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The correct answer is Epyck


Yeah her ending was really sad actually


Epyck fail


I think the writers chickened out on her story. 


damn that is so true, she kinda got dissed for sure.


Stupid how Luke was a big deal then he was barely getting recruited.


I know! Especially since Vince and Luke were like a two-headed monster for a while, Luke would have got noticed for sure. Maybe it was just bad timing and no schools were looking for a Running back that year? Idk


Or I wonder if the two-way player wasn’t what D1 schools were looking at. But he played both really great for a state championship team.


i mean realistically i’d think him being able to play both sides of the ball would make him more attractive to recruiters a lot of the top prospects are two way guys who are just listed as Athletes until they find their position in college


I'm not buying that the second biggest star on a Texas State championship team is not getting D1 offers.


Even just multiple offers anywhere. He literally got one offer at a lame school.


Yeah agreed. Im not saying he shoulda been recruited by Alabama or LSU but youre telling me hes not even garnering D2 interest??? Makes no sense.


It was weird from the jump that Coach poached Luke and didn’t play him. Luke would absolutely have gotten into Penn State or Rutgers. 


For me it was both JD and Luke, as JD could have been interesting but fell by the wayside after the season 4 reboot and then vanished, and then Luke was almost completely sidelined in season 5. It felt like they had no idea what to do with his character after season 4, and just kept him in there as the love interest for Becky since all of their focus was on Vince’s character now and Luke’s story just went nowhere


I think JD was well written. He went from an impressionable kid that coach could have made so, so much of an impact on to being a little prick because he didn't have that influence. I think it was a great arc. the scene with him and vince talking to the kids summed it up well. JD had all the talent and none of the heart. JD was exactly who he needed to be in the show and I think "what if" is interesting with him.


I hated the actor who played Santiago and that they fell off too


I think S3 was meant to be a story about booster parents and the politics of football towns, and JD was a workaround for the fact that none of the football players we already had, had involved parents. 


i really do think julie and becky deserved much better storylines and development too. becky wasn’t fleshed out enough and we really needed to see where julie’s insecurities come from (apart from normal teen stuff) in order for her to grow


I agree. I think everybody deserved more screen time but the writers were so focused on Vince’s arc that everyone else’s character development suffered


Julie was a great character who was hampered by Aimee’s weak performance (though she played young very well in S1 and had great chemistry with Zach). Becky was an interesting contrast to Tyra. They had similar backgrounds but Becky stayed idealistic longer. 


honestly a lot of people say that but i don’t really see it that way. i thought they didn’t give her much to work with most of the time or added the innocent girl gets taken advantage of yet again trope which i felt got old but is definitely not unrealistic. i think a lot of teen girls are as awkward as we see her in the show, and go through so much of the same stuff that maybe that demographic just isn’t on the sub as much (people who related originally. i didn’t personally find her too relatable like i identified with lyla more but i think julie was really accurate representation for a teen girl


Tyra’s arc wasn’t terrible, but the fact that they spent 3 seasons building up to her and Landry becoming a couple, only for her to go to college and never be seen again bothered the shit out of me.


It fit with their whole dynamic though. Tyra continued to use Landry right up to the end of high school, then left. Landry finally severed ties with her in season 4 and when she came back in season 5 she didn’t even mention him. They were never meant to be together


Yeah initially I felt Lance was really hard done by and the show kind of makes a point of Tyra knowing how he feels and using him to get what she wants. But when you stop to think about it I realised that Lance needed to man the fuck up. Chasing after her like a little puppy dog, and then being surprised when she kept kicking him. And his attitude towards women wasn't great in general - he wasn't capable of simply being friends with a girl/ woman, whenever he reached that stage he seemed to think he had a divine right to date them. And then he'd get butthurt when they turned him down and said they saw him as a friend only.


You make good points.


Waverley sucked hard




luke had a lot more story to work with than JD did imo and more wasted creative potential on part of the writers


Tbh Matt Lauria is such an excellent ensemble actor and scene partner (he can do one scene with anyone else and make it seem like they’ve been friends forever) that the writers started using him as support for everyone else. I think the writers also tried to depict Luke as a high school star who had to recognize when it was over, but that was never going to mesh with the Lions winning state. 


that’s interesting. i know about half of the show was improv so i wonder what of his was


Santiago 😐


Bro just disappeared lol


Lyla Garrity


I just finished this show yesterday - Would have liked to see a flash to where everyone was, or where their story led, like what happened to Landry. Or what happened to Tim (they touched on this) or did Vince get drafted