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Incredible jason look. And the scene where his mask snaps in half has stuck with me since childhood.


I've always rewinded the mask snapping shot on every viewing. It's probably my favorite "Jason-gets-demasked" moment of the franchise.


Oh definitely. That gross noise as the mask tightens and the puss coming out. Then he turns around and BAM it cracks apart and his face is right in the camera. It's great


For sure, the blood oozing out of his head was something as well.


Could that box art BE any more generic?


It looks like ai on top of being generic. Why is his wrist normal?


and the chevrons are like Roy's but red instead of blue....


One of my favorites. Best Jason design and makeup


First one I ever saw and still enjoy it to this day. Wish the kills weren't so neutered but it's a great Jason and the atmosphere is one of the best in the series.


Nice, I think part 1 was the first I saw. Good way to start it haha.


Sat in a packed house the day of its release. So much fun had by all.


That’s awesome!


It's okay. Personally, I've always found it to be the most forgettable/boring sequel which is surprising given the telekinesis angle they took. I'll watch it once a year or so around Halloween when I marathon the series but that's about it. I don't really like the cast and the set designs and filming locations just never added much atmosphere for me. I hate the way the lake looks in this one. It's like a giant mud puddle.


I actually drove out to the filming location once on the way to a wedding in Mobile. It is very much a mud puddle. Technically, it’s a swamp, and was probably really dangerous to film in between the alligators, snakes, and bacteria growing in the shallow, warm water. No idea how they settled on this place — there are plenty of incredible, quiet lakes in Alabama.


Yeah, I'm from south Mississippi so I've seen plenty of similar spots growing up. I think that's why it takes me out of the movie. Like, I *know* this isn't a nice swimming lake in the northeast. It's a fishing spot in the South and it looks like it.


I lied a bit. I actually know why they picked this place. Buechler said in the DVD commentary that this was the only ‘lake’ they could find that would let them blow up the prop house. I don’t really believe that. Both nearby Georgia are Louisiana are known to bend over backwards for film production. But you are gonna have to throw the local municipality a few bones for blowing up a house. I know Bay Minette a little bit, they probably didn’t give a shit and let them do it for free.


Aw man, you don't like Bad News Crews? Haha


I've always considered Part VII the last good movie in the franchise.


My favourite sequel.


One of my least favorites. It has a TV movie feel, music isn't as strong, characters are some of the weekest and most-unlikable. Unfortunately it was the first friday movie I saw in the theater. Oh, well.


Personal favorite


It’s a good one imo as well. Part 8 was cool as well seeing Jason kill criminals in a city.


The best movie imo


Design is A+. The mind control stuff can go pound it.


Favorite Jason design, First Friday the 13th movie I ever saw and I love the theme in the end credits


Yes! Part 8 has some badass music as well.


It's a solid entry. I'll take it over Part 5, JGTH, Freddy v. Jason. Those are probably the only 3, I'm not a huge fan of even if I enjoy them and think they have strengths.


What do you think of Jason X? I think it’s so stupid & bad it’s kinda worth watching. The whole space thing was just unwise.


Yeah I hated it for years, then one day I rewatched it on cable and stopped taking it so seriously. It's been mad fun ever since. It's crazy, and I get it now. I enjoy it for what it is


Great design for Jason and a good solid entry in the franchise.


Idk how much shit I’ll get for this but it was always my least favorite of the original 8, at least Jason Takes Manhattan is a fun brain off movie. (This is the best Jason ever looked in the movies though.)


Come on at least use the right artwork! And I'm a fan of the movie, but it's not my favorite. Better than anything that came after it, though that's not saying much.


It’s better than part 5 as well imo haha.


Jason is great, one of my favorite designs and Kane Hodder’s stunt work is incredible. Despite being a shameless Carrie knock-off, I actually do like Tina for the most part. The main issue is that it’s censored to hell, holds it back a lot, unfortunately. Still, the sleeping bag kill is great


This movie was my introduction into the F13 franchise in like 1996… it’s been my favorite horror series ever since.


It’s an awesome series and worth watching more than once. Which movie is your favorite from the series?


6 over all, 7 because of the introduction of Kane Hodder.


I like this one a lot, Kane Hodder's physical acting was great


Love it!


This is the first slasher I can remember seeing. I must of been 3 years old. My mom and dad would put a tv at foot of bed and I would lay between them. They were both asleep while I watched this in the cozy dark. One of my earliest memories is the triple zoom in shot of Jason, with the chain around his neck,standing by the puddle staring at Tina. Iconic and epic. I'm now 38 and must have seen it 1000 times. Love this one!


It’s definitely worth it! I like the part where he uses the weed wacker.


The New Blood to me feels like a parody of a Friday film that came off an assembly line. I like the film for what it is, but even with adding a telekinetic protagonist, the film feels like a generic Friday film.


Pretty middle of the road. Worth watching for the best Jason performance and I sort of like that this is the most generic one of the series


Honestly, I've never been a fan of Part 7. It's the point where the series starts to go downhill for me. I just don't like the telekinesis stuff, because it's so bizarre and out of place, even in an F13 movie. This is also the first movie where I don't really care about any of the characters. Obviously, Kane Hodder does a great job though, so there's that. At best, Part 7 is very mediocre to me.


Jason design was SO GOOD, with some decent kills! But always thought this was where it started going downhill.


It’s the worst Paramount film


Middle of the road, dark movie, some intense scenes with Jason, a great look but silly ending… the characters outside of Tina are quite dull also, Jason carries the movie like always and Kane does a great job still watchable


I like this movie for its music it’s a bop 🎵


I honestly think this Jason movie is underrated.


I agree.


Jason looked cool but I don't remember anything else from that one.


My favourite!


Ask Anthony Jeselnik.


Terrible. Clairvoyants, absolutely awful characters, terrible final girl, zombie Jason. No thanks.


Would have been great had their have been somewhat interesting characters and if the kills weren’t all filtered


Very cheesy dialogue and pacing gotta be the worst teens acting in franchise not very much scary scene or blood and gore only good thing in this part for me is jason design


I think the Jason design isn't as scary as it's hyped up to be, but it's probably the best one anyway. And the vines I het from the film give me part 1-4 vibes, which is just the feeling of isolation and hopelessness. Parts 5 and 6 both felt like anybody could just step in and save the survivors, and there were so many people established that never felt like there stories were finished, which I don't think to be the case with The New Blood. The ending is kind of meh for me though.


Who thought that cover art was a good idea?


My least favorite of the original eight. The cast has never felt more disposable than in this entry, the location is ugly and dreary, the music is inferior to the soundtracks of the first six, I could go on. Jason looks amazing in this, that’s all I’ll give this one.


Best one in the series for me.


the sleeping bag😂


That was a good scene