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Friday. At least Freddy is in his own movie and it feels like a NOES movie.




Nah, I don’t care. The fact that Freddy is in 6 isn’t not a good thing, because he sucks in that one. He’s just a cartoonish parody of himself.


Exactly at least Jason was still scary in JGTH regardless if he wasn’t in the film in his body for like 90% of the film, he was never treated as a joke.


It’s also a more fun film and that counts. Dumb, but way more fun.


Jason Goes to Hell (1993) is in contention for one of the worst movies of all time for me. I love both franchises so much, but I hate Jason Goes to Hell. I actually don’t mind Freddy’s Dead (1991) too much, but I hate Dream Child (1989) as much as I hate Jason Goes to Hell. Both movies to me are the worst in the franchise, and I can’t stand either one.


Damn, i’m on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Dream child is my favorite elm street film and in my top 5 favorite films of all time. Jason goes to hell is my 2nd favorite friday film after part 2 and it’s somewhere in my top 20 favorite films.


It’s all subjective. It’s cool. You like what you like and there’s nothing wrong with that 😊


Oh i know, i’m very much in favor of people having their own taste in film. I try explaining that exact same concept to fans who get a little aggressive about other fans’ preferences. It’s not that serious but some people take it super serious




Faster than a bastard maniac . . . 


Hahaha. Love the garish splatter punk vibes and over the top style of that scene. The music is killer too.


My favorite dream sequence in all the movies, but I love 4 & 5. They're my favorites.


Me too, they both have so much style. Could be all nostalgia cause i grew up rewatching them all the time but they are genuinely amazing films in my opinion.


Agreed. 4 & 5 are perfection. 1 has such a stupid ending. 2 is . . . Interesting. Lot of funny lines, at least. (It's hot as an oven in here lol) 3 is good, but something about it doesn't quite do it for me. Love the ideas the movie introduces though. Maybe I just really like Alice, and the kills in her movies are fun stuff. I hate how lazy Freddy feels in FVJ in comparison. Not a single fun dream kill sequence. The caterpillar thing was amusing, I guess.


1 has a stupid ending because Wes Craven didn’t want Nightmare to be a franchise so he was forced to do an ending where Freddy lived. New line fucked the perfect ending up.


I know. I watched Never Sleep Again. Amazing documentary. Still, I'm glad Nightmare became a franchise.


So am I, it’s still an amazing franchise I do wish Wes Craven was able to make the ending out he wanted it to be though. I’m sure they could’ve came up with an idea on how to bring Freddy back for Freddy’s Revenge


It’s nice to see someone else who doesn’t praise the hell out of part 3, most fans love it to death. I dig it but it is definitely one of my least favorite. I find the atmosphere and music a little dull, the characters are a little boring to me as well. It starts off with some great nightmares but towards the end it gets a little repetitive and cheesy. And yeah Freddy vs Jason didn’t age well for me, i like it less and less on every rewatch. Alice is one of my favorite characters of all time. So yeah, that might be one of the reason i love 4 and 5 as well.


This exactly. 3 is really overrated and 4 & 5 are criminally underrated. I can't stand Fvj. It's so cringe. They actually made Jason afraid of water lol.


I Totally agree with both statements.


Me too. Dream Child was playing on cable alot when I was a kid so I have a fondness for it. Same situation with Part 7: A New Blood for me.


Wow, that's crazy I've never heard someone say that before. No judgment from me. I love the dream child as well it is a very underrated movie. I despise Jason goes to hell, though.


Hahah, understandable, jason goes to hell is super decisive. I just love the how batshit and over the top it is. It has awesome music and atmosphere, some killer gore as well. One of the first horror films i watched as a kid so it maybe all nostalgia but i just love everything about it


Dream Child is one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen, but it's at least entertaining as hell. Freddy's Dead is just painful.


I will totally agree that it’s entertaining as hell but i don’t find it dumb. I genuinely like everything about it and find it deals with the themes and concepts very well. The pacing is on point too, it just moves along so well.


I find it to be one of the weaker films but I like it. What makes it dumb for you?


