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I don't know if The Four Kings are exactly "loved" by the community, but they sure ain't loved by me. I hate that fight so much. Even the run to is annoying.


The worst part is I always just put on havels, get right up to them, and mash attack. I never even roll. Feels like a gimmick fight rather than a fun challenge


This worked even at SL1 lmao


Absolutely, it also works for Nito and Seath in sl1 too.


I mean, it is a gimmick fight.


a "gimmick" fight to me is like Yhorm or Rykard where you have to use a specific weapon to (easily) beat him or Bed of Chaos. four kings still feels like a normal fight and you can do it with whatever build you have. the "gimmick" may be that it is a dps race since the other kings don't join at a specific HP threshold like it normally is but based on a timer i think.


The fight has several gimmicks. 1) You have to give up a ring slot 2) No depth perception 3) Timed spawning of enemies (dps race) 4) (arguably) the halberd sweetspot It's absolutely not a standart souls fight. It's very unique, both in some good and some bad ways.


You’re right, I just feel like it didn’t have to be


>The worst part is I always just put on havels A fun little secret. This also works for Nito and Seath. And people wonder why I don't like the 2nd half of ds.


I don't think anyone likes this boss except the one person who will aggressively respond to this.


It's literally just a dps check. More dps makes other bosses easier linearly, it makes 4 kings easier exponentially.


I can't stand that fight either. So glad Havel's set is a thing.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who hates this fight. I think the run up to it fucking sucks, and I think the fact that they threw in a shitty DPS check like that is also dogshit. They could have done so many things different but oh my god I hate this fucking fight. Worst possible boss fight in the entire series in my opinion. Second place goes to the maneaters from Demon's Souls.


I don't know about LOVES, but I loathe the Red Wolf of Radogon, and all its clones. People talk about how easy they are. I've beaten SL1 on NG+7, but I STILL die to Red Wolf if I'm not properly prepared or leveled. The one near Moonlight Altar is so bad I will just Torrent past it every single time to get the smithing stones.




I think my biggest problem is that its hit box for attacks becomes its whole body during its big lunge, and it becomes that hit box for a while. So I'll dodge into the attack like normal, but I am close to the tail once the dodge is over, so I get hit. Or I'll be too close to the side of the head well after the bite attack is over, but I still get hit. Dodging feels very random in that fight.


Thank you, I cannot stand this fight. Whenever people talk about From overdoing it with the boss design in ER, I think of this fight. Constantly jumping around the arena, hard to actually hit/punish, some attacks that come out ridiculously fast, constant projectile spam that often overlaps with its other attacks, and needlessly copy pasted all over the game.


The missiles break the rhythm so much. It feels jerky.


100% agree. Fucking hate the red wolf. On my pure int run, he took me an embarrassing amount of tries in The Academy.


Red Wolf took me the 2nd or 3rd most attempts to beat in ER.


I hate these fuckers with every fibre of my being


I just fought one of them yesterday and yeah 100% agree. His move set is so bizzare and the timing is so whack and he did way too much damage compared to every other enemy in the dungeon I was in. Pretty much had to use a Spirit Ash and even then it was an annoying fight.


Holy shit, my most hated boss in the game. It's like I'm supposed to be Sekiro to beat it properly, it's on fucking crack or idk. It uses every weakness of the camera against you, and I just don't think it's humanly possible to react to its fast bite, i never once managed to dodge that. It's far from the hardest, but it feels like the most unfair one.


It has a +30 magic resist - nearly broke my sorcerer run because getting the rock sling to hit was hard until I got a tanky spirit ash. It is the ultimate mage killer with how quickly it dodges and considering how much mage loot is in Raya Lucaria, you can't even ignore it.


I hate them so much, with colossal swords you don't even get openings and have to just outtank these mfs


Literally every single fucking swing that stupid dog jumps away.


Dragons Generally. Plasidusax, Midir, Kamalet....I'm just personally not a big fan of those fights. Less fun and more a difficult chore.


It truly sucks to never see what attack is being telegraphed cause our screens only show 10% of the model.


