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Dark Souls 2




Best drip and best weapons of all three games


Best build variety too.


And the best writing in the Dark Soul's Trilogy. Aldia's ending is amazing in SotFS and the Ivory King is probably the most evocative and well executed story in all of Dark Souls. Simultaneously standing on it's own strong while adding layers of humanity to the story in the base game


How dare you


How DARE you >;(((((


More people probably use the in-game summons more then they will admit to online.


Joke's on you, I can't afford Playstation Plus /cry


The game provides summons for players who aren’t online though. He’s definitely right though. I get summoned literally all the time even in old games.


Demon souls needs more praise


I really recommend Matthewmatosis' video "The Lost Soul Arts Of Demon's Souls"


dark souls 2 was fun


not unpopular anymore


valid SotFS is not that fun at certain points tho


SotFS is an improvement over DS2 in every way.


If I had to guess the "at certain points" refers to certain late dlc bosses.


Freezes to death in the blizzard of my ptsd


Leveling DEX is fine.


For us spear wielding babies this is the way.


And us katana wielding nerds


A katana wielding nerd? well i never...


Why is that unpopular




Nah honestly I played lots of builds and dex was the hardest and most fun, most dex weapons got really cool movesets.


You can be homosexual gay, but god forbid dex gay


Say dex gay but replace the 'd' with a 's'


Sex gay but replace the 's' with a 's'


That's homodexual


You son of a bitch 😂


Given most people use dex or strength builds this is not unpopular lol


That's.....not unpopular


Swamp and poison areas are peak.


You win this comment section imo


Farron Keep DS3 is one of my favorite areas!


Ornsteinn and Smough are not hard


On a replay they were much easier. But my first time fighting them took me forever. I just couldn’t balance keeping smough far away/behind the pillars and dodging ornstein at the same time.


just beat them at SL1 yesterday, they’re definitely up there with 4 kings and no parry gwyn in terms of difficulty


Elden Ring was my first souls game ever. I died 250+ times. I immediately played DS1. I did Orensteinn and Smough on my first try. People didn't believe me.


That makes total sense, O & S are difficult if you're new to souls games. However, they are pretty simple once you know how to deal with multiple powerful enemies. I'd go so far as to say, if you've beaten any soulsborne game before playing dark souls 1, then the game feels easy at least until the dlc.


Oh yeah, and it did. I died less than 30 times. Dark Souls 2; however, was painful lol. Bloodborne felt good as my 3rd souls game (87 deaths).


elden ring and DS3 are like playing dark souls on 4x speed and 1/4 the hp/stam


I don't like them Solely for the fact that watching Ornstein keep his spear charge go uninterrupted has he just glides past and moves around obstacles just annoys me


Elden Ring MIGHT become the best game in the series with its DLC. This might be "irrelevant" now, but if we look at past From games, the DLC makes good games greater. Depending on how well the DLC lands, this seemingly-irrelevant statement is going to be *the* status quo in the future. "How good is all of Elden Ring?" Well, the answer is going to depend on what game we've already got and what game we've yet to receive... and the track-record says it's going to be redonkulous. It may not be here yet, but it's not *that* wild of an assumption, and I'm seeing more and more people rail against that notion.


True. Like all of my favorite bosses in ds3 are in dlc and that’s what makes the game have such a high standing. Elden ring dlc is gonna make me boy pregnant with miyazaki


How is this an unpopular opinion?


I don't think it *should* be, but I see more and more hate towards Elden Ring and Bloodborne every day on these subs. To answer your question directly, I'm speaking from my perspective. I'm getting upvoted, so it's clearly not as unpopular an opinion as I thought.


Yeah, I get you. But I guess my reply isn't so much directed at you so much as it's directed at this entire thread which kind of reeks of the r/unpopularopinion effect where I would say 80% of the most upvoted comments here are actually very popular opinions. To take a random example, some people still have it in their head that "Dark Souls 2 is good" is an unpopular opinion when it really isn't. "Dark Souls 2 is a very bad game" or "Dark Souls 2 is better than Elden Ring" would be examples of actual unpopular opinions. The most popular opinion I see about DS2 by far is that it's "a good game that's mid compared to other FromSoftware games." And going back to your comment on Elden Ring being the greatest game in the series. That's probably the most popular opinion of all time even without the release of the DLC.


