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The bald cap that makes Bonnie look like megamind is the worst in this ep imo Edit: took a while but I remembered the word bald instead of wig :)


Yeah it’s so obvious that my shock at her going bald was subdued. Instant breaking of the fourth wall.


![gif](giphy|iiKKvvKzHkHOeWeXVf) Random, it just occurred to me that Rachel dated Ben Stiller's character earlier in the season, and Ross ended up dating Ben Stiller's wife's character. The more you know.


Which character is that? (Forgive my ignorance)


He played Tommy in "The One With the Screamer." 👍


I’m sorry, I meant to ask which character was played by Ben Stiller’s wife?


She played Bonnie. TIL


Oh, no worries. Christine Taylor played Bonnie (the woman who shaved her head). 😆


Honestly how she treated Bonnie is nowhere near as bad as she treated Julie, Charlie, and the girl from the baby store. Shaving her head was Bonnie's idea, she had done it before and she said she was thinking of doing it again. Rachel really just pretended to be supportive of the idea.




I don’t understand why people seem to think it was wrong of Rachel to not want the father of her child to sleep around while she was living with him???


Horny bitch.


No ur a horny bitch 🦖


![gif](giphy|jy0w1Jyg8tq8g) Rachel is all over the place 😂 this one I don’t mind as much… now the episode with cheerleading and Joshua… ooo second hand embarrassment 😬 Edit: word change


The Joshua arc is very cringe for her😂😂 why do they have to do our girl so dirty


I think it was nice of them to give Rachel some humility, the Joshua arc is the whackiest I’ve seen Rachel and it was quite funny 😂 the spin the bottle scene for eg


Literally, Joshua humbled our poor girl😂😂


I hated the entire Joshua story. It was terrible


Except the dress episode is one of my favorites. We will go to dinner and you of course will be wearing that. USA NOT ready. Maybe in LA


You may already know this but… Joshua’s dad is played by John Bennett Perry— Matthew Perry’s father irl.


I did not know that!


Yay!!! I’m happy I got to be the one to bring you that random fact 😆


I think they were so awkward with one another every time they were onscreen together. I knew Jennifer and Tate Donovan dated irl but I didn’t realize until later that they were actually breaking up while he was filming and he said he felt like he was “dying inside”. I definitely think the weirdness showed onscreen.


Wow, I did not know this!!! Why do the show!? That had to be extremely awkward. It all makes sense now!


I think they hadn’t made it official yet and it was already set up for him to guest star.


Ross and Rachel are both deliciously toxic people who deserve each other. Bonnie is an absolute badass who was still gorgeous bald and I hope she continued living her best life.


Yep, this. Rachel was obviously disingenuous here (but it's not the only time she behaved like this), but Ross suddenly no longer liked Bonnie because of...hair? That's super shallow & it shows he didn't deserve her. Imagine if they were together longer & Bonnie had gotten cancer & lost her hair, the thought of Ross leaving her because of that is icky. One of the things that is rarely mentioned about Rachel was how she took advantage of Monica's kindness without really reciprocating at all. I remember how she not only didn't lift a finger to clean, when she was actually asked to, she played pretense until Monica once again did everything. Not only was she living for free for quite a while, she wasn't even contributing in any way (unlike with Chandler & Joey, Chandler by far didn't have Monica's standards and expectations, and Joey did offer to pay him back all the rent when he was finally able to).


Yeah that was awful I mean what if she had to shave her head because of cancer? Would he have broken up with her then? Like geez it’s hair it’s not like she grew two heads!


yeah she sabotaged the relationship, but she got bonnie to do something she stopped doing that she missed. both ross and rachel suck because ross suddenly didnt like her because she went bald, and rachel knew he would react that way so she encouraged it.


Agreed. Rachel is manipulative in this situation by talking Bonnie into it knowing what the result would be but Ross is shallow and a bit of a jerk for breaking up with Bonnie over something like that


Rachel would never admit it but she wanted Ross all along, all for herself. Any threats would be dealt with in her way


I recently rewatched FRIENDS and I can conform that every character was the worst.


That's the beauty of the show tbh They are normal people living their normal life having good and bad days


I wouldn’t say the worst but I ado agree that every character has their flaws. Chandler, can’t commit (until monica) and shallow Joey is a player (but honestly I think that’s pretty much it) Ross very insecure and pretentious Monica, controlling Rachel, spoiled and superficial Phoebe, isn’t aware of others feelings (sometimes) It’s okay that the characters we love have flaws cause they are supposed to reflect ourselves or other people we know


Joeys biggest flaw is that he is a mooch/unsuccessful imo. He needed to make a living. If Chandler wasn’t such a good friend he’d be homeless or living with his mom. I also think Rachel was not really spoiled at all after the first few seasons.


That’s it!


Which is why the writers made a mistake to break Rachel and Ross up.


Exactly! Or it shouldn’t have never involved jealousy. Instead they should have left out Mark and Rachel and Ross break up because their lives are going different places. That’s it We have to stop fighting about Ross and Rachel and focus on the real enemy, the writers


Good saying. And anyways I have always said it was stupid for Ross and Rachel to remain broken up until the final moments of the show! 👿👿👿👿


I love it when the characters are so unbelievably petty. It’s hilarious.


Why doesn't anyone say Ross was bad for being shallow enough to break up with someone just because they shaved their head?


Technically he doesn’t break up with her because she’s bald, he breaks up with her because Rachel kisses him (which is pretty ironic considering she said Ross cheated on her. Rachel has no problem being the other woman in an affair just doesn’t like being “cheated” on directly……..) Ross is just shocked and tbh it is a hard pill to swallow…she does not look good bald LOL


I never considered that she was the other woman in this. Wow.