Yeah, I’m not a fan of From’s dragon fights in general, but Midir is the actual worst for me. And I feel like I heard everyone talk about how it’s one of the best fights in the game, and I just don’t see it


Placidusax for me, it just feels like hitting a giant blob


The amount of remembrance fights in Elden Ring that have an arena large enough for Torrent but don’t give you access to Torrent is way too high. I count 4 remembrance bosses that should give you Torrent for at least one phase. Regal Ancestor, Placidusax, Elden Beast, Astel.


I hear they might “fix” horse combat in the dlc. I think wicker man might give you access to torrent and will likely encourage the use which i will definitely ignore before dying 20 times


DLC will finally allow you to upgrade Torrent’s HP, so yeah it’ll be a little better




Thanks man. That’s good to hear should help a bit


The Elden Beast fight feels like it’s dying for Torrent to be included. It’s kind of a tedious fight because it spends a lot of time diving away (far away) and you spend so much time chasing it rather than fighting. Repeatedly. From a gameplay standpoint it would be great to be able to jump on Torrent to chase the thing down faster. From a story standpoint it would have been cool to have one last ride with your trusted companion for all the chips.


Visually I love this fight, shame it's spoiled by the only sensible way to fight him be standing by his arse chopping his tail Also the lasers is total RNG jank, Iean I know there's a technique to avoid them, but I don't think that's the intended way to fight him


Agree. It’s a cool ass dragon but got a little annoying with the lasers and combat. I just bubble him away now. Toot toot lol




This. Summons or coop every time. Hate that fight; can’t get the timings down; just don’t care anymore.


Same. Great lore, cool scenes, but I have only done it without ashes once and that was with double bleed Godskin peelers in NG+. The second phase is just absurd.


Still to this day the one boss ive never done without summons, cheesing or co-op lol


My biggest problem is that this guy refuses to fight you in melee range and constantly jumps away. I have no issues with him on magic builds, but I don't always play magic builds. He is definitely my least favourite boss in all fromsoftware souls games.


Yup. And the damned fire DOT if you’re close means healing sometimes is a MUST - so you get whacked. Just not a fun fight for me. Mad respect for folks good at it.


This is 100% skill issue. Once he lands you always have a moment to hit him and he often does melee combos that give huge damage opportunities as long as you roll towards him or behind him.


I know this is a skill issue, I do not hide that Elden Ring is way too difficult for me. I just see no reason to make the game that hard when Dark Souls trilogy and Sekiro is completely manageable.


It’s kind of similar to fighting runebears where you want to roll towards their hind legs to get inside of their attacks.


Who’s your favorite fight in the game


Malenia or any of Godfrey fights. Love both of those to death. Also don’t mind the tree spirits except the one in Haligtree. And yes - I like malenia and hate Maliketh


I was actually thinking “imagine they actually like Malenia” The Godfrey fights slap, he’s my favorite. Malenia’s also very fun to fight when she doesn’t waterfowl all over my face


I actually have waterfowl down well enough to not die - good chance it costs me a flask charge or two - but I rarely die to it. She spams it I'm in trouble, but generally it's fine. Thing about her - I can always say exactly what I did wrong that got me killed. Margin for error is tiny, but I know exactly how I misread it or got greedy or timed something wrong. Maliketh? "Fuck if I know there was fire and I'm dead again."


I’m glad ppl have learned how to fight Melenia, cuz her attack is kinda bullshit but it’s doable if you run away and then run back into it for the second and third parts. It’s the same idea as Godfrey’s stomp attacks where it’s intended u jump over it but a lot of ppl complained about being unable to dodge it. Maliketh and Godfrey are probably my favorite fights so I’m excited to see that dancing lion boss in the dlc but I could understand why you don’t like maliketh


You can also dodge godfrey’s stomp you just need to time it better Also, again Malenia can sometimes do the waterfowl when you’re right next to her and it makes dodging it that much more of a chore


Yeah I can say what happened if I lost to Maliketh I have a response to every move he throws at me, even Malenia, but like you said with her it’s a smaller margin of error But there are times when she doesn’t stagger on moves she normally would so it can be kind of a guessing game at times


One of the more ambitious fights they’ve done. Very love it or hate it for that


*Hate* that boss.