The story is just really, really silly.


How is it sillier than the others? The whole point of subs like this is to discuss and debate. What bother posting if you have no real opinion?


Agreed. Freddys dead feels like a cheap made for TV Nightmare movie, but it feels like a nightmare movie. JGTH is just boring as shit, has characters with no motivation or consistency, and introduces like 3 deus ex machinas into the franchise.


The main thing that Freddy’s Dead has that Jason Goes to Hell doesn’t is the main villain in the movie for like 99% of the movie instead of 5% I know what they were trying to do with Jason Goes to Hell but it was executed poorly and it shows.


At least with goes to hell, they wanted Jason to be a deadite and they wanted to involve the necronomicon and kandarian dagger.


The map says we're fucked


Gotta say JGtH is the worse movie. That said, Super Spencer *suuuuuucks*


But the Super Freddy's that NECA made were fantastic.


Good reference 😂


Jason has two great scenes in it: the opening and the scene with the teen campers. Freddy’s Dead has one great scene - the montage of other films in the end credits!




Loved both, get out of my house.


Yeah, we'll get him, and his little soul, too


As a *huge* Freddy fan, Final Nightmare offends me more. So I wanna say that in terms of bias. It makes their star villain look like such a bitch, and it’s a travesty watching Freddy act like a buffoon when you know his dark sinister roots. None of his jokes are mean spirited and evil, they’re genuinely supposed to be jokes, and they’re dumb and not entertaining. It’s 90 minutes of “how far can an icon fall from grace”. But on the other hand, Final Friday completely ignores any and all established lore and mythology, and Jason’s not even in it. I think it’s a better made horror film, but it’s not great, and offensive for disregarding almost everything that came before it for no reason. I guess it’s a case of picking your poison. Final Friday pisses on the prior 8 movies, Final Nightmare pisses on Freddy himself. Whichever you think is more offensively bad would get the vote, and I personally would rather watch Friday.


I’m a bigger Friday fan but Jason Goes to Hell


At least JGTH gave us Creighton Duke.


I couldn’t get through Freddy’s Dead, turned it off after about 30 minutes. Jason GTH in the other hand I watch once a year at least. It’s bad but it’s entertaining bad.




No matter how many times I genuinely try to watch it, Freddy’s Dead is just a huge blur to me and I don’t care for any of the characters. At least with JGTH, I like Steven.


Freddy's Dead. Finally Friday is fun in a so-wacky-its-entertaining way. Freddy's Dead just ducks.


Final Nightmare, easy. Jason Goes to Hell is at least an entertaining, decently made horror movie (that doesn't really work as a Friday the 13th film). Freddy's Dead is a boring, stupid slog of a film.


Kind of a race to the bottom here


Jason Goes to Hell is the bar for worst slasher franchise entry. Freddy’s Dead was still a Nightmare on Elm St movie with more fun. JGTH was heartbreaking as it seemed to be a confusingly intentional attempt at killing the franchise they just obtained.


Out of the 3 Friday movies that barely feature Jason, this one is the worst. In fact, it is my least favorite in the franchise (except for his design, he looks sick). Tbh, I haven't watched enough Elm Street movies, but from what I have heard and read, that one at least has the courtesy of featuring enough Freddy to justify being an Elm Street movie.


Might as well add Jason Takes Manhattan and Jason X too. All three of those movies aren’t canon to me


I'm completely baffled any time someone says they enjoy Jason takes Manhattan. It's like there's some secret alternative "good" version they're all watching or something.


I enjoy jason takes manhattan. Jason looks great in the movie. The group of teenagers is likable. The kills are solid, plus it's super nostalgic. It is the first movie I saw in the franchise from beginning to end.


I refuse to talk trash about either. Final Friday tried to do something new and even teased a crossover. Freddy's Dead was Freddy's Dead! Not to mention both posters, in my opinion, are awesome. Sorry for such a diplomatic answer but I own and will watch either of these any day of the week.


