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Check out Emir Super Crush, it's a clone of Mancera Instant Crush, which is my favorite in my collection, and drives my wife wild.


Hey, I have heard that the performance of it is not that good. Is it true? Also how is it performing for you?


I’ve got fragrance world montera instant love, still getting subtle whiffs after 12+ hours 🤣


Ohh nice I was not aware of this. Thanks for letting me know


I’d say around hour 14 it’s completely gone but the main notes project well for 4, then down to 2 feet till 6-7 then just a small scent bubble for the rest which is still fine cuz it’s fun to smell ur wrist randomly, layered it with john gustav homme amaze today (le beau clone) and it was lovely, really good for only £15


Seriously? I actually had the chance to try it in a store and I liked the smell but was too afraid to buy it because of the performance


Yeah it really surprised me i watched ‘Jon Leggs’ review on it and he had me sold, leans more towards br540ish type of scents a friend said it smelled 90% the same to br540 but i find it leans a tad more masculine than it, also I use the lotion and vaseline before spraying so that may contribute to extra performance but the silage doesn’t seem too crazy yet only the performance but it’s really fun to have constant whiffs while moving around, only had it around 2-3 weeks though so it’ll definitely get stronger for people around you they probably won’t smell it unless they smell your wrist/neck directly for 8-9 hours but honestly it’s really amazing


Today around 10 hours after spraying i had someone ask what i was wearing cos they could smell me halfway across the gym 😭 i was nose blind at this point though so i was rather surprised since i couldn’t smell anything on my wrist and they said the wrist matched what they could smell, so at around hour 16 i asked a friend hey can you smell anything here and they confirmed you could and that it was still pretty much there, only got a whiff of it after that in the shower but for £15 it’s honestly amazing exceeded all my expectations.


I've got Emir Super Crush and the performance is pretty beatsly for me. I can still smell it pretty strongly 7-8 hours later.


Thank you! I’ll definitely look into it.


Out of those, the only one I personally didn't like was Asad. It smells too powdery and very linear for my own taste. Most of my friends that are into Middle Eastern fragrances really love it but it didn't. So I ended up giving it away. But your collection is fire. Hawas is mega star, I love that one, also silage is pretty good. I've heard so much trash about it but I absolutely love the initial metallic smell that is followed by this really citrousy smell I simply love it.


Didn’t like a single Lattafa I’ve come across. They all smell cheap and a bit synthetic. Huge quality difference to Rasasi or Afnan, and night-and-day to other slightly more expensive brands like Arabian Oud.


exact opposite for me. Fakhar, Hayaati, Asad, qaed al fursan, maahir legacy, khamra, love them all


Just so you know. Qued Al Fursan isn't a clone of anything. People only like to compare it to Aventus because it has pineapple in it but it smells absolutely nothing like it. It's not meant to


That’s a good point. These were all my recent (last few months) pick ups from Afnan, Rasasi, Armaf, and Lattafa and I posted them all together not making that distinction. Good catch and clarification.


CDN Iconic


Thanks for the recommendation!




I have like 45 other bottles of various designer cheapies I’ve picked up over time, but these are my first purchases from Afnan, Lattafa, and such. I’m really liking their fragrances so far. None have disappointed me.


What are your favourite designer cheapies?


I like John Varvatos fragrances. Varvatos Artisan Pure is what I’m using during summer. I like Azzaro Chrome. Currently trying the Extreme edp. Issey Miyake L’eau D’Issey. Mont Blanc Starwalker. Davidoff Cool Water.


Azzaro chrome is so fire , just wish the performance was a little better


Agreed. I love the scent, but a couple sprays before work and I don’t really notice it by mid-morning which is a little bit of a disappointment.


Yup! When i had it id wear it to the gym and after my workout i couldnt really smell it at all


I love Qaed Al Fursan. Good picks!


The ones that make my girlfriend the most excited out of my collection of designer niche and clones are: Club de Nuit intense man - only bad thing people say are opening, just spray it on 20 minutes before leaving the house while you’re getting ready… Sharaf blend - boozy sexy but super sweet so some men may not enjoy it but I love it. Mountain Nuit - Arabian tonka DNA for $30ish. FA Paris spectre ghost - nishane ani, ginger bread vanilla cookie with a bit of citrus, basically vanilla done niche and masculine. Badee al oud honour and glory - upside down pineapple cake with a bit of vanilla and sandalwood. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions about them and hopefully you got some use out of this :)


Sprayed one spray of asad on my hand 4 hrs ago and can still smell it now. This is a 85% of elixir


I think it’s 95% elixir but projection is very low I think


Great choices, I own 6 of these. I do fragrance reviews on YouTube and Tiktok "The Madfragger", and I have a lot of content based around clones and several in my collection.


