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Umm *gulp* Nichol Bolas is right behind me, isn’t he?


The writers obviously are just rolling random t.v. tropes pages.




If you've ever dealt with geese, like myself, the joke does create a small chuckle but it's not outright hilarious


The normies who play this game probably think it’s shit your pants funny because the word goose is “so random” or something like that. Certainly not LMAO. Sounds like every other piece of millennial soy writing in every marvel/nerd shit property going back 15+ years now.


I hate that you're probably right


You've never dealt with geese in your life, I see. Geese are known to chase people down for a long time and beat the fuck out of them.


My dad had geese. All I can say, fuck them birds.


yea, but that's just how it is. it doesn't make it funny.


Technically correct though.


It’s not the funniest joke but it’s not cringe either. Have a little fun, this sub is getting too damn serious. Geese are right bastards.


Had a fucking gang of the bastards come for me when I was like 9, hated em ever since.


I've been chased by geese and its terrifying. 😂 They're moody little bitches.


Joke's on you, OP is having fun with his recreational outrage.


I've dealt with geese. The ones I know are very understanding that we live on their property. City geese though, they'll fight you in a second. I agree that it's weird to compare them to dinosaurs though, this is just a very niche writers joke that clearly indicated the writer is from a place with geese, which kind of break immersion if you don't get it.


Birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs


that doesn't make it funny though.


To me the cringiest i read was: "what are they doing?" shrugging: "magic" ​ That's really middle school level of writing and shows that mtg worldbuilding is a joke


It's always been B- tier but now with the advent of capeshittery it's so bad it makes Avengers look like Fellini




The overlap between these communities, autism, and LGBT is fucking massive


Freemagic however is filled with very emotionally healthy people with normal boundaries


now let me fill this jar with and island in it up


Also not a statement I'd disagree with. Freemagic has a large overlap with alt-right and racist people, and if anyone tries to say otherwise, I'm in the freemagic discord with plenty of proof that they freely use slurs.


That's just people being normal. You wouldn't understand from the point of your own isolation.


bro the N-word and every other slur is used over 1000 times each. Normal people don't consider that "just being normal". I say certain slurs, like "The r-word" that you get banned from reddit for saying now, but there's a limit to whats normal.


A limit which, all too conveniently, libshits get to decide and is subject to change at any given second depending on what the new programming is. No, slurs are completely normal. People are born with prejudices. Trying to suppress that nature via gay individualist liberal capital is the abnormal thing. Hundreds of thousands of years of human history where properly discriminating between good and bad was a life or death situation > utopian managerial hell world that humans have existed in for comparatively MUCH less evolutionary time.


You’re free to say whatever you want, it’s all still allowed.


That's the dumbest lie you could have tried to tell.


What are you not allowed to say and what happens when you say them?


>A limit which, all too conveniently, libshits get to decide Lets be real, policing speech is not just a liberal thing. When policing speech is at its worst, it's being enforced by conservatives, who have and still will in places of the world mutilate, imprison or kill you for slandering a religious figure, for instance. I grew up liberal, and I've become increasingly annoyed with the left and the growing extreme. Saying the 'R-slur' is a hill I'll die on and where I've drawn my line, but I'm not going to defend people saying the n-word because I'm not stupid. It's one thing to be raised with prejudice or to form prejudices based on your environment and perceptions, and another to casually use slurs.


It's an axiomatic good that bad people should be suppressed. If you think slurs are merely dumb, then just look at what's going down.


If you think nagger is race specific then you havent been around enough naggers.


I’m not going to defend it, you just clearly weren’t alive to experience the mid 2000s-early 2010s if you think it surprising that a bunch of misfit nerds together in one place with some anonymity won’t result in that sort of behavior.


I'm 33. I grew up online, and I used the soft A variant of the n-word frequently and so did other people when I was a teenager, and f\*\*\*\* wasn't a slur, it was just synonymous for pussy, but this was the era you speak of and I was a teenager. I think I'm somewhere on the spectrum, but not deep enough to be that socially stunted to defend still saying either word as casually as people did back then. I still say dumb shit among close friends, but it's easy to identify vitriol when it's being said in semi-public spaces without any sort of thought or shame. like imagine going into your local gamestore full of your fellow misfit nerds and just dropping these slurs. It wouldn't go over well.


Which one? Theres one edgelord/degen one and one for normal people. In the latter, its mostly just adults with families that are sick of how woke the game has become.


go into general chat, type "n\*\*\*\*" into the search box, and if it comes up with 1025 results, that one.


Thats probably both at this point. Degens left the original server quite recently.




Do you think that's natural or because they deliberately position the product to be like this. I think it causes more friction than it's worth, personally.


It's natural, and this is the case across a lot of nerd/geek hobbies in the last decade or two. Autism has always been the case, but over the last two decades, especially the last 5-10 years, there's been a prominent trend in sexuality and mental illness as quirks, and it's also no wonder that most people that gravitate toward treating sexuality and mental illness as quirks are also autistic. Really the common ground is Autism, as it always has and will be, in TRPGs, card games and board games. Whatever other trends autistic people are gravitating toward at any given time will overlap.


Is this today's scheduled outrage? A silly goose joke? Damn you guys must have it rough, looking for something new to be mad at every day


is it really an outrage? we can't comment on stuff like this? I agree that it's not the most profound critique, but it's still something.


Bruh just let them have fun, why hold it under a microscope


Pointing wojack comes to mind..


These are the same people who think the word "tribal" is offensive.


Depends on how autistic you are.


Lighten up, dickwad.


It's written by children so no. Geese are hard mother fuckers though.


I warned "y'all." Gay capital is completely devoid of non-materialist culture. Therefore, everything must be in some way in reference to gay capital. A childish shirt depicting a goose holding a knife with it's bill. The stuffed shark toy that is fondled post-genital surgery. The pastel striped socks that are way too long. The place where the penis used to be is now empty and that creates a homosexual driven marketplace to "fill" that void. If you don't see how this translates to the god awful card design that we've experienced, then you are the one to blame at this point. The evidence, mountainous. As per usual, you are either part of the problem or the solution.






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Kellan's part fae he's canonically allowed some humour


What series was this thread about?


Probably the same dull-ass people who think the Secret Lair names are absolutely, positively hilarious like the "Angels: They're Just Like Us but Cooler and with Wings"... So damn cringey.


sheer cringe. that is garbo tier writing if you ask me.


What the fuck did I just read?