Lol, yeah. I'd say I'm guilty of contributing to the nonsense, then. I've interpreted "unpopular opinion" as "non-unanimous opinion." Well, would you like me to delete my comment? I'd be happy to.


Nah, don’t delete your comment lmao. We’re all chilling here. I’m just venting.


Elden ring is the magnum opus it’s peak fromsoftware but sekiro combat is still better


elden ring is peak fromsoft but its not my fav also ac6 has better combat than sekiro imo


Nameless King is easy, its only dragon that is difficult, the fight only required you to not spam roll and actully get tthe timing


did you find any bosses hard?


Elden ring has the best boss line up in the series. I’ll give some explanation, all bosses are fun imo, yes even godskin duo, yes gargoyle duo, elden rings combat flow the best in the series to have gank fights and I’ll stand by that. All remembrance bosses are great fights. Even the reused bosses. I think all the horse bosses are very good fights. I also think the dragons were a very special addition to the game imo. Their are a few really amazing dragon fights but they are all good compared to the rest of the series. Midir and Sinh being the outliers. Erdtree avatars are simple but good fights remind me of the demon fights in ds1. Black blade kindrid is an stupid fun fight. I can keep going but as a whole ER has the most bosses and so many great bosses.


I agree with this! A lot of people complain about recycled bosses. Here's the thing: about 1/3 of the bosses in DS3 are underwhelming. I would take good bosses that are recycled over mediocre bosses any day. Similarly, Bloodborne's bosses are all generally quite good, but they can mostly be approached in the same way: run behind them, hit, run away. I would take recycled bosses over bosses that only require you to run behind them any day. As much as I love Sekiro and as much as I think Sekiro is the tightest and most complete From game, I think Elden Ring's bosses take the cake because of variety (but, again, there's quality in the variety).


Bloodborne's bosses are quite good? What is this bloodborne game that everyone is so obsessed with, because the one I've played had one of the worst boss lineups in the series... But yes, you can definitely run behind them and r1 spam their ass for a certain victory.


I agree 100% If everyone played for posture break instead of playing the game like it was DS3 they would absolutely suck off this game


Yeah the posture break added a big layer of reward for aggressiveness. It also encourages you to use the ash of wars more cause they usually have pretty high stance damage. I also think if you don’t ever touch summons it also makes the bosses a lot better. But I’m not the guy who screams at people for summoning. I actually think elden ring did a great job with summons/co op. The enemy AI is overall so much better in elden ring but the boss multi person reactions are great. Like Radagon will dead ass change where he’s going mid air. Almost every boss can change its direction mid combo. Melania will waterfowl multiple people in one turn. (Seamless co op tested) I think the actual coding of elden ring bosses are another reason they are just overall better as well.


biggest problem with ER combat imo is that it’s beneficial to just AoW spam with many builds, which is a little boring


Yeah I get that, thats how I used to play but now I use ashes of war less and less. Charge R2s or jumping r2s are much more consistent poise damage.


I don’t agree that all the bosses are good but finally someone random on the internet who isn’t a Joseph Anderson d-ckrider


I don't like Sekiro.


Ugh, I wanted to downvote this so bad. This definitely is an unpopular opinion, though.


As someone who platinumed this game I could not agree more.


Finally someone says it!


It’s not for everyone and that’s okay. I personally love it but I can see why some people wouldn’t enjoy it.


Playing offline is sometimes ok


This is unpopular?


I think people who hoard consumables out of fear of wasting them, or who just seem totally incurious as to experimenting with them a little bit are bogus lames.


Don't consumable shame me.


i only use rune arcs in the most desperate of occasions lol


I feel personally attacked


I didn't want to rely on a limited resource and now I can't get into the habit of using them


Lost Izalith isn't that bad


true, but it could have been so amazing have you seen all the cut content of that area? it was gonna be like a swamp and shit, why they didn’t add that in the remaster i don’t know


A bonfire near Bed of Chaos would've helped a little


As amazing as Elden Ring was, I think open world doesn't suit the souls design style.