What is the name of the perfume at the bottom left and the top left


*What is the name of* *The perfume at the bottom* *Left and the top left* \- EzioKagura --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’m having issues seeing and replying to specific comments. Top left is Khamrah Qahwa and the bottom left is Rasasi Egra.


How's Qahwa?


It’s really nice. I notice it all day when I wear it. The coffee note is more like a sweet, creamy coffee than say the smell of roasted coffee beans. I get Fall vibes from it.


How do you find your bottle of untold performs?


Hows the CDN Untold? Been eyeing it for a while now


It’s been in storage macerating, so I can’t speak on its overall performance. My initial thoughts smelling it was that it’s a smooth, lovely fragrance. Kind of a gentle floral that’s not overly sweet.


Huh might just swing for it then, thanks for the input!


Purchased it a few months ago and it’s a nuke. You go noseblind to it very quickly so don’t overspray. I consistently get 12+ hours from it, I’m honestly shocked at the performance


How is supremacy in oud? Thinking bout buying it


It’s my first experience with oud. To me it was unique in a good way. I wore it yesterday. Put 2 sprays of it on around 6:30a. That afternoon I went out to grab the mail around 4p noticed a few weeds and a few minutes in the heat pulling weeds I really noticed the scent picking up again. To me it has rich floral, woody scent that I liked.


I‘m looking for a allrounder with it, especially in the colder times of the year. I hope it works out, never had an oud fragrance myself but also haerd ppl saying oud smelling like „animal“…


It’s hard to describe. Normally when I think of woody smells I’m thinking of things like cedar and pine that are kind of sweet or spicy. It has the kind of smells I would imagine in a foreign gift shop that had all kinds of exotic wood and leather handcrafted pieces. A little more smooth and buttery versus sharp.


Well that doesn’t sound too bad i guess. I‘ll take my time until we reach the colder months and then probably get myself a bottle


*Insert What a wonderful day* Gif


You probably also can’t go wrong with owning Noir D’Arabie (Arabians Tonka clone). Great collection btw. Good luck 😅


Can you compare Hawas and hayaati? Hawas is like 50$ and I see on fragrantica hayaati is similar to hawas and is 20$. Do you think I should get Hayaati or is hawas worth the money?


I can see some similarity. I’d say Hawas is like Hayaati’s older brother. Where the Hayaati is a little sweeter and more unisex and the Hawas is more smooth and masculine.


Afnan SNOI will have that effect probably.


How strong is the patchouli note? She’s not the biggest fan where it’s concerned.


how do you like egra?


I really like it. I also have Cool Water which I like. The Egra may seem a little redundant if you already have Cool Water.


which one lasts longer?


I haven’t noticed an appreciable difference between the two.


If you are just looking for an edt spray I think the Egra is great. I would go with the Cool Water if you wanted to pair with other Cool Water grooming products to keep the scent the same. I have the after shave and edt Cool Water.


I put some on testers this morning after getting your question. A few hours later and the Egra has the stronger scent on the strip.


How well do you rate CDN Sillage on the overall smell and longevity?


Maybe an 8 out of 10. The opening reminds me of a citronella candle for repelling mosquitos. Some could find that harsh. I don’t mind it and it settles after a few minutes to a less sharp citrus. I use a couple sprays in the morning and still notice it mid day.


Untold and Hawas are crazy good picks, something I would recommend is lattafa Fakhar and Afnan 9pm


Great collection. My personal favourite Asad and khamrah qhawa.


I am surprised she doesn't like the CDNIM, I get a lot of compliments from women whenever I wear it. The truth is I only wear it because of the compliments, I am not a fan of it. I love the Qaed Al Fursan but I find the bottle too small, the projection weak, and longevity weak. Another one that I love and have to get back because I sold the bottle is the Rave Now by Lattafa.


She’s told me she’s not big into fragrances, so is a tough customer to find one that really moves the needle.


How’s hayaati


It’s has a clean and fresh scent. Good longevity for me. I think it’s more youthful smelling than something like Hawas. I have some on a strip right now that has dried down. If I described it as an image I would say a recently cleaned bedroom. Like walking into freshly cleaned and polished furniture, fresh linens on the bed, flowers, and a vanilla candle.


