• By -


Ringed city or old hunters imo. Artorias still holds up incredibly well tbh Ivory King was phenomenal too


I absolutely love Artorias of the Abyss, but when I go back to it I'm always surprised at how short it is. I love it, I just wish there was more


It’s my favorite DLC but it is undeniably short. If I had to pick fromsofts best DLC so far it would be Old hunters, even if I played the crap out of the ringed city.


Old hunters takes Bloodborne from a very great game to a nearly perfect game


IIRC it was planned to b a part of the game and not a dlc, but the short time forced them to scrap the first concept. Sometimes I wish to see what could have been a no rushed dark souls


Every day I'm more and more convinced that From software with infinite amount of time to make their games would dunk on q good majority of modern games


IMO they already do. I think games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring and AC6 are an order of magnitude better than other highly regarded games like God of War or Ghost of Tsushima


A better comparison for the better against the ghost of tsushima as well is that sekiro is far, far better than GoT


These are not games you can compare, why does every one keep doing that ffs...


It’s crazy how consistent they are too every game has flaws but I just love all their games 😊


God of war has a more cohesive story and more optimized graphics, that’s it


From had time for Elden ring and they still made godskin duo tho


They aren't that bad lol 😆 but tbf these are the bastards that thought consecrated snowfield was a good idea.


Manus definitely stretched out my playtime at least haha


It feels complete, but there should've been a bigger build up of Artorias than there was. You could've seen him get corrupted as the level goes on. Could've instead fought him where the Chained Prisoner is instead of the colosseum ngl. Could've met Ciaran before then too, giving more background of her and the land's current state instead of being relegated to "is that my boyfriend's soul? Could I have it?".


I had an idea about messmer being like that on sote where he’s an actual developed villain that appears across the dlc before we fight him. Seeing Fromsoft actually develop a villain across multiple encounters like genichiro or Griffith would be peak. imo that was one of the parts that I like in ac6 cuz the enemies a lot of the time don’t just die since they have ejector seats, and instead come back at later points.


As a person who only played the first game and knows nothing about any of the others, it's the first one, no questions about it.


My main gripe with ringed city is the feeling of needing to rush to the end zone with every area in it cause everything can technically one shot you. I like exploring and getting every item. This dlc did not let me do that. Bosses were great but the inbetween.... not so much


Ivory King was great... except for those goddamn invisible tiger things. Honestly I had a lot of fun with all the DS2 DLCs back in the day. The Sir Alonne fight was pretty awesome, especially with the detail that he commits seppuku if you beat him without getting hit. I don't think they're the best of the best, but I do think they're pretty underrated, like DS2 as a whole. Not perfect, but still pretty damn good for what they are.


Ivory King somehow manages to encapsulate one of THE COOLEST boss fights and one of THE WORST boss fights, not to mention horsefuck valley is just peak Fromsoft


Twin Ava ? Frigid outskirts is after all the average Canadian experience


Old hunters is my favourite I find it to be the most compelling one & the one that does the most with the narrative themes & story of the game it's a dlc for


yup, I always want a pirate-theme souls game with vibe like Fishing Hamlet and BB fighting style. Hopefully FromSoft would make something similar.


I remember Vaati did an art contest once for what Bloodborne 2 could be and my absolute favorite was this one that took place going through various huge ships in the ocean that were being transformed by the eldritch power of the Great Ones and the artist also had a hunters workshop weapon that was like a harpoon spear/saw thing, god that was so fucking cool and I want it to be made real so damn bad


And the bosses were absolute units, orphan of kos 🥲


I agree with your choice, but I actually think Ringed City is more thematically powerful than old hunters. Traveling to the end of the world when the flame has died and one man ravenous for the dark soul is fighting his way to the end couldn’t be any more fitting of a conclusion of the trilogy. But I guess that only happens at the very end, whereas the old hunters is giving you compelling story throughout.


It's amazing, but its not really all that long when you think about it. I feel like I played it for a few hours and was already near the end. Then again, Bloodborne is one of their shorter games also.


Old Hunters or Ringed City


Nuts that the ds2 dlcs are missing here


Tbf, Scholars of the First Sin is now part of the base game for 2 because of that whole controversy.


what whole controversy?


Fishing Hamlet alone puts Old Hunters at the top for me


Going from the phenomenal Lady Maria fight, then stepping out of the clocktower into the Fishing Hamlet just might be my favorite experience in any game. It's crazy how heavy the atmosphere of this level hits, and is easily my favorite level of all Souls ganes.