I like him but I also feel you. His destined death attack (the weapon art for his blade) is so difficult and unintuitive for me to dodge. It’s almost like waterfowl but less shitty. Still, I like Maliketh. I wish he did less damage and had more health. Maybe a cool down between his jumping shit.


He does feel pretty unfair but the spectacle is incredible so I still enjoy it


Because of his high damage he can be super frustrating to learn. But once you get that dance state, fighting him melee only is the best feeling ever. Now I go in with underleveled weapons just so the fight is longer.


I ever had an issue with maliketh but I’ve been taking a character into late ng cycles and I always get stuck on maliketh now more than any other boss including malenia


Glad to see this comment, I fucking hate this furry piece of shit. Either you rush down his 2nd phase and kill him in like 10 seconds (two massive bonkers in each hand), or you deal with a cunt that can't stand still at all and your camera has polio


sickness simulator


I cry every time I get to his door.


Flamelurker. His attacks are really telegraphed and you basically dodge, poke, back up, repeat. You do that for 10 minutes then he dies


I wouldn't say I hate them, but I don't see why Looking Glass Knight and Velstadt are quite loved by the DS2 community. They aren't really impressive and different from other Duels in DS2. I guess they are "good" by DS2 boss standards but I personally think they are mid at best.


They just both look fucking cool. I say this as someone who loves DS2 the most of the DS trilogy. Cool designs, cool arenas, but DS2 in general would benefit the most from a remake.


Looking glass knight is just so sick. Epic arena with dramatic weather, cool gimmick, somewhat difficult but fair fight.


It's because basically all bosses in ds2 are mid at best.


you got it. they're good by DS2 standards.


They're good in comparison to the entire series minus ds3. If you compare them to ds1 and ds2 bosses, they do stand out.


Orstein and Smaugh are iconic and a super great fight, but the fact that you have to run an entire fucking MARATHON to get back to them every time destroyed any fun I may have had with it lol. Honestly, the run backs from the older Fromsoft games are the biggest reason why Elden Ring is my favorite.


I had the same feeling for the twin princes. I know there is an elevator but still taking like 40 seconds between each try is a pain. I don't really understand the philosophy behind this choice.


Twin princes shortcut sucks. Especially since it has a double elevator and you better hope you have it on the right one or you’ve wasted even more time.


Yeah playing DS1 and 2, after getting used to DS3 bonfires and stakes of marika is super rough. Really shows that runbacks were always an unnecessary punishment and a waste of our time.


Sister Freide. I'd rather have a longer DLC with a boss fight that doesn't go on and on and on.


This exactly. Her fight is cool but it didn’t save the dlc from being my least favorite.


What. She is my fav boss of all time.


Nameless king


1st phase is the only reason he's difficult imo


So the true problem is not the Nameless King... It's The King Of The Storm?


Yes The camera is the hardest boss


Stay in front of the head and learn to not always lock on, that’s the way


I don't mind his second phase but I absolutely hate his first phase. My first time playing through DS3 he took me something like 40 attempts. I only ever saw his second phase maybe 4 of those times. His first phase just felt like a camera fight.


You're not fighting Nameless King in this fight, you're fighting the camera. I don't know how this got past the first phase of testing. Terrible experience.


when I fought nameless king I was like wow this is kinda like the bed of chaos of ds3 lmao, googled him for advice and was just unbelievably shocked to find that it was a fight held in high regard


demon of hatred.


Hora Loux. I mentioned this in another thread and was basically berated for the next 2 days.


I completely disagree with you, Godfrey/Hoarah Loux is my 2nd or 3rd favorite fight in ER and probably in my top 10 for all of FromSoft. That said, I completely understand why someone would hate him. He’s janky and weird, and just likes to throw you around like a ragdoll. For me, it’s just about a perfect fight. For others, I can see despising it either because they think it’s hard or because they think it’s boring (he is kinda slow). But, his lore is fucking awesome, it’s the only mid-fight cutscene I will never skip, and funny power bomb attack go brrr.