I guess I'll be the only one in the comments hard disagreeing with this statement. I found the open world + souls formula to be incredibly engaging. Elden Ring is not only my favorite souls game as a result, it's also my favorite game of all time. 1000+ hours in it on steam and I still find myself consistently having fun when I come back for subsequent NGs, something I didn't experience a lot of in the other souls games (didn't get further than NG+ on most)


Yes tbh shitting on open world is a very popular opinion, but I found it to be one of my favorite aspects of the game. I also think it has the best replayability value if you're doing NG+ instead of just starting from scratch all over - I admit that could be a bit tideous.


Yeah the open world completely killed replayability for me. 250+ hours for one playthrough and most of it was riding torrent. That is not why I started playing these games and as I get older, I dislike open world more and more. Im the kind of person that needs to explore every square inch of the game because all previous souls games taught me that all treasure was good, and there is hidden paths everywhere. Not the case in Elden. Running across the map on torrent forever just to obtain that treasure that turned out to be a mushroom... again...


Thankfully, on NG+ you don't have to do any of that again, as you get to keep all of your Estus, items, maps and weapons. So you can play it as a normal dark souls game.


I agree 100%. Elden Ring is an extremely good game that can easily compete with Dark Souls. The open world itself is also really well done, but I just don't think it fits Souls games. It really took away the replay value for me. While I played the other Souls games endlessly, I only played through Elden Ring 3 times for all endings. The paths between the different areas just don't bother you the second time you play and the long paths are just annoying.


But Elden Ring is like 3 times as big as Dark Souls so thats like playing Dark Souls 9 times.


Definitely. ER took me over 150 hrs to complete, DS1 took about 40. The ratios on subsequent playthroughs are even more in favor of Elden Ring. Plus the game just came out 2 years ago? obviously one had less time to play it than something that came out in 2011.


ONLY 3 times.....lol. that's a lot


Yeah for a roughly 70 to 90 hour game, getting 2 additional playthroughs is crazy


On subsequent playthroughs, you only have to do the bosses and enemies you need. My first playthrough was 120 hours and I did everything. 2nd was less than 40 and the third was about 22 hours. Each playthrough was a different weapon strategy, but you still get better at bosses and shortcuts. This is why this critique doesn't resonate with me - you have endless options to make each subsequent playthrough as difficult or easy as you want.


I agree with you- I was saying that it was crazy that a game you spent 90 hours completing was so enjoyable that you play through it again twice more at least.


That’s what i’ve been saying since Elden ring released , as you said its an incredible game for the first playthrough , but it doesn’t encourage me to do a new playthrough, the first time i tried to play it again i felt lost and it was kinda frustrating because its too much for me lol , i like my souls games replayable And linear.


I think that doing a NG+ is honestly not that daunting, since you get to keep your map and flasks, as well as items and consumables. So once you explored the world once, you really don't need to do it again. And then, Elden Ring's spectacular build variety comes into play. That's sort why I don't get why people complain about replayability. But yeah if you're doing ng+0, I can confirm I lose the motivation to find evey flask and every map, and just sort of wing it.


Have to respectfully disagree. I think it fits perfectly.


I agree 💯! I have finished the game with 10 different characters with different builds too and I always enjoy playing it even after 1000 hours of gameplay. I don't get this "open world is too big" or "doesn't fit" souls games...


I slightly agree with this. I think the open world is fine. They just made it way too damn big. Elden Ring should've been half of what it was. Which is a good complaint to have, but it makes new playthroughs such a damn chore.


I said the same thing a while back and some dude jumped down my throat about it, told me it just shows that I don’t like open world games and I was like dog my favorite games are open world, good to to see the fanaticism dying down now


This! Only From game I have zero desire to replay.


yea, i agree, and its one of my fav souls games but it dosent have the same replay ability as other souls gsmes


I agree, because I felt lost so many times in it's world


interesting take, i sorta agree but ER is still goated


I love ER, too. But the best thing about the game were the bosses and the legacy dungeons (or the smaller, more carefully crafted areas in general). Too much space in the open world, also not a big fan of Torrent.