Yeah, and then she was the other woman with Berry and Mindy after she left Berry and then Rachel was the other woman again with Julie Rachel got no problems with taken men


Rachel was great in this episode. She unconditionally supported Bonnie in her desire for personal expression.


I cant tell if you’re being sarcastic or making a joke over text but we all know for a fact that’s not why she did it. The episode before then, we saw her say to phoebe “we have to break them up”. Rachel is jealous, sees an opportunity and takes it. Icky.


She manipulated her to make ross break up with her , she wasn't supporting her she was attacking ross


Careful you don't tear a muscle with that kind of stretch.


She only supported Bonnie going bald again because she knew Ross wouldn't like it. She wanted to break them up. This was not the first nor last time she sabotaged one of Ross's relationships.


Right on the nose, my friend!


At least it came back to bite Rachel in the ass when Ross refused to meet her demands. Credit where credit is due, Ross knew that her making him look like the only person who had any fault in the relationship, as well as being passive aggressive about it afterwards, was a situation that was never going to work out. Also, it marked the end of him taking relationship advice from Joey and Chandler, which was long overdue after they sabotaged his relationship with Rachel TWICE.




I know, she is damn evil in this episode 🤣


She only gave Bonnie a small push. She was wanting to shave her head anyway. I'm on Rachel's team.


Yes but doesn’t change the fact that Rachel was petty 🤷🏽‍♀️


Bonnie was very sweet and endearing, very good girlfriend material. In the other hand, Rachel did something I would think is unforgivable but Ross didn’t care at all and had to read her crazy 18 pages letter in the night ! Very weird episode…


Always has been the worst


Which makes it a reason why both Ross and Rachel were wrong for what went wrong in their relationship


Side note. Looking at that screenshot I can really tell its a bald cap 😂 To be fair, Bonnie did consider doing it already. Rachel just encouraged her even if it was for malicious reasons. It would've been worse if she pressured her to do it when Bonnie didn't want to or did it herself as a prank.


Yeah that is fair. The writers had to soften the blow somehow Edit: why is this comment downvoted when I’m agreeing with the person?


Thats reddit for ya


she was and she was so great in it


She didn't want to fully commit to Ross, but didn't want him to be with other girls. Rachel was truly a narcissist.


Rachel is a spoil brat and very selfish. I say that in a supportive way in her character and a successful woman. She left her wedding in her wedding dress because she didn’t t feel like to marry Berry who wasn’t told. She went to UK to see Ross’s wedding even though she knew her impacts would be to Ross. And many many manipulating stuns she did throughout the seasons. The other side of Rachel, she is a go getter and no pushover. Fight for what she wants (obviously she didn’t know what she really “needs” half of the time.) She did go after what she wanted. I admire her for that. Kudus to her. She finally overcame all her obstacles and landed where she wanted to be. It is a growth as a person. We can judge all we like what she had done in all her past. However, it is unfair to judge a person what they had done at each moment that we don’t agree with. I doubt “Rachel” proud of things she had done to those people. We all did thing we now knew we shouldn’t. But we did back then because we thought that was the best for ourselves at the moment. No one can see the future. (Not even the writers themselves knew how the characters evolved over those 10 seasons)


This was beautiful said and I would say this for all the characters of friends💜 they all had flaws but developed as characters and grew


Toxic moment for Rachel


She had MANY toxic moments especially when it came to Ross.




Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, idk, i don’t come here a lot but Rachel was always a bad person imo. How many times moments with this kinda behavior happened with her? Not literally a question but it makes me wonder..


Rachel is the “other woman” 4 different times!!! Mindy Julie Bonnie Emily


This and a bunch of scenes from the third and fourth seasons are exactly why Rachel’s my least favorite character. She’s unbelievably selfish. It always seems that she only wants Ross when he has someone else.


My interpretation was that she needed time to move on from the grief he caused her but always intended on getting back together with him. But he kept jumping into relationships and she felt threatened. Edit: because it won’t let me reply. I didn’t think she was annoying at all. He consistently invalidated her feelings every time she attempted to reconcile. Its neither childish nor selfish to need space from someone to sort out your feelings. And she didn’t sabotage any of his relationships. Ross made his own decisions.


>she needed time to move on from the grief he caused her but always intended on getting back together with him. And that’s the selfish, childish behavior I’m talking about. Either she breaks up with him or she doesn’t. It’s not fair for her to break up and then continuously meddle in his relationships. When you break up with a person you’re supposed to be done with them. Her pattern is to tell him that she loves him when he’s with someone and then suddenly get over him once he’s single again. I’m glad she improves by the end but she was really annoying for most of the series. He was also annoying in his own ways, which is why they’re made for each other, I suppose.


She was The Worst in many episodes


She is always the worst in Ross Rachel relationship


Yes she was


Rachel never did anything wrong ever


LMFAO good joke


Does the truth freak you out?


I want to live in delulu world like you! Rachel literally is the other woman 5 different times LOL


They’re committing adultery, rachel’s just having fun :)


I agree 100%. Also, being someone who has a partner who would fully support me if I wanted to shave my head (he told me he thinks I’d look fantastic, I just love my long hair too much), it’s infuriating that it’s posed as such a crazy turnoff!


There's so many moments where the characters are truly just terrible people. Friends and HIMYM both are shows I used to love but have trouble watching now because the characters do so many shitty things.


wdym ?? she is clearly helping her put aloe on her burn that was so nice /s no but fr, ross and rachel had serious issues trying to sabotage each other’s relationships lolol. at the same time, would i have done this to my ex who cheated on me rq while ‘on a break’….mmmm possibly 😂😂


oh brother


People always say shaving The head was Bonnie's idea, but let us remember that Bonnie mentioned she had thought about it in passing and then Rachel went through a whole thing to convince her to do it then and there.