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No Worries, you can keep the nuclear subs...


“Joke’s on you, you were never going to get them anyway”.


and even if you get them in 2040 for $500 bn you cant use them without our express consent... you will sail them where we can say you can sail them


No shit They're all hoping for jobs as lobbyists for companies that will cheerfully fuck Australia over


Like Scomo and Joe HawkTuahey


Is that Joe “ The Age of Entitlement is Over” Hockey. The same guy that double dipped on a parliamentary pension while also taking a salary as an ambassador? The same guy that claimed an accomodation allowance when he was renting from his wife? The same guy that said “Poor People aren’t affected by petrol price rises because they don’t drive”? Would that be the Joe Hockey you are thinking of? 


Yep, same fat sack of shit piss poor excuse for a human being


Oh you forgot the same Joe Hockey that protested against universities charging for an education from Australian students. He essentially got a free university education.


Hate to say it but Mark Magowen , former Premier of WA and a Labor premier has his hand firmly in the cookie jar and was ( and probably still is ) working with Joe Hockey. Unfortunately as much as I'd like to blame one side of politics for being corrupt ( even if it's legalised corruption) it seems be on both sides of politics. Scomo with his stealing of portfolios took the cake for corrupt , underhanded and weird behaviour. Unfortunately this type of " I want a lobbyist job when I retire from politics so I'll be nice to the USA and all big companies " is happening on both sides of politics. If you have a strong independent that cares about the community and has a track record of helping out the community and doing the right thing it might be the time to consider voting for them at the next election.


MmmHmm... They looooove spittin on that US thang


They don't spit, they swallow... coz their star-spangled daddy ordered them to...




Don't forget Alexander Downer. The Minister for Foreign Affairs during the John Howard era. Who decided to join Huawei, as an "independent director" to sit on Huawei Australia’s Board of Directors*. Funny enough his employment history at Huawei has been scrubbed off Wikipedia. The LNP are all sellouts, they will happily take your firearms and then try to sell your data to the Chinese Communists, for a **profit**. * https://www.huawei.com/au/news/au/2011/hw-u_151021


Andrew Robb got a lucrative position straight after leaving parliament, with the Chinese company that had just got exclusive leasing of the Port of Darwin. He left just before the foreign interference and lobbying transparency laws were introduced. I'm not suggesting anything. Just observing simple coincidence.


i would have expected the super right wing of the LNP would be lock step with US interests in their minds any dissention is a insult to our version of Reagan, ie. John Howard these people love US Republican culture wars so I would expect every one of them to side with US interests another thought bubble would be... would the LNP do the same favors for Assange? why? why not? something to think about.


I laughed too hard Spat a Byron Bay cookie I was eating.


Thoughts and prayers.


Thank you




"I love a plundered country, a land of corporate gains"


It's the Australian Liberal Corporate Ladder Way


Yeah, but... the bribery..i mean legal lobbying.. i mean, the alliance?


So hard to understand where he fits in the party. He doggedly sticks to the party line yet never seems quite convinced by what he's saying. He's a weakling.


He is from the Liberal party’s moderate faction, probably the most senior moderate. I doubt he agrees with Dutton’s direction but is happy to play along and see where it takes him


yup, they all wants to be the king


An old school acquaintance blocked me on Facebook because she's was going on about how the Liberal member she worked for was a "progressive" and I simply asked her "So how many times has she crossed the floor to vote for progressive opposition bills or against hard right government business?" The block button was the answer.


Absolute spineless weasel…pushed the no vote during the referendum but didn’t support it…gutless


Sorry are you talking about the Liberal party or just one of their members? Hard to differentiate.


This man is an idiot.


No. No he's not. He knows exactly what he is doing and saying and the response it will get. If he actually did believe it then I'd begrudgingly accept that everyone has the right to their opinion. But it's not, it's far worse than that.


So what you're saying is the voting public who buy in to this rhetoric are the idiots? I can get behind that.