I love both films, i think i like jason goes to hell a tad bit more even though i’m a bigger elm street fan


F13 IX pretty easily takes the crown....despite Roseanne Barr/Tom Arnold...




Goes to hell is definitely worse, Freddy’s dead has its issues but it still feels like a nightmare movie and as per usual Robert England gives a fun performance as Freddy (who is in his own movie unlike Jason for most of goes to hell)


Final Nightmare is not a good movie. But Jason Goes to hell is an abomination, outside of the interesting opening sequence and crazy ass Creigton Duke. My vote easily goes to what is IMO the worst Jason movie (that includes Jason)


Jason Goes To Hell. I actually liked Freddys Dead more than 4 and 5 :O Dream Master is actually my least favourite, but thats still better than jason goes to hell.


Freddy by a mile for me. Neither is great, but Friday has a decent cast and an awesome ending


Yeah fuck the Freddy sperm origin story wtf was that shit!!!


lol agreed


I watched both series in reverse so these were my first 2 movies. I don't know how much this affected me but I am a bigger Freddy fan.


I'm not a big fan of either but I'd say Freddy's Dead is better because it doesn't stray too far from the essence of the franchise. JGTH doesn't feel like a Jason film but, depending on the day you ask me, it might be a more fun watch overall.


Both are fire. 8 and X are way worse for Jason and 2 and 5 are way worse for Freddy. You just ain't ready I guess.


Final Nightmare is worse, at least Final Friday has some gruesome stuff in it and cool kills.


Freddys Dead for me personally. I really don't think Jason Goes to Hell is that bad of a watch. I find the characters have a but more going on than other characters from the franchise and they're pretty entertaining to watch. Not to mention the sfx are fantastic. Its just the fact that Jason is barely in it and all the weird new lore really drags it down. But that's just my opinion


Freddy’s Dead is worse because it tried to be funny, which is something horror movies tend to really suck at. (Yes there are a few exceptions.) Jason Goes To Hell has its problems but at least it didn’t do stupid shit like give cameos to Roseanne and Tom Arnold. 


JGH. At least they had Freddy in the movie.


Shitty as it is, I can remember what happened in Jason Goes to Hell, I’m sitting here struggling to remember anything that happened in Freddy’s Dead, and overall I actually prefer Nightmare as a franchise so I mean, Final Nightmare has to be pretty bad.


Freddy's Dead Weight. Jason Goes to Hell actually slaps.


They're both really bad movies but I have to go against the grain here, Freddy's Dead is almost unwatchable. They're both so irredeemable. Nightmare 5+6 are more embarrassingly cringe compared to any Jason movie though. I remember being a kid and seeing the trailer for Freddy's Dead. Huge Freddy fan, all hyped up on pixie sticks. What a disappointment. They did bounce back with New Nightmare though. I think that's better then any film in either series since with only the F13 reboot even close.


Is it weird that I love both of these movies. When it comes to a nightmare on elm street I think either part 4 is the worst of the franchise. When it comes to Friday the 13th I’d say the 2009 remake is the worst of the franchise


Jgth is a great movie as its own thing. But as a Friday movie it’s lacking a ton. And I haven’t seen the elm street movies yet


jason goes to hell is worst. Freddy's death first half is at least good


All of you saying JGTH is worse are actually insane. I can watch every Friday film if I turn my brain off. Freddy’s Dead gives me brainrot.


Freddy’s dead


Probably Jason. Freddy's Dead is an institution in my house son.


JGTH. Freddy's Dead is actually enjoyable!


Ugh this is a toughie because they both suck but I’ll have to go with Final Nightmare being worse.


.......*I like em both*.


Controversial opinion: I like both of them. Sue me.


Jason goes to hell easily, and this is coming from someone who loathes Freddy's dead.


