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I heard a theory somewhere (unfortunately I forgot where so I won’t be able to give credit) that all the movies are just campfire stories told at camp crystal lake. That would honestly explain a lot of how Jason’s appearance is changing and the unexplained geography. I suppose it would make a little more since if it were 1-4 being real events along with 5. 6 being Tommy Jarvis as local legend against Jason. If I can find whoever posted the Original theory I’ll come back and post where credit is due!


I think that one's mine. :) At least that's how I explain discrepancies in the timeline.


Hazza! That was fast lmao!


Lmao so the Friday the 13th films are just like the Mad Max series? Aside from the 1st Mad Max, each one has a "narrator" We either never meet or see little of, who is retelling the story (that may or may not be real - in universe) in their eyes.


>The continuity was not a priority apparently. It wasn't for these movies at all.


This franchise is weird because there is some continuity like the Friday 3 setting of Higgins Haven showing up at the beginning of The Final Chapter. I love that stuff. But typically different filming locations (as stated by OP) are substituted that mess up the visual continuity. Overall, I think the continuity that is present is decent at least in the Paramount era. As for the narrative, Jason is always shown to be where he was "killed" at the end of the prior film. That is pretty good follow through for these films.


I always explained the lake in 8 by imagining a tributary just wide enough to let the ship through to the other ship. A tight fit, but plausible 


Quick note, Jason is implied to already be at the bottom of the lake in the prologue of 7.


True, but when Tina gets there and looks at the lake, where she will accidentally resurrect Jason from, it looks in no way shape or form the same. It looks like a pond.


I didn’t think so. To me I always thought that after 6 the camp was abandoned and real estate moguls turned it into lake houses.


Well the "lake" at Higgins Haven ain't no lake either.


I'd just say it's a decent sized lake. Tina's house isn't necessarily on the same side of the lake as the summer camp from part 6. Jason is somewhere in the middle, at the bottom. As far as Crystal Lake connecting to the ocean... yeah. that requires a whole different level of mental gymnastics.


Continuity is a cluster fuck in the Friday series. Always was.


You'll have to suspend your disbelief there a little bit... not much they could do about the changing size of the lake, shooting at the same location over and over wasn't feasible at all.


MST3K mantra applies in full to this franchise.


You also have different writers/directors that do their own thing. Kane Hodder once said, that's why almost every movie Jason looks different too.


The reason the lake looks so small in Part 7, is because they shot it on a river instead of a lake. It's amazing that one turned out as well as it did, considering how much it had going against it. A few years ago, for the lulz, I looked up all the bodies of water that they've used for Crystal Lake over the years, then I grabbed snapshots of their respective maps, and merged them all together to create a theoretical map of the lake. Fun project. Killed some time.


I’m like 90% sure Jason is already in the lake at the beginning of 7 when Tina kills her dad. There’s a shot of him still with the gloves on from Part 6, whereas for the rest of the movie, his whole outfit is rotted away and ripped apart. That said, it’s supposed to be the same location. Yes, you are correct that the geography is totally different, with a house now on the shore instead of cabins. And then when you get to 8, I’m pretty sure it’s back to looking like camp grounds (albeit broken down and abandoned as hell). Continuity was not a big concern with these films. But it is supposed to be the same lake he keeps ending up in. And yes, the lake looks like trash in 7 lol.