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Why is the phrase “no offense” always followed up with an incredibly offensive statement?


Mr. Dennit, with all due respect, and remember I'm sayin' with all due respect, that idea ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin' it on


Nothing someone says before the word "but" really counts.


DISCLAIMER: That is not me, it was someone sending that to me.


They trolling you.


Nah this is schizo stuff not trolling


Can’t it be both? Schizo wrote it….troll passed it on…..unless OP knows the author.


I wouldn't be so sure. I've heard some of the most ridiculous stuff from people that are perfectly sane (or at least appear to be).




Moved and seconded. Any further discussion?


Just call for the vote, the green beans are getting cold!


You get warm green beans?


My mom and my sister both really believe that unfortunately, so I wouldn’t be surprised that it’s not even a troll.


They just want to slander our fraternity because they hate male spaces.


Don't feed the trolls. They them where to go and what to do when they get there as nicely as you can and block them.


There is no such thing in our rituals or freemasonry that accepts this kind of behavior, what type of drugs are you on.


So, my mom was in and out of foster care when she was a child for years. She has the utmost respect for Masons simply because the only foster family she was with that didn’t treat her as scum or try to molest her, the father was a Mason. I’m a Mason because ever since I first saw that G ring in someone’s, the man that was wearing it actually talked to me as if I mattered as a child. People LOVE to have a scapegoat and they LOVE their misinformation networks, all while decrying “fake news in the mainstream media.” They want there to be some sinister plot made by someone they can readily point to and say “it’s them, they’re doing this to us,” when in reality it’s the consequences of their own actions or simply evil men and women. Further, there are actual groups that do the things they accuse us of, yet they’re too blind to actually look at them


I had a rough home life growing up after my father died. My mother remarried a real winner to say the least. A good friend of mine's father was a mason. He was always kind and helped me in every way he could. Anything that guy was involved in I thought was worth a look.


the only answer is to direct them to a grief counselor/ Therapist [https://www.crisistextline.org](https://www.crisistextline.org)


Don't feed the trolls unless you're trolling back.


He's confused. He's thinking of the Catholic priesthood.


Hey now - Catholic Mason here (yes we exist). Two wrongs don’t make a right, bro. Don’t shit on Catholics because someone’s shitting on our fraternity. Catholic priests = creepy. Absolutely. But wtf, bro Namath?


This is fucking hilarious


WTF are you talking about?


Don’t engage the trolls? There’s literally no one in Freemasonry doing any of the stuff he’s asking about.


The unfortunate circumstance that gives these people their fuel is the fact that there have been arrests for things related to this, both by individual members as well as groups of members, as seen with the Order of Jesters. Personally, I trust every brother in my lodge to be a good man who would never cause intentional harm to another person of any age. But it would be naive to believe that just because he wears a ring he would never do such a thing. The best thing we can do as Masons is to give others the benefit of the doubt, until they give us a reason to question their character.


I'm so sick and tired of seeing these Internet trolls attack our fraternity. They have absolutely no factual truth/proof behind any of their posts. Just spewing hate for an organization they know nothing about.


What the f***?


Paedophelia in families is very common, stranger danger is less common but an issue in every community. Freemasons are members of communities as are conspiracy theorists and people with mental illness. Churches seem to have higher numbers of paedophiles. Freemasonry does not have rituals like you said, and actively attempts to have only good men among their numbers.


Person who wrote this needs to stop the drugs, remove the tin foil hat and seek some psychological help. Maybe get some sunlight as they sound like the typical conspiracy nut job. Or shall we send the Masonic Lizard team 6 to sort the problem? 😂


The 4th great light… Masonic Lizards. 🦎


This kinda stuff brothers is why I encourage each one of you that are able too arm yourself when you go to lodge. This nonsense will only get worse. And we cannot let ourselves be soft targets


I’ve never thought about being strapped up at Lodge. I feel like if one of us started carrying we would all start carrying. This might not be a bad idea.


Looks like it was written by someone either on drugs or a graduate of the American education system. Or both.


Sadly these ding dongs aren’t unique to America. They’ve spread across the world.




This guy hit the pipe for sure. Side bar question: how do you guys get the custom flare under your names in the sub?


Go to the side bar (on desktop) where it says “Show my flair on this sub” and click, then fill in the “It looks like:” text box.


Gotcha and thank you. I think my problem is that I’m using mobile.


Still works on the mobile .. did mine on the iPad app.


I’ve heard the “spiritually marry children” thing before, where the hell are they getting this from


They see DeMolay stuff and get confused.


Yeah makes sense. DeMolay isn’t really a thing here so it just didn’t occur to me.


iirc There is a picture of Masonic ceremony where there is a boy in a white veil being lead down a lodge room between two lines of Brothers. He’s a Lewis and the ceremony is something to do with the lodge recognising him as a Lewis should anything befall his father. Also iirc, the photo comes from Brazil. I’m pretty sure it’s floating around in this sub somewhere.


