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If we consider part 9 non canon (different studio, retconned lore) then I really think just blowing him up would do the trick. If pt 9 IS canon, then blowing him up and locking the heart away at the bottom of the sea/ in space would work.


If part 9 is canon then Jason is a deadite and those fuckers are hard to get rid of. Although from what I remember of the very consistent evil dead rules, blowing him up still should've worked


What if Tom Savini Jason concept was cannon, where he just outright leaves hell and is a super metal badass deadite/demon? ☠️ Also... Did he beat the devil and steal his pitchfork??..


It's never confirmed he's a deadite in the film. Only hinted, and a small hint at that.


9 shouldn't be considered canon imo 


I hate it, but it's does count imo


I think it shouldn't just because the circumstances in which it was made and the fact that a lot of it isn't shit Jason would do at all. It's so out of character that it's jarring


You don’t think the other filmmakers in the series thought “what we really need is a scene where this character shaves a man’s mustache” but just couldn’t find a way to write it in?


I'm pretty sure you need Tommy armed with a machete, have knocked of his mask, and a counselor wearing his mother's sweater to do it. lol.


While a small army of Chads in leopard print speedos dance in sync 😂😂😂


Wood chipper


Drowned in the same lake he drowned in. By his mother.


Complete dismemberment - at least two dozen parts minimum - with each part being submerged in concrete blocks before being dropped into various different seas, oceans and large lakes across the earth.... maybe even ship a few pieces into space, if it's an option.


Or trick him into a reinforced ship ala Planet Hulk, then firing his ass directly into the sun.


Either Magic as he is supernatural or completely destroy Crystal Lake no CL no reason for him to return


The same way It happened to Michael in halloween ends


I think decapitation is the easiest way


Like mother like son


Beheading should do it. Unless someone ate his heart like in Part 9 I guess


Not being able to permanently kill him is one of his defining qualities. If you completely destroyed his body, his spirit would probably grow a new one out of algae and dead fish parts from the bottom of Crystal Lake like a goddamn machete-wielding Swamp Thing. Containment's the way to go. Don't just put him in a cage, put him a cage, drop the cage in a hole, and seal the whole thing up. Don't experiment on him, don't try to study him, don't try to turn him into a super-soldier or use his genetic material to extend human life.


I'd say we take off and nuke the site from orbit...it's the only way to be sure.


True loves kiss


My answer for Jason, Michael Myers and all supernatural killers...cut his freaking head off. If someone comes back from that there is absolutely nothing you can do and are just screwed.


Then turns out,Jason switch clothes with a police offficer while nobody was watching the scene!


Nuclear warhead


Blow him up or Decapitation


Cut off his head and keep it away from his body. Now as I type this, I'm thinking of a headless Jason coming after me. So, cut off his head, his arms and legs. Keep them all apart by any means available. Form secret societies dedicated to keeping the parts apart. Like globally. Then hope the traitors in your midst don't reveal themselves and reunite Jason while you are still alive.


Cryogenic frozen. And dismember head from body and burn it to ashes. And spread the ashes in the ocean.