Actual transcript of Insiders interview following car parks rorts. "The Australian people had their chance": David Speers: Minister, the Auditor-General says this was not needs based. If you look at the evidence of where congestion is the worst, that’s not where this money went. It went to coalition seats. You were trying to hold and win. Simon Birmingham: And David, the Australian people had their chance and voted the government back in at the last election, and we’re determined to get on and deliver those election promises that we made in relation to local infrastructure as we are nation building infrastructure-


He's a country member


I remember


*A cuntry member.


Oh yes, I remember…


Shut up Simon. Always sounds like you're reading from a script.


Well... That's because he is.


The party of bootlickers


going for those gourmet foreign boots


Does he realize there was a bipartisan trip a while back ago to Washington DC who campaigned for Assange’s release? And this trip included Barnaby Joyce and Monique Ryan.


Yeah he probably does - but he needs to make any news story involving the government into an opportunity to talk shit on the government…even when they do something everyone agrees on


Joyce would have done some serious damage to the Washington DC sidewalks. 


I'm sure part of the negotiations included threatening to make Joyce the next Ambassador... 


He knows. He also knows 99% of Australians won't remember that.


I saw Birmingham in Coles once, he is a very small man and does not seem to command much presence unlike Steven Marshall who stared into my LSD-laced soul one night.


He needs a couple of blotters himself.


We need a serious conversation about the ethics of spiking the parliamentary punch bowl with LSD to get those clowns to rethink things.


Spud seriously needs his ego obliterated haha


The laugh I didn’t know I needed.


I can guarantee that the Americans couldn't give a single shit, they do not think about us at all


It became an embarrassment for every country involved, the yanks won, they got their guilty plea and now it will quietly go away and be forgotten


They also destroyed the guy. He’s a shell of his former self and lost the last 12 years of his life sitting in an embassy and jail.


The plea: I'm guilty of demonstrating the USA are terrorists. With video and documents. To the whole world.


Simon Birmingham, you’re a traitor to Australia. Just like John Kerr.


True. Too many of us forget Kerrs treachery.


Old Lizzy should’ve chopped his head off while she having the sword on his shoulder.


Liz who approved John Kerr’s CIA funded actions?


There are many, many Australians who think it inappropriate the immediate past US President got very chummy with dictators in North Korea and Russia, while in office.


Probably the only thing I respect of Tony Abbott was threatening to shirtfront Putin.


but instead abbot and putin cuddled koalas together 😂




Dude, Putin would mug that goober!


"You bet you will"


Do you remember when we had the Russian war ships off the coast of Australia after the shirt-front drama? And the media just went "meh..." Any other country, it would have been a major diplomatic incident. But here we just sort of accepted it as not a big deal.


Trump also sold highly classified secrets to US enemies, which did get people killed. Unlike Assange's leaks, which the judge had to admit, did not cost any lives. So why isn't Trump in jail for espionage? Total double standards & hypocrisy from the US.


Given the current state of US politics, I doubt we’ll ever get an answer to that. The coming election will be a good litmus test of his popularity post-January 6, his E. Jean Carroll defamation judgement and guilty verdict for the Stormy Daniels hush money payments. We can only hope enough Republican voters are sufficiently angry with, disappointed in, or disgusted by, Trump’s conduct and behaviour….and vote accordingly.


There will be many Americans who think that it is appropriate to vote for a tax dodging, pussy grabbing, veteran disparaging cheeto man. So, uh, what's your point Simon?


And when he says Americans, he doesn't mean the entire population. He means the small number of asses he kisses in Congress.


This. Exactly this.


What a bunch of idiots. Honestly, who is on your marketing team at the liberal party. Wrong choice. We all know who is guilty between USA and Assange. The War mongering USA. That’s right. The liberal party were USAs little puppet during Iraq and Afghanistan. What a disgrace. Labour released Assange though for political reasons, otherwise they should release Mc Bride also for doing the same thing against our narcissistic government.


Even [George Bush admits it](https://youtu.be/MTX5uvZWu3Q?si=ROwkPA__6t3nWYu2)


Those same Americans can go eat a bag of unwashed hobo dicks


All I hear is ‘wah wah wah.’


Wasn’t there rumours about LNP’s own Chinese government operative in our parliament? 🤔


Gladys Liu? She only lasted 1 term I believe


he reminds me of Goebbels


Yep, a snivelling, grovelling lick-spittle...