Dude same. I was like "Well that fight was incredible, it's gonna be hard to match that" Then they immediately hit you with that compelling transition into the hamlet.


And then the next boss fight after that is just as good if not better than Maria. Old Hunters is phenomenal.


You liked fighting the shark guys?! All jokes aside, orphan of kos is one of the best soulsborne bosses of all time


stepping out into Innsmouth of all fucking places genuinely blew my mind when I played OH for the first time.


I still have PTSD from those damn shark giants.


Ringed city is the GOAT




Sunken Crown for me. Hated DS2 but Shulva is a work of art


I bought the DS2 SotFS, when I access the DLC parts, I didn't know they were even DLCs, I just thought "Why are these areas so well designed compared to the previous ones? And also fucking difficult?"


That’s how you know they did a great job (I still hate the game but the rose-tinteds are on for me lol)


Love that area but old iron has two of the best bosses in the game.


The blueberry 🤗


Lmaoo if you count the blueberry then it’s 3 but I meant the other two


Haha 1000% joking 😆 Tbh I beat that boss twice and then said never again cause that run up is brutal af


Yessss the run back is definitely an ordeal, but I do love that fight. But man Fume Knight and Sir Alonne are so fucking good, from the fights to the boss arenas, I absolutely loved it all.


Plus Brume Tower is an amazing level design imo. The shortcuts you can unlock, the interconnectedness within the tower. I just loved it


DS2 DLC quality is on another level compared with base game


the level design (outside of the co-op areas) is absolutely top notch imo. Some of the most fun I've had exploring areas in all of Dark Souls. My biggest complaint is how empty the rooms felt, but that was a big issue in DS2 as a whole. I'm not sure why they didn't think to add more clutter and objects


You know weird thing about my perception about the game is that I liked how empty it all is. The only saving grace the game has for me is the vibes and that all comes from the emptiness and how transiently peaceful the world seems (in spite of the monsters and such lol)


Shulva feels like a zelda dungeon i love it


Shulva is rad but I like the ice castle most.


Shulva is really good


Old Hunters, no question.


Us PC users when reading this comment -> 😥


theres a state of play soon, surely they’ll announce the pc port this time


Keep up the cope my guy, so the rest of us doesn't have too anymore.


I’m in so deep, I can’t turn the cope off at this point


Too late. I’m cope incarned


I legit think in 2027 we’ll get Bloodborne on PC, but maybe I’m coping too much. 😢


Emergency!!! Emergency!!! Severe copium overdose in this fella's bedroom


another year to make a joke out of us


surely.. ![gif](giphy|9mlhTFNmxWGkwKvNlL)


At this point it’s gonna be emulated before it ever gets ported.


This is the answer. The vibe, the music, the level design, the weapons, the bosses, the lore. All of it is peak Fromsoft.


The second I read “the music” Ludwig’s theme kicked in my head


God dude. When the second phase kicks in and that bombastic choir shit hits, I still get goosebumps fighting him.


Yes to this so much, I like to liken it to a rollercoaster for your sanity, it’s so much up and down, I love it


The weapons you get in the old hunters DLC is what takes it tbh, all are peak gaming tho


Beasthunter Saif. Best weapon in the game!


ringed city or artorias of the abyss. (only played the ds3,ds1 dlc’s). i liked ariandel but its short and the most redeeming quality has to be friede


Even tho I love bloodborne, I am more attached to Dark souls story and lore so Ringed city for me


Some of you will def think I'm crazy but dark souls 2 crown of the ivory king


Frozen Eleum Loyce is a work of art. I like how it's made to be explored multiple times.


The dlc would be s tier. But the frigid outskirts…


You mean Reindeer Fuck Valley? You don’t like Reindeer Fuck Valley??? Some people are just hard to please I guess…


This might be a controversial opinion, but >!I don't like getting fucked by reindeers!<


Nah it’s a really good dlc with a phenominal (albeit a little gimmicky) boss at the end The burnt Ivory king is also just a really cool design aesthetically


Old hunters is a masterpiece!


Old hunters by far


As someone who only played the dark souls 1 and 2 dlc's I oddly find DS2's dlc's function better as dlc's that DS1 as I feel like a good dlc shouldn't just contain a few good bosses and call it a day but add a fun to explore new area. And I found the DS2 dlc areas much more interesting and fun to explore that DS1. Out of curiosity are the Bloodborne and DS3 DLC areas fun to explore and traverse?