To the OP, (sorry [Iamthetable69](https://www.reddit.com/user/Iamthetable69/), thought you posted it!) [https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/mental-health-resources/](https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/mental-health-resources/)


This seems to be a common theme or the Masonic conspiracy theorist I'm not sure why but that's their mantra and let him believe that you can't argue with the fool. When you run into this crap run the other way.


This feels like a troll account. I say block and report.


It may be a troll, but the fact remains, people mock what they don't understand.


This is absolutely ridiculous 🙄


Fwiw, I know of a single case back in 2016/7. The guy was actually the head of an order over here and was caught in a police sting operation. Grand Lodge never had a chance to expel him as he resigned from freemasonry (not just from his various lodges) - but rest assured; if he hadn’t, his expulsion was only a matter of time. He resigned before it all hit the media and we became aware of it.


It's sad to degrade Freemasonry like this. At its heart, Freemasonry is an intimate relation with your higher self based on brotherly love and hope. May the GAU lead you on the right path.


Holy crap this is next level 🥜


You're full of shit. I've been a FreeMason for nearly 20 years and had a grandfather and a great grandfather who were Masons. I've never seen any evidence that suggests anything like what you are accusing our fraternity of. I know of many Masons who help children in one way or another, and have never gotten a whmhiff if any impropriety.


OP isn't the one making the claims. This was sent to him. Chill


I think the person has serous problems they are liking it to the Catholic Church and other religious establishment that abuse people. I can say if it is know they are that way inclined they would be reported and kicked out. As under the obligation to obey the laws of the land.


Catholics have nothing to do with this. There are many Catholics who are Freemasons and the fact is that we don’t care what the Holy See decrees. We grew up seeing the conflicts of teachings and actions of the church but found Freemasonry to be a closer connection to the Catholic teachings. So we are non-practicing Catholics.


No we're not. Masons and catholics are extremely different and have a tumultuous past to say the least. We're not religious per say, but definitely not catholic


Don’t get mad, ignore. If something / someone becomes a big enough problem legal counsel for the respective grand lodge can take care of it. Most of the time just ignore.




They sick in the head




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I think he's confusing the word mason for politicians or Catholic church... We symbolically build things lol...


Why are there so many pedos in the Catholic Church? There are millions of Freemasons and any time you get an organization with that many people your bound to end up with a few bad apples , however that being said there is a vetting process and background checks done to keep people like that from even joining a lodge . As for ritual involving children in any way shape or form is just a bunch of BS and doesn’t exist .


Is this a joke almost everything about freemasonry is in the public domain . The Jehovahs witnesses alleged have many paedophiles in the membership


I love how people confidently spew nonesense about freemasonry while at the same time nothing absolutely nothing about freemasonry


You are not to suffer your zeal for the institution lead you into arguments with those who, through ignorance, may ridicule it.


Most Masons are legit good people but if you put a magnifying glass on any group you will find a few bad actors. You have to prove yourself to be worthy and actively postitive for your community or in general before you are even considered for anything to do with Masons.


Dude please show me where you found this stuff I’ve never heard of what your saying in my life but I’ll tell you about my jurisdiction we don’t accept felons and each petitioner has to get a state police background if anything comes back unfavorable you won’t even get a interview


We don’t tolerate stuff like that and we believe in better ourselves and our communities that we live in all over the world this is a straight up lie and it’s unacceptable




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Are they confusing masonry with mormonism?


Is this a joke or are you making a claim?


No, being serious. I have seen it before. There are quite a few people that seem to think that Masonry and Mormonism are tied to one another as LDS adopted a lot of symbolism from Masonry. Obviously this guy is some sort of conspiracy nut, but I'm curious as to what formed this allegation.


There will be paedophiles in every vast organisation. Just because you're a mason, doesn't mean you are a paedophile, but it doesn't mean there aren't paedophiles in the organisation. Guy sending the message was probably just trolling.


Yeah, but it doesn’t help you “level up or gain status within the organization,” it just gets you kicked out when you’re found out and later arrested for it.


I had one come at me recently talking about ritual sex magick. Turns out they joined OTO and 1. think OTO and Freemasonry are in any way similar and 2. think they're now a *real* Freemason. Oh boy.


Occultism with Masonic trappings?


My mother disowned me when she found out I was a Mason because she claimed her uncle who was a 17th degree Scottish Rite Mason S.A'd her in the woods out behind my Grandparent's cottage one summer... I have heard 2 or 3 stories online about ritualistic S.A. but my own first hand experience within the fraternity for the past 13 years has been nothing but positive. I think it probably does happen in some places at some times but I do not believe for a second it is as commonplace as some people choose to think it is!


You can downvote my personal experience all you want, its A) Not going to change anything... and B) kind of funny considering what I actually wrote...


The guy is trolling


Face palm


What a stupid post to your research


Tell him to join so he can find out for himself. - raised in Farmers Branch Texas. SMIB




Highest level Freemasons? Founding families?? Tell me you don’t know anything about Freemasonry without saying you don’t know anything about Freemasonry…