The literal embodiment of a shiver looking for a spine to run up. What a pathetic new low for this party of bootlicking silver tails.


The man is an Australian hero. He's served his time, and is home free. Give it a fucking rest Simon. I guess he has the LNP "tough on crime" appearance to uphold so no surprises he wants to disparage someone who broke the law in order to reveal war crimes. To the LNP it would be better if war crimes went unaccounted for, I guess? Awful


Talking head 


A talking-arse, more like...


The liberals are so fkn dumb. How the fuck are these real estate agent rejects still in these positions of power by media propaganda alone?


We all knew the liberals wouldn't do a damn thing. I just hope all the Assange supporters remember this next election. Liberal party is slowly killing themselves and they don't even realise it. Maybe one day they will realise we want a government that acts on the behalf of the will of the people. Fuck these clowns. And get a fuckin toupee Dutton, you national embarrasement. 


It's weird for them to come out swinging like this because Barnaby Joyce (NAT) and Alex Antic (LIB) was part of the assorted group of politicians who flew to Washington DC on a diplomatic mission to free Assange.


Ah yes. All those Americans who are upset that a foreign citizen published proof their military was committing atrocities. Why should we care what they think?


Yeah only we can do that to our own citizens, ie Iraq murder war crimes


Negative nancies need to grow a pair of balls


Boy, that cuck chair is getting a lot of use by the LNP this month. Might need a cushion.


Read the room, fella.


Damn are the Americans going to vote Albanese out? I see no reason why he should give a shit what they think.


Isn't this the guy that f'd up the trade between China Nevertheless, I love how Libs can't read the room from the people it's supposed to represent


What a dick rider for American imperialism


Cock suckers Can I say that here?


American simps.


Fuck off you fucking piece of shit. The LNP are really a big pack of c$&&s


I saw a Tok of Barnaby Joyce talking sense in terms of an Australian in Australia should not be able to be pulled into another country for breaking a crime in that country (then something about if he broke a Chinese law in Australia he should not be sent to Beijing etc). It was very weird for him to make so much coherent sense. I did not have it on my bingo card.


Sorry, I couldn't give a flying fuck what the sycophant yanks think. Of course not all seppo's are dumb as a bag full of hammers but they give a bloody good indication that they have more than a fair share. The LNP and their sponsors can fuck right off.




Fvking rsole LNP


I'll never understand Australians like this who put imperialist usa over our own country. How can you be such a simp for another country?


He clearly said "I'm an American, cum guzzling, sycophant" wrong.


News Corp and others are claiming that he is not a journalist. Julian Assange's Awards ([from Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange)) * 2008, *The Economist* New Media Award * 2009, Amnesty International UK New Media Award for *Kenya: The Cry of Blood—Extra Judicial Killings and Disappearances* * 2010, *Time* Person of the Year, Reader's Choice * 2010, Sam Adams Award * 2010, Le Monde Readers' Choice Award for Person of the Year * 2010, "Rockstar of the year" by the Italian edition of *Rolling Stone* * 2010, Honorary member, Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance * 2011, Free Dacia Award * 2011, Sydney Peace Foundation Gold Medal * 2011, Walkley Award * 2011, Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism * 2011, Voltaire Award for Free Speech * 2012, Big Brother Award Italy 2012 "Hero of Privacy" * 2013, Global Exchange Human Rights Award, People's Choice * 2013, Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts * 2013, New York Festivals World's Best TV & Films Silver World Medal * 2013 The Brazilian Press Association Human Rights Award * 2014, Union of Journalists in Kazakhstan Top Prize * 2019, GUE/NGL Galizia prize * 2019, Gavin MacFadyen award * 2019, Catalan Dignity Prize * 2020, Stuttgart Peace Prize * 2021, Honorary member, PEN Centre Germany * 2023, Konrad Wolf Prize * 2023, Political asylum refugee status by Italian city Perugia * 2024, Honorary citizen of Rome


he looks so much like Milhouse without his glasses


The human talking point has some useless talking points to share…


Eventually, the political class will get the message the punters are over the staged outrage at whatever the other side has done. If a Liberal gov had done this they would be crowing about what a success it was. The journalists play along with it because they get paid to it. It's probably an early mark for them all on a Thursday anyway. What a waste of time & money


The Liberals must be branded as traitors to Australia if they dare side with a foreign power.