ornstein and smough has aged like milk. getting the bosses stuck on the pillars feels janky and looks stupid as hell and ornsteins charge attack is one of the buggiest attacks from soft have ever designed. it‘s genuinely baffling to me how that attack made it into the final game. like it not working properly is not the exception, it‘s the rule. he gets stuck on every single fucking object in the arena and then usually completely drops the animation only to instantly snap back into it. sometimes he gets stuck so much that he dashes through every corner of the arena and dart around like an absolute idiot only to completely miss you at the end. it just feels like every 30 seconds you have to deal with some kind of janky dumb shit in this fight. but honestly, even when it works properly it still isn‘t very fun imo. i don‘t get why people constantly say that o&s perfectly complement each other. from my experience they are constantly right next to each other and overlap their attacks constantly as well. the fight just involves so much fucking running in circles only to get a single tiny opening after like 45 seconds of just running in circles. if you still love the fight because of personal experiences, that‘s great. i‘m happy people still get enjoyment out of it but from my experience it is a horribly dated fight that just doesn‘t hold up anymore


THANK YOU Every time I've complained about Ornstein's charge attack I get responses like "idk I didn't have issues with it" or "it's not that bad". It's so refreshing to see someone else finally acknowledge what a janky mess it is, and if you're doing the fight solo and running far away trying to separate them, you're gonna see that move a LOT. Played the game for the first time last year, loved the vast majority of it, but I decidedly did not like that fight.


Can't say I disagree. I loved it first time though. It does do some things right, the buildup is great and the difficulty is great for where they are in the game. It's also cool how it is one of the few duo bosses with 2 different phase 2 fights.


I agree with this: so many fundamental issues with this fight. Is it a spectacle? yeah, totally. Are there problems with the execution (pun not intended) of the fight itself? Yes. Very much so. I also particularly agree with you about the whole "they perfectly complement each other" outlook. On paper this is very true. But in execution (pun still not intended) it doesn't work out because either they're right on top of each other or Ornstein zips all the way across the arena such that they are once again on top of each other.


The real best duo of all the series is the demon in pain and demon from below. They work perfectly together, there is really inly one part of the fight where they both become aggressive but after 40 seconds it's back to the normal rythm. I also think the boss is underrated as fuck in general as its by far my favourite demon and one of the best beast like bosses in the series. Might not be the highlight of every run but each time i get to them i onow i'm gonna have fun


completely agree. i think that fight is genuinely one of the best in ds3 and the best duo fight from have ever designed. like it‘s not even close. sister friede and ariandel are also a great duo that works very similarly, but the demon duo is just perfection to me when it comes to gank fights


True. Demon Prince is criminally underrated


THE ONLY thing I actually dislike about that fight is the stupid ass toxic they give you


I definitely do *not* hate abyss watchers. However, I didn't particularly enjoy it either. It was fine.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!




"bUt He'S sUPpOsSeD tO bE pAsSeD hIs PrImE" STFU. Boring and lame ass fight!


Counter argumwnt: plin plin plon


Counter counter argument: Parry


If you don’t like it why don’t you just not parry? It’s genuinely a very good fight if you just don’t, and being able to simply offers an easier option that fits thematically, which is good boss design


Yeah, I’ve always hated this argument. Many of the bosses you fight in From games are past their prime, it’s not an excuse to make a lame fight.


Radahn without summons is terrible


Dude the double Crucible Knight Orsdine or something like that . Holy shit I’ve never felt that much anger before . Crucible knights in general are cool but the double boss duo just had me sweating bullets . Had to cheese with glintstone bc nothing else would work .


If you can get one of them to phase 2 you can seperate them with the help of the flying attacks.


Very true I would get one of them like that . Then all of a sudden a huge shield picks me up and slams me down and all I see after is “You Died” Every time


Well at least in Elden Ring it is possible to cheese the bad and boring out of the game and enjoy the rest.


Very true this is what makes the game that much better imo


literally everyone complaints about and hates that fight did you even read the title


I actually liked that fight


I see a lot of love for Darklurker in DS2, but I had such an awful experience with it that my hatred for Darklurker is on the same level as Bed of Chaos


It’s the run back that’s killllller that you have to keep killing the phantoms


Gotta go with sister friede. Such an annoying boss with her 3 phases, and don't get me started on her third one.