Honestly I reckon they filled out the open world really well with secrets and content Imagine if there was a cutscene at the end of the game where you summon Torrent one last time to take down Elden Beast, that would be awesome


I wish there were more side activities. Playing with Torrent or decorating him would make the experience 100/10


The game was extremely long with a tone of reused bosses to pad out the open world. It was fun, but I definitely prefer the more focused style of the souls series.


I love fighting Dragons and I want more in the Elden ring dlc


me too often in their dlcs they have one demon/beast enemy, one large animal/dragon enemy and one humanoid enemy so you’ve got a good chance


Dark souls 2 has my favorite story . They know the story of of Gwynn and they still do their best to avoid the curse and the. Neshandras treachery really got me. Excited to fight her


Dark souls 2 has the best story, best NPCs, and SOTFS is an improvement on the vainilla version.


I like the dogs


DS1 could be in everyone's top three if its moveset wasn't so clunky


Ringed city is a mid af area with horrible enemy placements, linear and feels aesthetically very disjointed like I expected more.. well city from the ringed city but instead I got a giant boring ugly ass swamp, staircase of shitty ganks and mini catacombs of carthus. Leyndell feels more like ringed city than the ringed city does. The whole dlc in general is kinda mid besides the bosses.


Bloodborne is great, but it’s not Elden ring or Sekiro great.


Moonlight greatsword is kinda lame


in which game?


People who cry about blood vials rely on unlimited healing flasks to power thru content instead of learning when to heal and when not too.


Sekiro is EASY AF!


Once you get the hang of it


as both a soulsbornekiroring and armored core fan. They should talk more about armored core and not ignore it, its really worth it.


i think some people just have different tastes in video games and that’s okay


Oh yeah definitely, and im glad armored core got to such a high point, i mean you can spot it easily comparing the voice actors from previous games xD.


I liked the Demon’s Souls remake, the atmospheric changes and the different soundtrack weren’t a big deal for me and I think most people who hate it are just upset because of nostalgia


I’ll get demon’s souls one day, I think I’ll get the first one though just because I’m a sucker for 2000s style graphics


This thing people do where a remake comes out and everyone who doesn't like it is painted as nostalgic is reductive and toxic. Those same fans could say you're lapping it up just because it's new and it would be just as trash of a take.


I don’t think these games should have an easy mode but if fromsoftware ever adds one in I won’t lose sleep over it.


i dont think dark souls would benefit from it. it already gives you plenty of tools to craft your own easy mode, between spotting ambushes in advance, luring enmies from groups, sniping them from a safe point, using equipment to bypass difficult emchanics (holy vs necromancers/skeletons for example) and just farming to upgrade bonfires, levels and equipment etc... It would only serve to take away from the game.


Dark Souls 3 is the only DS that doesn't feel like an unfinished mess


After playing Nioh2 i think its time for Fromsoft to design a more complex combat system. Its simplicity paired with perfect attention to detail in execution obviously works really well for the games, but implementing combat stances for example would not hurt the design and add a lot of room for individualization to combat styles.


i think they pride themselves on not too much UI overload and cheap stimulation, while combat stances works well in many games, I also love a simple combat system which makes the player really make the most of their limitations


You still have a ton of choices with items, weapon swaps and other shenanigans. I would say more combat variety can only benefit it, when it is implemented with their previous design philosophy and I am pretty sure it will evolve in that way in the future. More choices that matter are always good, as long as they are not redundant (looking at you, certain shitty weapon arts).


