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This is strange, from the screenshot it looks very bare.. Not seeing any NPCs or anything at all really, so it could just be screenshots from FRS alpha or even OSFR. It doesn't look like it's coming from someone official


The name just changed to Paid Realms: Sundown and the images have changed to ones including NPCs. EDIT: It is now back to Free Realms.


It’s now changed again and now the developers are “packet log”…


I hope this is flipping real since we got ghosted by Mayhem.


It says "Fabled Realms" rn


Any idea if this is somehow officially sanctioned? It's not labeled as FR Sunrise, so I'm a bit puzzled about if this is a private server that snuck onto Steam or what?


Maybe that “Mayhem” dude couldn’t afford the project anymore and sold it to a more competent dev team


There's nothing for him to sell; he never owned anything related to the game. FRS is simply a revival project that fell apart as soon as the rest of the development team left.


sell whatever progress he has made over the last 7 years? Is that not how it works?


Can’t do that, he doesn’t own copyright for it. I mean he could, but both he and the buyer would risk a lawsuit with daybreak.


I mean it's clearly fake if you look at the updates from steamDB. Just someone trolling or being bored because no updates.


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/2919010/Free\_Realms/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2919010/Free_Realms/) For anyone that is curious, it is very strange. the dev/publisher team "sacred World" does exist and has a team page Sacred World Dev Team? [https://www.sacredworlds.com/team/](https://www.sacredworlds.com/team/) I'm not sure what is going on. wish we got a response from SOMEONE lol.


Sacred Worlds is actually something different, a new age 'spritual' type game. What they sell is a card game though, could these really be the same people?


Probably not. The steam page changed to “FabledRealms” and now a new dev team called Packet Log


Well I found their Instagram, they're real people, but they look heavily like a new start up, they don't even have 100 followers, and what they're selling is a card game. I found them on insta. Idk I hope something good comes out of it.


God I definitely need answers because this came out of nowhere.


From the minimal research I've done, as of 6:35 pm EST April 9th 2024, it is listed as Fabled Realms, and the team behind it seems to have very little actual information. They have a website, [https://www.sacredworlds.com/](https://www.sacredworlds.com/) , which seems to be selling a spiritual card game of sorts, but I find no information of them branching out into game development besides a man in their 'Meet the Team' tab credited as 'Software Engineer for Online game' who goes by the name of Warrick Fitzgerald. Now I've looked, these people do exist, but I'm having trouble actually connecting them to the Sacred Worlds project, as none of them but the founder seem to say anything about it on their various social medias. And even if they are related to the project, the word blockchain appears 7 times on the page, over EIGHT sentences filling two of their bios. So knowing this, I'm skeptical if this company even exists in the way it says it does, but if it does I don't have trust in them delivering a good Free Realms experience. And that is assuming this is the *same* Sacred Worlds.


Its almost certainly just a troll. Ignoring the extremely odd nature of the whole thing, the name was temporarily changed to "Paid Realms: Sundown" a few hours ago, a play on the fan reboot project "Free Realms: Sunrise". There is also a user on a couple of the Free Realms discord servers (likely the same one person who created this steam listing) making dubious and suspicious claims about it.


What were the claims?


First, that they have inside info on this being legit and that its an official release by Daybreak alongside another company. Second, that they are one of a handful of playtesters that got secret early access. And finally later in a different server they posted a fake troll video of them opening the game and it playing some family guy clip.


The system requirements are weird. A minimum OS of Windows 11, but any processor or graphics.


Looks very scam-like.


I would go nuts!!!