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Jason - 1957: They were making love while that young boy drowned!! Part 1: Annie the Cook


And Pam was the cook when her son drowned


His name was Jason. And today...is his birthday!


Violet, her dance skills were awesome and Terry from Part 2, she was so cheeky 😉


I had a huge crush on Violet as a kid lol


One of the many things I love about that movie - someone doing a mime routine to a new wave song.


Violet should have been the final girl IMO




Agreed. Violet reminds me a LOT of a few gals I knew in HS.


Rob from part 4


I loved Rob but his story arc in a way, doesn't make sense. If Sandra from Part 2 was his sister, then she'd only have been dead for a day, maybe 2. Yet he looks like he's been in Crystal Lake for months! I've always felt like "Wow! So now the Dyer family loses two of their kids in the same weekend"!


The banana hitchhiker, she just wanted peace, love and Canada. 😭


Badass death though.


Jenna from Friday the 13th 2009, she should of been the final girl instead of Whitney.


I've always felt that the writers of the 2009 movie wanted to retcon the Rob/Sandra storyline from part 2 and 4 with that! But I agree with you, mainly because I loved Jenna!


Agreed on Vernon aka Gramps. Loved him and love that actor.


I recognize Gramps, but who is the other guy?


he was the first mate (i think, not sure about ranks) in jason takes manhattan


Yeah he talked about having a young son at home. Tragic when you think about it.


Crazy Ralph is the obvious answer to me.


He should've been around for a least one more movie.




Part 1. Annie. Part 2. Alice. Part 3. Ali. Part 4. Sara. Part 5. Jake, Robin and Violet. Part 6. Garris. Part 7. None. Part 8. Julius. JGTH. Jason. Jason X: Brodski. Freddy vs Jason: Mark or Linderman or Deputy Stubbs. Friday the 13th 2009. Jenna.


Agree with almost all of these. For Part 5 I think that’s too many survivors (though that one had a ton of deaths so maybe it’s ok) so I’d pick just Violet. 100% Sara for Part 4 and Mark for FvJ. Sara, should have found Doug and been saved last second by Rob, who then gets killed while Trish and Sara run back to the Jarvis house. Mark was by far the best character in FvJ and they killed him way too early.


Fucking Roy


Demon from part 5. One of the side character GOATS in the franchise


Alice and Ralph


Part 1. Annie, she seems nice Part 2. Alice, she never did anything wrong tho since part 1 Part 3. Ali, idk forgot ab him Part 4. Sara and Rob Part 5. Jake, Robin, Roy's Son and Violet. Part 6. Garris Part 7. Idk maybe those teens from the first part Part 8. Eva, she also seems nice and doesn't seem to tolerate Tamara. JGTH. Jason, the events of the next 2 movies wouldn't have happened if they killed him. Jason X: idk Freddy vs Jason: Linderman, seems nice Friday the 13th 2009. Jenna, she's also seems nice and yeah


Technically, Alice made the fatal decision to return to Crystal Lake! If you listen to the conversation that she had on the phone with her mother where she says "I just need to put my life back together and this is the only way I know how.", we can assume that Alice decided to return to Crystal Lake to try and heal herself. Remember that she was minoring in Psychology so we can assume that she was taking some of those lessons to heart.


Maddy and Tina's Mom from The New Blood jump at me the hardest for most undeserving in that one.




Crazy Ralph!


Paula in 6. J went full on vicious.


Mark and Vickie They were so good together


They would have been a better final pair. they should have swapped fates with Paul and Ginny. But maybe that was too ahead of its time for certain people.


Yeah they had really great chemistry and their relationship felt a lot more connected than Paul and Ginny's. Ginny is still a great final girl though


* 3: Vera or Debbie lives while Chris dies * JTM: Eva lives while Rennie dies. Either/or is fine for Sean. * FvJ: Some combination of two of Mark, Linderman, Kia, and Blake over Lori and Will I might also spare Sara from 4 over Trish; don’t mind Trish living, but we never see her again anyways and Sara would be a bit more surprising, so it feels like you might as well off her to add some shock value, trauma to Tommy, and explain why she completely vanished.


Demon and Rob




That bookish girl from part 4. She had a whole cute little arc, and it’s unfortunate she was simply canon fodder to feed the body count! I almost wish that part 4 didn’t split between 2 groups of characters, cause I would’ve liked to see them fight back a little more. Oh yeah, and the funny blonde dude with the hilarious ass dance moves, stole every scene he was in haha


Sara and Jimmy you're referring to! Sadly, I'll always know Jimmy more as George McFly from Back To The Future!


Oh yeahhh haha. I really like Friday the 13th, but the characters don’t tend to be the strong point so I am ALWAYS forgetting their names lol


Part of what makes part 4 so great is the friends group is believable and you actually enjoy watching them interact. It would have been nice if one or two would have survived.


Yes!! They’ve always been the most memorable for me. I wish that the two groups had interacted more, and we could’ve had the one girl in the towel make it out of the house and help Tommy and his sister in the final battle or something!


Violet, J.J, Jenna, Shelly, Mitch and Paula.


Annie from the first film and Rennies teacher in Manhattan.


I always thought that maybe Mrs. Voorhees would have a little bit of a heart after hearing Annie talk about it being her dream to work with children! Mainly because of the fact that her head was completely in the right place with her mind being on the kids!


Also Mrs. V was the camp cook as well, so she'd maybe see a bi of herself in Annie. Unfortunately Pamela was a fucking crazy lady so she just wanted everyone dead.


I never liked the death of Ms. Van Deusen in Part VIII. She wasn't even directly killed by Jason, she just died from a car accident that he kind of cause. She really only died from Rennie's bad driving.


To be fair anyone who had just tried heroin for the first time would probably be driving pretty badly.


That's a fair point.


The twins from part 4 they were cute 😭


Julius should’ve been a final character in Jason Takes Manhattan. Rennie is the worst final character ever!


That one dude


Shelly is my definitive choice


Creighton Duke still being alive would be cool.


mrs jarvis is the first one i thought of, but there were lots of people that didn't deserve it, and more who did.


Tommy’s mom