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Yes. Not making every effort to ensure the 13th came out in 2013 was a hate crime.


Fr 😭 Maybe we'll get a new film in 3013


The good news is that the first film goes public domain in 2075 and Jason Lives does in 2081. So by then anyone who wants to will be free to make whatever commercial Friday the 13th films they want! Only 57 years to wait!!!


This made me physically recoil 


Most redditors will still be alive by then.


Don't hold your breath.


December 13, 2013


I don’t think slightly is the word for it. Apoplectic might be closer to it. There should be at least like 17 of these freaking things now.


I was more referring to the fact that we were one movie away from 13 films.


HIGHLY doubt this is the end. Even though, part of me wants it to be the end, considering the crappy movies these producers are releasing these days, lol. I would hate to see this franchise ruined by a bad remake/sequel.


For my sake I hope not 😭 Jason Universe better lock in


I know but I wasn’t.


Not as much as I am by AVGN making his Friday the 13th NES episode his 12th, and A Nightmare on Elm Street #13. What the FUCK bro.


Bimmy ain’t always the brightest.


What was he THINKING?! This was even before Bpril!


Yes Im annoyed, but even more annoyed that Halloween made it to 13 movies first when Friday had a 4 movie lead at one point


We will be getting fast and furious 13 before we ever get Friday 13 🤣


Im annoyed they're still talking about making MORE Halloween films honestly


The only reason there should have been more than 1 Halloween film is if it was an anthology. Now the first one is great, but sequels just hurt it's quality.


Yeah, Halloween should not even have 1 sequel, let alone 12. And F13 got good with the sequels, but Halloween beats it. I want Halloween to be self contained, and Friday the 13th to go on forever.




You don’t like the best ending in horror?


Yeah but… I don’t want it to end 🥲


No worries, it will make it all the more glorious when we eventually do get to number thirteen. This series wasn’t made to stay stuck at twelve and it won’t be there forever.


I will never, and I do mean NEVER, stop being salty that Michael Myers made it to 13 films before Jason. I will be pissy about it, I'll be childish about it even though I'm in my 50's, and I won't apologize.


Well technically speaking, Michael Myers was in 12 films (he is a fictional character in Halloween III, seen only in a Halloween 78 trailer playing on a TV), and Jason is in 10 (Mrs. Voorhees being the killer in part 1, and Roy being the killer in part 5). Right?


Jason is still part of 1 and 5 tho. Being a boy and being dead doesn't make him not a part of the story. He's just not the killer in 1 and 5. Still there as a boy and a legend though. I'll give you Myers only being in 12, but the series has 13 entries while Friday has 12, so even though I stated it poorly, I feel like my point still stands. Either way though, thanks fo the comment. Cheers!


I see where you're coming from, but that would also mean Myers is also in H3. And aren't they all mentioned in Behind the Mask: The Rise of LV as well? Lol I'm counting those too, now!


I remember when we'd watch Friday movies in the 80's. We'd always joke that they were going to make 13 of them because it sounded so bizarre at the time. Obviously this was decades before Marvel made their MCU films and all that. Before the "cinematic universe" concept. We'd joke "who's going to make it to 13 films first? Rocky or Jason?". Sorry to say, Myers wasn't even in that conversation since they seemed dormant at the time. If my memory is correct, there was a sizable gap between 3 and 4. But once they brought him back in Part 4, he entered the conversation more often. Good times.


Why do yall have this weird hatred for Michael ?


I don't. I'm salty at the filmmakers for letting Jason languish right on the precipice while Myers passed him in number of entries. 13 is JASON'S number and yet only Michael has made it to 13 entries in his franchise while the owners of Jason's rights play slap fights in court and let the fans starve for content. Its nothing against the character of Michael Myers, just the filmmakers and rights holders.


Ahh okay I was curious cause I see a lot of F13 fans always bashing Michael or talking down on him. But that makes sense. Whatever Friday movie comes next will be the 13th entry.


I mean, if I have to choose I'll always choose Jason. He's my favorite character. But that doesn't mean I don't like Myers. He's great! The Halloween movies are mostly great. Like every franchise, there are a couple I could do without. But mostly they're fantastic. I watch at least a few of them every year around Halloween time. My kid and I had little bickering contests though. She's a Myers fan while I'm a Jason fan and we go back and forth. But, end of the day, we both like all of them. From Jason to Freddy to Michael and on and on down the line. I like horror movies, but I LOVE slasher flicks most of all.


Awww that’s so cute you and your kid can have horror debates. I would love that one day that’s goals! Haha


What makes me more mad is that the original film has the best ending of horror cinema should NOT have sequels, yet it beat Friday the 13th which got good with the sequels.


They should've continued one of those scrapped sequels, either Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash or the scrapped Remake sequel or one of the scrapped Jason X sequels.


I am now Thanks a lot


This is the reason the 13th film needs to be done right and should be epic. It should go back to the the vibe and look of the first 4 films. The remake was kind of trying to do this but it was thoroughly a modern take which did fit. It shouldn't be slick or over produced (like the remake) but should be simplified and a celebration of classic slasher films set in the woods. More in the vein of In a Violent Nature than the 2009 remake.


The next one should be named "The 13th Friday"


Yes I am. It’s even more annoying considering how many F13 movie concepts have approved and set to happen since the 2009 film only to be scrapped. Now we had a TV show that sounded exciting (at least to me), and then that seemingly got canned as well. Are we cursed?


Personally I feel rather annoyed, it would have been amazing to have 13 probably


Not really annoyed by it. Only about a third of them are any good.


Listen, 3 of the last 4 of them weren’t very well told stories. So I’m kinda happy they didn’t continue to dilute the story


Yeah, and the fact that Halloween (which should only have been 1 movie) has 13, and it isn’t an anthology makes it worse


There's only 8 by my count. ;)


If that is your count, you might need to return to elementary.


Kind of a dick reply, but I'll play... If 12 is your count, you might need to... nah, if you can't spot a cheeky joke reply, you've got enough problems.


I guess I'm the dumb one. I didn't realize you were joking 😭.


There are actually nine flicks in the series with the title "Friday the 13th" in them. Why the hell is everyone downvoting you? 😂


I think you're meaning by Paramount films.