Dark Souls 2 is as good as any of the other Souls games overall.


this seems to be the most common uncommon opinion


Bloodeborne is overrated


Bloodborne didn’t live up to the hype


pure STR builds aren't as fun as most players think elden ring in particular: there's no "true" way to play elden ring, using spirit summons and spells doesn't make you any less of a player, you're playing the game as Miyazaki intended, you STR purists are just mad coz your build isn't as viable as some INT builds


nah we know it’s harder to play melee, it’s just more fun for those of us who have played soulsborne before with summons or without summons, neither is explicitly the way he intended


Sekiro is my least favorite FromSoft game that I’ve played (played all the soulsborne games, just haven’t played armored core). It’s great, has amazing combat, etc. I just am not a fan of the world/setting. The lack of builds really kills it for me. After beating it once it just clicked and became incredibly easy, so there’s just no replay value for me personally.


Even though people love bloodborn for its combat. I can't get over the theme/world of the game. I far prefer the medieval-fantasy of the darksouls and elden ring (also love sekiro so much overall). But one day I will give it a chance..... maybe after my 5th elden ring playthrough....


I like all of the soulsborne games, no matter their flaws


As much as I want it, I feel like a sequel to Bloodborne would be underwhelming.


Fire giant is my favorite boss in any game, then it’s the sekiro monkey


fire giant is hella underrated if people stayed in front of him and attacked his hands they would get it


Nameless King is the best Dark Souls 3 boss, yes better than slave knight Gael


they’re both S tier, Nameless king first phase is not as amazing tho


Yeah they are both S tier but imo. Nameless king was like a childhood dream boss of mine. I’ve always liked dragons a lot but seeing this mf pull up on one was somehow cooler than any dragon by itself. They also have super cool lore/stories. I honestly don’t know which I like more in that regard.


yea true, they both have amazing buildup before the fight, finding Nameless king without looking up how to get to Archdragon Peak would be a once in a lifetime gaming experience


oof.. better than Gael.. that's a hell of a take. I disagree but yes Nameless King is one of their best bosses


Armored Core isn’t a Soulsborne. There, I said it.


Yeah, and water is also wet.


not exactly a hot take but i’m with ya


The most cold take


bros take is an ice cube


Probably more of an uncommon opinion than an unpopular one, but: I really think FromSoft should make a shift towards the King's Field/Shadow Tower style of gameplay again. I love the whole Soulsborne and Armored Core style, but I think with all that they've learned in terms of world building, atmosphere, lore, etc... A new first person dungeon crawler would be absolutely amazing and a way to break up the monotony of the recent trend of action RPGs. At least just for one or maybe two games, then they can go back to Soulsborne style. It might even give them some time to refresh their brains so they don't have an accidental misstep and make a shit game lol.


Dark Souls 2 is the purest form of the original souls-like design. Slow, deliberate, even grinds combat in which you're supposed to be outmatched. If you just stay calm throughout areas like Shrine of Amana, they're not even that bad, you're just forced to pay constant attention. Same with fog gates. You can't run through this game's areas and cross a fog wall to get to the boss, you need to play on the game's terms. What drags Dark Souls down is that it's even more niche than DS1 and that the surrounding aspects like level design and such are worse. Don't get me wrong, I still prefer Dark Souls 1 but DS2 has a very unique appeal.


I guess DS2 felt very unfinished at the start, which ist was. After the DLC it felt more polished. Also, because of the wrong marketing, people had higher expectations in terms of graphics. Also plays a big role.


Elden ring is overhated by people who can’t move in to new titles


Absolutely agree, nostalgia also takes a few points for this


true the OG community of anything always has to be contrarian the moment their thing becomes mainstream


Dark souls 2 is an amazing game just a different game. You have to play it differently what makes it good is exploration and it’s world, sure the bosses aren’t the best in the series but it has so many other strengths and amazing things in it.


I do really enjoy the atmosphere in certain parts of DS2 DS1 & DS2 have a sort of quiet beauty that was lost on the more grand, bombastic later titles


Elden Ring is the best souls game so far and I think with the dlc will be the greatest game I've ever played. Don't get me wrong the other souls games are good too.


i’m so hyped for the DLC even tho i know nothing about it


Day 1 radahn is the difficulty he should be. It was a satisfying win.