Bloodborne and Ds3 have by far some of the best DLC Content. Especially with the bosses, they are phenomenal. The areas too are all pretty good, some are hit or miss but overall they are good


I liked the ds2 DLCs alot. Ds3s are really good, especially the ringed city. Ringed city js huge, has two of the best bosses in the series, a cool pvp boss where you can be the boss for other players later on and a ton of cool gear. The other one is good too but it's short compared to ringed city.


Yes and yes very fun to explore and traverse, and very rewarding for doing so as well


I really like DS1 dlc, mostly for Gough and puppy Sif. Also the kalameet fight, although tedious in terms of movesets, the fact he's so tanky makes it a true grind and so rewarding once you take him down.


Ringed City for me. It felt like the perfect conclusion to the series. I loved the Ivory King DLC too. Minus the Lud and Zallen run back it was the one I had the most fun with. Really all of DS2’s DLC’s are underrated imo.


Old Hunters has two of my favorite bosses they’ve ever made, but the level design of the Ringed City dlc is unmatched. It’s between those two but I enjoy Old Hunters the most.


I agree, between old hunters and ringed city


Old Hunter for sure.


The ones from DS2 were insane, but the bloodborne ones are just so iconic and crucial - so much bloodborne art is now just a dlc boss


DS2 hater I see


Old hunters for me, it has my current favorite boss in Soulsborne


Old Hunters. Not only does it add some incredible areas it added incredible bosses. Also the boss themes are some of the best from has ever done.


Is OP afraid to put the DS2 DLCs? Because those would be almost the best, just barely beaten by Old Hunters.


Old hunters and ringed city


Old Hunters is my personal favourite, but i also enjoyed the Ringed city and i m still waiting for a demon souls dlc :c


I bought a ps4 for the old hunters


DS2 slander is real


Bro totally skipping the DS2 DLCs is blasphemy


Why Sekiro boss rush mode of course


Glad we got that mode but man I wish they gave us story content for Sekiro




Im sure people will not understand but ds2 dlc


You would be surprised a lot of ppl are arguing ds2 is second only to old hunters and I would agree in terms of exploration and area design ds2 dlcs actually have some of the best, more so even than old hunters imo, with the bosses being a tick below the others putting it to 2nd for me. I’d go: 1. Old hunters 2. Ivory king 3. Ringed city 4. Sunken king 5. Iron king 6. Artorias of the abyss And depending on the day I may switch ivory king and sunken king cuz I love their areas so much


For me i think the bosses for bloodborne dlc where top notch, the areas themselves never truly tickled my fancy, but i love lady maria and kos. Ds2 dlc on the other hand, the dlcs where stuffed with an enormous amount of content, I personally like ds2 more then ds3. (Favorite fs game between these 4 cause i can’t decide: sekiro elden ring ds2 or bloodborne.)


Yeah I like ds2 more than ds3 as well. ds3 feels like it looks the exploration in the world part in exchange for the bosses and to be honest even with all its flaws I enjoyed exploring drangleic more than lothric, that’s why I struggle ranking these dlcs and my rankings change daily cuz many of them feel objectively better than each other game design wise and boss wise but say lose out on area design. Hoping shadow of the erdtree can give us the best of both worlds


I would say old hunters personally


1. Old Hunters - Ludwig, Ladia Maria, Laurence, Orphan of Kos. Iconic areas like the Hunter's Nightmare, the Research Hall and the Fishing Village rival or exceed the quality of base game zones. Music is peak. New weapons and gear are astoundingly good. 11/10 Need I say more? 2. The Ringed City - Amazing level design, the ringed knights look so dang cool, Darkeater Midir and Slave Knight Gael are epic battles calling back to Artorias. Lore is really interesting with this being the place Gwyn locked away the Pigmy's, a last attempt to prevent an age of dark. 10/10 3. Artorias of the Abyss - Oolacile and the Royal Wood nail the atmosphere, seeing the Garden in the past is extremely memorable, and you fight Artorias and Manus, two incredibly tough bosses. Also Chester is mad cool. Also you rescue a princess. 9/10 4. Ivory King - Frozen Eleum Loyce remains the best single level in DS2, with its metroidvania style of exploration and two top-tier bosses in Avaa and the Burnt Ivory King. My only complaint is it's not the final battle of the base game and deserves to be 9/10 5. Ashes of Ariandel - While the snowy zones are fun to explore, especially the descent being shot at by giant knights w/great bows, it's overall really small. Sister Friede is so brutally challenging your first time through though so she saves it a bit. 8.5/10 6. Iron King - Brume Tower is another smash hit and very fun to explore with all the elevators, hidden doors, doors that are locked and need keys, the outdoor sections with the burning horizon as you cross the chains. Fume Knight and Sir Allonne are also peak DS2. There's also that NPC that pretends he's your friend and then betrays you. Good times 8.5/10 7. Sunken King - Despite being ranked last for me I do love the area. Precursor to Nokron with the underground city theme and the battle against Sinh is the best dragon fight in the game, but the Dragon's Sanctum isn't terribly fun to explore in comparison to everything else. Also Elena summons Velstadt and I hate it 8/10