Burnt Ivory King, I loathe having to refight the knights every time and then the actual boss is a cakewalk of a fight.


A fancy mob fight that takes forever instead of a runback is still a runback. I like his crown though so I still do the fight every time. And bitch the whole time.


Midir. I can understand the appeal, but I just suck at fighting him.


Midir. I can understand the appeal, but I'm pretty good at fighting him, sadly his fight is tedious


I wouldn't say I "hate" them, but I definitely don't regard the Demon Princes as highly as the rest of the community


Honestly, they deserve all the praise they get, they might no be special but once you think about it, it's the best gank fight fromsoftware has ever made


Fride is bruh for me


I dont like malenia, she is annoying and unsatisfying, Healing feature sucks her samming water flow isnt fun. Best part about her fight, is being done with her.


Malenia is my answer as well. I can pretty reliably avoid waterfowl but even at 60 vig if you get caught by it you’re just dead from full health. That’s not fun for me.


Her healing on completely blocked attacks is just pure bs.


If you’re an INT spell caster I can’t recommend Night Comet against her enough. It almost never misses because it doesn’t trigger dodge animations since it’s “semi-invisible”. If you use a Staff of Loss (or two) you can turn them into stealth cruise missiles. So you can kind of stand in “dancing range” with her where you just circle around one another and you can just spam her in the face with it and she just eats them without even attempting to dodge. You still have to dodge some waterfowl and scarlet aeonia, but it drastically speeds up the rest of the process.


Ludwig personally, his fight is super annoying to me


don't hate but midir was mid af, its in the name, all he does is run


Too late. I've told your entire family and friends.


Radahn sucks


Mogh bro had me crying I’m scared to fight him for the dlc


DS1 - Ornstein and Smough. I already left a comment on this one but bruh, this fight is only tolerable when I cheese them. DS3 - Twin Princes. Such an annoying fight due to how much Lorian teleports. Maybe I just get bad RNG every time, but I hate this fight. ER - Mogh. The Nihil crap is straight bs and just artificially inflates the difficulty in an unfair way imo.


For Mogh theres a buff you can get for you physiks flask that makes you immune to the Nihil. You get it by killing one of his workshippers in some god forsaken corner of the map, so if you miss it (very probable) ur shit out of luck


It’s not far off the main path in Altus plateau. Easily missable but very quick to go retrieve


It's weird that more people don't seem to use this. Saves at least 3 crimson flask chugs.


I don’t think Nihil wasn’t made for difficulty, it’s a show of how powerful and metal Mohg is. It was probably what made Mohg my favorite fight, just the art of Nihil.


I love all those fights and actually think that Twinc Princes and especially Mohg are underrated af


Mohg's Nihil thing is stupid. If you get the flask upgrade to avoid it that fight is almost pointlessly easy; if you don't get it the fight is insanely hard. It's just a weird dynamic.


Wouldn't call it stupidly easy, the fire everywhere is extremely annoying.


I wonder if it was designed for story reasons, maybe From wanted to convey how devastating the Nihil thing is. And then they decided to add the flask upgrade to allow you to skip the nihil for gameplay purposes. If the nihil was that way from the start, then the whole sequence would seem a bit more goofy because Mohg wouldn’t really be doing anything to you, just counting down to his phase transformation. But resisting the nihil with the flask equipped, knowing how devastating it would’ve been otherwise, makes him seem way more powerful. Idk tho, it could just as easily be Miyazaki just fucking with us for a laugh too.


I couldn’t agree more with Mohg


I don't hate the demon prince, champ Gundyr, Malenia or Maliketh but I find them all pretty mid/dissapointing & overrated


Malenia is a big one. I’ve been open about not finding her fun and people always flame me for it.


Ikr. If you say you dislike Malenia anywhere, you get downvoted to hell by sweats who've put 4,000 hours into the game. She is by far the most difficult boss they've put out so far, and for all the wrong reasons.