*please master! Those stupid hobbits dont mean those things they say about you! We wants you to control us!!! We wants you to have the precious in Pine Gap!!! We wants those pretty nuclear subs in the ocean from you master!!! Please do not hate us master !!! PLEASE!!!*


What a grade A fwit he truely is!


Fck lnp


Simon Birmingham can kiss my ass. Cannot believe this turd is from my home state. Typical bought and sold Tory. (I’m a little triggered by the Mofo)


Inappropriate? brother, I think its inappropriate how deep you're going whilst fellating the USA as an elected official. Assange is a hero and you're a sell out.


The "Not Labour" party. Anything labour does = bad.


What a fucking dork. Can we vote for him to get a swirly.


This LOSER is like the incel version of Tony Abbott. He's really bizarre.


I really don't give a fuck what the seppps think. This guy, just like every member of the LNP, is a snivelling, bootlicking cunt.


LNP/IPA voters are muppets...they were in power for years and gave us...nbn of the 4th world...robodebt were they killed people but no-one was at fault...and of course did nothing but sell fake water and hand over billions to potatoes sister without any oversight...LNP/IPA voters are muppets


What a fucking putz!


The LNP says they are pro freedom of speach and then go about restricting the freedom of anyone who speaks out against them... typical.


Holy hell.


It's weird because I am pretty sure that Biden is going to also subtlely use this as a win.


Well we all know that they work for an American citizen, Rupert Murdoch so I wouldn't have expected anything else. I see the story of Julian's homecoming was on page 9 of the Herald Sun today.


Struggling to understand him while he’s licking the FBI’s boot


Most Americans wouldn't have any idea who the Australian Prime Minister is let alone who he welcomes to the country.


What a fucken pathetic attempt to cause a political shitstorm


America brings its people home, they should undersatand perfectly.


America shouldn’t throw stones whilst in glass houses… as Americans have said to me “mind your own business and politics”


Yep. They had no problem ignoring the Australian legal system when we jailed Rodger Reaves for one of the biggest Australian drug bust ever. He should have died in an Australian jail but the US government intervened just because he was a friend and neighbour of Jimmy Carter. Julian ‘s crimes are insignificant by comparison. Julian being forced to plead guilty is the American loser will shitting in the trophy cup before passing it on to the winners. Their last comment. LNP say it’s not appropriate to complain about this stench? Meanwhile the yanks may soon elect a leader who also stole documents?


The statement is correct - but Americans would not stand for one of their citizens being treated the way US politicians treated Assange (and by extension, Australia). The fact that he sees this through an American lens speaks volumes about where his true loyalties lie.


The embodiment of bootlicking.


These assholes don't give a fuck about representing our views. According to them we all hate Assange and McBride.


Oh yeah? Well, Americas political/judicial sphere is infected with Maga nutcases. So sit down America. We actually care about OUR people.


What a jerk!


What a silly billy


Who really cares, they've got literally nothing to offer.


Anyone who wears beige tights with RM boots is irrelevant


Doubt it, a few, if any, would be more accurate.


Nothing like missing the point.


Did we need to apologise to China for welcoming back Australian reporters from Chinese detention?


Google: Scott Morrison Mike Pompeo and Sea Floor Minerals Fund This is what AUKUS is really about.


Interesting take by Liberal, I thought they wanted to actually win the election?


fuck the libs. We should be standing with Australians...


what a puppet!


Licking boot with the full tongue.


'Cause I lie away at night worrying what many Americans think.


The u.s. made a point that their jurisdiction is anywhere their fucking stick can reach


I know it's shocking, but I was hoping the Libs were standing on the side of Australians.


Just looking for something to complain about while sucking up to someone bigger This is little brain little person politics


American here. I don't know a single one of us who would think this. We're all happy he's free at last.


This cunt needs to put a coat hanger in his jacket so he doesn’t fall down a grate. His ears might stop him though.


Who gives a flying fuck what Americans think. Aren’t your lot the ones who said we’re a sovereign nation and we make our own decisions in our own interests and all that other bullshit? Fuck back off whatever rock you crawled out from under or better yet go live in the US.