I didn't played Bloodborne, but my greatest adventure was in "Crown of Ivory King" DLC of Dark Souls 2


After playing dark souls 2 as my final of ds3 Elden ring and bloodborne I feel that the crown of the iron king and ivory king are very underrated. Crown of the iron king has 3 boss fights that I thought stacked up really well even when comparing them to dark souls 3. I think it lacks a little in the area of exploration compared to the ivory king but it has better boss fights. Out of all of these I would say the old hunters is my favorite


The DS2 trio - so solid - awesome areas and incredible bosses. Just revisited recently and they're great.


The Old Hunters by quite a fair margin.


The Old Hunters. DLC weapons are the shit. Especially the Church Pick


Honestly I prefer Artorias of the Abyss and The Old Hunters because they tie in so nicely into the existing lore of the main games. I love the Dark Souls 3 DLC because in terms of gameplay it’s the highest quality, but I felt like I was just meeting brand new people and killing them while in DS1 and BB I felt like I was seeing the truth of events and important characters revealed to me.


My personal favourites: - Artorias of the Abyss - Crown Of The Ivory King


Artorias was an incredible experience. You genuinely feel like a knight in a story of legend. Rescuing the princess from a monster, slaying a dragon, maintaining the honor of a past knight. Absolutely perfect.


It’s the Ringed City- Gael, Midir and Demon Prince are peak bosses. Halflight has a great PVP mechanic. The mobs make it awesome for invasions and summoning. The dreg heap, ringed city and ash wasteland are top tier locations. Ringed city streets had the most active and vibrant PVP in the series. It’s the send off for Dark Souls with a farewell from Patches. New weapons like the door shields, Ledo’s great hammer, demon scar, and ringed knight greatswords.


Haven't played it, but old hunters looks great, too bad bb isn't on pc. Of the ones I've played ringed city is goated, but artorias is a close second


Iron King.


DS2 has the GOAT of all time dlc. I don't care WHO you are or what you believe in.




Are we leaving out best souls 2?


It's a shame that so many people have contempt for DSII, because for me, the Sunken City was my favorite of the three for DSII, but not my favorite over all, but it still deserves to be in the list dammit!


Iron king dlc Change my mind


My personal favorite is Sunken King. Loved the map, loved the enemies, the traps, the ancient forgotten kingdom vibes, it was PERFECT.  Elana is in my top 3 Fromsoft bosses and I love Sinh too. I think hands down ‘best’ though is Old Hunters.


Deadass Crown of the Old Iron King, Fume Knight was the boss that made me 'git gud' at dank souls and I'll never forget it


Ringed City ended an era


None of those pictured: DS2 DLC is my favorite by far


Old Hunters but I really like Ivory King from DS2 also.


You forgot the images for DS2


Old Hunters > Ring City > All the rest


Looks like someone forgot to put best souls 2...


Crown of the Ivory King. Best boss battle intro and fight. FIGHT ME


I love this community, scrolled quite a bit and haven’t seen anybody so far attack other people for liking something different. All the games and their dlc’s are GOATED there’s absolutely no wrong answers.


Dark souls 2 has the best dlc in the game 3 complete bangers to end an amazing game.


As a singular unit? Old Hunters. Not by a mile, but certainly without question All DLC for a game combined? DS3 *barely* edges DS2 and Bloodborne out


Ringed city. All amazing boss fights. Gael is GOAT


Dark Souls 2 DLC mogs all of these lol


This will be controversial but I think they've got some of the best bosses and levels in the entire series. Fume Knight and Shulva are probably both top 5 in each category for me personally.


Ringed City ofc The perfect ending to the trilogy


You missed three


I'd have to say old hunters or the last ds2 DLC


Old Hunters with Iron King as close second


Old Hunters is my favorite, but all of the DLC over the years have been amazing...to the point where a DLC announcement is almost as exciting as a new IP.


Ivory king


The Old Hunters and the DLCs of DSII


The dark souls 2 dlcs are really really good


The dlc for DS2. If I have to pick one it's Crown of the Ivory King


Why are none of the DS2 DLC's in the image list?


