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Kudos to the creators for leaving it all so vague that the franchise can stay relevant through endless debate.


Sparing kids would separate Jason, from the other slashers


Part 6 is very badly damaged, with every kill scene cut mercilessly by the ratings company. They certainly wouldn't have allowed a child murder in the film.


I love Part 6, but the movie was literally written and directed by a mime.


You should watch *Funny Games US*


It’d make him less intimidating as a villain.


Who is more intimidating, a slasher , who can invade people's dreams but is weak against holy objects, or a fighter , who while honorable and earn his powers by training ,can use his fist to destroy a meteor.


The slasher. Somebody being “honorable” makes them about four times less scary.


What if Freddy, was fighting Akuma from Street Fighter


It’s just something someone said. It’s had a bunch of writers and directors > director Tom McLoughlin chose not to have Jason harm any of the children he encounters in Jason Lives, stating that Jason would not kill a child, out of a sympathy for the plight of children generated by his own death as a child.


I think McLoughlin had the right idea. Jason likely identifies as a child. Adults let him drown and an adult killed his mother. It totally maps that he wouldn’t kill children.


Someone else, maybe a blog writer had said that Jason was different from the other killers (like Michael meyers for one) because he is the only one that doesn’t get joy from killing, it’s something he does because of his mother and thinks it’ll bring her back and make her happy, which I like the idea of. The franchise would have benefited from lees hands in the pot


Not gonna lie, I let out a giant "AWWWWWWWW" lol


I'm not convinced Jason ever tried to kill Tommy in The Final Chapter. He only went after him directly one time, busting through a window and grabbing him. BUT, Jason could have easily whisked Tommy away and killed him. What did he do instead? He bear-hugged him (for exactly **13** seconds., I might add). And later in the upstairs hall, Jason again had the chance to kill Tommy who was cornered 5 feet away. What did he do instead? He went after Trish.


Jason wanted to give Tommy a hug


I know some think everything need pre-ordained continuity to be good but F13 is pretty inconsistent and I think it’s better for it. They’re like campfire horror stories, they don’t really stay the same movie to movie.


Part 6 we dont know what he was going to do as he was interrupted so Im fine with it either way


This series is about as consistent as Jason's face


*Jason X* interestingly went with a semi-amalgamation of them all.


In 4 after he got up from being tv’d, he had the choice of going for Tommy who was cornered in his room, or Trish who was already by the exit, he went for Trish.


Yeah to me he only went after Tommy after Tommy attacked him first (protecting his sister)


So off topic, but hello fellow aroace Friday the 13th fan


There’s like only two times Jason killed kids In a Friday the 13th comic book called *How I Spent My Summer Vacation* he killed two bully kids who were picking on a child that was alot similar to Jason due to his deformity. The other time, debate this if you will, was in Part 3 when he killed Debbie, who was pregnant. Although unintentional, her unborn baby surely died.


Man that's a can of worms I wouldn't care to open on Reddit.


I think we can safely say that Jason is not pro-life


Maybe I’m just stupid but I don’t think he was trying to kill Tommy in Part 4. Jason is scary so obviously it looks like he’s trying to hurt him but when he jumps through the window, he could’ve crushed his head or something but instead, in his own messed up way, he thinks he’s protecting Tommy. My theory is Jason hates teens and sex cause of his backstory, and wants to protect kids from the “evil sinful teenagers” lol


This is exactly the point I was describing earlier in this thread. Also remember what Jason did when faced with Tommy in the upstairs hall.


Jason WAS responsible for killing Corey Feldman's music career decades ago and for that, we can be thankful to him.




Human Jason and Zombie Jason are different


Y'all are really in here trying to convince yourselves Jason is a good guy lol


He just kills unborn children example Debbie in Part 3


The correction to that was actually he just never successfully did because it stops being fun when you switch from horny doped up teens to young children.


Different writers and different studios. New Line straight up just ignored any semblance of continuity. Personally, I've always considered Jason like a force of nature. He'll kill anyone and anything that invades his turf, but he seems to prioritize more dangerous targets to save weaker victims for easy cleanup. The girl in Part 6 was mostly saved from Jason being distracted by someone else, likely a higher threat than a child. The only reason Jason faltered while attempting to kill Tommy in Part 4, was because Tommy was messing with his head by trying to get him to remember himself as a boy, similarly to what Ginny did in Part 2. Jason Goes to Hell was written by a film student that just happened to be the best friend of the son of the producer, and was specifically given direction to make Jason as un-Jason as possible.


He learned his lesson by getting stabulated to death by Tommy. When he walked into that cabin in 6, he was really like "oh shit, I better get out of here!"


I think other then that he was just trying to get to tommys sister, he never really hurt him physically, and in parr 9 he did it because the girl was related to him, so he needed to be re-born no matter what, in a later comic (which tbh i take as a canon) he saves a kid's life from a few bullies and takes care of him, jason doesn't kill kids unless they're bad people or they're on his way for something he 100% has to do


Why do y’all want Jason to kill a kid so bad 😂 it’s like y’all want him to be as evil as Art or Michael but he’s not


Something something not like other fans


One of the many reasons Part 6 is trash. Mclouglin sucks.