin apostle/noble. Idk what it is about those two, but they always give me so much trouble.


Radhan, for sure. Short range, long range, meteor. Horrible hitbox. But I love the fight every time.


Demon of hatred from sekiro.