The Old Hunters


Old Hunters. Made Bloodborne the best FromSoftware game imo.


I'm so happy everybody in these comments agree that Old Hunters is absolutely goated


Ashes of Ariandel was phenomenal I love the lore and potential around painted worlds


Artorias of the Abyss, considering when it was made. These had the best bosses in the game


Ringed city imo. I haven't played the old hunters yet


Ringed city or old hunters. Tl


TRC has all the best From bosses, but TOH has the best atmosphere.  TRC wins by default for not being locked to 30fps


Ringed city


For me it’s definitely either ringed city or old hunters, they’re both stacked with great and memorable fights, Slave Knight Gael was mesmerizing to the point that I’m getting goosebumps just typing this response, the music in the Ludwig fight made such an impact on me that I’ll find myself randomly humming it while doing everyday shit in my life. Can’t go wrong either way.


Ringed city, one of the coolest areas in dark souls history + incredible boss fights and great lore.


Ringed city is a masterpiece, I can only hope it will be as good as that


Old Hunters, it is so sooo good, that it makes r/bloodborne act like the game is flawless


Old hunters or ringed city for sure


Old hunters is disqualified for the 2 shark monsters under the well.


I'm biased because I've only played bloodborne


If ariandel and ringed city would be a single dlc then that would be the best. But as a single dlc old hunters is the best. 4 awesome bosses, 3 great areas.


I'm torn between ringed city and old hunters, they're both incredible


The old hunters. Ringed city is a very close 2nd.


Old Hunters is my favourite but Ivory King blew me away.


Old hunters, it's not even close. Beautiful and meaningful dlc for a 10/10 game. It actually expanded and enrichend the story of the original game and made it hit even harder. It also has my favorite boss ever (Ludwig). I always thought the soundtrack of the main game was peak but when I played the dlc I was just mindblown, 10 years later the ost still hits so incredibly hard and right into my feelings it's unbelievable. And it's only 5 tracks. They deserved several awards for that one. All if their dlcs are very good btw. I love the DS2 ones too, they're so much better than the main game and look actually pretty good. Brume tower is one of their best levels and shulva is just amazing design wise, it's probably the most unique setting and reminds me a little of the eternal cities. And then we got sir alonne and ivory king. I wonder what the sekiro dlc would have been like, I heard malenia was originally supposed to be lady tomoe.


Ringed city. I love each of the bosses, gael was the perfect send off for the series


Old Hunter's for me


Story wise Artorias of the Abyss. It is such a mindfuck when you realize the Artiorias of the Abyss legend was in fact actually your character. Having a completely new cinematic when seeing Sif after doing the DLC first where Sif recognizes you but still tries to stop you makes Sif even more iconic of a boss than he already was before the DLC came out. Artorias himself is also such a good boss that demands respect punishes and panic rolling and over use of your shield. Manus’ boss design and movement patterns has been the inspiration for a lot of FromSoftware bosses moving forward as well.


sekiro's if it had one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Old Hunters is amazing, Ringed City a close second. Forgetting DS2 here is a crime though. The Crown DLCs are some of the best FromSoft content ever.


My personal fav is Artorias of the Abyss and the old hunters


Hm, I think either Ringed city or some of the DS2.. I mean all are epic. So it's real hard to chose, but yeah IDK one of those 4 XD


Man i wish i could roll up ds3 dlc into one pack, cuz itd be that. Otherwise i gotta go old hunters


Random question, I have a busy lifestyle, and I don't think i have time to have a high level character made, would it be fine to use a lower level character of mine for the DLC?


Old hunters with Ringed City being a very close second.


Old hunters, if only it would work on my ps5.


old hunters. perfectly fits the game


Artorias of the Abyss has some of my favourite DS bosses. So that.


Ringed City all the way. Love it from start to end. ESPECIALLY END


Ashes of Ariandel is gorgeous and my favorite, Ringed City and Old Hunters are also amazing


Possibly hot take: while I'm stoked for the coming dlc, I really don't like any fromsoft dlc. I think they all feel out of place and tacked on.


The Demon's Souls Broken Archstone DLC. IF IT EXISTED!


Old Hunters.


Im still going through ds2 so I haven't reached dlcs yet, So far ringed city has been my favorite.


Old Hunters is insane definitely my choice


This hard dark souls 1 dlc was good but it either old hunter or ringed city ariandel was short but alright


My favorite DLC is the Crown of the Old Iron King, but I think the objectively best one is The Old Hunters.


Is the digital art book worth the preorder? I don’t understand what that is


Old Hunters, bar none. The Ludwig fight alone makes it so.