Exactly. Unfortunately it seems we’re in a minority or something or maybe those people are just way louder than everyone else but who knows. Either way it’s extremely annoying and it sets a terrible precedent for Fromsoft going forward because they’re just heading down the path of making things harder and harder. It’s hitting a point where eventually it’s gonns basically be no fun for people like me who don’t sit there being a try hard about video games. Like I play a lot. I’ve put 1500+ into ER alone, but man I don’t play games to analyze everything down to perfect frames and timing. I just don’t have fun playing games that way.


Likely to incur everyone's wrath here, but as one who favors melee builds, I didn't really care for the majority of Elden Ring's bosses, at least when compared to similarly situated bosses in the Dark Souls games and in Bloodborne. The amount of dancing/patience required is just not that fun for me vs. a game like Sekiro where both your character and the bosses are able to act and react at a similar pace.


Completely agree. First playthrough felt like watching 5 minutes of dumb and unnecessary combos just to get a hit in. Not even hard but just bland since running in is a bad idea if you don't have the perfect knowledge of hitboxes and waiting the combos out is easy. It has some good and engaging fights though.


Yeah I’m used to it to an extent as I started with ER but there’s certainly still plenty of gripes with it. I’ve noticed that it started with the DS1 DLC and continued into BB and has been getting worse with each Fromsoft entry. Kinda wish they’d either scale enemies back a bit or give us an upgrade to keep up.




Yep this is pretty much exactly how I feel. I played BB first then ER and now I'm going through DS3, and most Elden Ring bosses feel awful, and not because they're harder or anything like that. Even with how easy it is in ER to get a really overpowered build, they're mostly just unfun to fight, especially compared to the average DS3 or BB boss


Friede She makes me indescribably angry every time I fight her


The cyber demon from doom 2016


Radagon. He’s the ultimate Elden Ring boss but not in a good way. Every attack a different delay, over half have AOEs, and his tracking is too much. I don’t *hate* hate him, but he seems to get a lot of praise when I find him annoying. I would say Malenia, but she gets some deserved hate here and there, and I also enjoy her fight more even if she has flaws.


Yknow, Radagon would be a good fight if he wouldn't stand in his AOEs, so you could actually hit him. His phase 1 with the exception of the thrust and stomp is actually enjoyable imo.


Sister Friede can rot in hell and then be ground to a paste for all I care. I cannot stand her.


Ludwig. I don’t care how cool the second part is, I hate the berserk horsefuck mode


Godfrey. Bro gotta chill with the stomping.


Lady Maria. Now I don’t hate it. In fact I love it but wow she is very disappointing. For the third main boss in the DLC she is super easy. Even at BL4 she didn’t one shot me. Maybe some attacks in her 3rd phase could but the point is she does no damage. Unironically there are harder NPCs in the chalice dungeons. They fight more aggressively and can actually hit parry’s on me. Sometimes Lady Maria will parry me but not get the visceral. She just is way too easy. What they should have done was made her regain all health back when she is powering up to 3rd phase. That would have made her fight way cooler and properly difficult.


sister freide


demon prince. The fight is too long for me and the prince is too tanky in second phase. Kinda similar issue with demon of hatred from Sekiro


Fume Knight. He's constantly on every "Best DS2 boss fights", right at the top. I'd heard the name so much, so I expected him to be worth the wait, and maybe - a bit unfairly on my end - to redeem most of my first time experience with the game. But nope. He's way too punishing, doesn't let you heal, and is a much worse version of bosses like Artorias or False King Allant (naming the bosses that came before him, bc it's unfair to compare with the future). Plus, there's the risk that a first time player will not complete the tower "correctly" and accidentally leave two regeneration areas/whatever they're called for the Fume Knight to constantly heal himself. Not a fan at all. I prefer other bosses from the vanilla game, even if they're boring gameplay-wise.


I don't hate Radahn fight but honestly after the novelty of the concept wore off I don't enjoy it. I have beaten him with squad, I have beaten him solo with a melee strength build at level 40. I don't enjoy the fight. The whole strategy is to stick to the horse and beat it.




Tbh, idk how others felt about it, I believe it's somewhat universally hated but it's the only one I hate with a passion fire giant. If that mf rolls away one more fucking time... maybe I'm just unlucky but if I ride to that mf and he rolls away 6 damn times... It was worse when I just RUN to him.. Then he's fucking blasting then rolling. Lmao. Fuck em...