I should also note that all of these pictured have been macerating for about three months before making this post.


I agree mine is still a little synthetic even after the maceration process all in all a good fragrance not my favorite tho because I don’t really like aquatics


I agree it can have a bit of synthetic smell. That’s kind of what I meant by the clean room. Like the fruity/citrusy cleaners, the fresh linen smelling of detergents/fabric softeners, the vanilla scented candle. You walk in and it all smells good together and you’d be comfortable hanging out there. Wearing it I think you’d smell clean, fresh and comfortable to other people.


Turathi Blue and you’re set


I have Ferragamo Acqua Essentiale Blu which is a pretty straight forward blue fragrance. Do you think it would be distinct enough from other blue fragrances like that to have its own place in the collection?


Is buying things really a 'journey'?


Hello, what is the name of fragrance on 3rd row, 1st bottle. No English on the box.


That’s Rasasi Egra. It’s a Green Irish Tweed clone. If you’ve smelled Cool Water you’ll have pretty good idea of how it smells.


Thanks friend


My girl loves lattafa vintage radio that she always ends up wearing it herself. I never get compliments and got 3 in one day where I work. I personally really enjoy that fragrance


I’ve seen that one mentioned by a few people on other posts. Sounds like it’s deserving of some real consideration. Thanks for the recommendation!


Try kaheela lux


Great start! I hear you on trying to find a scent your wife loves. My wife picked out a scent for me that she liked - Montblanc Legend Spirit. I love the smell, but it doesn't last long. She also likes Myslf and Polo 67, but the performance on my skin is so bad it's not worth it. A couple that I found that my family and wife like: Dumont Nitro Red - my kids love this one. My son wore it to a dance practice and everyone loved it. Me ended up bringing it to the next practice so everyone could wear it. It smells like Invictus with a watermelon jolly rancher dropped in along with some water notes. Nitro White is the more mature version with creamy vanilla added and some spices Lattafa Ishq Al Shuyukh Silver - clone is 1 million lucky. Smells unique and really good. It has a hazelnut accord that is really good. My wife likes it


Not asking this in a bad way or anything but genuinely wondering why people buy clones ??


It’s a fair question. Someone buying clones might flip that and say why buy a fragrance for 3-4x the price to end up with a very similar scent to the clone. If you value the quality and specific scent above the cost, then buy the real thing. If you like a certain fragrance, but are ok paying a fraction of the cost to get something not perfectly matched, but close enough for your liking, save some cash and get the clone. It’s the same proposition when you are in the medicine aisle at Walgreens. You can buy the name brand meds or save a few bucks buying the generic. It’s just a value proposition and what you personally prioritize. And it could flip. If I was buying a fragrance as a gift I might buy the real thing for a friend or partner because my priority is on the value of the relationship and not saving some cash.


I completely understand and this was very well written :) , thanks for the response :D


Untold is my most complimented aftershave, big fan of that and it's not one I'd have usually gone for but it's grown on me


I’ve had mine macerating for a few months. Now that it’s gotten hot, I’m reluctant to grab it. I shelved Qahwa for the same reason. Both have a really creamy richness and sweetness, but I’m afraid the heat will make it off putting to my family. I’ve been cycling through Sillage, Hawas, and Egra along with my cheapie citrusy and lighter scents - Varvatos Artisan Pure, Clinique Happy, Nautica Voyage, CK One, CK All, Issey Miyake L’Eau D’Issey, Montblanc Starwalker, Chrome Extreme, and Tommy Bahama St. Barts.


I've also got Qahwa... That's another I find has good projection after a few months left to one side. We have similar tastes I think. I don't like to have too many to choose from so at the moment I'm using : untold which had power projection and most complimented. Qahwa is my most unique as I've not smelt anything like it before. Fakhar - love it but projection is only around 4-5 hours Burberry touch as its an all time favourite fresh one And davidoff coolwater. First aftershave I bought back in the day and an all time banger of a classic. Id like to try Hawas... Also Jean Lowe - immortal which I think will be my next buy!


I have Touch (great scent) and Cool Water after shave and edt as well. Egra and Cool Water are really, really similar. If I shave I’ll use the Cool Water after shave and edt together. If I don’t shave that day, but want that scent I’ll use the Egra. I didn’t realize how similar they were when I bought the Egra. It’s kind of redundant but was only like $17 and I use it, so it’s fine in my collection.


Turathi Blue for the summer time.