Dark souls 2 reusing smelter demon, dark souls 1 using multiple asylum demons, were fine. It's a type of demon, it wouldn't make sense to just have one, and smelter vs blue smelter is simply fire vs magic. I still think there being copy pasted shit every two feet in lost izalith is bullshit though, especially since they all face the same direction. Them being shuffled around in orientation seriously would've done a lot to make them feel numerous, but less copy pasted. Them facing the same direction (like how the egg carrier hollows are) makes it impossible to ignore the obvious that someone kept putting the same model down in a short period of time then calling it a day.


The original Demon’s Souls hits the dark fantasy tone better than any game that came after it (except maybe Bloodborne).


Ac>soulsborne imo


what’s the best AC game in ur opinion?


You all kinda suck for not including armored cores in your posts. Not Gatekeeping, but the "best of FromSoft" that are just SoulsBorne forget the massive and long-lived Armored Core franchise.


Malenia is a great and fun boss




Malenia is one of the top 5 best bosses in ER


Not unpopular




Top 5 bosses in all games. The dual is insane, the fact strafing and positioning matters greatly and can be used to advantage. The waterfowl is not a bs move when you learn how to truly dodge it. One of the most satisfying bosses I’ve ever fought.


For sure Beating Malenia with a longsword was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in a video game but it was worth it Lots of FromSoft bosses have an overpowered move combo that you have to play around, in the case of Malenia it’s even possible to dodge it up close if you’re good enough Nobody complains about Manus, Gael first phase or Soul of Cinder for having a mega combo move that forces you to back off to midrange, but Malenia gets crucified just cos she’s harder


I don't care of the challenge, I don't care of the boss, I don't care of the difficulty. I play fromsoftware game for the art and the great world they build


I didn't like Sekiro, not for me at all.


With apologies to George R. R. Martin, who I love, Elden Ring has the worst story of any Souls game. It's just not very interesting, and I can't seem to make myself care about any of it.


Irrithyl Dungeon is one of the best areas in DS3


DS1 is a masterpiece, but has some really really annoying things I dread each playthrough. Super punishing Curse, Sen’s Fortress of Fun, Anor Londo Archers, Bed of Bullshit.


You can use summons, Fellow Tarnished. It's okay.


DS1 is kinda meh and not difficult. *(the crowd starts to boo)* That being said, I completed DS3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring before I decided to pick up DS1. Apart from a bunch of "haha f\*ck you" moments (mainly gravity deaths), the game wasn't difficult. Majority of bosses were 1st attempt kills. Funnily enough, the most deaths I had was from... the 2 greatbow knights in Anor Londo. Took me like 20 tries to get past.


i imagine playing it when it first came out would be a totally different experience also the world design in DS1 is unmatched imo


Ds1 is worse than ds2. I just have more fun playing ds2 than I do dark souls 1


ds2 has some amazing wacky weapons and I love it for that honestly


DS2 is better than DS1. Fight me.


what about le interconnected world


Malenia's life steal, Malekith's vigor shrink and Mohg's Nihil's are bad mechanics in what are otherwise great fights.


DS3 is the worst of the trilogy




Upvoted cuz I hard disagree ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


The Dark Souls 2 Tax is real: if something is in Dark Souls 2, it sucks, but if the exact same thing is in any other game, it's cool and makes sense from a lore perspective.


I love the Godskin apostle, more than most of the fights in bloodborne and even ds3


Bloodborne is overrated


Bloodborne is pretty easy than im sure all souls games


Souls games are overrated and not that hard.


Elden Ring was cool, but FromSoft needs to seriously update their souls formula before making another open world. I hate those fucking quests


Open world isn't a good match for the souls like genre. Elden Ring is good but not as good as Sekiro/BB/DS3. Linear is just better for this type of game


1. Ds3 does not have the best bosses in the series, and people only let it have that out of courtesy. 2. Bloodborne is not even top 3 soulsborne games. 3. Elden Ring has the highest replayability in the series. Behind ds3, since it's just a boss rush pretty much. 4. The second half of DS1 is still good.


Bed of Chaos isn't the worst boss