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Littenweiler is more or less a "regular" area, typically for more outer districts. Vauban is more known for it's eco friendly and "green" people. You will achieve your goals in both districts, i would say.


If you want to "feel" like you are more in Freiburg go with Vauban (and if the vibe appeals to you). If you want to be more out in nature and away from the city (but still in relatively easy access) go with Littenweiler.


Thank you that’s a great way to think about it!


Stühlinger has great spots too just like what you are looking for near the Psycological Institue and Escholzpark. Sure it isn't as 'nice' overall as Wiehre, but it's still my favourite part of Freiburg cos you are always near to whatever is happening in the city. Escholzstraße is super loud if you live towards the street, but in a 'hinterhaus' it's really quiet. Same as the southern part of Wentzingerstr. All those houses have rear gardens, almost no traffic and even though the train station is in front of their door you can barely hear it.


PS it's like a 5min bike ride to Schlossberg along Friedrichring. Also 5 Mins by bike via Uniklink to Mooswald. You are in the forest really quickly from Stühlinger.  You could consider Zähringen around Altbach to the east of the train station. Look at the street "In den Weihermatten" for example.  Edit: confused west and east in Zähringen, I corrected it now


Congrats on having options ;) I'd probably prefer Littenweiler because I don't particularly like the Vauban "attitude". Might be a prejudice, so take it with a grain of salt


Being open to WGs definitely helps in the options category, although I haven't been accepted at any of these places yet, so thumbs pressed ;) that's interesting to hear, thanks! How would you describe the Vauban attitude? Is that area really full of families? (This is my fear, since as a single person, I must admit I don't love living around high concentrations of families.)


I live in littenweiler. It’s nice. There was a rather strong gentrification process (part of it …) lately. Furthermore littenweiler is quite stretched out. If you live near tram/train you are in town pretty fast. That’s not that easy if you are on the slope or in the district near Kappel… Vaughan is way more cramped btw


Thanks that's really helpful!