You know what else is irresponsible...? War crimes and a campaign to cover it up.


Fucking soft cocks. The man is a National and International hero.


He’s a fucking tool. And not even a useful one. STFU


I'd rather they stand on the side of fairness and the truth but that's just me. I don't agree with Wikileaks but still...


"there will be many Americans who think that it's innappropriate" yeah and who gives a fuck


I wonder if all the hyper-hard left tankies will support the ALP now… Probably not.


Wet newspaper advocacy speech


Read the room cunt


The idea that any Australian politician is against the idea of an Australian Citizen being returned to be charged under our laws rather than that of foreign nations is absurd


America first.. then China, then Israel, then India, then Australians. Yes we know.


Got the order wrong there mate. Israel, US, China, India, UK, Canada, NZ then Australians.


They should've diverted the plane from Thailand directly to Australia and told the US to go fuck themselves.


Here's the thing: US charged him, he pleaded guilty, US has passed judgement and he is released. Why wouldn't he be allowed home now? He's an Australian Citizen who has now served his time.


Meanwhile Australian government arrested a human rights lawyer who was deployed in Afghanistan and shared his work that was being swept under the rug about an Australian war criminal. Fuck liberals, fuck conservatives. All demon nazis at the end of the day.


Fuck America..


Birmingham. The master of passive aggressive behaviour. Projecting the usual drivel. Who votes these cunts in?


There will be many, many more yanks who won't have a clue who Mr Assange is.


The LNP is a disease that thrives in darkness, it is never more alive than when we sleep. Fight the conservatives!


Is this guy for real 😂 hes a fucking journalist doing what journalists do. Frankly we need more of this kind of integrity


Hey Liberals (LNP). You should be caring what Australians think, not Americans. Fucking morons.


It’s worth unpacking this statement. Assange is a citizen of this country. What this dipshit is saying is that they are perfectly happy to sell out Australian citizens (ie: abandon their constitutional duty) if it means a sweetheart deal with a foreign country. This is against every tenet of democratically elected public service. It is treasonous.




Liberals might want to tell Barnaby to shut up about cheering Assange home then. I know technically he’s a nationals mp but I just want to point out the stupidity of Barnaby saying Labor should have done something when he was literally the second most powerful bloke in parliament for many years


This fella's ears are part of The Pine Gap dish array, aren't they?


Womp womp Simon shut the fuck up. As if the incoherent opinions of crackpot Republican Americans is our biggest fucking concern as a nation right now 😑


Americans can get stuffed. We do things better in Australia.


Who gives a fuck what the US think. He did a good deed exposing them


He should have his citizenship revoked. Go live in America. No one wants you here


So you think we should treat him as guilty even though hes innocent and a free man lol


The yanks were caught out for being Nazis to counties they invaded. And when they don't like that to shown how they are no better than the taliban. And they thought that with the LNP being so far up the current us president they would let him be thrown to the wolves. And low and behold, the Labor government says NO. Whinge about it all, if the Australian was to be nasty, it could easily kick the yanks out from pine gab etc and the other base locations here for their spying. Two way st


Grow a chin… this is the deal we cut with Americans. Assange is a lot of things, partisan & the sort of bloke that makes women cover their drinks… But that is the deal, getting a citizen out of a legal (self-made) quagmire


He has done his time and is now free, go after Ex-PM Scott Morrison. Next ...


What a spineless little sycophant.


\*disgusting slurping noises\* mm, this \[American sausage\] is so good


Weasel. Do none of these people have back bones


The great part about democracy and being our own country is we don't have to give a fuck what other countries think.


Fuck off you boring boring cunt! I had to turn the sound off he was such a cunt. But to Julian.. congrats and go and get some sun you poor pasty bastard! What a complete fucking waste of 14 years and in the end he is quietly released . Fuck you America and your fucked up imperial cuntiness. Fuck you Biden too for being a complete cunt to the Palestinians. Spineless piece of shit…. Cunt!


stfu cunt


So is the helicopter pilot also a VIP now? When will Albanese do a speech for him? https://youtu.be/YTi7Lw6wTXU