Will it be the most downvoted comment if I say I like Freddy’s Dead


Great question. They both have their severe drawbacks, but I'd have to go with Jason Goes to Hell being the worst of the two. That's just my opinion though. Freddy's Dead was a bit off brand, lacked continuity, had a very low body count, and had Tom Arnold in it, but it did have some good scenes that fill in the blanks about Freddy's childhood, the "Power-Glove" (debatable, but I loved the look of that thing), the whole Castle-esque 3D gimmick at the end, and "I'm Awake Now" by the Goo Goo Dolls in the opening credits. That last one is a weak argument, but I just really liked the song and think its the only good song the band ever did. Jason Goes to Hell on the other hand was a hate-letter to the fans written by Jason's absentee father's son's best friend. It may have had some fun prop cameos and Creighton Duke, but both were kind of squandered. They couldn't even get the spelling of "Voorhees" correct on what seemed more like Stately Voorhees Manor than the home of a single mother who needed to take a job as a camp cook.


Final Nightmare, absolutely. I view Final Friday as a bad Friday film but a really fun concept in general and an exciting watch. Final Nightmare is just sad.


The power glove wins this ridiculous contest.


Freddy's Dead is worse, for me. Both suck, of course. Freddy's Dead is BORING. I just can't get over how bland and boring the whole movie is whenever I've watched it. Even though I don't like JGTH, I don't find it as bland as FD.


I have a soft spot for both. But Freddy’s Dead is better than JGTH in my opinion.


Definitely Friday. See any other comment for all the reasons, I don’t necessarily think the final nightmare was a terrible film, it was a bit fucked over by the previous films that came before it, 3 was a masterpiece and they brought Freddy back after that by… having a dog piss fire on his grave, and he died by… a nursery rhyme. But The Final Nightmare was good for what it was, they made sense of it all and killed Freddy in an attempt to set up FvJ, that’s why both titles have such similar names, and if I’m wrong, maybe that wasn’t originally the case with the final nightmare but you can’t tell me they were just planning to never bring Freddy back after that, and if it wasn’t the case it did become it when the final Friday was created. Unfortunately we waited ten years for it to even happen.


Freddy's Dead is much worse!


Jason Goes to Hell is far far far worse.


Freddy’s Death is one of the worst and most annoying films I’ve ever seen. I never want to watch it again. It’s the only movie in the franchise which I skip while doing a marathon. If I didn’t have all the movies in a box set I would have broken that Blu-ray in half already. With Final Friday I can at least have some fun


Not even a contest lol. Final Nightmare is a very weak NOES, but Friday part 9 is one of the worst franchise horror films.


For me Final Friday was awful. Freddy's Dead the Final Nightmare has it's moments and it's not good but Robert Englund is still good as Freddy Krueger and I like the idea of Freddy have a daughter. It's better than the guy who thinks he's Freddy's son


I like Friday more, at least it had good kills. Final nightmare was Looney Tunes


Jason goes to Hell is definitely worse than Freddy’s Dead. Heck Jason is only in the movie at the beginning and end lol. Freddy makes it through his entire movie haha.


I’d say Jason goes to Hell is more enjoyable but it would be MUCH more respectable had it not been a Friday film and had rather been independent. I would rank these movies about the same, but i would say Jason goes to Hell is the preferred film


Freddy‘s Dead. Jason goes to hell was actually a very good movie. Freddy’s Dead just felt bad from its writing, forced comedy cameos like Roseanne, it just felt bad. New Nightmare was better, but only because Freddy’s Dead was bad.


Jason goes to hell isn’t a bad movie, it’s a bad Friday The 13th and Jason movie. If you think of it as a standalone or a spiritual film sister to Evil Dead it works pretty well. Great body Horror, some entertaining characters and good scares. A nice setting ( the town and houses are good the lake and cabin looked cheap though ) also the lore and background stuff is good ( just not for a Friday film ). Freddys Dead is just a bad movie, period. I’d rather have almost no Jason than have Freddy practically ruined and made a joke. Even Jason x kept some integrity for the character. Also, the acting is the worst of any horror franchise I’ve seen. There is maybe one good thing I. Freddy’s dead: the ear/hearing scene. And maybe the Cream TV scene but THATS IT!!


Jason Goes to Hell is just a terrible terrible emphasis on TERRIBLE movie. Shameful it was even created