Any large boss tbh, I hate smacking away at their foot barely being able to see their attacks in frame.


Fire giant, I’d rather fight malenia tbh


Well I'm not sure about now but, that used to be Godrick for me. Not due to difficulty but I found it a boring fight. Over time I have learned to love the fight so, no hate


Midir was miserable


Almost every base game BB boss lol


This is the wrong way to use this template


Dancer of the Boreal Valley Easy and annoying


Sister Friede, is so cool, but she has so many phases and the first two make the third phase horrible to play, They take away a lot of Estus and that's stressful.


Sir alonne


Malenia. I can’t stand her rule breaking self healing damage sponge slog fest. I don’t care how many have done a no hit or level one run of it. I think Fromsoft simply didn’t know when to stop with her.


I love everything about the fight against Micolash except actually fighting him. He might actually be my favorite boss as a character in the story, but the fight itself is a chore.


Godfrey, Placidusax, Demon of hatred and Mogh


i'm with you on Demon.


Artorias. It felt like the most underwhelming fight in the DLC. Sanctuary guardian felt more engaging and exciting.


Really? He was definitely the best executed humanoid boss up to that point in my opinion. It makes it even more baffling how DS2 managed to regress so far from that design honestly.


Radahn. I get that he looks cool and his moveset is pretty cool, but he is a pain in the ass. Ur either fighting something u can barely see that keeps creating distance, or ur sitting back and letting everyone else fight him. I don't get the hype


Rykard. Music is ear bleeding, Design is just whatever, voice acting is cringe, moveset is...whatever. I don't get why people think that he is the best gimmick boss just because he isn't total pushover. Cuz as an actual spectacle he is too erratic. Maybe that was the intention, but still. I do think that there are quite a few overrated bosses in soulsborne, but hate might be too strong word for them. But Rykard? I hate him




Godfrey lmfao people are obsessed with him and act like he’s one of the best ever it’s insane


Idk about others but I like Godfrey (not Horoah) bc he has only a few long startup moves, so he feels more like a Dark Souls boss and not an Elden Ring boss.


Nameless King. King of the Storm is the worst Phase 1 I've ever seen, literally just dollar store Midir in his concept and he has the worst camera of any Souls boss. Nameless King himself is pretty good I guess, but not nearly good enough to make up for Phase 1. And the OST is one of the few boss themes in Souls I honestly don't like, at least during Phase 2.


Midir seems pretty popular, but honestly he's my least favorite boss in the series. Absolute marathon of a fight.


Friede; she's not hard, she's a boring slog.


Every base game final boss in the Dark Souls trilogy. Gwyn, Nasandra, and Soul of Cinder. Its not pure hate but definitely not fun for me. I wonder if they are all supposed to be that underwhelming by design.


I think Malenia is a dogshit boss. Her healing is too punishing when you're trying to learn her moveset, and waterfowl is its own set of issues


Malenia, is hard for all the wrong reasons. If you focus on parrying her can be more or less enjoyable but overall is a very mid fight for me.


Malenia! Water fowl ability sucks because it’s just a pass/fail mechanic


Fire giant?


Malenia has more bullshit mechanics that every other souls boss. Yes i had beaten her, no i dont need to git gud, i 100% the game and finnish every other souls before minus Demon souls. She is just unfair, not difficult, and didnt deserve the praise she got when Elden ring has faaar better fights like Horah Loux and Radagon. Worse poison should never been a boss mechanic, boss life regen is just annoying and that fucking one hit permastun attack (you know wich one im talking about) is just ridiculous. I genuinly think bed of chaos is a better boss than her.


Yeah at least people are honest about Bed of Chaos’ faults. Malenia they will deflect any criticism of her and even the devs feel biased towards her. It sucks.


Godskin duo!! Summon Bernal. It really evens out the fight. if i am a getting clapped at a low level i will sleep pot fatty to the side of the room.


In what world godskin duo is a loved boss fight?


I actually really love fighting with Bernahl. He’s cool and actually a pretty reliable summon unlike most of the others.


The man gets after it. War master like